Chapter 222 220. So exciting

Sometimes your thoughts don't matter to others, because she can only hear what she wants to hear and see what she wants to see.

What makes Chen Li'an strange the most is why Gao Yuanyuan is such a pretty girl!

I can't tell at all. Shouldn't you like men who are a little talented and talkative?

Chen Li'an asked himself why he was being targeted when he didn't show any talent or talk just now. Seventeen years old is very dangerous!

Gao Yuanyuan, who was lowering her head to copy down Chen Li'an's phone number, solemnly put the note with the phone number away, raised her head and looked at Chen Li'an, smiled sweetly, and then asked: "You haven't told me yet, why did you call me Teacher Chen?"

Chen Li'an glanced at the time on his watch. It was almost eleven o'clock. He had no time to answer Gao Yuanyuan's questions. He took out a magazine from Chen Meiren's desk and handed it to Gao Yuanyuan, "You'll know after you look at it." Okay, I have something else to do and I have to leave first. You can bring your parents to the company later to discuss the signing."

Gao Yuanyuan looked at the title on the cover of the magazine and the photo of Chen Li'an holding the trophy. Her round eyes were immediately filled with curiosity. She immediately took the magazine and pointed at the cover and looked at Chen Li'an and asked: "Is this you? Are you an artist?" ?”

Chen Li'an hummed, stood up, looked at Gao Yuanyuan and said, "You can also take the magazine home and show it to your parents. We are not a scam company, and signing the contract will be very beneficial to you."

"I know, my parents like to watch Mr. Chen's TV series. I will bring them to sign a contract later." Gao Yuanyuan rarely kept up with Chen Li'an's rhythm, but soon lost the connection again, and asked curiously: "You Do you have a girlfriend?"

Chen Li'an immediately became vigilant. Could he have awakened some strange attributes now?

"I don't, I'm a bachelor!"

Chen Li'an quickly removed one layer of his halo. He didn't want to send himself to sing tears behind bars with his senior brother. If you have the ability, we'll talk about it next year!

Seeing the inexplicable light that dimmed in Gao Yuanyuan's eyes, Chen Li'an coughed and said, "I have to leave first. I'll ask Xiaoli to see you off later."

After saying that, Chen Li'an went out, found Xiaoli who was gossiping and said, "I've finished chatting with her. You can give her a gift. When it comes to signing the contract, please tell her to bring her parents to the company."

Xiaoli nodded vigorously and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the gossip time had just ended, otherwise she would have been caught.

After Chen Li'an finished explaining, he walked towards the studio room, found Chen Meiren who was still busy and said, "How long do you have until you finish your work? Let's have a meal together at noon. I'm leaving for Shanghai."

Chen Meiren took a look at the time, stopped the morning shooting and announced a break, and then went to have dinner with Chen Li'an.

When she came out of the company, Gao Yuanyuan happened to be sent out by Xiaoli. Gao Yuanyuan looked at Chen Li'an who was being held by Chen Meiren, and an inexplicable light flashed in her beautiful eyes. She couldn't tell whether it was envy or loss.

"Sister Xiaoli, what is their relationship?" Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously.

Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't know, you can guess for yourself."

The bonus has been doubled and cannot be revealed casually! But Mr. Chen and the others don’t shy away from others, so why not let them reveal it.

Xiaoli's eyes were full of doubts, and Gao Yuanyuan's eyes were even more full of doubts.

Judging from how secretive Miss Xiaoli is, these two people must be related, maybe they are both married!

But didn’t he say that he was single? why?

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly thought of what Chen Li'an said when he gave her his phone number. She was usually very busy and tried not to call him.

If you really didn’t want to call him, why did you give him your phone number? Why did you lie to yourself that you were single? Why give yourself a magazine?

there is only one truth! This man wants to cheat! I want to deceive myself, a beautiful girl like a flower!

snort! Scumbag!

But what's the matter with being a little excited...

This... this is a little too exciting!

The young Gao Yuanyuan felt that she had fallen into the trap of an old man. No, he was not old, he was only in his twenties, and he was still handsome.

This trap is coated with honey!

Chen Li'an doesn't know how to make traps or anything like that. He's just a fisherman, and he can only make nests at most.

After having lunch with Chen Meiren, Chen Li'an set off for Shanghai.

Chen Li'an has put a lot of effort into the movie "Red River Valley", so he naturally hopes that it will have a good box office and reputation.

And he doesn't have much time, so he can't participate in the whole promotion, so he has to put in a little more time and energy in the early stage.

Chen Li'an came to Shanghai this time only with Mr. Zhou, and did not take Li Dabai with him, leaving her to stay in the capital to deal with the house matters.

On the plane last week, Young Master pestered Chen Li'an and asked, "Why haven't you come to see me recently?"

"I've been busy all the time. If I don't come to you, you can come to me." Chen Li'an said looking at Mr. Zhou who was wrinkling his nose.

Mr. Zhou snorted and said, "I won't go, lest I catch you messing around with other women."

What happened recently? These good friends all have a little temper. Chen Li'an pinched Mr. Zhou's little face and said, "Why are you so jealous?"

"I don't. I'm busier than you, okay? I've recently taken on supporting roles in two TV series, and I'm very busy." Mr. Zhou explained, then looked at Chen Li'an and asked: "When do you think I can stop doing this?" I’m worried that there will be no filming.”

Chen Li'an thought for a moment and said, "After Red River Valley is released, there should be no shortage of it."

"Are you so confident in this movie?" Mr. Zhou asked curiously.

The confidence Mr. Zhou talks about is not whether the quality of the movie itself is good or whether it has a good reputation, but whether the movie can have a box office. A box office means that the movie is popular.

Chen Li'an nodded and said, "Yes, it will definitely not be bad!"

As for the box office, Chen Li'an only remembered in the past few days that the Red River Valley in his previous life had a box office of more than 30 million, more than 30 million in 1996! The mainland box office champion of the year!

It's just that Chen Li'an thought of it a little late, otherwise he would have invested more money at that time.

When Chen Li'an thought about the time he told Meiren Chen not to invest so much money in this movie, he felt that he had lost face as a time traveler. Why didn't he remember it?

How come the male protagonists in those novels remember everything, even the novels! What a shame for me as a time traveler!

Mr. Zhou looked at Chen Li'an who was deep in thought, his eyes changing for a while. He couldn't help but pinch him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing." Chen Li'an shook his head and looked at Mr. Zhou and said, "This movie will definitely be popular. You don't have to worry about not having any filming in the future."

Mr. Zhou was slightly excited, and then said in a wan tone: "I'm just the second female lead, and I probably won't be popular."

"No, you have a lot of roles, and your acting is not bad, you will definitely be popular."

"That's not the case with Ning Jinghuo either."

Chen Li'an frowned slightly, wondering why Mr. Zhou mentioned Ning Jing. In the past, she was compared with Chen Meiren and Gong Li.

However, Mr. Zhou quickly put these problems behind him, and he and Chen Li'an began to plan where to go after arriving in Shanghai.

Soon the plane arrived in Shanghai. After leaving the airport, the sky had darkened and the setting sun had almost disappeared on the horizon.

Mr. Zhou excitedly took Chen Li'an's hand and said, "Let's go to the Oriental Pearl Tower to see it. It's so beautiful at night!"

Chen Li'an: "." No matter what generation you are, if you come to Shanghai and don't see the Oriental Pearl Tower, it's like you haven't come to Shanghai at all.

However, Chen Li'an still went with Young Master Zhou. Although they had both seen the Oriental Pearl Tower, they had never been there before. There was a difference between coming alone and coming with two people.

Sometimes only two people can see more beautiful scenery. When alone, one can only see one's own loneliness and insignificance.

At night, after walking around the Bund, the two returned to the hotel to rest. Looking at the night view of the Bund outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chen Li'an found a sense of future generations, and thought he was twenty years in the future.

Mr. Zhou came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He threw the towel on the bed, walked behind Chen Lian and hugged his waist. His wet hair wet Chen Lian's back.

Chen Li'an felt like he was being hugged by a primary school student, and the words "legal loli" suddenly came to his mind.

Hmm...and hugging...ahem, words are sometimes pale and must be expressed through actions.

"I can't do it anymore...let me down...I can't cross my legs any more."


Two small hands pressed hard on the floor-to-ceiling window, and the knuckles turned slightly white from the exertion.

"Don't face the's...too dangerous...too...exciting..."

On the floor-to-ceiling windows reflecting the night view of the Bund, the white screen was tightly grasped by a small hand.

Near the floor-to-ceiling window, two white and delicate feet were dangling gently in the air, as if they were sitting on a swing.

Chen Qiuqian... No, Chen Li'an worked hard all night and was still energetic when he got up the next morning.

After coaxing Young Master Zhou to get up from bed, he had breakfast in the hotel and then set off to Shanghai Film Studio.

When they arrived at Shanghai Film Studio, Chen Li'an met Ning Jing again, but this time Ning Jing didn't give Chen Li'an a good look.

Looking at Ning Jing's disgusting expression, Chen Li'an remembered that when she was in the capital a few days ago, she allowed him time to find her.

Chen Li'an sat next to Ning Jing and whispered: "I have been busy these days, so I didn't come to see you. What did you come to see me for before?"

"It's okay." Ning Jing glanced at Chen Li'an and said angrily: "You are such a busy person, how can I dare to trouble you."

Chen Li'an: "I'm really busy. If you need anything, just say it. Don't be so arrogant. I'm not Jiang Wen."

Hearing the name Jiang Wen, Ning Jing became even more angry and almost couldn't help but hit Chen Li'an!

"Ahem, I forgot you didn't want to hear his name." Chen Li'an turned his head away from Ning Jing's ugly face in embarrassment.

Chen Li'an looked at Mr. Zhou who kept secretly poking and pinching his waist and said, "What's wrong with you? Why are you pinching me?"

"What did you say to her? Stay away from her, she is not a good person!" Mr. Zhou warned in a low voice.

Chen Li'an: "..." Didn't the two of them have a good relationship on the set before?

Friendship between women is really unpredictable.

Ning Jing couldn't hear what Mr. Zhou and Chen Li'an said, but she could guess that they were just talking bad about herself.

Mr. Zhou was probably aware of what happened that night when the crew wrapped up filming last time.

Ning Jing glanced at Mr. Zhou and thought she was stingy. She was just borrowing it for herself. As for being so defensive.

Besides, Chen Li'an doesn't belong to her alone, so what's her point?

Ning Jing gently touched Chen Li'an with her arm, and when he turned around, she asked in a low voice: "You will have time tonight, right? Don't leave after the promotion tonight. I have something to see you for."

Chen Li'an nodded and looked at Ning Jing strangely. He was a little confused as to why he had to talk about it at night. He couldn't play mahjong with him.

Two barrels? Sanjo? All the same? A dragon? Finally, a big three yuan?

The meeting began soon after. The person in charge of distribution at Shanghai Film Studio and the creative team discussed the promotional schedule for the next few days in detail, and then immediately set off for a run.

The first stop for Shanghai Film Studio’s promotion was the Shanghai Theater. This was Chen Li’an’s first time at the Shanghai Theater and he was quite curious about the red building here.

The Red Building is very unique and beautiful, but what caught Chen Li'an's attention the most was the girl sitting in the front row chatting with her classmates.

Li Bingbing has long black hair and looks good in a slim-fitting T-shirt.

"What are you looking at?" Mr. Zhou asked with his little face close to Chen Li'an.

"It's nothing. I suddenly thought that summer vacation is about to start. I haven't gone to school yet."

Chen Li'an misses Nortel a little. He wonders if Teacher Li still uses him as a negative example in class every day, wonders if Jiang Qingqing and Chen Zihan still quarrel every day, and wonders if Fu Dalong still can't hit three-pointers.

Hmm... And Xu Jinglei, who has always coveted her beauty, doesn't know if she has given up now.

Mr. Zhou looked at Chen Li'an's lost look and whispered, "Don't be in a daze, there are so many people watching in the audience."

Most of the theater students sitting in the audience were paying attention to Chen Li'an and Ning Jing.

One is a leading actress in the theater, and the other is a great artist who is well-known in Beidian and has been rumored to come to the theater.

It's hard not to make everyone curious about such a person, and Li Bingbing is no exception.

"Little Quanzi, look at how handsome this person is."

Ren Quan rolled his eyes at Li Bingbing and said speechlessly: "What does it have to do with me."

"Why is the gap so big even though they are both studying acting?" Li Bingbing sighed and said, "It doesn't matter that you are not as good-looking as anyone else. You can't even compare to him in acting. He has already acted in several movies."

Ren Quan: "...!!" What kind of friend is this! Break up the relationship!

"After watching the movie later, I'm going to take a group photo. You can take the photo for me." Li Bingbing said softly.

Ren Quan snorted and said, "I'm ugly, so find someone else."

"No one else has a camera, little Quanzi, take some nice pictures for me later, and I'll treat you to braised pork tonight!"

"Two meals!"

"Don't take advantage of me!"


Ren Quan sighed in his heart, forget it, who made her look good-looking.

On the stage, Feng Xiaoning and Chen Li'an spoke a lot about their understanding and praise of the movie. After building up their expectations, the screening officially started.

Chen Li'an and the others also came off the stage and sat down. This was the first time the movie was shown in public, and Chen Li'an hadn't seen the movie yet.

Li Bingbing, who was sitting in the row behind Chen Li'an, glanced at Chen Li'an several times and waited until the credits of the movie ended before turning his attention to the screen.

The movie opens in the turbulent Yellow River Gorge, where the turbulent brown water looks like an angry dragon.

The movie opens with such an impactful scene that directly grabs the attention of all viewers.

However, Mr. Zhou was a little nervous. She was about to appear on the scene. The first few minutes of the scene in Red River Valley were all hers.

Chen Li'an gently patted Mr. Zhou's hand and said in a low voice: "Don't be nervous. Director Feng told me that you performed this part very well."

Mr. Zhou hummed, then turned his head and looked at the screen nervously.

In the picture, on the steep river bank, a girl in red was escorted up from behind by villagers.

It has not rained here for a long time. The villagers thought that they had offended the gods, so they planned to hold sacrifices to offer tributes to the gods and pray for blessings.

The sacrifices are the red-dressed girl Xueer played by Mr. Zhou and a big ox.

The girl in red looked at the village chief sitting in front of the villagers. That was her father!

She struggled, resisted, and looked at her father in despair. The sadness in her eyes moved everyone.

The tense plot of the movie instantly stirred up the emotions of all the viewers, who were all worried about the girl who was about to be pushed into the water.

Chen Li'an couldn't help but nodded when he looked at Mr. Zhou who was dressed in red and his acting skills were amazing in the movie.

Just for this performance at the beginning, Chen Li'an felt that Mr. Zhou could even win an award.

In the role of Cher, she really brought out all her talents, and she is fully capable of preparing for a movie queen.

Chen Li'an looked at Young Master Zhou, who was still nervous, and whispered: "You performed extremely well. You didn't even notice the audience reacting, which means your performance made them feel natural and real, and their emotions were carried away by your performance. "

Hearing Chen Li'an's words, Mr. Zhou turned to look at her unconfidently. She had seen the performances of best actors and actresses on the Fengyue crew, and she had always felt that there was a huge gap between herself and Chen Li'an and Gong Li.

"Aren't you comforting me?" Mr. Zhou asked quietly, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Chen Li'an smiled and said: "Of course, the acting is very good."

Hearing Chen Li'an's confirmation again, Mr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face. He couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the audience behind him.

I found that they were all watching the movie intently as Chen Li'an said, and their confidence in the performance slowly built up.

Mr. Zhou turned his head and looked at Chen Li'an with some emotion and said, "Li'an, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? Your good acting is your talent." Chen Li'an smiled and said, "I said you are a born actor. After this movie, you don't have to worry about running out of roles."

Mr. Zhou said seriously: "Of course I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this role."

Chen Li'an replied in a low voice: "Let's thank you verbally when we go back tonight."

Mr. Zhou was stunned for a moment. Is this a serious verbal thank you?

But it doesn't matter, as long as you don't swing on the swing, it's too exciting and I can't stand it.

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