Freelance Artist

Chapter 520 Oppa just killed him!


Lin Zhibai finally arrived at his destination.

I thought that the people contacted this time would be local residents, but unexpectedly it turned out to be volunteers from the Environmental Protection Association.

These volunteers are all young people and expressed a warm welcome to the charity group!

The stage for the performance that night was also set up by these enthusiastic volunteers.

"Everyone prepares a performance."

Lin Zhibai conducted it very skillfully. He knew that performances could best attract rewards and donations.


These big Korean stars began to prepare for their performances.

Some big stars even recruited friends from the industry to help out, just to show their influence in Korea.

"You can decide the content of the performance yourself."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "I just have one request, and I can't say it's a request. I can only say that I hope that everyone's performance can at least raise 100 million in sponsorship for our charity action."

This is indeed what everyone thinks!

These Korean celebrities all watched the Qinzhou Star Group’s poverty alleviation live broadcast.

They knew that the celebrities in Qinzhou, under the leadership of Lin Zhibai, each donated 100 million to charity activities on the first day of poverty alleviation.

If a Korean star cannot do such a thing, it will inevitably be a bit embarrassing, as if he is being compared to a Qinzhou star.


None of these Korean celebrities wanted to be compared like this, so everyone nodded vigorously.

And these nine Korean celebrities worked hard to show themselves in the subsequent performance sessions, using all their strength.

Just a pity.

The audience in the live broadcast room seems not to be active enough in giving rewards. Most Korean celebrities can only get donations between 50 million and 100 million.

Five of them successfully completed the task of exceeding 100 million.

Celebrities who have not exceeded 100 million yuan in the remaining three performance sessions are embarrassed.

Even Korean netizens feel that their faces are dull:

【Assi! 】

【How shameless! 】

[Our Korean stars don’t seem to be as popular with the audience as the Qinzhou star group! 】

[I remember the first day the Qinzhou Star Troupe performed, each person received an average of more than 100 million in donations! 】

[The key point is that there is nothing wrong with our celebrity’s performance. Why are the audience not active in rewarding us? 】

[Obviously in Qinzhou’s wave, Zhou Hanjin seemed to just show his abs, and the audience’s rewards increased to more than 100 million! 】

[It shows that your Korean celebrities are not good enough. 】

[It’s not that Korean celebrities are bad, I think it’s because these Korean artists have a lot of baggage, maybe because of the idol culture here? 】

[Yes, Qinzhou Star Group also has an idol, Wang Zhiyin, but just because he was surrounded by Bai Di, he quickly turned into a sand sculpture. Only by letting go of the baggage of being an idol can he truly be loved by the audience! 】

Korean netizens complained.

Various netizens analyzed it.

The advantage of this global live broadcast is that all continents can communicate directly through barrages or in the comment area!

Of course, Lin Zhibai also noticed these summaries. He agreed with netizens' views. The reason why the performance of these stars in Hanzhou is not as good as that of the stars in Qinzhou is not because their performances are not wonderful——

do not forget.

When Zhou Hanjin reached 100 million, he did nothing but showed off his abdominal muscles under his own instigation.

Not as good as these Korean stars.

The biggest problem for Korean celebrities is that they can't let go.

For example, when a singer sings, he likes to make bubbly sounds, and when he dances, he likes to look for the camera. He can look as cool as he likes.

Charity needs celebrities to show their affinity. These people's idol baggage is too heavy, which makes people feel fake and fake. It's no wonder that netizens from all over the world are not too cold. The core group that supports these people are these people in Korea. fans.

But the power of local Korean fans is limited.

If this live broadcast room wants to reward as much as possible, viewers from all continents must reward together!

After discovering the problem, Lin Zhibai said nothing. He just changed his clothes and walked onto the stage. His performance was about to begin.

Lin Zhibai's finale!

No one felt wrong.

Bai Di should be the finale.

Facts have proved that the audience's expectations for Bai Di's performance are far beyond those of the Korean stars.

[Finally we’ve waited for Bai Di! 】

[The performances of those Korean stars are too simple. They only know how to be cool and sing electronic music. They are all the same! 】

[That is, can they be more handsome than Bai Di? 】

[As for dancing, although it’s cool, I still prefer to watch Bai Di dance in the square. That’s fun! 】

[What does Bai Di want to perform? 】

[As long as Bai Di performs, he will definitely surprise us! 】

【here we go! 】

[Wow, this music is so cheerful! 】

[Hahaha, just listen to the intro and you will know that this song is not simple! 】

Along with the cheers of the barrage, the prelude of Lin Zhibai's music resounded in the front court. The rhythmic melody made the audience want to shake their legs along with it!

next moment.

Lin Zhibai came on stage, wearing formal clothes and sunglasses, and a song sounded!

"Oppa just won the top four!"

"Just got the big four!"

The moment Lin Zhibai spoke, all the Korean celebrities were stunned. They looked at the figure on the stage in disbelief, and almost doubted their own ears!

Good guy!

Lin Zhibai sang in Korean dialect:


"As soon as I bring the goods into the building, I'll ask for a price. Damn it, even if I twist my waist, I can ask for a price. Dad doesn't have a deal to make a basic asking price..."

That’s right!

This pronunciation is so standard!

Lin Zhibai sings in Korean!

Who made the Korean language in this world the same as the stick in the previous life?

As for this song, everyone who has experienced the Korean Wave era in the past life should be familiar with it. It once became popular all over the world:

Uncle Psy's "Gangnam Style"!

Interestingly, Uncle Psy is also a descendant of a chaebol.

The kind of rich young man who will go back and inherit hundreds of millions of wealth if he doesn't work hard.

Of course this is not the point.

The point is that Bai Di can actually speak Korean!

This not only stunned the Korean celebrities, but also stunned all Korean audiences, and then they felt flattered!

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! 】

[Can anyone tell me why Mr. Bai Di’s Korean is so good! 】

[Could Bai Emperor be us Koreans? ? This pronunciation is so standard, even for Bai Di’s Korean, I will give you a crazy reward! 】

【I am so happy to be a Korean! 】

[Yeah, I was really touched when I heard Bai Di speak Korean so well! 】

[He really made me cry to death! 】

[I was originally indifferent to Bai Di, but he can speak Korean! 】

[Our local Korean stars all sing in Mandarin, but Bai Di from Qinzhou sings in Korean. It’s really heartwarming! 】

【I love Baidi so much! 】

The love of the Korean audience showed up in action, and they rewarded me like crazy!

Swish, brush, brush!

take off!

The rocket takes off!

Fireworks bloom!

Even for their own celebrities in Korea, they are not so enthusiastic about rewarding them.

But because the song Baidi performed tonight was in Korean, they immediately showed their intention to empty all the ammunition in their account!

"That young man is a wolf and hei..."

"Which sister is making trouble in the south? It's so painful that Salou Ang relies on being a wolf..."

"Kaobixiyi hook Jiao Nei, I am fooling around and telling the wolf, eh, Mi Ao, meow, Xijia, are you afraid of home? You are so young, slanghei..."

Lin Zhibai continued to sing.

As he sang, the electronic melody became more and more intense, gradually reaching a climax!

Lin Zhibai's voice reached its highest point, and those unfamiliar with Korean clearly heard these lyrics:

"My dad just kill him!"

"Oh oh oh oh, my dad just killed him!"

In an instant, netizens from all over the world burst into laughter. It is true that this song is in Korean, but the homophonic sound that Kong Er heard was really weird!

【Killing me! 】

[Bai Di, who did your father just kill? 】

[How can this song be so funny! 】

【What a magical song! 】

[Bai Di has something. When he came to Korea, his singing was switched directly to Korean! 】

[The most amazing thing is that none of the local Korean stars sing in Korean! 】

【This wave is incredible! 】

[If I were Korean, I would cry to death! 】

[Wait a minute, look at Bai Di’s actions! 】

With an exclamation, the viewers in the live broadcast rooms from all continents suddenly widened their eyes.

Under the camera, Lin Zhibai suddenly raised a hand and made a whip-cracking motion, while his hips began to rise and fall.

If someone else had done this action, it would have been somewhat funny and obscene.

But when Lin Zhibai did this action, everyone just wanted to laugh, it felt very happy and humorous!

Someone recognized it:

Lin Zhibai was doing horseback riding!

And as Lin Zhibai moved forward with both hands, as if holding the reins, everyone felt it became more obvious!

Lin Zhibai This is a dance related to horseback riding——

Gangnan style!

In the previous life, "Gangnam Style" became a hit!

The horseback riding dance performed by Uncle Psy in the music video even triggered imitations around the world!

At that time, Lin Zhibai liked to watch NBA and saw many stars doing this dance for fun after games.

Of course, many people will never forget Kim Hyuna's backup dancer in the MV. The scene of the two doing the horseback dance together is a classic!

At this moment, Lin Zhibai didn't have Kim Hyun Ah by his side.

But even if he is alone, this horse riding dance is full of magic!

【666666666! 】

[This dance and music are so perfect! 】

[I was confused when this song came out. Apart from the fact that Bai Di can speak Korean is surprising, I didn’t think there was anything good about this song. But the whole time I listened to it, I was completely brainwashed. Now I just want to say , great song, great! 】

[Add one upstairs! 】

[As soon as this song came out, I only heard the sentence "My dad just killed him". I was confused for a long time, but when I realized it, I was already fascinated by it...]

[Bai Di’s dance is even funnier than the square dance he danced in Qinzhou! 】

[He is so handsome and so funny. He deserves to be so popular. Korean celebrities should learn from this! 】

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached a climax!

And the reward amount Lin Zhibai received quickly exceeded 100 million!

Then it became 200 million, 300 million, 400 million...

The audience in the live broadcast room was extremely crazy!

There were also spectators at the scene, all volunteers from the Environmental Protection Association. They were all young and energetic.

Seeing Lin Zhibai's performance, accompanied by this magical music, everyone stood up inspired by it!

Everyone even laughed and imitated Lin Zhibai's movements.

"come together!"

Lin Zhibai shouted: "I will teach you how to dance on horseback. Let's squat half down first, with our wrists together... one step to the left, one step to the right, and two more steps to the left in a row. Repeat the exchange, but the hands should be crossed and swing up and down... …”

The whole audience follows suit!

Those Korean celebrities kept laughing.

Lin Zhibai noticed them in the audience and hooked his hands.

This group of Korean celebrities were stunned, but Jin Xiujing reacted quickly, "Teacher Baidi called us over!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Although it felt like Lin Zhibai was a little bit awkward for actually ordering them, but he was indeed a captain or something like that, so he could only go on stage obediently.


Lin Zhibai didn't know what these people were thinking, so he directly wanted to lead them together.

If he wants to achieve the live broadcast effect, he must help these Korean stars get rid of their idol baggage!

Several young Korean top players looked embarrassed. They were idols and were required by the company to pay attention to their image at all times.

The horse dance is a bit funny.

It doesn’t fit their idol status.

However, Jin Xiujing joined in happily and quickly grasped the essentials of the action.

Lin Zhibai, on the other hand, was like a coach, glaring at several Korean celebrities without saying anything, but his attitude was self-evident, especially after he made a motion of waving a riding crop with both hands.

The meaning becomes more obvious.

So these Korean celebrities could only bite the bullet and dance with Lin Zhibai.

Fortunately, the music is loud enough to relieve people's considerable embarrassment, which is why people can dance around in bars.

The sound of music can mask a lot of things.

And collective madness can cover up more things.

Now that Lin Zhibai is dancing, the whole audience is dancing together, and if the stars follow suit, it won't be too abrupt.

So and so.

Jumping and jumping.

The embarrassment gradually disappeared from the faces of these Korean stars. Some of the young A-listers even began to let themselves go. Not only did their dancing movements become larger and larger, but even expression management was thrown out of the window!


Idol baggage?

Brother, is your idol better than Bai Di?

Bai Di doesn’t care about stuff, so what do we care about!

It was under the influence of this collective crazy atmosphere that all Korean celebrities were completely driven by Lin Zhibai!

Even at the climax of the song, the whole audience will sing the phrase together:

"My dad just kill him!!!!"

Of course, this is an empty-ear effect. After all, this homophony has no sense of dissonance.

And the same infectious power also infected the viewers in the live broadcast rooms from all continents, and everyone was excited!

【You can always trust Bai Di! 】

[Finally, these Korean celebrities are more pleasing to the eye! 】

[It has to be brought by Bai Di! 】

[Hahahaha, my brother and I are dancing along! 】

【I like this song very much! 】

【I really like plus one! 】

Songs that were popular all over the world in previous lives certainly have great charm.

When Lin Zhibai was in the live broadcast room, he used his perfect singing voice to stir up the atmosphere of the audience, which also made the charm of this song burst out!

That night.

This song became a hit all over the internet!

Netizens around the world are begging Lin Zhibai to release the official version as soon as possible!

According to the final statistics, Lin Zhibai single-handedly used this song and dance performance to raise a total of 900 million for the trip to Korea!

More than the other nine Korean celebrities combined!

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