Freelance Artist

Chapter 407: Common routines in variety shows!

Everyone in the director's team stared at the surveillance screen, admiring the "world famous painting" created by Lin Zhibai.

There is no more weird scene than before——

Obviously, Lanye only needs to turn a little corner and bump into the bragging Nightingale sitting on the steps, and he can capture three lambs in an instant, achieving an extremely high achievement!


Lan Ye just wanted to ignore them and chase after Lin Zhibai!

Because Lan Ye thought that the three girls in the blue team had already been captured by his teammates!

Whenever he glanced at his phone.

Lin Zhibai can't continue singing this play!

However, Lin Zhibai seduced him with his body, and Lan Ye had no time to look at his phone!

When Lin Zhibai led Lan Ye to run farther and farther, everyone in the director's team laughed and asked!


"The yellow team is miserable!"

"All four of them have been tricked!"

"They're still communicating in small groups!"

"It turned out that Lanye was worse than me, I didn't even take a look at the news in the group!"

And that's not even the funniest.

What's even more funny is that a few minutes later, Eiichiro and Ye Junji also ran after Gu Xing.

"come on!"

Nightingale didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but she screamed vigorously from the side, frantically taking the initiative to die.

"Gu Xing, run!"

Chu Chu also started to act like a dead man, this is too comfortable!

Lin Zhibai pretending to be the director's voice to "eliminate" them is equivalent to directly giving each of the three girls a "gold medal for avoiding death"!

"Crush the duck!"

Han Yueshuang became more courageous and put aside to boo.

Ye Junji and Eiichiro glanced at the three of them, ignored them and continued to chase Gu Xing madly.


It's just three ignorant and lost lambs who have been arrested by Lan Ye!

"It's almost time."

Seeing several wolves running past, Han Yueshuang looked at her phone, "The white team will be the wolves next, and there are still five minutes left."

"Let's hide first."

Nightingale stood up and said, "Let the profiteer impersonate the director again."

"This trick is still risky."

Chu Chu analyzed: "As long as they check the information in the group, they will find something is wrong."

"Anyway, profiteers have a way."

Nightingale didn't panic at all. She felt that her team with Lin Zhibai was the most correct decision she had made since participating in this variety show. That guy is amazing!

"It's better to hide in the place before, so as not to be discovered."

The three sisters were sneaky, seeing that there was no one around, quietly hid back to the previous place.

the other side.

Lin Zhibai kept running, but Lan Ye didn't catch him.

The system has transformed Lin Zhibai's body. Although the speed is not particularly fast, he is on par with Lan Ye.

As long as you grit your teeth, the opponent is unlikely to catch up.

Especially seeing that the time was about to expire, the out of breath Lan Ye stared at Lin Zhibai, a little unwilling, but he had no choice but to give up.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, your blue team eliminated three!"

After a word of self-comfort, Lan Ye resentfully turned his head to find a place to hide, and his physical strength was exhausted.

The white team will act as wolves in the back, and it will be dangerous if they encounter them.

Lin Zhibai was almost exhausted and paralyzed. For the sake of those three oil bottles, he had to bear the humiliation and bear the burden of humiliation, and he had to squeeze their wool hard to make up for it!

And then we have to deal with the white team.

The same trick, I definitely can't use it.

Because Lan Ye knew that he was being tricked after watching the group for a while.

In order to retaliate, the yellow team will probably notify the four wolves of the white team.

Lin Zhibai didn't dare to gamble anymore——

In fact, Lan Ye had already glanced at Xiaoqun during the avoidance process.

After seeing Lan Ye, he realized something was wrong, and hurriedly asked everyone: "I didn't catch the three lambs of the blue team!"


Ye Junji:?

Ning Ling was stunned: "Didn't you catch it, we didn't catch it either!"

What's the situation, the director announced through the loudspeaker that they were eliminated, but none of the four wolves caught anyone! ?

The four of them were stunned!

Immediately ran to the large group of Director Aite!

"Director, are you kidding us? The four of us clearly failed to catch them!"

"I'm not kidding you guys. The game is still going on. Please continue to play happily. I really don't understand. After the game is over, you can ask the blue team what's going on (laughing)."

The director replied.

And no explanation.

Lin Zhibai was able to imitate his own voice to deceive the Wolves. This is his own ability, and the director has nothing to say.

Even the director is happy to see such a development.

Because of Lin Zhibai's coquettish operation, the viewability of this game has been greatly improved, and the audience will definitely be overjoyed after watching it!

But for the program group.

Ratings are their ultimate pursuit!

Therefore, even though Lin Zhibai's operation is a fuzzy line and has touched the blind spot of the game rules, the director did not intervene, and even actively cooperated!

How did you say that?

There is nothing prohibited by the law!

In fact, variety shows need the guests to have some nerves to be fun. Without the showmanship of the guests, how can the ratings of the show be obtained?


The yellow team was stunned, and the other two groups also saw the large group chatting, and couldn't help thinking.

No the game is not over yet.

The white team attacked, and Qi Tianwenhua, as a wolf, roared loudly:

"Zhou Hanjin!"

"If it's a man, come out!"

"See if I can catch you and it's over!"

Good guy.

Qi Tianwen's hatred towards Zhou Hanjin was almost full!

Games can be lost!

Zhou Han must die!

After all, Zhou Hanjin saw that he put down his burden and plucked up the courage to hide in the trash can!

In the end, he was exposed like a clown, which is a shame!

Not to mention that he was finally arrested by Zhou Hanjin!

"Then come!"

Zhou Hanjin is also a real man, he couldn't bear to hear such a provocation, so he stood up!

Qi Tianwen chased after him, and told his teammates:

"Leave Zhou Hanjin to me, and you go catch other sheep!"

Teammate Zhang Xiyang scratched his head, "How did Lao Zhou get along with Tianwen?"

"have no idea."

Another teammate, Gu Xingdao: "Go and chase the others. By the way, something is wrong with the blue team. Obviously, none of the yellow team caught the blue team, but the blue team was announced to be eliminated. This is too strange..."

"Not surprisingly."

Zhang Xiyang said thoughtfully: "I suspect that the information about the elimination of the blue team is all fake. Teacher Baidi is very good at imitating other people's voices."


Gu Xing was taken aback for a moment.

Qin Lian next to him smiled and said, "You can understand that Teacher Baidi can imitate anyone's voice, so from now on, no matter what the director says, don't believe it. Whoever catches us can just report in the group at any time."


Gu Xing's expression showed disbelief, and he suspected that the two Qin Zhou's teammates were teasing him.


The white team's hunt also lasted for half an hour.

From time to time, the news that a certain lamb was arrested came out from the loudspeaker.

For example, Zhou Hanjin was still caught by Qi Tianwen.

At this time, Lin Zhibai had joined Nightingale and the others, and he was still in charge of providing cover for a few teammates according to the previous routine.

Good luck this time.

The white team's wolves did not appear nearby.

After all, there were only four people in each group, and the other three groups had a total of twelve sheep, so the strength was not enough.


time up.

"For the next half an hour, the members of the blue team will be the wolves, and the lambs in the other three groups should be careful and concealed!"

As soon as the loudspeaker sounded.

Nightingale, who had been hiding for a long time, jumped up and said murderously, "Chuchu, follow me!"

"Why go?"

"Find Qi Jianjia!"

Chuchu hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's listen to Teacher Bai."

After playing this game, Lin Zhibai has already established a reliable image similar to "captain" in Chu Chu's heart.

Call brother in the morning.

Call the teacher at noon?

Is this an upgrade?

Lin Zhibai said: "You go there for whatever you like, if you see lambs anywhere, just tell them in the flock."

Now the blue team is the wolf.

Lin Zhibai finally didn't have to continue to be a nanny anymore, and he was so happy to get rid of them and go it alone.

"Let's go!"

Nightingale pulled Chu Chu and Han Yueshuang away, before leaving, said: "If you need help, profiteer, just call out Yingying's name."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

After confirming that the three of them had left, Lin Zhibai entered a house, and when he walked out again after a while, he had already completed his disguise and turned into a staff member!


Lin Zhibai felt that if he wanted to win this game, he had to have good physical strength. After all, he had to run faster to catch people, but everyone was an adult, so who was really faster than whom?

It's also good for female guests.

But there are only a few female guests, and most of them are still in their own group.

So Lin Zhibai decided to use an unconventional method to catch the sheep, that is, pretending to be a staff member. As for this suit, he asked for it when he asked the director to borrow the wheat.

this moment.

The staff in charge of filming were stunned when they saw that Lin Zhibai came out wearing the exact same outfit as them.


Lin Zhibai smiled at one of the staff members, "Can I borrow your hat for a while?"

"Okay." The staff nodded blankly, "Do you want a mask?"

"Forget about the mask."

Lin Zhibai was afraid that the other party would also give him the used mask, so he shook his head quickly.


The other party took out a black mask from his pocket.

"This is acceptable!"

Lin Zhibai felt even more secure!

At this moment, there was a message in the blue group:

Nightingale: [I just saw Qi Tianwen and Zhou Hanjin bragging by the river. 】

Nightingale: [picture/picture]

Lin Zhibai smiled, and immediately headed towards the river.

In many reality shows in the previous life, there were endless episodes in which the guests pretended to be staff members such as photographers.


in this world.

Reality TV variety shows are just getting started.

These stars who participated in reality shows for the first time have no idea how terrible these routines are.



Zhou Han smiled and said: "The blue team is too weak, only Mr. Baidi is a man, and the other three female guests can't outrun us at all."


Qi Tianwen didn't pay attention to the blue team, "Even if Lin Zhibai comes over, at worst we run separately, and he may not be able to catch up."

This is called being confident.

While the two were chatting, of course they also paid attention to the surrounding situation, and saw a few new staff members running behind them, but they didn't pay attention.

During the recording of the variety show.

The last thing missing is the staff...


Zhou Hanjin suddenly felt someone patting him, and turned his head to ask, "Is there something wrong?"

Qi Tianwen was also photographed, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay."

The staff answered yes.

The two nodded and continued chatting. They had already talked about going fishing here someday, bragging to each other about their fishing skills.

At this time.

The loudspeaker announced:

"Zhou Hanjin, eliminated!"

"Qi Tianwen, eliminate!"

Zhou Hanjin and Qi Tianwen froze at the same time, they looked at each other, and then suddenly looked at the "staff".

"Both continue."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile, and then left directly. Time is limited, and he has to catch more sheep, so he can't expect anything from the three teammates.

"White Emperor!"

"Lin Zhibai!"

The two gritted their teeth.

And during the next game, the loudspeaker kept sending out reminders of elimination:

"Ye Zhen, eliminate!"

"Gu Xing, eliminate!"

"Lan Ye, eliminate!"


Nightingale, Chu Chu, and Han Yueshuang still had nothing to gain.

Hearing the news of someone being eliminated one after another, the three girls were shocked!

"what's the situation?"

Nightingale was shocked, "Are they all eliminated by Lin Zhibai?"


Chu Chu also widened her eyes, "Teacher Bai caught five sheep by himself!"

"It's still all rams!"

Han Yueshuang added that all five of them were men.

The reason is that the male guests are arrogant and think that the blue team is not a threat, so they are busy resting.

What they think is:

When you meet the blue team wolf, you can run and fight for physical strength.

Who knew that Lin Zhibai would pretend to be a staff member.

So these male guests, he catches them accurately, unlike the female guests who know how to hide them, Lin Zhibai doesn't want to waste time looking for them.


Thinking like this.

Lin Zhibai suddenly saw two acquaintances again.

Ye Junji!


Catch these two.

The blue team won the first place firmly.

But these two are not easy to catch.

Because the two of them can climb trees!

Although the tree is not particularly tall, but without a foothold, ordinary people really can't climb it. I don't know how these two guys climbed up.

Anyway, Lin Zhibai didn't want to climb.

what to do?

Lin Zhibai approached calmly, rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "Mr. Eiichiro, there seems to be something wrong with your microphone, I have to adjust it."

"I can't go down for now."

Eiichiro didn't want to leave the tree.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "It's okay, you don't need to come down, just pass me the wheat from the tree."


Eiichiro was a little impatient, but the recording did have to be recorded, so he removed the microphone and handed it to Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai stood on tiptoe to pick it up.

He could already touch Eiichiro's hand.

But Hayashi Zhibai didn't touch it directly, because if he touched it, Eiichiro would be declared eliminated.

Then Ye Junji will find something is wrong.

So Lin Zhibai took the wheat into his hand, checked it pretendingly, and said again:

"I'm sorry, we seem to have made a mistake on the radio team. Teacher Eiichiro's mic is fine. There should be something wrong with Mr. Ye Junji's mic. Can you show me?"


Ye Junji didn't doubt that he was there, so he picked off the wheat and handed it to Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai was not in a hurry to pick it up, but first said to Eiichiro: "I'll return the wheat to you, please be careful when picking it up."


Eiichiro took Mai back, and Lin Zhibai touched his hand, but he didn't care.

the other side.

Ye Junji still kept passing the wheat.

Lin Zhibai went to pick it up with a smile, when the loudspeaker came out:

"Eiichiro, eliminate."


Ye Junji's expression was bewildered, before he could react, his hand had already been touched by Lin Zhibai.

"Ye Junji, eliminated."

The reminder sounded again from the loudspeaker, which completely changed the expressions of the two of them.

"Who are you……"

The two stared at Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai took off his mask and looked up with a bright smile.

Coincidentally, at this moment, another reminder sounded from the loudspeaker:

"Li Xiao, get eliminated."

Lin Zhibai's smile became even brighter. The three of them, Nightingale, were useless, at least they caught a sheep.


ps: In the novel, I was catching sheep. In reality, I was hung up and beaten by two sheep. The high fever subsided, but coughing and vomiting were still tormenting me. I was typing with a pain mask, and my head was dizzy. It's not a problem, let's recover slowly, today's state limit can only be so many words, let everyone wait for a long time.

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