Freelance Artist

Chapter 433 Representative Lin is about to take off!

Li Zefan is a social worker in a company in Qizhou.

After get off work today, sitting on the subway, Li Zefan was tired as usual, put on his Bluetooth headphones, and turned on Qian Qianjing.

There is a function called "Guess You Like".

Li Zefan always uses this function to listen to songs, highlighting a random one. Usually he only downloads and collects works he particularly likes.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

One song passes.

Li Zefan thinks every song is good.

This "guess you like" function is quite good, and you can find out all your own tastes.

However, although these songs are all good, they seem to lack the motivation to download them.

Until such a singing sound suddenly came to my ears.

"Without flowers, would this moment be destroyed? Without wildfires, would it be warm? Without fireworks, would it be okay to celebrate together? If love is as fake as a drama, if everything on the set is beautified, even the embrace will be based on the protagonist..."

Li Zefan was suddenly startled.

In my mind, I remembered the complaints my last girlfriend made to me when they broke up:

"I've been with you for so long, have you ever given me a bouquet of flowers? My best friend's boyfriend set off fireworks on Valentine's Day just to make my best friend happy. Do you know how envious I was at that time? You are so wonderful in every way. That’s good, but I really don’t want to be with a piece of wood that has no interest. Life needs romance and a sense of ritual…”

Along with the memories.

The singing voice in the earphones is also particularly trance-like, "Why is it a crime not to be romantic? Why is it a bad thing not to be dramatic? I have never noticed that every move I make, and the silence is the ironclad proof that I love you. Why..."


Li Zefan's eyes turned red.

He took out his phone, glanced at the title of the song, "The Crime of Not Being Romantic", read the lyrics carefully, and finally clicked download.


The song information unfolds before your eyes.

The lyrics, music, arrangement, and singing are all written by a person named Lin Zhibai.

Of course, Li Zefan didn't know Lin Zhibai, and how could he have time to watch "Travel to Lishan Mountain"? However, he felt that the song was very suitable to his taste, so he couldn't help but click on this person's information and found that there were two more songs under his name. So I clicked in with curiosity and expectation.

Lin Dong is a college student.

After dinner every day, he goes back to the dormitory to play games.

A very popular new game has recently come out called "Glory of Heroes".

Lin Dong went crazy.

This is one of the most interesting games he has played in all his years.

Today is the same as usual.

Lin Dong chose the top lane position and battled wits with the opponent.


There was a sound of roommates playing songs in my ears.

"I am the all-powerful one, and everyone is looking up to me! I am the all-powerful one, and I never have to look back! I am making earth-shaking changes, and I am writing my own laws! This ferocious wild wolf with twinkling eyes!"

Lin Dong is shopping with the opposite party.

Three times, five times and two times, after completing a wave of single kills, I felt a little inexplicable blood, and couldn't help but ask:

"What song is this?"

"Superstar in troubled times."

"I haven't heard of it."

"Just came out."

"who sang this?"

"The richest man."

"What the hell?"

"Lin Zhibai, the male guest in "Travel to the Lishan Mountain" who can show off his coolness. Recently, there were some rumors of a scandal with Nightingale Qi Jianjia."

"I have an impression. He's very handsome, right? Give it to me. I want to download it."

Lin Dong felt that he had a special feeling when listening to this song while playing "Glory of Heroes". The atmosphere was really exciting.

It’s not just Lin Jiadong.

Several other roommates who played "Glory of Heroes" with Lin Jiadong in black also enjoyed listening to it.

"This song is great!"

"Thieves have feelings!"

"Play on loop and let's go!"

"I feel like I can get five kills tonight!"

The younger you are, the easier it is to like songs like "Superstar in Troubled Times".

Xue Meiqi is an anchor who sings to fans every night on the live broadcast platform.

After singing more than a dozen songs in a row today.

Xue Meiqi saw a barrage: [Want to listen to "Love Story Part 1\

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