Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 228 226 Chen Li'an: I don't want to be a model!

Chapter 228 226. Chen Li'an: I don't want to be a model!

The hot summer and sultry weather made everyone feel irritable, but when they stepped into the exhibition hall, they seemed to feel the cold wind blowing from the distant snow-capped mountains, instantly dispelling all the heat in their hearts.

In the center of the exhibition hall, Chen Li'an was introducing the theme of this film festival to everyone.

“In the busy modern society, everyone is busy surviving, stumbling forward under the influence of the times. Daily food, fuel, salt, fame and fortune are filling every corner of our lives. How long have we not stopped to examine ourselves? In my heart, go and see the poetry and distance in my heart.”

In the ethereal sound of the prayer wheel, Chen Li'an's words seemed to come from the sound of pious chanting from high heaven. Chen Li'an's line skills have always been excellent. Under his narration, everyone's hearts became calm, and they became peaceful and pure under the reflection of the "snow mountain".

In the corner of the exhibition hall, Director Yang felt the coolness brought by the breeze. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Chen Li'an's "magic" speech.

Artists are often no different from charlatans.

Li Dabai looked at Chen Li'an with admiration, turned to Director Yang and said, "Teacher Yang, is this film festival a success?"

Curator Yang said with a smile: "Can it be successful? This kid has mastered the visual, auditory and tactile skills. I think art in the future will really become a variety of carriers and media."

Hearing Director Yang's words, Li Dabai couldn't help but laugh. He was proud of Chen Li'an and fortunate to be his assistant.

Among the crowd in the exhibition hall, several reporters took photos of Chen Li'an with cameras to record this film festival.

Such a unique way of exhibition made reporters who are used to seeing art exhibitions find it novel and unique.

It seems that every new work of Chen Li'an will have a different presentation method. He is always at the forefront of artistic development and breaks the tradition again and again.

There are many people who feel the same way, and even many artists are thinking about Chen Li'an's new approach.

The form and carrier of art no longer seem to be a single color and canvas, nor a photo. From Chen Li'an's award-winning Jiangnan-themed oil paintings to the last installation art, these artists have seen him breaking through bit by bit. Traditional limitations.

Some people like this approach, while others don't, thinking that Chen Li'an is being mysterious.

However, such voices are insignificant among the numerous recognitions and praises. There is a need for a model to represent the restless young artists, someone needs to guide this group of people, and a model is needed to break the demonization of art by the public.

Several highly influential performance art activities took place in Beijing last year. Eleven naked young men and women used their bodies to increase the height of an unknown mountain peak by one meter.

This caused a great sensation at the time. In addition, many domestic performance artists were influenced by the Western avant-garde, and their performance art became increasingly abnormal and extreme.

Naked bodies can no longer satisfy many extreme artists, and they have even begun cutting off flesh, cannibalism, feeding people oil, playing with corpses and other radical behaviors.

They constantly challenge the physical limits of artists and constantly impact the public's perception of art.

This kind of influence is extremely bad, because most people create for the purpose of attracting attention.

Especially after Chen Li'an and several artists did an installation art this year, there was even a saying in the circle.

"If you are not good at painting, then you will make an installation. If you are not good at the installation, then you will make performance art."

It can be seen that its bad influence has reached a point where even people in the industry can't bear it, let alone the public's view of it.

1996 was an extremely extraordinary year, including the TH crisis, nearly two million public security cases, the ensuing secondary crackdown, the promotion of the comprehensive gun ban bill, the failure of the Yangtze River space rocket, and the millions of immigrants from the Three Gorges , tens of millions of workers were laid off, and so on.

Almost every labor pain will touch the nerves of some people, and those who are most likely to be touched are those engaged in art and literature.

The pain of social change has been bloody revealed this year, so much so that many people have become confused and acted excessively in the pain.

At such a time, Chen Li'an's film exhibition is like a ray of warm sunshine in winter, forming a strong contrast with those restless and extreme performance arts.

Who doesn’t like such an artist?

Journalists in the exhibition hall recorded the significance of this film festival, and even video art artists held up cameras to record the film festival.

Perhaps in more than ten years, Chen Li'an's series of artistic performances will become an important symbol of the development of Chinese contemporary art.

Of course, this takes time to verify. The development of art is always unpredictable, and it will give you a big turn when you least expect it.

After the film festival ended that day, Chen Li'an accepted an interview as usual and talked about his understanding of performance art.

Chen Li'an has always been cautious about his understanding and speech about art. He is not afraid of saying something deviant, but he thinks that many of his understandings are superficial.

Everyone has a different understanding and cognition of art. Chen Li'an will not advocate his own ideas, nor does he want to shape himself into an art master.

However, these reporters still like Chen Li'an's cautious speech. There are too many young artists who act recklessly and radically, which makes them feel disgusted. In comparison, they prefer artists like Chen Li'an.

Always make breakthroughs in your own works, rather than breaking through restrictions and conventions in your speech and behavior.

After the interview ended for more than an hour, Chen Li'ancai and Li Dabai came out of the National Art Museum of China.

Looking at the darkening sky, Chen Li'an touched his stomach and said, "I'm hungry and want to eat braised noodles."

"Going to Jinyang Restaurant?" Li Dabai looked at Chen Li'an and asked.

Chen Li'an shook his head and said, "I don't want to go out to eat."

Eat at home? That is to make it yourself. Li Dabai is not very confident in his craftsmanship. Home cooking is okay, but he is really not good at making braised noodles.

Chen Li'an looked at Li Dabai's unconfident look and said, "You send me to Zhushikou, and I'll go find my master for a meal."

"Oh, okay." Li Dabai breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Ten minutes later, Chen Lian returned to Zhushikou and returned to the courtyard where he grew up. He greeted the elders and aunties in the courtyard and went straight to Uncle Qi's house. As soon as he opened the curtain and entered, he smelled the smell of three delicacies being marinated.

"Master, your craftsmanship is getting better and better. Just smelling it makes me hungry." Chen Li'an walked in with a playful smile, looked at Uncle Qi who was eating noodles, and took the bowl to the pot to scoop some noodles without any courtesy. Bowl of noodles.

Uncle Qi glanced at him and ignored him. He waited until Chen Li'an poured marinade on the noodles before asking, "How come you have the time to come back today?"

"I'm just thinking about it." Chen Li'an licked his lips with satisfaction after taking a big mouthful of noodles, looked at Uncle Qi and said, "I've been too busy recently and haven't had time to come over. I'll come over to see you if I'm not busy today."

Uncle Qi looked at Chen Li'an with a trace of fatigue on his eyebrows, and without saying anything, he got up and went to make another pot of noodles.

Chen Li'an watched the white noodles being cooked, laughed, and ate the noodles faster.

More than twenty minutes later, after eating three bowls of noodles, Chen Li'an leaned back comfortably on his chair, looked at Uncle Qi who was smoking and said, "Master, what have you been busy with recently? Have you made any progress with Aunt Wang?"

Uncle Qi glanced at Chen Li'an before saying: "Recently, the streets have said that guns will be confiscated. I have been helping to count them door to door these past two days."

Chen Li'an hummed and suddenly sat up and said, "Master, I seem to have a gun at home."

"I've already handed it in."

"You are still reliable! Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure!"

"I'm really old, and I don't know when I can have a grandson. The grandson of Mr. Li next door is already a fool."

"Come on, come on, I'll bring you two back in a few months."


Uncle Qi looked at Chen Li'an and was speechless. The hand holding the pipe paused for a moment. He looked at him and asked, "You're not going to make this little girl's belly bigger. When are you going to get married? Is it Bai Qing?"

Chen Li'an coughed unnaturally, pretended to stand up and stretched his waist and said, "Well, I'm not planning to get married. I'll show you when the baby is born. I'll leave first if I have anything else to do!"

After saying that, Chen Li'an ran away. Uncle Qi was stunned for a moment in the room before he realized what he was doing. He couldn't help but cursed: "You little bastard! If you do such an outrageous thing, I'd have caught you and shot him!"

It's a pity that Chen Li'an has run out of the yard and can't hear it anymore, but this year's severe crackdown is different from the last time. Chen Li'an's kind of holding him to death is considered a style problem, and it is not illegal!

Chen Li'an, who had eaten and drank enough, wandered aimlessly in the night. During this time, he was either busy filming or chatting with the girls. He was really tired.

It's been a long time since Chen Li'an wandered around alone. Chen Li'an's schedule will be full for the next period of time, so there won't be much leisurely alone time.

After wandering in the night for more than half an hour, Chen Li'an returned to his home, took a shower and went to bed.

Chen Li'an's film exhibition continued in the next few days, but his name once again became the focus of the art circle.

There are very few artists who can appear in magazines and newspapers as frequently as Chen Li'an. There are even extreme artists who secretly disdain Chen Li'an, thinking that he is just a flatterer.

It's unclear how much of this slander is envy, jealousy and hatred, and Chen Li'an doesn't have time to argue with those people.

However, this voice soon subsided. China Photography and Popular Photography reported on Chen Li'an's photo exhibition, and the chief executive of the Photography Association also singled out Chen Li'an for praise.

The chairman and vice-chairman of the Photographers Association both spoke. Those who were gossiping didn't dare to say anything. Even Chen Li'an, who had been praised, didn't dare to say anything.

These days, the water in traditional associations in the literary and art world is too deep, and there are too many big names. Whether it is the Artists Association, the Writers Association, the Photographers Association, or the Dramatists Association, there are many big names gathered, and many of them are old-timers among the old-timers.

In comparison, the Filmmakers Association seems to be very low-level, not on the same level at all.

Curator Yang also tricked Chen Li'an into asking him to take this opportunity to join the Photography Association, but Chen Li'an refused without even thinking.

With my small arms and legs, it’s okay to go to the Filmmakers Association, so I might as well forget about going to the Photographers Association.

The vice chairman is so awesome. A troubled young man like Chen Li'an with a problematic style should not get in front of others.

However, after such an experience, Chen Li'an seemed to have been stamped in the domestic literary and art circles, focusing on Miao Hong!

Based on this, Chen Li'an can't be considered as such, he can only be considered as Miao Hong.

Chen Li'an has been very low-key these days. He only shows his face at the film festival every day and then runs away. Director Wang specifically requested that he join the Artists Association, so the Photographers Association forgot about it.

Wherever I go, people call me Teacher Chen Li'an. If I weren't young, people would call me Master.

What made Chen Li'an feel most helpless was that when he went to the Red River Valley crew, everyone on the set looked at him wrong.

In the past, I used to call Li An affectionately, but now I call him Teacher Chen. Even when I meet other colleagues who come to the set to promote the movie, I am polite to Chen Li An.

Those who don’t know better think that Chen Li’an is a big shot in the entertainment industry. Chen Li’an is really a bit baffled. Isn’t he just being praised? Is it such an exaggeration?

Chen Li'an felt like he was a talented scholar in ancient times who was favored by the royal family, and his status was promoted a bit too fast.

Backstage at the movie theater during the screening, Feng Xiaoning looked at Chen Li'an enviously and said, "You are still good at art!"

"Director Feng, as I said, movies are also art." Chen Li'an said with a smile.

Feng Xiaoning shrugged his shoulders and said, "Come on, in the literary and art world, movies are ranked lower than dancing and singing."

"That's enough. It's not as exaggerated as you said." Chen Li'an looked at Feng Xiaoning and said, "It's just that the emphasis on it is different now. You can take a look again in a few years."

Film and television do not have much standing in the literary and art world, but they will be very important in the future. There is no way to deny this.

Feng Xiaoning lit a cigarette and looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "Why didn't you join the Photographers Association? The person above really likes your work, why don't you go and pay homage to the mountain?"

Chen Li'an shook his head and said, "There's no need for little people like us, just keep doing your own art."

"You are so open-minded. I don't know how many people envy you behind your back." Feng Xiaoning took a puff of cigarette and said, "I even fucking envy you."

Chen Li'an couldn't help but smile and said: "I still envy you. Don't mention this, just continue to promote it. I'm waiting for the movie to be released and become a hit."

Feng Xiaoning couldn't help but said: "You are not popular yet!"

"This red is different from that red." After Chen Li'an said casually, he took Feng Xiaoning to the screening room to continue promoting.

Don't delve too deeply into some things, and be content with a little trickery. Chen Li'an just wants to keep a low profile now. Some things are false and will be broken at the first glance.

No matter what others say, Chen Li'an never regards himself as an art master.

Chen Li'an attended two screenings in the past few days, and then he didn't show up much.

There were still two days before the movie was released, so Chen Li'an had some free time and was waiting to attend the premiere on the day of the premiere.

Downstairs from Chen Li'an's house, Li Dabai looked at Chen Li'an who came out of the unit building and asked, "Teacher Chen, why are you still living there? There is still an empty villa."

"That one is for Gong Li. She will return to China in two months." Chen Li'an explained casually, got into the car and said, "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Li Dabai couldn't help but curled his lips secretly, why didn't he see you anxious before, but now he is anxious to see Liu Xiaoli, men are all duplicitous!

On the other side, Liu Xiaoli was practicing dancing in the dance studio specially decorated for her by Chen Li'an. Next to her, Sissi, who was imitating the same pattern, was holding hands in a flowery manner, and her chubby little arms looked a bit funny.

Liu Xiaoli looked at herself in the mirror. It seemed that time had not left too many traces on her face. Her figure was still graceful, her skin was still tight, and the charm between her eyebrows was moving enough.

After spinning around in place, Liu Xiaoli panted slightly and stopped practicing her dance. Chen Li'an would come over tonight, so she had to prepare in advance.

After Liu Xiaoli ran to take a shower, she sat in the bedroom and looked at herself in the mirror with wet hair. She didn't know what she suddenly thought of, her face turned slightly red, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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