Freelance Artist

Chapter 416 Sheep!

【Wash underwear? 】

[Hey, can this be said? 】

[Why do I feel that Yingying is taking the initiative to flirt with the richest man? 】

[Don't fall in love! 】

[Actually, I think the richest man is pretty good, worthy of us. 】

【I do not accept! 】

[Now it's not a question of whether you accept it or not, but that our richest man doesn't accept it. He is so steely and only has peach blossom coins in his eyes. Women are worthless in front of peach blossom coins. 】

The blue team had a lot of people watching the live broadcast.

higher than the other three groups.

However, after each group finished their meal, today's live broadcast finally came to an end.

The program group wasn't so frenzied that even the guests would broadcast live at night while sleeping.

And with the end of today's live broadcast of "Travel to Lishan", a lot of related topics began to appear on Qizhou's largest social platform "Weishu"!

"After watching "A Journey to Lishan" all day, Lin Zhibai felt like a treasure!"

"Go up the mountain to dig mushrooms and wild vegetables, and go fishing in the water. Among the sixteen guests, he is the one who stands out!"

"The best thing is that the richest man writes songs, which directly appease the quarreling Yingying and Jianjia. Those songs are really good!"

"The richest man knows too much, did he grow up in the countryside?"

"Haha, you are overthinking, the richest man is the top second generation from Qinzhou!"

"How top-notch?"

"The grandpa of the richest man is the most powerful existence in Qinzhou's entertainment industry. How top-notch do you think?"


"Xiao Liang seems to be watching "A Journey to Lishan" as well, and even posted updates on Weibo!"

This "Xiao Liang" is a botanical expert and the youngest director of the Qizhou Botanical Research Association. This person is very popular on the Internet, mainly through the "Internet Popular Biological Identification" series of videos. The content of the videos is based on talk shows. Its funny form identifies all kinds of strange shapes, which not only popularizes biological knowledge, but also satisfies the curiosity-seeking psychology of the audience.

Xiaoliang received a lot of private messages from fans today.

Everyone is asking Lin Zhibai in "A Journey to Lishan" about the level of botany-related knowledge.

Xiao Liang looked at it out of curiosity, but was taken aback, so he specially posted a Weibo update: "I watched the live replay of "A Journey to Lishan". Lin Zhibai's plant identification level is very professional. The science popularization of mushrooms and wild vegetables is very accurate, without any mistakes or omissions. Usually, only the old people in our industry can have such a level of knowledge. It is hard to imagine that as a big star, he even has this knowledge, but Don’t imitate the part about picking mushrooms. Lin Zhibai’s knowledge is excellent, so he can go up the mountain to find mushrooms by himself.

This is recognized by experts.

In an instant, everyone had a certain idea of ​​Lin Zhibai's level of botany.

Not only Xiao Liang, a botanical expert, was admiring, but soon after, another Internet celebrity spoke up:

"Today, a lot of fans asked me about Lin Zhibai's wild fishing skills. I'm a fisherman, and I don't usually pay attention to the Internet. I don't even know who this person is. Later, I found out that it was a star who caught a lot of fish in a variety show. , so I went to see it, and it turned out that I accidentally watched it for more than two hours. Lin Zhibai's fishing level is very professional, and I can't comment on it. Catch more fish."

This Internet celebrity is called "Tianyuan He Qiang".

His real name is He Qiang, and he is called the number one fisherman in Qizhou by netizens, and the fishing friends even respect He Qiang as the "Emperor" in the fishing world.

"Lin Zhibai 66666!"

"Even Emperor He Qiang recognized Lin Zhibai's fishing skills!"

"Fishing is at the same level as He Qiang?"

"Lin Zhibai is too capable!"

"I found that Lin Zhibai seems to be excellent no matter what he does!"

"Full-level human?"

"It really means a full-level human being."

"In reality, I have never met such an all-rounder. It seems that nothing can trouble him."

"There are so many talents and skills!"

It's normal for a star to be versatile, but Lin Zhibai's performance is no longer as simple as being versatile!

This comes and goes.

Lin Zhibai already has a pretty good reputation in Qizhou, and at the same time gained a bunch of fans of his own!

that's all.

Woke up the next day.

The live broadcast is on again.

Lin Zhibai found that the three roommates had left the house early, but there was a bowl of porridge on the table, covered by an empty bowl, and there was a note beside it saying: "There are eggs in the pot, we are moving bricks, one for breakfast Peach Blossom Coin."

Chu Chu stayed.

Lin Zhibai smiled, ate an egg, and drank a bowl of warm rice porridge, then went out for a walk, and found that the guests of each group were busy building the stage at the entrance of the activity center, sweating profusely .

"Hey, wipe off your sweat."

Gu Xing handed Nightingale a piece of paper.

"Tissues are not good, use this kind of wet wipes specially designed for skin care." Qi Tianwen took out a bag of wet wipes and handed them to Nightingale.

Gu Xing glanced at Qi Tianwen without saying a word, turned his head and continued to look at Nightingale.

Nightingale didn't take the tissues handed by the two, but turned her head and smiled and shouted:

"Lin Zhibai."

Gu Xing and Qi Tianwen's faces darkened at the same time.

Lin Zhibai didn't notice this scene, nodded and said, "How much can you earn by working here?"

"After setting up the stage, everyone can get three Peach Blossom Coins."

Qi Jianjia opened her mouth, she was also working, her usually cold face was flushed at this moment, obviously she had been busy for a long time.

Lin Zhibai was surprised, "The show crew is so generous?"

Zhou Hanjin, who was carrying the equipment next to him, said: "Then you said, it's all manual labor, and only you, the richest man, can enjoy the blessing."

Lin Zhibai saw it was true.

Everyone is busy, and the work is not light.

I am alone and leisurely, and I don't think much of the reward of a few peach blossom coins. In comparison, I feel embarrassed.

So Lin Zhibai simply stepped onto the stage that had already been set up, and said with a smile: "Seeing everyone working so hard, my heart is surging, and I can't help but want to sing a song."


Lin Zhibai didn't care whether everyone liked it or not, so he picked up the microphone and sang:

"The sun is shining brightly!"

"The rooster sings three times and the flower wakes up!"

"The bird is busy dressing up!"

"Little magpie builds a new house!"

"Little bees are busy collecting honey!"

"Where does a happy life come from?"

"It depends on labor to create!"

Everyone heard nothing at first, it seemed like an ordinary nursery rhyme, but when they heard the next few sentences, everyone was a little speechless.

Are you singing the praises of labor?

Then why don't you work yourself! ?

The slogan is louder than anyone else!

I've never seen you do any serious work!

Lin Zhibai in the audience sang sacredly: "Green leaves, red flowers, little butterflies love to play, don't love to work and don't study, we all don't learn it!"

Everyone was speechless.

Still a little butterfly greedy for play?

Here are your favorites to play!

Lin Zhibai pointed to Zhou Hanjin who was moving bricks: "We must learn from magpies to build new houses!"

Lin Zhibai pointed to Zhang Xiyang who was working: "You must learn how bees gather honey!"

Zhou Han rolled his eyes.

Zhang Xiyang didn't even want to do it anymore.

However, Lin Zhibai, the only person who doesn't have to work, is still pouring chicken soup for everyone, "The joy of labor is endless! The creation of labor is the most glorious!"

Is labor still happy?

Everyone's face was a little dark.

Nightingale couldn't stop laughing.

Take the bamboo shoots!

As for you, what kind of labor is the most honorable?

As long as you can do a little work, everyone won't be so miserable.

Even the director couldn't help it anymore, "Lin Zhibai, come down quickly, or I'm afraid you will be beaten."

"Thank you everyone for coming."

No one applauded, Lin Zhibai also had to stubbornly say goodbye, and the audience laughed loudly:

[If you don't agree with each other, you will sing a nursery rhyme! 】

[Laugh! 】

[How appropriate! 】

[What a hell joke, the only person in the program group who doesn't work is trying to persuade everyone to work hard! 】

[If you can sing, sing more! 】

[You sang very well, don't sing next time. 】

【Am I the only one who thinks Lin Zhibai is too much? Others are really tired, and he still wants to make trouble on stage. 】

[What's the trouble? I'm convinced. They're just kidding. Adjusting the atmosphere is all about the effect of the show. 】

[Lin Zhibai also does work, fishing, digging wild vegetables, and searching for mushrooms all over the mountains. Isn't this work? It's just that he has relatively strong abilities, so he can do things with high efficiency and gain more. 】

Fortunately, everyone's work was done by noon.

The stage is built successfully, and we are waiting for tomorrow's competition.

After lunch, everyone can finally rest. Some went back to the house to practice singing in twos and threes, preparing for tomorrow's competition, and some went out for a stroll.

"Don't think I'm just a sheep!"

Nightingale and the others actually went to the sheep pen to pick up excrement again. While looking for excrement, they were still singing the song that Lin Zhibai made up yesterday. They had no psychological burden at all, unlike when the show was just recorded, they entered the sheep one by one The circle looks like it's dying. It's dirty and messy inside.


In the eyes of these guests, sheep feces are beautiful peach blossom coins.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Jianjia, Li Xiao and others also entered the sheep pen and joined the army of picking up shit. The sheep pen was suddenly overcrowded, and seven or eight people were inside.


"this is mine!"

"This shit is mine!"

"Qi Jianjia!"

"Don't grab it!"

"Everyone can pick up sheep feces, why should it be you!"

"Obviously it belongs to a sheep!"

A weird scene happened. Qi Jianjia and Nightingale clashed again because they were fighting for sheep dung.

【puff! 】

[What the hell! 】

[Qizhou's two queens are actually fighting for sheep shit? 】

[Is this the status quo of bankrupts? 】

[I can't understand, but I was shocked! 】

[The sheep are shocked, okay! 】

[Hahahaha, famous scene! 】

[Jian Jia and Yingying also never imagined that their conflict this time was actually about sheep shit. 】

The audience was dumbfounded.

Just watching the two queens race to collect sheep dung.

After the sheep feces were collected by them, the two began to feed the sheep again.

"Fast food!"

"It's delicious!"

There was a sheep who was very face-saving, and immediately pulled out more than a dozen sheep dung eggs, which were still emitting a slight heat.

Nightingale and Qi Jianjia looked at each other and walked over slowly.


The two suddenly bent down and stretched out their hands.

The other guests who were also in the sheepfold were shocked!

In order to snatch sheep dung and earn peach blossom coins, the two queens have completely let go of themselves, as if there is no one they care about in the world!

Just at this time.

Lin Zhibai, who just walked here after lunch, shouted curiously, "Are you picking up shit again?"

Nightingale froze, her movements twitching and hesitating.

Qi Jianjia simply gave up on the fresh sheep shit and stood up unnaturally.

Ye Zhen was also in the sheepfold.

Seeing that Qi Jianjia didn't even pick up sheep shit after seeing Lin Zhibai, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart.

It seems that there are still people in this show that Jian Jia cares about.

When Lin Zhibai arrived, Jianjia was even embarrassed to pick up sheep excrement.

In a sour mood, Ye Zhen silently bent down, picked up the sheep excrement, and put it into Qi Jianjia's bag.

His skin was already dark, and now his face was even darker.

In the same sheep pen, Gu Xing felt depressed when he saw that Nightingale gave up the sheep shit that he almost got because of Lin Zhibai's arrival.

He felt that Yingying seemed to care about Lin Zhibai very much.

"Ye Zhen, you!"

Nightingale didn't expect that Ye Zhen would pick up the sheep excrement and put it into Qi Jianjia's bag with just a moment's hesitation. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

It's all Lin Zhibai's fault!

I don’t know why, but as soon as the other party appeared, I didn’t have the nerve to continue picking up sheep shit...

Think about it carefully, what is there to be embarrassed about? It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before. Didn’t you just pick up shit in front of him yesterday?

Think of this.

Nightingale said angrily, "Lin Zhibai, do you want to come in and pick up shit?"

"No need."

Lin Zhibai stared at the sheep and said: "Is the director here? Have you noticed that the wool of these sheep is too long? Let me tell you, this wool will have an impact on the health and life of the sheep. In order to help these sheep The sheep grow up healthily, we need to shear sheep regularly, as long as you give me 20 Taohua coins, I can help these sheep take off their thick sweaters today..."

Director Huang Ting's mouth twitched.

Is this guy here to collect wool?

These sheep are indeed going to wool, but the program team did not intend to hand over the responsibility to the guests.

After all, this requires a certain degree of professionalism, and only sheep breeders have relevant experience. As for how can these celebrities remove wool from sheep?

Who knew that Lin Zhibai offered to remove the hair, "Can you operate it?"

As soon as Lin Zhibai heard the director's words, he knew there was something to be said. He said confidently: "You can remove the question mark and put your heart in your stomach."

"You are great?"

Huang Ting frowned and said, "Shaving wool can easily scratch the sheep's skin."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "If I scratch my skin, I will compensate the production team fifty peach blossom coins, but if I shave it well, the director should not forget my twenty peach blossom coins reward."

"Twenty is too many."

Huang Ting had long been worried that Lin Zhibai's too many peach blossom coins would cause a "financial crisis" for Lishan residents and affect their financial balance.

Now I wonder if I can limit this guy.

However, Lin Zhibai has many ideas, such as shaving wool, if he can really do it, then Huang Ting will not be able to refuse, after all, this will be the highlight of the show.

"That's it."

Lin Zhibai said: "It's not just about shaving wool. I found that there was something wrong with the hooves of a few sheep. The program team went to the shepherd and brought me the relevant tools. I can repair the sheep's hooves. These twenty peach blossom coins You’re not at a loss.”

"Stop bragging!"

Before Huang Ting could say anything, Ye Zhen in the distance couldn't help but speak: "Lin Zhibai, do you think you can do it yourself after watching a few videos of donkey hoof trimming and sheep shearing?"

"Stop being brave."

Gu Xing also spoke: "Sheep's hooves are different from human nails. They are not easy to repair. I have two cats at home. It is very difficult to trim the cat's nails, let alone trim the sheep's hooves."

"They have a point."

Huang Ting said: "Do you have experience in this field, have you raised sheep before?"

Lin Zhibai shook his head, he relied on various skills provided by the system, but this cannot be explained clearly.


Eiichiro said with a helpless look: "You have never done this before, why are you so confident?"

"alright, that's fine."

Lin Zhibai shrugged, he just wanted to make the sheep more comfortable on a whim, and the program team didn't have to force it if they didn't believe it.

"Okay, I didn't say no."

Huang Ting said with a smile: "Then you try it. I'll send someone to bring the tools, and the shepherd will also come. He will watch you operate, and he can remind you in time if you have any problems."


Lin Zhibai immediately called out the system...

Netizens who are watching the live broadcast are also discussing:

【Shearing? 】

【Purify sheep's hooves? 】

[Lin Zhibai knows this? 】

[Didn’t he mention that he had no experience? He looked like he was trying to be strong. He probably watched the video of shaving wool and thought it was very simple. I have also watched related videos, but this thing looks simple, but it is actually quite complicated to operate. of. 】

[Why did the director mess around with him, maybe he hurt the sheep. 】

[The richest man has strong hands-on ability. After all, he is a full-level human being. Let the shepherd teach him a lesson, and he should be able to do it. 】

[What kind of full-level human beings, you are joking and you are serious about it. 】

[This buddy is a little messed up. 】

[I think it's too much money, and want to compensate the program group fifty Peach Blossom Coins? 】

Lin Zhibai has many skills, but people don't think he can shave wool and repair sheep's hooves.

And at this time.

The owners of these sheep have already come over, still holding a series of tools in their hands, "Who said you want to shave the wool?"


"Young man, this requires some skill."

The owner of the sheep is a fifty-year-old man with long beards and looks quite strong.

"Are these sheep afraid of being shaved?"

"It's okay, my sheep are very docile, but only if you don't hurt them."

"That's fine."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Let's come one by one and see if there is any problem."

As he spoke, Lin Zhibai took the razor from the other party, and took the sheep outside. The ground was cleaner and the space was larger.

The other guests stared with wide eyes.

buzz buzz.

The sound of the razor sounded.

Lin Zhibai pressed the sheep and began to "shave".


"The wool on the bottom is so white!"


"Like undressing!"

To be exact, like taking off a sweater, with Lin Zhibai's movements, a large piece of wool was completely shaved off.

The guests were all exclaiming.

The sheep owner next to him looked at it, smiled, and felt relieved. Lin Zhibai's operation was no problem. He seemed to be very experienced, even more professional than himself!

【Wow! 】

【Amazing! 】

[Good decompression! 】

[Lin Zhibai actually knows how to shave wool! 】

[This is so decompressing, it feels inexplicably comfortable! 】

[The lamb is very cooperative! 】

[The sheep are so good, haha, they lost a whole lot of weight! 】

The audience was also very surprised that Lin Zhibai actually shaves sheep. His hands are very steady and the shave is very smooth, just like a professional master craftsman!

"Good sheep."

Lin Zhibai stroked the sheep's body, the sheep's hooves were also shaved, and the bottom was clean.

"So cute."

The sheep did not move, but lay down comfortably.

After the sheep was completely shaved by Lin Zhibai, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look at how beautiful this goat's hoof is - it should be delicious when made into goat's hoof soup."


The sheep turned its body in an instant, knelt on the ground with its front hooves, stretched its body a little bit, and finally stood up straight and slipped away.

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