Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 234 232 Paparazzi’s Gossip

Chapter 234 232. Paparazzi’s Gossip

Kowloon City is particularly lively at night, but it's just not like in the Young and Dangerous movies, where there are so many street gangs killing people on the street.

At the entrance of Jiahe Theater, there was a red carpet with many flower baskets on both sides of the red carpet, and many reporters took photos on both sides.

Although Nanjing's Christ in Xiangjiang is not a big production, and the male and female protagonists are not local actors in Xiangjiang, many viewers are still familiar with the male and female protagonists.

After all, "Feng Yue" starring Chen Li'an was still released in Xiangjiang two months ago, but the box office and reputation were not very good, but there are still many viewers who can remember Chen Li'an.

Who makes him handsome? Even if the Hong Kong audience is not interested in mainland actors, his good looks will always make people remember him.

What's more, Chen Li'an just appeared on ATV's talk show the day before yesterday. The guests who participated were top celebrities like Zhang Guorong and Zhang Manyu. Many people who didn't know Chen Li'an before also got to know Chen Li'an through this program.

As for Tomita Yasuko, she also has some popularity with the audience in Hong Kong. After all, she was popular for two years in the 1980s. Many people in Hong Kong still remember this Japanese actress, so there are also many viewers who came to her tonight.

It's a bit funny to say that when they saw the poster, many viewers thought the heroine was Zhou Huimin without looking carefully.

Of course, there is another reason why most people come here, and that is that there are many people who come to help the movie platform.

Not to mention Wang Zuxian, Leslie Cheung, and the princess, Carina Lau, who is from the mainland and has played mahjong several times, is also here. But the most unexpected one is Zhang Manyu.

Chen Li'an didn't expect that she would come over. He sat in the car and watched her walk up the red carpet and up the steps of the theater in a decent dress.

Zhang Manyu greeted reporters with a smile and answered a few questions.

"Maggie, are you ready to come back and continue filming?"

"Maggie, why did you come to the premiere of this movie? Are you and Chen Li'an good friends?"

Zhang Manyu stopped and looked at the reporter and said, "First of all, I have already filmed a movie in France. Secondly, my brother and I are both good friends of Chen Li'an."

After saying this with a smile, Zhang Manyu posed and walked into the theater.

The appearance of Zhang Manyu didn't make too big a splash. The appearance of Princess Wang and Carina Lau made it a little more lively. Princess Wang's new album this year was a huge hit. Liu Jialing's "Ouchi Secret Agent" starring Zhou Xingxing two months ago was also a box office hit. Damn, the popularity is at its peak.

However, the reporter did not embarrass the princess and Liu Jialing. They are both from the mainland. It seems normal to come to support Chen Li'an. Moreover, Liu Jialing and Ou Dingping have a very good relationship, and everyone knows it.

What really excited the reporters was that after Wang Zuxian and Leslie Cheung appeared together, Wang Zuxian officially participated in an event for the first time in more than a year after quitting the industry. It was difficult not to attract attention.

The most important thing is that many reporters remembered that the last time Wang Zuxian's gossip was spread, the person who appeared at the same time as her was Chen Li'an. Especially the middle finger that Chen Li'an raised at the reporter at that time had the feeling of turning anger into beauty.

Who can be a reporter in Xiangjiang who is not a strong person with full Lenovo ability and rumor-mongering ability! A little association of these two points will create a wonderful little composition in my mind.

As soon as Wang Zuxian appeared, she was immediately surrounded by reporters, and the microphones and camera lenses almost hit her face.

"Are you dating Chen Li'an?"

"Are you planning to come back?"

"Will you change your mind if Qi Qin confesses to you in the album?"

Zhang Guorong took the initiative to stand in front of Wang Zuxian and said rudely: "Don't talk nonsense like that! Get out of the way!"

Fortunately, Zhang Guorong was silent. As soon as he spoke, the reporters immediately started gossiping again and chased him to ask questions.

"Why did you come to Ou Dingping's premiere? Aren't you angry that he married Maomao?"

Hearing this question, Zhang Guorong's face became even more ugly. He and Maomao happened so many years ago! These reporters really have no limits!

Zhang Guorong was just about to get angry when he felt Wang Zuxian pulling him from behind.

Zhang Guorong knew what Wang Zuxian meant, so he snorted at the reporters and stopped answering their questions.

Wang Zuxian followed Zhang Guorong without saying a word. With the help of Zhang Guorong and the security guards, he slowly passed through the crowd. The expression on his face was very calm, as if he could not hear these malicious questions.

Chen Li'an had persuaded her before coming, but she didn't want to miss this opportunity. This was Chen Li'an's first male lead movie to be released in Hong Kong, and it was also his first official appearance in Hong Kong.

It would be a shame if you missed it.

Chen Li'an looked at Wang Zuxian who was surrounded by reporters from a distance, and frowned. If it wasn't the premiere today, he would have to go down and clean up those reporters.

Ou Dingping looked back at Chen Li'an and said, "Don't worry, these reporters can only scream."

Tomita Yasuko glanced at Chen Li'an. Although he didn't know what was going on outside, seeing Ou Dingping turning around to comfort Chen Li'an, he probably guessed the relationship between him and Wang Zuxian.

She is familiar with Wang Zuxian, who is very popular in Japan, even more popular than her, a local artist.

Chen Li'an nodded, indicating that he understood the importance. However, he still turned to look at Maomao, who was sitting with Ou Dingping, wondering if she would be embarrassed later.

Soon Wang Zuxian and Zhang Guorong went in. The reporters outside did not get any answers they wanted. It was a pity that they were discussing with each other.

When the princess in the theater saw Wang Zuxian and Leslie Cheung come in, a strange expression flashed across her face. She actually wanted to be treated like that just now. Why didn't those damn reporters guess the relationship between her and Chen Li'an.

However, the princess still felt a little bit embarrassed about Wang Zuxian. She had been occupying Chen Li'an these days. Every time Chen Li'an and Wang Zuxian were on the phone at night, she would make trouble next to them.

Not to mention, it was quite exciting. Chen Li'an didn't dare to reveal any flaws, so he could only let her do whatever he wanted. He felt a strange joy in stealing someone's husband.

Cheng Shufen, as the main investor in the film, is currently greeting the friends who came to the platform today. Not to mention the previous big-name stars, other small stars and some of Ou Dingping's director and screenwriter friends all need her help. .

Ou Dingping and the others haven't entered the venue yet, but they will soon.

Outside the theater, Ou Dingping looked back at Chen Li'an and Yasuko Tomita and said, "It's time for us to appear. Don't be angry when reporters ask you anything later."

Ou Ding said the next sentence while looking into Chen Li'an's eyes.

Chen Li'an relaxed his shoulders and said, "Of course, today is the movie premiere. I will just walk through the whole show with a smile without saying a word."

Ou Dingping nodded with relief, then opened the door and got out of the car. With him was his wife Maomao, and Chen Li'an and Tomita Yasuko.

When they appeared, they immediately attracted excited reporters. For a while, the entire theater entrance was full of dogs barking, and they cursed themselves.

"Why did you choose mainland actors and Japanese actresses? Do you want to move closer to the mainland?"

"Would you feel embarrassed if Leslie Cheung came to attend your husband's premiere?"

"What is your relationship with Wang Zuxian? Are you dating?"

"Ms. Yasuko Tomita, how do you feel about filming in Hong Kong this time?"

All kinds of questions came to his face. Chen Li'an felt like there was a buzzing sound all around him. He really wanted to pull out their intestines and wrap them around their necks twice!

You talk so much, why don’t you play the role of Tang Monk!

Ou Dingping and Maomao were both used to such scenes and answered moderate questions with smiles on their faces, while Chen Li'an and Tomita Yasuko basically didn't speak.

Tomita Yasuko couldn't understand Cantonese, and Chen Li'an didn't translate for her, so she could only remain silent with a smile.

Chen Li'an was simply too lazy to answer those questions, none of which were related to the movie. A group of reporters only knew gossip, which was annoying.

Patience and maintaining his polite demeanor was the limit of what Chen Li'an could do.

Reporters in Xiangjiang seem to be born with no professional ethics. To be precise, their profession is not reporters but paparazzi. They dare to ask questions and arrange anything. Chen Li'an's silence is actually a very wise choice.

If what he said was misinterpreted by reporters, that would be truly disgusting.

After trudging into the theater, Tomita Yasuko, who had been silent for the whole time, asked in a low voice: "What were they asking just now? They looked crazy."

"Gossip, they want to see us lose our composure and then make a big news." Chen Li'an explained casually.

Yasuko Tomita showed her original expression and said with a smile: "Journalists all over the world are the same, but the gossip magazines in Hong Kong are a little more exaggerated."

Chen Li'an didn't have much experience with this. The interviews he received from reporters in Beijing and Paris were normal and serious, and there were no such nonsense questions.

Perhaps because the circles are different, the reporters are naturally different too.

Thinking of reporter Chen Li'an, he thought of the reporter he met at the first film festival. He didn't know how he was doing now. At first, he said he wanted to expose the shady story of the health care product industry, but a year later, there was no news at all.

Nowadays, the sales of health care products are getting more and more popular. The annual sales of three strains are already 8 billion. Thinking of this, Chen Li'an had a bad feeling in his heart. The reporter might have given in or something might have happened.

While Chen Li'an was thinking, Wang Zuxian had already walked over to the theater. Seeing Yasuko Tomita still holding Chen Li'an's hand, something strange flashed in her eyes.

Yasuko Tomita let go of Chen Li'an's hand with great discernment, greeted Wang Zuxian politely, and then took the initiative to move in the direction of Ou Dingping.

Chen Li'an looked at Wang Zuxian and couldn't help but hold her hand and said, "I just wronged you."

"I'm fine, I've long been used to it." Wang Zuxian gently pulled out her hand and said, "Reporters will be coming in soon, don't be seen."

Chen Li'an said helplessly: "These reporters are really annoying. I will stay with you after the premiere."

"Well, let's go, you are the protagonist tonight." Wang Zuxian joked with a smile.

Tonight's Chen Li'an is really not the protagonist. In an environment like the entertainment industry, whoever is famous and has the resources is the protagonist. Chen Li'an is not famous in Hong Kong, and no one will regard him as the protagonist.

Not many of the people here today know the details of Chen Li'an. Whether they are artists or the owners of the most popular VCD brand in the Mainland, not many people know.

Everyone is not in the same circle, and no one cares about whether you are an artist or not. Even if the news about Chen Li'an winning an award in Venice was published in Hong Kong newspapers before, few people really remembered it.

At this moment, everyone was surrounding the big directors and stars. Almost no one paid attention to Chen Li'an, who only regarded him as a backdrop behind the director.

On the twenty-third of that year, I stood like a gangster at the premiere.

Chen Li'an was bored and was about to find a place to chat with Wang Zuxian, but Zhang Guorong and the others came over on their own initiative.

Zhang Guorong came over and said with a smile: "Do you feel ignored?"

"I wish I could." Chen Li'an looked at those people who were flattering and deliberately making friends with the boss, and couldn't help but said: "I am different from them."

"It's different, you are the big boss." The princess took the initiative to join in the fun and joked.

Chen Li'an couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. He was considered a big boss of woolen clothing now. He might not be able to do it this year, but he would be close to it next year.

The princess snickered and glanced at Wang Zuxian secretly. Seeing her standing next to Chen Li'an, looking like a good wife and mother, she couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Chen Li'an made an agreement with her not to reveal their relationship to others, but to just be good friends secretly, at least in Xiangjiang.

Thinking of the princess, he became even more jealous. He knew that Chen Li'an was doing this not to irritate Wang Zuxian, which meant that he was not as important as Wang Zuxian in his heart.

"You were just a little early. Sooner or later, you'll get hooked!" The princess snorted in her heart and made up her mind to continue to pester Chen Li'an in the next few days.

Chen Li'an seemed to see what the princess was thinking, and looked at her before looking away.

They are all good friends and no one is more important than the other. Anyway, in Chen Li'an's mind, everyone is the same and they must be equal!


The communication session before the premiere ended quickly. It is very important to show the movie on time.

It's going to start at eight o'clock, so it's a good omen.

There are quite a lot of particularities in this aspect in Xiangjiang. Chen Li'an feels that this city is really strange. Although it modernized so early, most people here believe in gods and ghosts.

Maybe life is too hard and there is no hope of advancement, so I have to put my hope in the gods.

After the movie started, the theater became quiet. Chen Li'an and Tomita Yasuko sat together and looked back at the princess who was talking to Wang Zuxian, wondering if she would cause trouble.

However, the princess is very experienced in such sneaky things and should not cause trouble.

Chen Li'an took one look and then withdrew his gaze, turning his attention back to the screen.

As the movie was being shown, there were some noises from the audience in the theater. Many viewers didn't like this kind of literary film and found it neither funny nor enjoyable.

The only thing that can attract them to watch is the heroine Tomita Yasuko. She is too pure in the movie, and some of the shots are very large, which is very attractive.

Men, what they like most are not the ones that are hot, but the ones that are pure and full of temptation, as if they were asked to choose between Lou Feng and schoolgirls.

This is the perspective of most male viewers, while female viewers are relatively emotional and attracted by the plot, as well as the passionate scenes between Chen Li'an and Tomita Yasuko in the movie.

Especially when Chen Li'an's good figure was shown in the movie, many female viewers couldn't help but curl up their lips.

There are also a lot of female viewers who came here just for a little bit. Chen Li'an showed off her figure in the drama "Feng Yue" and had a passionate scene with Gong Li, which was very seductive.

This part of the female audience came here just to watch the meat.

Who knows that Hong Kong's third-level films are all for men, and very few are for women, and even fewer male stars are willing to show off their bodies in movies.

There were many little sisters in the audience whispering quietly.

"It's really sexy."

"The figure is great. Did you notice that there was no shot just now? He is so big there."

"Wow, isn't it? You've seen all this?"

"I'm talking about chest muscles! Where did you think they were!"

"I'm talking about the chest muscles too!"

"He is such a sexy lover. I really want to watch him do level 3."

Not only ordinary viewers found Chen Li'an in the movie very attractive, but several female stars who came to the stage also thought Chen Li'an was extremely sexy.

I don’t know if Ou Dingping’s photography is good or if he is very sexy in nature.

Of course it’s inherently sexy! Wang Zuxian, the princess and Tomita Yasuko personally certified it!

Sisters, don’t worry and rush boldly, we have tested it for you!

(I will update another chapter later. I have been unlucky these past two days. The company has to work overtime and the book is being targeted. It gives me a headache.)

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