Freelance Artist

Chapter 429 Green Live Broadcast Room!

Seeing that Lin Zhibai was going to make another order, there were more bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and of course there were some viewers who doubted the authenticity.

【Want to witness another miracle? 】

[Write a song in ten minutes of performance? 】

【I do not believe! 】

【How can I write songs so fast? 】

【that is! 】

[I admit that the song just now is awesome, but I don't believe you wrote it now! 】

【Unless you prove yourself! 】

[Otherwise, I wouldn't believe how many orders you made, they were all pre-arranged scripts! 】

【agree! 】

Sometimes I have to admit that 90% of the fans are expressing their support, but the harsh voices of the remaining 10% are still hard to ignore. Of course, Lin Zhibai does not feel that the doubts are so harsh. Having experienced similar incidents, he feels that it is natural for audiences to question him.

no way.

Nowadays, both variety shows in the entertainment industry and the live broadcast industry are filled with a lot of fraud, and script arrangements can be seen everywhere. Moreover, Qizhou’s audience has just met him, so it is understandable that he does not have enough trust, even if he does not want to prove himself. , Lin Zhibai also had to dispel some doubts for his fans that he might not have expressed because he trusted himself, so he smiled and said: "Whether "Lishan Xing" or my separate live broadcast room, there is no such thing as everyone The so-called script.”

There was a pause.

Lin Zhibai said: "But since everyone thinks that I completed the customized order in advance, we might as well change the gameplay. Now we will randomly select a guest from Lishan Bank to connect and let him come up with the questions. I will follow the other party's request. How about writing a song?"

Lin Zhibai had played this trick before.

Kind of a nod to the past.

After saying this, Lin Zhibai saw that the words "familiar scene" had appeared in the barrage. They were obviously fans from Qinzhou. However, most of the Qizhou audience did not understand the meaning of this sentence. I really started to brush up the names of the major guests in "A Journey to Lishan", from Qi Jianjia Nightingale to Ye Junji Qi Tianwen and so on.

"Too much."

Lin Zhibai said: "You guys unify, and then I will connect directly in front of everyone."

[How can you be confident? 】

[Is it because the other guests are trustees? 】

【That person is overthinking. 】

[Can’t all the sixteen guests be bribed by the richest man? 】

[Why are there so many top front-line agents helping Lin Zhibai fake pictures? 】

[Anyway, just don’t look for someone like Nightingale who has a good relationship with him. 】

[Look for Ye Zhen! 】

[After watching the show for so long, Ye Zhen and Lin Zhibai are the only ones who are not very good at dealing with each other. 】

【That makes sense! 】

Anyone who watches the show and knows a little bit about the world can see that the sixteen guests are not harmonious. Everyone has their own small circle. For example, although Lin Zhibai has a good relationship with Nightingale and others, Ye Zhen Gu Xing, Eiichiro and even Ye Junji had some minor quarrels with him.

Especially Ye Zhen.

So at this moment, everyone thinks that Ye Zhen is the person who can best ensure that he will not be a shill for Lin Zhibai. Not only will he not be a shill, this guy may even deliberately make things difficult for Lin Zhibai. Maybe he has figured this out. After that, the barrage really started to use the word "Ye Zhen" wildly.

"Ye Zhen?"

Lin Zhibai frowned and said, "I don't know Ye Zhen very well. I don't have his phone number or any friends."

[It’s okay without a number. 】

[What kind of excuse is this? 】

[You can ask other guests! 】

[You can also find it in the large group! 】

[No, let's stop pretending. 】

[This show is the one you can pretend the most. 】

[It’s okay if you’re not familiar with it. 】

【Can this be said? 】

[Haha, what the richest man plays is truth. 】

There seemed to be a lot of little guys in the audience in the live broadcast room. It was really a novel experience.

When Lin Zhibai broadcast live in Qinzhou in the name of Chu Ci, although some people in the audience were also eccentric, most of them were not aggressive. It was just a small provocation from Bai Di's fans at that time, but in Qizhou it turned out that The legendary black powder.


Lin Zhibai said: "I am indeed not familiar with Ye Zhen, but since the atmosphere has reached this point, I'll ask Qi Jianjia. She may have a better relationship with Ye Zhen."


Lin Zhibai took out his mobile phone and called Qi Jianjia.

To Lin Zhibai's surprise, the phone was answered just after it rang twice.

"Hey, Jianjia..."

Just as Lin Zhibai was about to explain the current situation, Qi Jianjia on the opposite side interrupted him:

"Ye Zhen and I are ordinary friends."


Lin Zhibai was stunned.

Qi Jianjia said in a serious voice: "So although Ye Zhen and I are familiar with each other, it's just because we have known each other for a long time."


"I'm watching your live broadcast."

Qi Jianjia said: "Didn't you just say that Ye Zhen and I are familiar with each other?"


Lin Zhibai suddenly realized.

And in Qi Jianjia's live broadcast room.

When Qi Jianjia received a call from Lin Zhibai and immediately explained her relationship with Ye Zhen, the barrage had already exploded!

【Urgent, urgent! 】

[Why is Jian Jia so eager to explain? 】

[Is there anyone who didn't understand this wave? 】

[People who have never been in love with me will understand! 】

[Under what circumstances would a girl be afraid that a boy would misunderstand her relationship with other boys? 】

【Teacher Ye Zhen will cry when he finds out! 】

[Jian Jia is doing a beautiful job, she just has to go up like this! 】

[Hahahaha, the richest man is stunned. 】

[The richest man: Qi Jianjia doesn't need to live broadcast, why just stay in my live broadcast room? 】

Qi Jianjia didn't look at the barrage.

Finished explaining.

Qi Jianjia took out her other mobile phone and said, "No need to hang up, I will help you contact Ye Zhen now."


Lin Zhibai felt that he had come full circle and joked: "Jianjia, you are quite a nice person."

Qi Jianjia rolled her eyes.

If you have something to say, please say it properly and don’t send out good person cards, okay?

the other side.

Ye Zhen is also live broadcasting.

Watching the barrage and casually chatting with fans.

"Participating in "Lishan Xing" is generally very happy for me. As for why, you can guess for yourself. Although there are occasional unhappy moments, I can always be happy again in the end..."


What's going on with these barrages?

Ye Zhen thought: "Lin Zhibai said on the live broadcast that he is not familiar with you..."

Many barrages were talking about this, but after all, Ye Zhen was one of the four kings who had talked about big scenes. He said calmly: "That's right. We are not familiar with each other in the first place. "Lishan Xing" "There are sixteen guests, don't you think we are all good friends?"

【that is! 】

[No need to be familiar with him! 】

[Who is he? 】

People who support Ye Zhen don't like Lin Zhibai.

Fans saw Ye Zhen being slapped in the face by Lin Zhibai several times and felt very uncomfortable.

And at this moment, Ye Zhen saw another barrage of nonsense: "Qi Jianjia said on the live broadcast that I am not familiar with you..."

Ye Zhen smiled.

He read it out directly, then waved his hand and said:

"Jianjia said in the live broadcast room that she didn't know me well? Impossible, absolutely impossible! Jianjia and I knew each other before we debuted. There are a total of sixteen guests in Lishan, and we are the first to know each other."

Ding ding ding.

The phone rang.

Ye Zhen laughed loudly, showed the caller's name to the audience, and said proudly: "No, Jian Jia called me. Who dares to say that we are not familiar with each other? We have known each other for many years!"

Speak and speak.

Ye Zhen didn't delay in answering the phone, he got through right away, and his voice suddenly softened:

"Jianjia, what's going on?"

This soft voice is very similar to the "clip sound" mentioned by Lin Zhibai in the program.

"Teacher Bai is looking for you."

Qi Jianjia explained: "He doesn't have your contact information."

Ye Zhen's face darkened, and he said, "What did he ask me for?"

Lin Zhibai was watching Qi Jianjia's live broadcast, and after hearing Ye Zhen's voice, he said, "I want to ask you for a favor..."

"You two together now?"

Ye Zhen didn't even realize that his voice had changed, and he didn't even notice that there were some scumbags in the live broadcast room, who actually changed the font of the barrage to a pure green color.


Qi Jianjia said: "We are connecting live, or you can also connect together."


The three-person live broadcast room was connected under the arrangement of the program team staff.

Lin Zhibai explained the situation directly, Ye Zhen understood a little, but at the same time he didn't understand.

"you mean……"

Ye Zhen said suspiciously: "I'll come up with the question, and you write the song on the spot?"

Lin Zhibai: "Yes."

Ye Zhen became more and more suspicious: "What kind of questions should I ask?"

Lin Zhibai: "Yes."

Ye Zhen had a strange expression: "Does it include the lyrics?"

Lin Zhibai: "Yes."

After two questions and three answers, Qi Jianjia couldn't help but said, "But Ye Zhen, you can't deliberately make things difficult for Teacher Bai."

Jian Jia, you care about Lin Zhibai so much.

Ye Zhen felt acid in his heart, are you worried that he will make a fool of himself in the live broadcast?


Lin Zhibai heard that Qi Jianjia was worried about him, but he was a systematic man. "Ye Zhen can come up with questions as long as the theme is healthy. After all, we are a green live broadcast room."


Green studio?

I don't know why, Ye Zhen felt very uncomfortable when he heard this statement. He looked at Qi Jianjia, then at Lin Zhibai, and said softly:

"I've thought about the topic."

"Tell me." Lin Zhibai said.

Ye Zhen said: "I don't deliberately embarrass you and ask those particularly tricky questions. After all, it doesn't mean much. Music still needs to pay attention to a certain sense of beauty. Lin Zhibai, do you have a crush?"

Lin Zhibai was about to answer, but Ye Zhen didn't give him a chance to speak.

"The feeling of having a crush on someone is very complicated. I always see her in my dreams. Since you, Lin Zhibai, have made such bold remarks, you have asked me to come up with any topic and you can create it on the spot according to the theme. Then you can write A song about secret love. It must be in Qi language. You know Qi language anyway." Ye Zhen seemed to be touched by something on his mind, and his tone became deeper. He raised his head and looked at Lin Zhibai——

Dare to ask yourself a question on the spot.

Lin Zhibai is really skilled and bold.

Although he already knew that this guy was very good at writing songs, Ye Zhen really didn't believe that Lin Zhibai could create such a great song based on his own topic on the spot.

He didn't even want to find a particularly tricky topic for Lin Zhibai. The target would be too obvious. Even if the other party couldn't write it, the audience wouldn't think it was a big problem. At most, it would just be a few jokes and it would be over.

Then "secret love".

I can use this topic to express my feelings to Jianjia without making her angry. After all, this topic is really not difficult, and no one can find fault with me.


This is not to say how great Ye Zhen is. Because of Qi Jianjia's intercession, he deliberately puts water on Lin Zhibai's "rival in love".

It's true... simplicity may not necessarily be a good thing.

Sometimes the simpler the theme, the more difficult it is to make it stand out.

This is more lethal than deliberately embarrassing Lin Zhibai with a tricky question.

With limited time, Ye Zhen didn't think that Lin Zhibai could make a simple theme out of it.

in other words:

Ye Zhen's goal was not at all to make Lin Zhibai feel uncomfortable in front of the audience.

If it's just that, Ye Zhen can indeed find a tricky topic, but now he wants Lin Zhibai to be unable to get down with Qi Jianjia.

If you want to achieve your goal, you have to keep the title simple, and then ask Lin Zhibai to write a mediocre song.

The queen of songs like Qi Jianjia has a strong ability to appreciate music.

Ye Zhen even suspected that Qi Jianjia looked at Lin Zhibai differently because of his musical talent——

Ye Zhen wants to break this filter!

Of course, Lin Zhibai didn't expect Ye Zhen's thoughts to be so complicated. Perhaps the world of dog licking is different from ordinary people.

Let’s think about what songs to come up with.

There are quite a lot of options when it comes to the theme of secret love.

But in today's situation, it's not enough for me to come up with a song, I have to make the audience think it's a good song.

Got it!

After silently communicating with the system and customizing a few related songs, Lin Zhibai had a choice.

"give me sometime."

Lin Zhibai said, and started to write songs on the computer, and also used software to do a simple arrangement.

"I'll give you a timer."

Ye Zhen smiled and said, directly putting pressure on Lin Zhibai: "It is 17:33 now."

Lin Zhibai ignored him.

There was no point in keeping track of time, because the song was already in his head, and instead he had to think about how long he had to pretend before he had inspiration and ideas.

And the live broadcast room of three people.

Everyone in the audience figured out the situation.

[The game Lin Zhibai plays is very interesting, but Brother Zhen is still not cruel enough. The theme of secret love is not difficult. 】

[The difficulty is low, but the requirements must be raised! 】

[Ye Zhen is actually very sober, because the topic is too tricky and meaningless. Making things difficult for Lin Zhibai is not the purpose. Besides, no matter what the theme is, as long as Lin Zhibai writes a melody and the lyrics are copied to the theme, isn't it considered a creation? ? 】

[That makes sense, Brother Zhen is awesome! 】

[Simple and common themes can reflect the true level! 】

[Just like ordinary people cooking a simple dish, the taste is not as good as that of a chef. This is to test Lin Zhibai's basic skills. 】

[Lin Zhibai knows how to play with bells and whistles. 】

[What kind of good songs can he write in such a short time? I guess he can only come up with some clichés. 】

[You have to endure loneliness when creating. With him being so impetuous, I don’t even know how he wrote those good songs before. 】

These are what Ye Zhen fans said.

Ye Zhen's live broadcast room was crowded.

Most of them were unfriendly to Lin Zhibai.

In contrast, Qi Jianjia's fans were quite protective of Lin Zhibai, although there were inevitably some eccentric people among them.

The audience in Lin Zhibai's live broadcast room did not speak.

Everyone doesn't know whether the previous "Superstar in Troubled Times" was written in advance, and they want to get clues from this creation.

It can be said that the viewers in the major live broadcast rooms have their own thoughts.

When Lin Zhibai was writing a song, Ye Zhen took advantage of the connection in the live broadcast to talk to Qi Jianjia:

"Jianjia, do you have someone you like?"

"..." Qi Jianjia was silent, he didn't know if he didn't or he didn't want to answer.

Ye Zhen pretended that nothing happened. He was used to Qi Jianjia's indifference, and turned his head to communicate with the audience again:

"Do you know what it feels like to have a crush?"

Swish, Swish, Ye Zhen's fans are very face-saving, sharing their secret love past and so on through the barrage.

Ye Zhen saw an interesting one and read it: "Secret love means that when you look at me, I can't help but look away. When you look away, I can't help but look at you..."

Isn’t that what I am?

When Qi Jianjia looked at him, he didn't dare to meet her eyes, but when she didn't look at him, he couldn't help looking at her.

Ye Zhen felt a little emotional in his heart, and looked up at Qi Jianjia's live broadcast room, but was suddenly stunned.

Qi Jianjia is holding the tablet at the moment.

Watch Lin Zhibai's live broadcast carefully.

Although Lin Zhibai is just writing songs with his head down at the moment...

"I'm ready."

Suddenly Lin Zhibai raised his head.

Qi Jianjia turned her head subconsciously, and then turned back unnaturally.

The audience didn't think anything was wrong, but Ye Zhen suddenly tasted a special flavor from this detail. Could it be that Jian Jia was subconsciously avoiding Lin Zhibai's eyes just now?


I must be thinking too much!

Ye Zhen gradually let go, but then his expression changed again, what did Lin Zhibai just say?

"What's the matter?"

"The song is ready."

"But now it seems..."

Ye Zhen looked at the time and said in disbelief, "Fifteen minutes?"


Lin Zhibai thought that Ye Zhen was too slow, so he explained: "Even a simple arrangement will take some time."

【That's great? 】

[This is too fast! 】

[It's about the same time as the custom order just now! 】

[Why do I feel it is faster than the song on the custom order? 】

[Not counting the arrangement, you have a song in ten minutes? 】

[Not counting the arrangement, I doubt that it will be ten minutes! 】

[Five minutes, no more! 】

[Can you still guarantee the quality in such a short time? 】

[That stuff is really simple. 】

Everyone can't imagine how much time it took Lin Zhibai to come up with the song. Even Qi Jianjia showed a surprised look. Although she is a singer, she also writes her own songs. She knows that she can complete the song in such a short time. It's an exaggeration.

Not impossible.

Composers can do it when they're bursting with inspiration.

But many songwriters will never encounter the opportunity of bursting with inspiration a few times in their lifetime.

Could it be that Lin Zhibai just happened to be overwhelmed with inspiration today?

The chance is too small, this should be purely due to Lin Zhibai's own demonic strength.

Qi Jianjia couldn't help but remember that late that night, when she was looking at Lin Zhibai's previous works, there was a sentence mentioned in it:

Lin Zhibai has completed high-quality music creation in just a few minutes many times...

At that time, Qi Jianjia thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that it may be true. Lin Zhibai has a monster-like creative speed!

Just don't know how the quality is?

So she said: "Has the song title been decided yet?"

Lin Zhibai nodded, "This song is called Love Story...Part 1."

That's right.

This song is called "Love Story Part 1".

The original singer Sun Yaowei is the same actor who played the male lead in "Oolong".

The quality of the song is quite good, and it completely fits the theme of secret love. It also has a certain story to it, so it should be quite appropriate to put it out.

As for Lin Zhibai's creation time being too short, would it appear too evil and unreal?

It's actually okay.

Jay Chou's music creation talent is also exaggerated. Does anyone think it is untrue?

Zhang Shaohan once said something in an interview: she once filmed an advertisement with Jay Chou, and during the cooperation, she asked Jay Chou to help her write a song. The other party wrote the song in front of him while he was playing it. He wrote the song in ten minutes.

This song is called "Dear That's Not Love".

In the millennium, there is an even more exaggerated legend about Zhou. One day Wu Zongxian said to Jay Chou: "If you can write more than a dozen songs in three days, I will pick ten songs from them and give them to you." Release an album." At that time, Jay Chou was very happy, and knew that this was his only chance, so he immediately bought a whole box of instant noodles and locked himself in the studio. , and finally wrote to the point of nosebleeds, and handed Wu Zongxian fifty songs.

Ten days later.

The album of the same name "Jay" was released, and countless fans got to know the big boy who was still very shy at the time.

These things may be exaggerated.

It is conceivable that it must be based on facts.

But after Ye Zhen heard the song title mentioned by Lin Zhibai, he was a little puzzled and said: "The Story of Love...Part 1?"

[The last episode? 】

[Is there a next episode? 】

[What a strange song title. 】

[The title of the song is gaudy, and the song is definitely not good. 】

[Don’t go too far, it’s good if you can write it in this little time. 】

[Didn't he "write it out" just now? 】

[Haha, there is no script for this wave, I'm afraid it will be revealed. 】

[Don't try to dismiss us easily. 】

[The quality is too average, it can't be done. 】

In the three major live broadcast rooms, the audience was chattering, and Ye Zhen also said to Lin Zhibai: "Before singing, let me remind you that our Jian Jia is the most powerful singer in our Qizhou, and her standards are not low!"

Qi Jianjia did not speak.

Staring at Lin Zhibai curiously.

Lin Zhibai nodded, and then played the accompaniment he just made. The arrangement of this song is not complicated because the instruments are simple, but it has a sense of sincerity.

Accompanied by the melody.

Lin Zhibai opened his mouth and sang: "The light of the stars shines in the middle of the night, everyone is happy to tell stories, but what I want to tell tonight is not easy, I look at you with hesitation, and then hesitate again."


This song seems good?

The hearts of the audience rippled.

In fact, most of the songs are good or not, you can get a basic judgment by listening to the first verse, but you can make a conclusion by listening to the whole to determine the specific quality.


Lin Zhibai continued to sing: "On a certain night when the autumn wind was about to surge, there was a story left by her window. The lonely young man wandered under the tree regardless of his loneliness, until the moon was exposed in the sky, and how many moonlit nights were blown away by the winter wind. , why does she by the window lack attention, the words of love written by the boy engraved on the window are completely useless like a drifting dream, the young man poured out his regrets tonight, who wants to listen to the story again, but the foolish boy only knows how to go Episode, I pray that the next episode will be a lovely dream..."

Ye Zhen's face froze.

The lyrics fit the theme!

The melody fits the mood!

This is a story about secret love.

That kid didn't have the courage to confess, so he could only use all kinds of cryptic hints to express his love quietly. Unfortunately, he never got a response. He didn't even know whether the other party received the signal. As for the first episode in the title of the song, in fact It means that the story is unfinished and to be continued, and it also means that the kid is looking forward to the future.

It can be said:

Lin Zhibai's design in all aspects is perfect!

Ye Zhen couldn't even imagine how this guy managed to complement each other and maintain the quality in just ten minutes! ?

At this moment.

The chorus comes.

Lin Zhibai's voice elongated slightly: "I don't know if I have thousands of strands of love for you, and every night I am sad and exhausted, this kid wants to break this story, all because of falling in love with you, but you don't know... "

It's not just a crush.

Or pure love.

The barrage has surrendered on a large scale at this moment, and even some doubters have switched sides at this moment!

【My God, kneeling! ! ! ! 】

[This was actually created on the spot by the richest man? 】

[At this level, if you tell me that he has been thinking about it for half a year, I will believe it. It can be so beautiful! 】

[The key point is that the lyrics are also very good, there is no sign of rushing work at all, it can be said that the lyrics and composition are excellent, but the arrangement is a bit rough, a bit retro. 】

[No, no, no, this is the taste I like, like our classic old songs from Qizhou! 】

[I believe it now. It was not a script before. The richest man really has the ability to create on the spot, and he is very perverted! 】

[I’m just being shallow, I didn’t expect you to be so good, brother! 】

[Send this song out directly, and the quality will directly enter the rankings! 】

【I released my first download! 】

Ye Zhen saw the barrage. He tried hard to stay calm, but his expression still betrayed some of his inner emotions.

What makes Ye Zhen even more heartbroken is:

Qi Jianjia seemed to have light in her eyes when she looked at him now!

"The spring breeze blew a few sparks against the moonlit night, and everyone happily told stories. Finally, the story of this boy was revealed. How can I hold myself together for you for so many years..."

The song is obviously nice.

Ye Zhen felt harsh.

Little did he know that Qi Jianjia was in a state of confusion at the moment.

This song is the theme of secret love, and the story is also related to secret love. It reminded her irresistibly of playing [Heartbeat Game] that day. Lin Zhibai used two modern poems to prove that he had a crush on herself...

At that time, Qi Jianjia really believed it for a moment.

But the results of the competition proved that it was just Lin Zhibai's game method, or some kind of variety show effect.

But now.

Hearing Lin Zhibai's song, Qi Jianjia felt a little confused again.

Was that time really a lie? Could it be that he deliberately used the game to express his feelings?

After all, how could anyone create such a touching modern poem just for the sake of winning or losing in a game?

It's like at this moment, his song about secret love was written specifically for me, right?

Just at this moment.

Lin Zhibai looked at the camera and sang: "Do you know what I mean to you tonight? Why do you really treat it as a story?"


Is that a hint that I understand?

So what does the phrase "why do you really think of it as a story" mean?

Are you implying to me that that game was actually more than just a game?

Why am I a little confused?

Are you singing or flirting?

Qi Jianjia's mind was a little lost at this moment.

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