Freelance Artist

Chapter 431 Who made me the Houye?

The next day, the second day of the "Lishan Journey" holiday.

Not long after Lin Zhibai got up, the program team sent several staff members to carry cameras and shoot fiercely at him.

This is what the program team agreed on in advance.

Unless there are special circumstances, the live broadcast should not be stopped.

Lin Zhibai didn't care, the main thing was that there was basically nothing he couldn't be photographed, and today was just a regular work schedule——

Go to the company's recording studio to record songs.

Although Qi Jianjia expressed his willingness to help, he didn't know how long it would take for Qin Zhou's work to be approved, so Lin Zhibai had to continue with his original song release plan.

Morning, half past eight.

On the way to the company by car.

Lin Zhibai took a look at the popularity of his live broadcast room, which was currently 30.24 million.

At this point, all the guests of "Lishan Xing" should be on air, can my popularity reach 30 million?

It shows that yesterday's live broadcast of songwriting really attracted a lot of fans, just like doing this in Qinzhou Chuci before, and it was also very effective.

[The live broadcast room of the richest man is more popular than yesterday! 】

[The highest price yesterday seemed to be 30 million? 】

[It’s different, today it was 30 million not long after it started broadcasting! 】

[This is the popularity standard of the Four Heavenly Kings! 】

[Yesterday the richest man was only as good as Gu Xing! 】

[Today’s richest man’s data has reached the level of Ye Junji! 】

[Among the Four Heavenly Kings, only Ye Zhen and Qi Tianwen are now higher than the richest man? 】

at the same time.

The popularity of Lin Zhibai's live broadcast room reached 30 million, and Gu Xing also discovered it.

Although Gu Xing is the lowest traffic among the four heavenly kings, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse after all.

Yesterday, Gu Xing was surprised to find that Lin Zhibai's popularity in the live broadcast room was almost the same as his own, but he didn't expect that the other party's popularity today would be far ahead of his own! ?

It shouldn’t be!

This guy is just a second-tier star in Qizhou. Is he a monk from outside who likes to chant sutras?

But looking at Zhou Hanjin and other guests from Qizhou, the attention is obviously much lower than that of Lin Zhibai!

So unscientific!

Gu Xing has never seen a star from another continent whose popularity has grown at such an exaggerated rate after coming to Qizhou!

According to Lin Zhibai's development speed.

Gu Xing suspected that the other party would challenge Qizhou's status as a first-tier superstar in the future!

And the other side.

What Gu Xing discovered was actually discovered by Ye Junji earlier.

Even about Lin Zhibai writing songs in the live broadcast room yesterday, Ye Junji also learned about the situation through his agent after the live broadcast.

to be honest.

Lin Zhibai was able to develop even after arriving in Qizhou, which was not surprising to Ye Junji. No one knew the opponent's strength better than himself.

But Lin Zhibai could rise so quickly, even Ye Junji could not imagine it.

How long has it been since then that Lin Zhibai’s popularity in the live broadcast room has already reached the same level as his own?

I am not a king with average traffic like Gu Xing. Why did Lin Zhibai catch up so quickly?

Although the popularity of the live broadcast room doesn't mean anything, a large part of those viewers may not be Lin Zhibai's fans. The possibility of creating such a momentum already shows the other party's potential.

Ye Junji sighed in his heart. In fact, he no longer resented Lin Zhibai so much.

On the contrary, his good friend Eiichiro couldn't bear the pain of being forced to leave Qinzhou and insisted on not dealing with Lin Zhibai.

I am now in a dilemma.

After all, the original source of the conflict between Eiichiro and Lin Zhibai was himself. Ye Junji felt complicated for a while.

After arriving at the company, Lin Zhibai spoke to the audience: "Next we will record three songs, starting with the first one, "The Crime of Not Being Romantic."


Lin Zhibai entered the recording studio.

The recording of three songs took a whole morning.

After all the songs were recorded, Lin Zhibai explained some follow-up work to the company employees, and then said to the audience: "The next step is mastering and other work, which will be handled by a dedicated person, so I will not continue to follow up. If nothing else goes wrong, these three songs will be released at 8 o'clock tonight. I hope everyone can support me more by then."

【Must support! 】

[Congratulations to the richest man on his new song! 】

[These three songs are sure to be popular! 】

The entire screen was full of messages of blessing and support.

Because these three songs were composed by Lin Zhibai in variety shows, the audience who often watch him have heard them. Most people in Qizhou don’t know the existence of these three songs at all, so who knows how they performed after they were released online? Not sure either.

The response from the live broadcast room was good.

But there are many fans in the live broadcast room.

In the previous life, many top-notch songs were considered very good by fans, but passers-by couldn't listen to them at all. Whose problem is it?

Lin Zhibai didn't want to be trapped in an information cocoon. Whether the song would be successful or not would still depend on the market's response.

Because fans must have filters when listening to their own singing. Fortunately, these songs were very popular in previous lives and have been verified by the market, so Lin Zhibai is not particularly worried. Even if they don't become popular, at least they won't be a hit.

At this time.

Wu Xuan approached Lin Zhibai and said, "Representative, our company's big online movie, "I'm Still Here Waiting for You" needs additional investment..."

The only independent film and television project produced by Shinhwa Kunpeng Entertainment is "The Nine-Rank Sesame Official".

Just don't forget that this company was acquired after all. Lin Zhibai didn't know how the negotiations were carried out. Anyway, some of the projects that were being promoted before were taken over by Shinhwa Kunpeng.

The "I'm Still Waiting for You" mentioned by Wu Xuan is one of the projects of this company's predecessor.

Of course Lin Zhibai knew that there was such a movie being filmed under the company's name, but he didn't care. Anyway, the total investment was less than ten million, and he couldn't lose much.

Can this project add additional investment?

Lin Zhibai frowned and said, "Is this a project that the company had completed in the middle of before? There was an error in the budget?"

To open up the market is to earn money from the Qizhou market.

And if he becomes popular, the company's revenue will definitely not be bad, so he has no interest in projects other than "Nine Levels of Sesame Official".


Wu Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "The situation is quite complicated. I'll send you a report."

Lin Zhibai understood. It probably meant that he couldn't say it in front of the audience in the live broadcast room, so he nodded and said:

"The movie script will also be released together."

Lin Zhibai is not someone who is easily fooled. If he can manage Shinhwa Publishing House in an orderly manner, he can also manage this entertainment company well.

Anyone who wants to deceive themselves will definitely pay the price.

"Then I'll send you an email."

Wu Xuan said, "This is a youth film."

Lin Zhibai was noncommittal and went to the office without saying a word. This attitude made Wu Xuan very nervous, and the several staff members behind her were also silent.

【Ouch! 】

[This damn oppressive feeling! 】

[So this is the domineering president in reality? 】

[The richest man who works hard is a bit handsome! 】

[Our leader is also very domineering, but unfortunately he does not have the looks of the richest man. 】

Enter the office.

Lin Zhibai opened his mailbox and read the script of the movie "I'm Still Here Waiting for You".

The plot is very simple, just an ordinary youth movie.

The male protagonist and the female protagonist met and fell in love in college. However, after graduating from college, the male protagonist left the female protagonist for ten years due to some reasons...


And in the past ten years, it was the second male lead who silently accompanied the female protagonist and continued to pay, and finally moved her.

The two are in love.

What I didn’t expect was:

The male protagonist, who had disappeared for several years, actually came back after the female protagonist and the second male protagonist confirmed their relationship.

The final plot is that the male protagonist explains his reasons for leaving and reconciles with the female protagonist.

The second male lead, who had just taken over but had never even been kissed, smiled and blessed the female lead, using a common argument in idol dramas:

When you love someone, just make her happy.

Of course, these are just plot outlines, but they still made Lin Zhibai feel a deep discomfort, as if "dead memories are attacking me."

After all, this kind of youth movie in the past life is too common.

Not even talking about the past life, this world also has a large number of homogeneous youth movies. Otherwise, Lin Zhibai would not have seen such a script, but he could not imagine this unoriginal plot. How can he attract the audience?


Lin Zhibai saw a small note written by Wu Xuan at the back of the script:

"The lead male actor is Yang Yi. He was still a low-level star when he took on this film. Unexpectedly, not long after joining the cast, Yang Yi's other youth film as the male lead became a big hit. In addition, the company behind it Promoter, now the celebrity status has rushed to the third tier, even close to the second tier, and then the director is thinking about having more budget to shoot the scene better. In addition, after lunch, on your behalf, if you can go to visit the class to watch "I'm Still Waiting" It would be great to shoot "伱", because the film will probably be finished tomorrow..."

Lin Zhibai suddenly realized.

No wonder the crew wants to invest more.

There is really no need for Wu Xuan to talk about this kind of industry-related matters in the live broadcast room.


This reason convinced Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai knew that no matter what the quality of the film was, since the male protagonist became popular, his fans would keep it secret.

In this case, it would not be a bad thing for Shinhwa Kunpeng to spend more money to promote the film more.

Think of this.

Lin Zhibai decided to approve the project.

Of course, the photography teacher didn't take pictures of Lin Zhibai's computer screen.

Without Lin Zhibai's permission, the photographer would only take pictures of Lin Zhibai doing his work from the back of the computer.

As for Wu Xuan's proposal to let herself visit the class...

Lin Zhibai understood that Wu Xuan wanted to use her popularity in the live broadcast room to promote the Internet movie "I'm Still Waiting for You".


As the nominal representative and de facto boss of this company, I should cooperate.

Think of this.

Lin Zhibai called Wu Xuan over.

"I approved the additional investment of three million for the drama "I'm Still Here Waiting for You". In addition, we went to visit the crew of "I'm Still Here Waiting for You"."


Wu Xuan was overjoyed, and her anxious heart was finally relieved.

Of course the audience was not stupid, and they all knew Lin Zhibai's purpose for doing this, but they didn't mind and started making fun of him.

[What a hard publicity! 】

[Haha, you said the movie name twice on purpose, for fear that we wouldn’t remember it, right? 】

[The richest man is plucking the show crew again! 】

[It’s okay to film a variety show and promote your own company’s movie! 】

[It's a big online movie, right? 】

【right. 】

[Internet movies, aren't most of them bad? 】

[Ninety percent of them are bad movies, but there are some high-quality ones. 】

[In the past few years, online movies have not been as good as before, and many big-name directors are beginning to be willing to put aside their status and participate. 】

The company has the car ready.

Lin Zhibai sat in the back row and went to the crew.

Wu Xuan is still driving. She has appeared frequently with Lin Zhibai in the past two days. Now that she is debuting directly, she will probably gain some popularity. After all, the secretary herself is very beautiful.

"Representative, we are here."

About half an hour later, Wu Xuan arrived at the set with Lin Zhibai.

At this time, the crew was filming a scene. Lin Zhibai asked Wu Xuan to keep a low profile and stood aside to watch.

Lin Zhibai quickly found the corresponding scene in the script.

Probably the male protagonist came back after being away for half his life. After a lot of push and pull with the female protagonist, he decided to invite the male protagonist and the female protagonist, who had already started to fall in love, to have dinner with each other, intending to have a formal showdown and make a final push for love.

The second male smiled generously and said:

"You old friends are catching up, so I won't go. I have something else to do at the company tonight."

"Then...then I won't go..."

At this time, the heroine is still hesitating. After all, she is already the girlfriend of the second hero, but she still has lingering feelings for the hero.

A trace of warmth flashed across the face of the second male.

The hostess' refusal seemed to warm him up.

The male protagonist nodded bitterly, and drove away.

At this moment, the second male lead saw the female lead with tears on her face, staring at the rear of the male lead's car in a daze, and suddenly made a decision, his eyes instantly became firm:



"If you like it, go after it."

After the second male lead finished speaking, he took the female lead directly and caught up with the male lead's car.

It turns out that the second male lead saw that the female protagonist still had lingering feelings for the male protagonist, so he definitely asked them to have dinner together at night, as if he wanted to make a losing bet.


Lin Zhibai's teeth ached from watching this. The second male lead's brain circuit was really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Is there such a man in reality?

It seems that many idol dramas or youth dramas have this kind of character as the second male lead. He will do everything for the female protagonist, even including sending the female protagonist into the arms of the male protagonist. The reason is always "she just wants to be happy." .


Presumably this plot and this scene can be paired with a very sad background music.


Isn't this your field of expertise?

Lin Zhibai was thinking wildly, and after filming this section, the director started to change scenes to shoot another section.

The second part of filming happened to follow the plot and emotions of the previous part, after the second male lead sent the female lead into the male lead’s car.

His car was parked on the side of the road, and he was sitting on the ground alone.


It began to rain.

Of course it was artificial rain created by the crew, but the second male lead acted very well, and his emotions were expressed very well. His expression was obviously very restrained, but he burst into tension with an indescribable emotion. It turned out that he was not as good as he appeared on the surface. It's generous, but when the heroine sheds tears when she looks at the rear of the hero's car, she has already lost. The melon that is forced is not sweet.

Well, though but...

Lin Zhibai could somewhat understand some of the brain circuits of the second male lead.

It's not that I approve of the character or even the values ​​​​of the second male lead, it's just that the actor who played the second male lead performed very well, and his emotional expressiveness was a bit infectious to Lin Zhibai, as if the instinctive empathy of human beings was touched.

"what is his name?"

Wu Xuan froze for a moment, and said, "Pan Yu."

"I mean the actor." Lin Zhibai had a good memory. He had read the script before coming here, and of course he knew that the second male lead's character was called Pan Yu.

"Qu Zhe."

Wu Xuan said the name of the actor.

Lin Zhibai nodded and said, "Which company does Qu Zhe belong to?"

Wu Xuan smiled and said: "His contract is still with our company, but it will expire after filming this movie."

"Renew the contract with him."

Lin Zhibai felt that Qu Zhe had great potential. He was already quite good at acting at such a young age. Although he was not particularly handsome, at least not as good as the male lead Yang Yi.

Otherwise, he would not be assigned to the male second role.

And he is still such a super dog-licking male second.


Wu Xuan nodded.

"I will review the contract renewal conditions when the time comes." Lin Zhibai felt that Qu Zhe could be trained by himself in the future, so the contract renewal conditions would be slightly more generous.

Of course, liquidated damages will be very scary.

Because Lin Zhibai knows very well how strong his ability to flatter people is. If the other party is praised by him, the company must have enough deterrence and restraint to ensure that the artist will not become too stiff and want to fly freely.

After all, Lin Zhibai didn't run a philanthropic hall either.


Wu Xuan nodded again, feeling a little surprised. The representative seemed to be quite optimistic about Qu Zhe.

After filming the scene, Yang Yi, who played the male lead, entered his nanny car with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"Director, work hard."

Wu Xuan stepped forward and said with a smile: "Our representative Lin is here to visit the class."

"Representative Lin?"

The director was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Lin Zhibai, and instantly the entire crew became excited.

"Welcome Representative Lin!"

After all, Lin Zhibai is the representative of Shenhua Kunpeng Company.

And this drama was invested and filmed by Shinhwa Kunpeng Company.

The actor Qu Zhe, who plays the second male lead in the play, Pan Yu, also stepped forward very flexibly, took the initiative to reach out to Lin Zhibai, bent down slightly and said:

"Hi boss, I'm Qu Zhe!"

Others called themselves representatives, but this guy called him boss. Lin Zhibai laughed a little and stretched out his hand to shake hands.


After speaking, Lin Zhibai praised: "Your acting skills are very good. Our company needs talents like you."

"Thank you boss for your appreciation!"

Lin Zhibai discovered that Qu Zhe, who played the second male lead in this drama, was more or less his true self.

Facing him, his posture was very low, even a bit humble, but Lin Zhibai didn't dislike this kind of person.

Everyone has their own way of survival. Just because you are noble, you cannot look down on those who are humble in front of the leader. As long as the other person does not hurt others, he can just lick him.

Maybe people will have everything they want after licking it to the end?

After all, this guy is very scheming and deliberately calls himself boss just to appear different from others so that he can be remembered.

"Boss, are you live streaming?"

I thought that was enough, but I never thought that Qu Zhe didn't want to end the communication, so he talked to Lin Zhibai enthusiastically.


"It's "Travel to Lishan", boss. My favorite show is "Travel to Lishan"..."

"Then say hello to the audience."

Lin Zhibai decided to give Qu Zhe more shots.

But the next moment, Lin Zhibai couldn't help laughing.

After Qu Zhe said hello, he faced the photographer's lens directly, flipped two backflips, and then did a few very interesting dance moves that seemed to be leaning against an iron mountain, and finally said to He looked at the camera and bowed: "Hello everyone, I am Qu Zhe, who has been in the industry for two and a half years. I am currently a contract artist with Shinhwa Kunpeng Company. The richest man is my boss!"

Good guy.

You're quite formal.

Being able to call out "the richest man" means that the other person has at least watched "Travel to the Lishan Mountain", otherwise he would not know Lin Zhibai's nickname in the show.

【What a magical dance! 】

[Haha, this buddy is very funny. 】

[An artist from the richest company? 】

[Are the artists under the richest man so down-to-earth? 】

[It’s quite fun to be a man. 】

[He looks a little handsome. 】

Qu Zhe can enter the entertainment industry and play the second male lead, so his appearance is definitely no problem, but he can only be regarded as a handsome boy.

Probably equivalent to the level of Bancao or something like that?

Anyway, the appearance is obviously far behind Lin Zhibai.

However, there is one thing about Qu Zhe that Lin Zhibai does not have, and that is a very special affinity, which makes people feel as if he is one of his more handsome friends, and there is no sense of distance.

In fact, this is also the reason why Lin Zhibai wants to renew his contract with Qu Zhe.

Handsome guys in the entertainment industry can be packaged, and many top celebrities may not necessarily be the most handsome.

But this kind of affinity, or innate temperament, cannot be packaged by capital.

Therefore, some celebrities are so outstanding that they cannot even find any replacement, just like the beauties of the golden generation of the entertainment industry in Hong Kong in previous lives.

the other side.

In the nanny's car.

Yang Yi is taking a rest with his eyes closed.

The manager shouted: "Brother Yang, please come out, the representative of Shinhwa Kunpeng is here."

"Not going."

Yang Yi frowned. He was almost depressed to death. His drama became a hit just after signing the contract.

This mythical Kunpeng Company has taken a huge advantage!

Therefore, Yang Yi had a hard time filming this movie, so he just wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

With his current worth, there are plenty of scripts with higher pay and better scripts out there waiting for him.

As for the leader of this mythical Kunpeng coming to visit the class?

Yang Yi was not interested in welcoming him.

The manager said helplessly: "The representative of Shinhwa Kunpeng is also an artist, Lin Zhibai from "Travel to Lishan Mountain". He is currently broadcasting live. There is no harm in you going out and showing your face. Just say a few polite words to him."

"Traveling to Lishan? Lin Zhibai?"

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment. He still knew Lin Zhibai, who was much more popular than him.

In the show "Lishan Xing", even the Four Heavenly Kings were bullied by him!

Think of this.

Yang Yi quickly got out of the car and prepared to say hello.

However, Lin Zhibai had already finished his visit and left by car.

Wu Xuan, who was driving, asked for a topic: "What does the boss think of this drama?"


Lin Zhibai said casually.

Wu Xuan coughed, did he forget that this was a live broadcast?

How can you talk about your company's investment in a live broadcast room?

Lin Zhibai commented more and more casually: "When I say average, I mean the script, but Qu Zhe's performance was pretty good. For his performance just now, I had to write a song for his character. In addition, I wasn’t very happy with the way the ending of the script was handled.”

You are really complaining!

Wu Xuan smiled bitterly: "Then I will ask the screenwriter teacher to change the ending..."


Lin Zhibai said: "Let me write the ending. I happen to have a pretty interesting idea."

The end of this movie.

The second male lead, played by Qu Zhe, sent the heroine into the hero's car for the last time one night.

The hero takes the heroine and leaves the city.

The second man smiled and blessed them, but burst into tears after the car left.

Lin Zhibai always felt that the emotional stimulation was not strong enough, but since the script was almost finished and there wasn't much he could adjust, he might as well leave some special impression on the audience at the end——

Who told me that I am not a night marquis?

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