Freelance Artist

Chapter 421 Is it me who licks the dog?

This night, barbecue and beer, combined with the atmosphere of the game of truth or dare, "Lishan Tour" ended with laughter.

Until the live broadcast room was closed, netizens were still excitedly discussing the content of today's live broadcast.

At the same time, the program group will also edit and broadcast some highlights based on the live broadcast.

This allows viewers who don't have time to watch the live broadcast all the time to know the general content of the variety show and the progress of "Lishan Tour".

Qizhou's largest social platform.

On the micro-book hot search list.

At this time, the most popular topic is "Lin Zhibai"!

As a Qinzhou native who came to Qizhou to develop...

This is the first time that Lin Zhibai's name has been listed as the number one hot search on Qizhou's social software!

Just because:

A large number of videos about Lin Zhibai participating in "The King of Masked Singer" as the ever-changing star king spread in Qizhou.

Among them, the one with the highest number of clicks and retweets on Weibo is the scene where Lin Zhibai sang "Opera 2" as the ever-changing star.


"The richest man is really a treasure!"

"This dolphin sound shocked me!"

"Don't forget that the richest man wrote and sang this song himself!"

"What variety show is this?"

"Qin Zhou's "The King of Masked Singer", find resources by yourself."

"It's so abnormal. I was already amazed to hear Lin Zhibai sing this part in the live broadcast. I didn't expect the official stage to be even more exaggerated!"

"This level of singing and writing is considered top in our Qizhou. No wonder Ye Junji lost. It's really not wrong to lose this time!"

"I found the resources. This show is so interesting. Lin Zhibai is so strong. He can imitate other people's voices in every game. No wonder he imitates other people's voices in the show. Qin Zhou's group of stars are no strangers to it!"

Because too many people forwarded the stage of "Opera 2" on Weibo!

Many Qizhou netizens who just surfed the Internet in their spare time and didn't have time to watch the variety show "Journey to Lishan" all swiped to this stage and clicked in casually. As a result, they were all shocked!

It's like a previous life.

Everyone who listens to Vitas's dolphin voice for the first time will be shocked by its voice, and now Lin Zhibai is taking such a script.

And the benefits soon became apparent.

With the popularity of "A Journey to Lishan" and Lin Zhibai's growing fame, his stage in Qinzhou spread to Weishu.



Lin Zhibai was directly upgraded from Qi Zhou's original third-tier star to Qi Zhou's second-tier star!

This speed stunned the Qizhou media!

Because Lin Zhibai didn't have much time when he came to Qizhou, he didn't expect to rush to the second line so quickly!

"Lin Zhibai advances to the second line of Qizhou! "

"Travel to Lishan hits the air, Qinzhou star Lin Zhibai is on fire! "

"It turns out that Lin Zhibai is the Qin Zhou singer who defeated Ye Junji! "

"Lin Zhi's White Dolphin Sounds Amazed Qi Zhou! "

"Lin Zhibai's identity is revealed: the grandson of the emperor in Qinzhou's entertainment circle! "

Swish Swish Swish!

All of a sudden.

News about Lin Zhibai can be seen everywhere!

Among the various news about Lin Zhibai, the one that the public cares about the most is the article about the status of the grandson of the emperor in the Qinzhou entertainment circle——

"In the program "A Journey to Lishan", Lin Zhibai's amazing performance has won the love of countless audiences across the Internet.

His rich life experience makes everyone guess whether Lin Zhibai grew up in the countryside since he was a child, and why he knows so many things.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Lin Zhibai from Qinzhou was born into a top wealthy family in the entertainment industry. His grandfather is Lin Zhaomu, the chairman of Shinhwa Group!

It may be said that everyone does not have a specific concept, so let's introduce it in another way:

Shinhwa Group is the largest entertainment company in Qinzhou.

The market value and scale of Shinhwa Group are larger than any entertainment company in Qizhou!

And Lin Zhibai, as the chairman of Shinhwa Group, Lin Zhaomu's favorite, is even regarded as the grandson of the company's future heir. Qin Zhou's media and entertainment circles call him the grandson of the emperor.

He is a real chaebol and noble son!

What the second generation of stars, the second generation of directors are not enough to look at in front of him!

As for why Lin Zhibai's life experience can be so rich?

No one understands this point, probably due to the excellent education of the nobles, as well as their own hard work and talent, right? "

Because every continent has cultural barriers.

About Lin Zhibai's identity, not many people in Qi Zhou knew about it.

This time, Lin Zhibai's identity was revealed to be the most influential large-scale media in Qizhou, so the number of news reprints was extremely high!

this wave.

Almost all the viewers of "A Journey to Lishan" were stunned by this report, and understood how high Lin Zhibai's status is in Qinzhou!

Also this moment.

Countless people called "good guy"!

"Dare to call [the richest man], it's not a joke, Lin Zhibai's family is really rich!"

"The emperor's grandson in Qin Zhou's entertainment industry!?"

"Are you sure this news is not a joke?"

"Of course I'm not joking. You'll know how great the Shinhwa Group is when you go to Qinzhou, and such a good Shinhwa Group will probably become Lin Zhibai's business in the future, so he will probably become the leader of Qinzhou's entertainment circle in the future. The richest man."

"This kind of son, how can he be so good at farming!"

"He can even go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables with his bare hands and find fungi to eat!"

"I always thought that such a noble son would never touch the spring water, but the richest man broke my perception!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm now a fan of the richest man!"

"Suddenly, I feel that it doesn't matter whether the richest man matches Qi Jianjia or Nightingale!"

Qi Jianjia!

One of the top three entertainment companies in Qizhou, the daughter of the chairman of Backlight Entertainment!

His status in the Qizhou entertainment industry can be said to be indescribable. Since his debut, there have been various top leaders in the industry to help carry the sedan chair!


It is also one of the top three entertainment companies in Qizhou, the little princess of Crown Media, her status is not weaker than Qi Jianjia's at all!

Maybe it's also the rivalry between these two companies, plus Nightingale and Qi Jianjia are both the top second generation in Qizhou's entertainment circle, so the two have been compared by the media all the time.

It is compared all the year round.

Naturally, the relationship between Nightingale and Qi Jianjia couldn't be good.

Especially since both of them chose to develop in the music industry and became the two most popular queens in Qizhou at the same time, their relationship became even more difficult.

Since Shengyu, He Shengliang?

Of course, there is no "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in this world, but it does have this flavor in it.

It was also because Ye Ying and Qi Jianjia's identities were too high, so fans of the two felt that there was no star in the entire entertainment circle who could be worthy of these two princesses.

that's why……

In the show, Lin Zhibai and the two had a slightly ambiguous interaction, which was why fans frowned and complained.

Fans of the two princesses, when they saw who approached their masters, would subconsciously feel that the other party was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

Even Lin Zhibai's performance was excellent.

Fans also couldn't accept that he and the two princesses in the Qizhou entertainment circle had an intersection beyond friendship.

But with Lin Zhibai's identity being uncovered.

Fans of the two "princesses" were a little dumbfounded.

In terms of status, Lin Zhibai seems to be higher than Yeying and Qi Jianjia!

So when Lin Zhibai was with Yeying, or with Qi Jianjia, it wasn't a high-ranking relationship at all, they were the right people!


Instead, Nightingale and Qi Jianjia are a little too high?

Realizing this, the fans of Nightingale and Qi Jianjia were speechless, although there was still instinctive resistance in their hearts.

After all, the popularity of Nightingale and Qi Jianjia has too many elements of idols and fan circles. Of course, this is caused by their identities. Unless they continue to refine themselves, they will inevitably be influenced by some fans.


When Lin Zhibai rushed to the second line, everyone in the group chat of Qinzhou Mythology Kunpeng Entertainment Company was extremely excited!

"It represents the second line!"

"thanks everyone!"

"If everyone hadn't been mobilizing influence to help spread the stage of "Opera 2", this second line would not have gone so smoothly!"

"In fact, the most important thing is to represent the individual's efforts!"

"If the representative hadn't participated in "Laishan Tour", the publicity would not have been so wide, and no matter how wonderful the stage was, it would not be able to make a qualitative change like it is now."

"Ha ha!"

"The main reason is that Representative Lin performed well on the show!"

"I've been watching the show every day, and now I'm a representative fan!"

"Now the identity of the representative in Qinzhou has become more and more widely known. Next, the focus of our marketing is the talent of the representative. Recently, we must pay close attention to the program. If there is any hot spot, let's add fire to him and do a good job. Make popular articles."

This is the age of entertainment.

The video of Lin Zhibai's "Opera 2" in Qinzhou didn't have to be widely disseminated by fans.

Behind this, it is inseparable from the silent marketing efforts of Myth Kunpeng Company.

This Shinhwa Entertainment, a joint venture company with Kunpeng, is now focused on helping Lin Zhibai get promoted in Qizhou!


Mythical Kunpeng just brought a rhythm, the real reason for his success is that Lin Zhibai's performance in all aspects is good enough!


at the same time.

The program "A Journey to Lishan" recorded by Qizhou is broadcast on Qinzhou's Kunpeng video website every day!

In terms of popularity, it can also be called abnormal, but Lin Zhibai is in Qizhou and can't see it.

Every day there are discussions on the Internet about "Travel to Lishan"!

Today, the news that Lin Zhibai has rushed to the second line in Qizhou made the netizens in Qinzhou all kinds of excited!


"That's awesome, as expected of the White Emperor!"

"Chu Ci is awesome, now he has been promoted to the second-tier star in Qizhou!"

"It's faster than in Qinzhou, hahahaha, but it's even stronger in Outer Continent, right?"

"I just like watching Lin Zhibai pretending to be aggressive in front of these Qi Zhou stars!"

"Hahaha, it's so fun for these Qi people to look like they have never seen the world!"

"Why didn't the program group arrange Bai Dixiu calligraphy, the world's top calligraphy masters are joking with you?"

"By the way, can you unify your titles, Lin Zhibai for a while, Chuci for a while, and Baidi for a while."


Everyone calls their own.

Anyway, they all know it's the same person.

Although Lin Zhibai didn't know how Qin Zhou's netizens commented on the program "A Journey to Lishan Mountain", Jiangcheng sent him a message to report the situation if he had nothing to do.


Lin Zhibai still had some understanding of Qinzhou's situation.

As for the fact that he was promoted to the second tier in Qizhou, Lin Zhibai didn't pay much attention to it, or it was expected.

After all, Lin Zhibai saw how popular "A Journey to Lishan" was in Qizhou.

In addition to his performance in the show, all factors combined, it would be strange not to be promoted to the second line.

I just don't know when it will be promoted to the first line, but as long as the popularity of this show does not drop, Lin Zhibai has a feeling:

It is only a matter of time before the first line is promoted.

Looking at it now, the decision to go to Qizhou to participate in this variety show was very wise, and Lin Zhibai was considered to be on a fast-growing train.



red house.

Qi Jianjia hadn't slept yet, and was browsing the trending searches on Weibo, and then saw the stage of "Opera 2" performed by Lin Zhibai as the ever-changing star.

Subconsciously click in.

After reading it, Qi Jianjia opened his mouth slightly.


Lin Zhibai's use of dolphin sounds on this stage has reached the point of perfection. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one person in Blue Star's dolphin sounds!

And then.

Qi Jianjia couldn't help smiling when he saw the news that Lin Zhibai was promoted to the second line of Qizhou.

That's fast enough!

It is not uncommon for stars from other continents who came to Qizhou to develop quickly, but this is the first time I have seen someone as fast as Lin Zhibai!

In the shortest time, he won the most love from Qizhou people!

However, his fans seem to have complicated perceptions of Lin Zhibai.

Qi Jianjia has a large fan base, and she even opened a small account, lurking in the largest fan base.

The purpose is to understand some of the fans' perceptions of themselves.

Recently, the most chatted fan group is not himself, but Lin Zhibai. For example, everyone is discussing at the moment:

"I always feel that Jian Jia's attitude towards Lin Zhibai is a bit wrong!"

"Yeah, Jian Jia has a rather cold personality, but she seems to be quite enthusiastic towards Lin Zhibai, and she even offered to cook ginger soup before!"

"There is still the front, take the initiative to give Lin Zhibai a massage!"

"It's a variety show effect, but it's not just a variety show effect, right?"

"Jian Jia doesn't like Lin Zhibai, does she?"

"Not necessarily like it, but somewhat favorable."

"The situation is wrong. Lin Zhibai seems to be the top son of Qin Zhou."

"Jian Jia won't fall, will he?"

"After all, Lin Zhibai is indeed charming. Nightingale is obviously interested, and the show always revolves around him."

Qi Jianjia smiled.

Fans really think too much.

How could I like Lin Zhibai?

It was just seeing that Yeying was special to Lin Zhibai, so he couldn't help but try to test the girl's reaction.

The results of the trial are very interesting.

I'm afraid Nightingale is a little tempted by Lin Zhibai.

And Qi Jianjia has never liked anyone since he was so old.

With the trumpet open anyway, Qi Jianjia simply typed in the group:

"Jian Jia won't fall, but I think Lin Zhibai might fall."

There is nothing wrong with that!

Qi Jianjia's fans encouraged each other: "Well said, Goddess Jianjia will let Lin Zhibai fall, and then Nightingale will know that her charm is worthless in front of us Jianjia!"

Look at the discussion of fans.

Qi Jianjia smiled even more, but after clicking on the friend list in the address book, she frowned slightly.

Since participating in "Travel to Lishan", all the guests who did not add their own friends took the initiative to add themselves on the first day of the establishment of Daqun.

Only Lin Zhibai!

The show has been recorded for so many days, but I still haven't added my friend!

"Is he really not interested in me at all?"

Qi Jianjia couldn't help doubting herself, but after thinking about it, she thought again: "Why is he not interested in me, it must be that girl Nightingale who won't let him add me!"


Nightingale probably likes Lin Zhibai, that's why she is guarding against herself!

And Lin Zhibai didn't add him as a friend because Ye Ying was a teammate, and he gave the other party this face!

Yes, that must be the case!

Then I will take the initiative to join you!

Since entering the industry, Qi Jianjia has almost never taken the initiative to add anyone as a friend, but at this moment she clicked on the profile picture of Lin Zhibai in the group...

add friend.

Friends are added instantly.

Qi Jianjia happily rolled around on the bed, and then waited for Lin Zhibai to take the initiative to greet him.

One minute.

two minutes.

five minutes.

Half an hour passed.

Qi Jianjia looked at Lin Zhibai's chat box, but the other party didn't even initiate a greeting. Could it be that he didn't want to chat with me?

How could anyone in this world not want to chat with me?

He must not know what to say for a while, okay?

After figuring it out, Qi Jianjia took the initiative to type: "Are you asleep?"

After a few seconds.

Lin Zhibai replied: "Yes."

Qi Jianjia's eyes widened, is this gone?

She continued typing: "It's enough to keep healthy, go to bed so early."

half an hour later.

Looking at the last message he sent, there was no response, and Qi Jianjia felt a little insomnia.

He must be too sleepy, right?

Qi Jianjia thought: "He must have drank a lot of wine at night, so he was too sleepy... He must also be very helpless... He obviously wants to chat with me for a while."


blue house.

In bed after lights out.

Lin Zhibai saw that Lin Ling, Lan Ye, Qi Jianjia, Qi Tianwen, Gu Xing and others had added him as friends, so he agreed.

Respond politely to anyone who sends a message.

I'm afraid that when this variety show first started, these big names in Qizhou thought of themselves as little transparent, so they were not interested in actively adding friends.

Who knew the show would run continuously.

Lin Zhibai's popularity is getting higher and higher.

Everyone felt that Lin Zhibai might become popular in Qizhou in the future, so he took the initiative to add friends, right?

Lin Zhibai understood it this way.

Of course, it may also be my villain's heart.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Lin Zhibai didn't come to make friends when he came to this show.

Besides, he has already made friends with Qi Zhou.

Nightingale, Chuchu, these two people from Qizhou are Lin Zhibai's friends, and he feels that he gets along well with these two girls.

As for Zhang Xiyang and Zhou Hanjin who waited for Qin Zhou to come, they were originally Lin Zhibai's friends...

At this time.

The director applauded everyone in the crowd: [Tomorrow we will play "Heartbeat Game", and if we win, we will earn Peach Blossom Coins! 】

Heartbeat game?

Lin Zhibai didn't understand what it was for a while.

It wasn't until the director released the gameplay introduction that Lin Zhibai suddenly realized that it was this thing.

It's just that the two guests interact in various ways, and then measure each other's heartbeats.

Whoever has the highest heartbeat loses.

In the game, in order to stimulate the heartbeat of the other party, you can say some outrageous words, or do some exciting actions.

For example, a female guest winks at a male guest during a game.

If the male guest is delusional, isn't the heart beating crazily?


Male guests can also be handsome to female guests, and maybe the heartbeat of female guests will also speed up because of this.

all in all.

This is a game of who is more "frigid".

Lin Zhibai didn't have too many harsh thoughts about the female guests, so he felt that he should be able to grasp this game.

There is no way if you can't hold it.

After all, the system does not have a golden finger in this regard.


Heartbeat game! ?

In the same blue house, Nightingale's eyes lit up when she saw that she was going to play this game tomorrow.

"You profiteer, wait for me!"

Nightingale immediately started searching the Internet: "How to seduce a man?"

Answer: some bugs.

What the hell?

Nightingale changed the question: "How to make a man's heart beat faster?"

The answers are varied.

Nightingale was learning eagerly.

As Her Royal Highness in the entertainment circle of Qizhou, Nightingale doesn't need to seduce anyone to get in the position, she has her family's company as escort, unspoken rules and so on are insulated from her, so Nightingale really doesn't have much experience in seducing men, but she thinks this The game, I should be very good!

After all, I have no feelings for those male guests!

No matter what they do, they won't feel their heart beating faster!

If that's the case, why don't you have fun with Lin Zhibai?


the other side.

red house.

Qi Jianjia, who had been tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, kicked his feet in the air twice after seeing the notification in the group.


She has already won the game!

If you want to lose, you can't lose, okay!

Lin Zhibai, have fun with this guy tomorrow!

Are you really calm?

Have no feelings for me at all?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Tomorrow I will show you your dick feet!

Qi Jianjia is very confident about her own charm!

Of course, Nightingale is also full of confidence in her own charm. After all, the two queens are invincible in the circle.

Only male celebrities have ever pursued them.

They have never had any special psychological fluctuations towards any male star.


Not just Nightingale and Qi Jianjia.

In fact, most of the guests in the program group, after seeing [Heartbeat Game], their hearts beat faster in an instant.

This game is a bit of a charm test.

Generally speaking, people who have feelings for themselves will have a faster heartbeat, right?

Of course, this "usually" is not necessarily accurate.

Some people have poor psychological quality and are prone to rapid heartbeat.

It may not be any feeling, it is purely nervous, and this kind of nervousness is subconscious.

That kind of people have no sense of experience playing this game.

It's just that the bigger the stars, the more they have experienced the storm.

Tens of thousands of people have participated in the activities, and the psychological quality in this aspect is basically not bad, so everyone is very confident!

There are a few jumpy ones who have already released arrogant declarations in the group.

After Lin Zhibai saw it, he couldn't help but said in the group: [How many Peach Blossom Coins are given for winning this game? 】

Qi Jianjia: [? 】

Lin Zhibai was still awake! ! !

Mingming chatted privately and said that he fell asleep, and then he didn't reply to his own message!

Who is this person in that group?


Qi Jianjia couldn't help recalling that one night in the past, Ye Zhen chatted privately with herself.

I was so annoyed that I didn't want to give the dog any hope at all, so I said "I'm asleep" and happily followed the drama.

Seeing the highlights, Qi Jianjia couldn't help being in a certain group, Aite named the lead actor of that show, and praised him a few words.

It turned out that Ye Zhen was also in that group.

The other party sent a question mark, as if thousands of words were contained in that win number.

That moment is exactly like this moment.

Now Qi Jianjia completely understood Ye Zhen's mood at that time.

It's just that the person who asked the question mark became Qi Jianjia——

Is it me who licks the dog?

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