Freelance Artist

Chapter 418 Touching the head to kill!



"Good support!"

"It's delicious!"

"Everyone cheers!"

“Lamb is delicious with cold beer!”

This table of whole sheep banquet, under the feast of sixteen people, is already in a mess. Drinking the cold beer they just bought, everyone feels happy like a fairy at the moment, even Eiichiro and others who have been looking at Lin Zhibai dislike , I also drank until I was a little drunk and couldn't tell the difference between southeast and northwest. The atmosphere was extremely lively and cheerful for a while.

"Don't think I'm just a sheep!"

Nightingale liked to sing this song, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Sheep's intelligence is unimaginable... what's the next sentence?"

"This song is unlucky, all the boiling sheep and sheep have entered your stomach."

Lin Zhibai also shouted and replied: "I created a work for you that is more suitable for you."


Nightingale's heart jumped inexplicably, her face flushed slightly, and she was a little afraid to meet Lin Zhibai's eyes, but she couldn't help but look forward to it.


Lin Zhibai's expression was very serious, even a little affectionate, until the other party turned his head unnaturally, he suddenly imitated Nightingale's voice, and sang loudly in a cute and strange tone: "It's finally time for dinner, Cookers are the first ones to rush to the restaurant during the cooking time. It is not a human being to quit after seeing the food. Only when you are full will you be energetic, and the boss will order another pot before you are full!"


Nightingale almost fell, her head covered in black lines!

Han Yueshuang and Chu Chu, who also noticed this scene, suddenly laughed stupidly. It's true that her voice is humming, but she can't sing so funny!

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Nightingale stared at Lin Zhibai and said, "Why does this song suit me?"

Han Yueshuang laughed loudly and said, "So this is another ghost song you just made up, boss?"

"Keep going!"

Chu Chu listened with relish.

Lin Zhibai continued to sing in the voice of a nightingale: "I yawned and looked up at the time. It was still five minutes before the o'clock. Although my face was bigger than a basin, my appetite was not bad at all. Do you want more after dinner?" I came to a bucket of pearl milk tea, and I started to count down in my heart. I haven't thought about what to eat yet, and when I was struggling, it was time to cook..."

"I go!"

"What song is this?"

"Are you singing?"


"It's Lin Zhibai singing!"

"How can this guy imitate so well!"

"It's so funny!"

The crowd that was already noisy and celebrating was quiet!

Everyone was shocked to hear Lin Zhibai singing in the voice of a nightingale, and many people were full of disbelief at the moment!

The guests have basically watched the broadcast of the first episode, and know that Lin Zhibai can imitate other people's voices, but imitating other people's voices to speak is different from imitating other people's voices to sing, not to mention that Lin Zhibai is imitating Nightingale at the moment The voice of the opposite sex!

[I wipe! 】

[The richest man can actually imitate the singing of a nightingale! ? 】

[This voice! 】

[I always thought that the richest man could only imitate men, but I didn't expect that he could also imitate women's voices! 】

【Definitely! 】

[This song is also fun! 】

[What a broken song, it makes me so funny! 】

The lyrics and melody are really fun, and there is an indescribable magical brainwashing feeling.

Although Lin Zhibai was imitating Nightingale's voice, he intentionally sang in the strange voice of Xiao Tuantuan, the former female anchor, so it was even more funny:

"Bring on my rice bowl!"

"Awaken, the soul of cooking!"

"Three two one!"


Lin Zhibai sang the chorus again, and Nightingale and Chuchu actually learned it, and sang along with them at the top of their voices:

"Finally, it's time for the meal. It's time for the cook to cook the meal. He is the first to rush to the restaurant. It's not a human being to quit after seeing the meal. Only when he is full, he will be energetic. The boss will order another pot before he is full~"

After the shock.

The audience twitched with laughter!

[Hahahahahahahaha, this song is absolutely amazing! 】

[The richest man still likes to make up songs when he disagrees! 】

[I was so shy just now, she thought Lin Zhibai was going to compose some good song for herself, I laughed so hard. 】

[Is this song not good! 】

[That's right, how good this song is! 】

[The richest man is very good at improvising such wonderful songs! 】

[Does the richest man want to be so skinny! 】

【I go! 】

[He still raps! 】

The song is not over yet, many people started to take the initiative to beat the beat, just at this moment it was the turn of the fun rap part, only to hear Lin Zhibai laughing and singing loudly:


"Dry food soul!"

"Cooking is a master!"

"Cookers have to use pots to eat!"

"The rice cooker rushes the duck~"

Up to this point, Lin Zhibai himself had broken his skills, and finally stopped singing.

After everyone suppressed their hearts and were shocked, they were also laughed until they couldn't stand upright. There are no small groups in this world. Lin Zhibai used the voice of Nightingale to imitate the female anchor who was famous for her funny voice in her previous life, and the effect was very good!

"What a wonderful song!"

"Lin Zhibai, your creative inspiration is quite strong."

"This song is good!"

"Suitable for us cooks!"

"Teach me teach me!"

"I want to learn!"

"I want to learn too!"

"This voice made me laugh!"

"You can't sing like that!"

"However, do you feel particularly cute when you sing like this?"

"Here comes one!"

Everyone booed, Nightingale rolled her eyes, and then sang directly imitating Lin Zhibai's tone just now: "The cooker! The soul of the cook! The cook is a master!"



Everyone laughed even more. Nightingale's voice was so cute that it was a foul!

Lin Zhibai was so cute, and felt that Nightingale's voice was very malleable, "Do you know the female clip sound?"

"what is that?"

Nightingale was full of doubts, and everyone was also puzzled.

It seems that there is no such thing as "clip sound" in this world.

"that's all."

Lin Zhibai coughed, and then continued to imitate Nightingale's voice: "Brother, we're out shopping today, won't your girlfriend be jealous if she finds out?"


"Your voice!"

"I'm getting goosebumps!"

"This sentence also feels so contrived!"

The power of the clip sound instantly made everyone's scalps tingle, and the sticky voice gave people an extremely artificial feeling.

"Lin Zhibai!"

Nightingale broke down and said, "Can you stop using my voice!"

"I understand!"

Chu Chu realized it, and immediately used a clip tone to Lin Zhibai: "Is that so, brother?"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

I asked you to play, but didn't let you act. What are you doing coquettishly winking at me?

But Chu Chu is indeed very savvy, Lin Zhibai said with a smile: "You can tell it's an old trick at a glance."

Qi Jianjia said: "Many girls will make this kind of voice with their throats clamped, but the voice of a master will not give people a very artificial feeling, what does brother Lin Zhibai think?"

Speaking of back.

Qi Jianjia was obviously also pinching her, but she obviously had the feeling of a royal sister, which made people subconsciously feel an urge to conquer her.

"Jian Jia is indeed a master."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile: "Actually, it's not just girls who play it. Many boys also like to play it. They especially like to press their throats to make a bubble sound. Like I'm talking now, isn't it like a subwoofer? This thing is called a bubble sound. "

"You rock!"

Once Lin Zhibai's voice is picked up, the level is too high, even if he directly dubs the hero of an idol drama, it is more than enough.

[Clip sound? 】

[Ah, ah, ah, we boys can't stand this kind of voice at all! 】

[I feel too tired. 】

[My girlfriend seems to be talking like this! 】

【Then you have to cherish it. When she doesn't want to pinch her someday, she might just not like you. 】

[Hahahaha, what a clip sound, I often speak like this, it is indeed intentional, but the voice of the richest man is really good, he has studied the voice too well. 】

[It turns out that this is the clip sound! 】

No matter in the previous life or in this life, there have always been clips. Lin Zhibai just summed up this kind of sound with a saying. In the future, when everyone hears that sticky and artificial sound, they will know what is going on. So many viewers have a sense of surprise.

"It's almost recorded today."

"Get ready to go back and rest."

"Everyone has worked hard!"

Several female guests looked at the time, and suddenly began to pick up.

The male guests looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately laughed. In fact, most men don't mind women being caught, as long as they are sure, they are even quite useful.

"Let's go back too."



"Okay, don't press it hard, your bubbly voice is almost dead!"


The live broadcast will end at ten o'clock every day.

It's not yet ten o'clock, so the live broadcast room is not closed, but at this time everyone has gone back to their rooms to rest, and some people will go out for fitness and running.

In the large group of the program group.

The director sent a notice.

"Everyone, don't forget about our competition tomorrow. At that time, the program team will invite the villagers from Lishan to our place to watch your wonderful performances. Your ranking will also be decided by the villagers' votes."

Villagers vote?

Lin Zhibai's eyes flashed. Although he didn't like the competition reward, it was a few peach blossom coins after all. If you don't make money, you don't make money. I have to make an arrangement tonight...


The harvest of the whole sheep banquet tonight has already been settled into Lin Zhibai's pocket.

People outside the blue group received fifteen Peach Blossom Coins each, and Lin Zhibai earned a total of 180 Peach Blossom Coins.

The three girls in the blue group, because Lin Zhibai beat him up, he only charged each of them five peach blossom coins.

After deducting the cost, Lin Zhibai made about 80 Peach Blossom Coins in this wave.

At this time.

The director said to everyone in the group: "Next, I will show everyone your respective Peach Blossom Coin asset rankings."


A picture was posted in the group, and it was the asset ranking of all the current guests of "A Journey to Lishan".

Lin Zhibai ranked first, with a total of 361 peach blossom coins!

The second place is Ye Zhen, with 91 Peach Blossom Coins, he can be regarded as a little money-maker in the show.

It goes on like this.

In the fifth place, Qin Lian only had 41 peach blossom coins left.

But it was the last group of people who suffered the most.

Qi Jianjia.

Week cold.

Li Xiao.

blue field.


Qi Tianwen.

Ye Junji.

The peach blossom coins of these seven people are less than ten, and they have been judged to be "bankrupt" by the program team, and even eating is a problem!

The three sisters were already bankrupt.

Because of the whole sheep feast tonight, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The number of bankrupts directly reached seven people.

You know, there are only 16 guests in this program group!

Almost half of the people are bankrupt!

[Hahahaha, there is no way, the richest man's whole sheep banquet is too tempting! 】

[For this whole sheep feast, the four of them went bankrupt! 】

[After all, this meal costs 15 peach blossom coins per person! 】

[How long will it take them to earn so many coins! 】

[The seven people who co-authored all went bankrupt because of the richest man, right? 】

[Hahaha, no wonder the director feels a headache seeing Lin Zhibai now! 】

[Lin Zhibai has spent all of everyone's money, and the show can't continue! 】

The audience who discovered the truth laughed wildly.

These seven bankrupts are basically related to Lin Zhibai.

It was three songs first, and then a whole sheep feast, which made this group of people so miserable.

In the group.

Director Qi Tianwen Aite said: "I still have one peach blossom coin left, what should I do if I can't eat tomorrow?"

The director is also helpless.

Qi Tianwen obviously wanted to show off.

I can't really refuse to feed these bankrupts, but if I feed them, is there any point in peach blossom coins?

It seems that we can only use that trick!

Director Aite said to several bankrupts: "If you really can't afford food, you can apply for bankruptcy with the program team. The program team will arrange for bankrupts to live in a hut in the east and provide you with some basic relief food."

There are some rough huts to the east.

It was the former residence of the owner of the sheepfold.

Life is very primitive. There is no air conditioner or electric fan. There are probably only beds and kettles in the house. We have to use a stove to cook because there is no rice cooker.

The bankrupts are stupid when they hear it!

It’s not that they haven’t explored the hut in the east. Except for a broken bed, there is almost no decent furniture. There is even a faint musty smell in the air. I don’t know if it’s raining or not. How can people live there? !

"That's how bankrupts are treated."

The director sneered, he had to let these people understand that they shouldn't be bad in this show, "If you don't want to live in a shabby house, you bankrupts should work hard to earn more Peach Blossom Coins, of course you can Borrow it from your teammates."

"I can borrow it."

Lin Zhibai was directly in the group of Aite bankrupts.

"Good man!"

"The richest man!"

"I want to borrow it!"

These bankrupts were so excited, they didn't expect Lin Zhibai to be so kind!

However, this group of people didn't finish their gratitude, and saw Lin Zhibai posting this sentence again: "I can borrow five peach blossom coins from each of you, and give me one peach blossom coin as interest every day, and the money must be repaid within one month."


too dark!

This group of people immediately started cursing, yelling "profiteers" one after another, and some people simply started thinking about tomorrow's competition.

After all, competitions are rewarded.

However, in Lishan, the daily consumption of three meals a day requires at least three Peach Blossom Coins, so there are still too few opportunities for everyone to make money.

After all, most people don't have Lin Zhibai's cooking skills.

Of course, even if Lin Zhibai cooks another whole sheep banquet now, there are not many guests who can afford it, so the money in cooking skills is definitely not as easy to earn as before.

The director is also thinking about...

More games will be arranged later, so that everyone has more opportunities to make money.

For this reason, the director also specially called the team for a meeting.

Of course, this section is not broadcast to the outside world.

"Lin Zhibai must be weakened, how about we find a way to target him?"


"It's not obvious. Our ultimate goal is to cut his personal income. After all, he has too much money and the other guests are too poor. Well, we can find some games that Lin Zhibai is not good at and let them play. , If you lose, you will deduct money, and if you win, you will pay more, so what we need to consider now is, what is this Lin Zhibai not good at?"

"I don't know."

"Then think slowly."

"Let's first think about what other guests are good at."

"Try to make the game the types that other guests are good at."

"Like tomorrow's competition, I feel that Lin Zhibai is not very good at it, because the villagers of our Lishan Village in Qizhou will be scoring tomorrow. What they like to listen to are the old classic Qiyu songs..."

"Let's see how he performs tomorrow."

Of course, the director has no objection to Lin Zhibai. In fact, Lin Zhibai's contribution to the program is extremely high.

But as everyone said, Lin Zhibai has too much money. From the perspective of the program group, his existence really affects the balance. It will directly break many plans of the program group, such as the bankruptcy of the guests...

The program team did not expect the guests to go bankrupt so quickly!

How long did it take to record, and Lin Zhibai wiped out one by one, causing the follow-up recording plan of the program group to go bankrupt.

After all, some of the guests couldn't afford to eat any more.


that's all.

The next day came.

The villagers of Lishan Village have already gone up the mountain, and they are sitting and chatting under the stage.

at the same time.

The guests also got up separately and began to make up one by one.

Lin Zhibai doesn't wear make-up, he records the show without makeup, after all, this face is enough to fight.

the most important is……

Lin Zhibai felt that he could live without relying on his face.

"The villagers are here."

"The game is about to start."

"I don't know if everyone will buy my song or not."

Everyone discusses.

Qi Zhou's audience was also discussing.

[Today's competition is not very friendly to Qin Zhou's guests. 】

[Yes, if the villagers are judges, then they must like our Qizhou's classic old songs. 】

[Can the guests like Qin Zhou sing Qiyu songs? 】

[The level of singing is definitely average, and the pronunciation may not be standard. 】

[Then this game is considered the weakness of the richest man. Although he is very fun to compose music, these Lishan villagers don't like to listen to the songs of rice cooks. 】

[The old people in the village still like to listen to those Qi Yu bitter love songs. 】

[I feel that Ye Junji and the others are very good at this kind of thing. It seems that there is hope for the first place today. 】


Most viewers don't know that Lin Zhibai can also sing Qi Yuge.

Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't think that Lin Zhibai could beat Qi Zhou's singer kings and queens.

And in the barrage discussion.

The game has officially started.

The first to start performing is the red group.

Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao, after the songs of Qin Zhou and Qi Zhou, sang a classic old song of Qi Zhou together.

Qi Jianjia was in charge of Qi language, and Li Xiao was in charge of Mandarin. The two complemented each other very well. The villagers applauded after listening to it. It seemed that they were quite convinced, and many people voted.

"This form is pretty good."

Nightingale looked at the camera with some regrets and said: "If I knew it, I would have sung with Lin Zhibai. I will be in charge of Qi language and he will be in charge of Mandarin, so I can take him along. Now that he has to perform alone, it may be difficult for the villagers to listen to him." Then getting a high score may eventually affect the ranking of our blue team..."

"You don't like me that much?"

Lin Zhibai heard Nightingale interacting with the audience and patted her head.

"Then you can sing in Qi language?"

Nightingale scratched the spot where Lin Zhibai touched her head. It seemed that this was the first time she was treated like this by someone other than her father. It was a delicate feeling.

Little did they know that the barrage had exploded a bit.

【Ahhh! 】

[Touch the head to kill! 】

[The richest man is awesome! 】

[Dare to touch Yingying's head! 】

These barrages belonged to the excited CP audience.

Some viewers were also very angry.

[? ? ? 】

【What's the meaning? 】

【What is Lin Zhibai doing? 】

[Can you stop playing this game? 】

There are still some viewers who are interpreting.

【Normal. 】

[On the interaction between friends. 】

[You seem a little shy. 】

[Why do I feel like I'm angry. 】

At this moment, the first round of performances of the red group ended.

Followed by the blue group performance in sequence, Lin Zhibai walked onto the stage slowly.

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