Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 246 244 Poisonous Oleander

Chapter 246 244. Poisonous Oleander

In the quiet night, in the brightly lit study, the tip of the pencil made a rustling sound on the white paper.

Chen Li'an was hunched over his desk and sketching intently. The pencil drew beautiful lines, forming a minimalist interior design drawing on the paper.

What Chen Li'an painted was the art space he conceived, and it was finally time for this project to be launched.

Wang Zuxian and Cheng Shufen had already called him to tell him that the property in Xiangjiang had been rectified and they were waiting for Chen Li'an to go to Xiangjiang to officially start work.

In addition to drawing design drawings, Chen Li'an also has meetings with young artists in Beijing in the studio these days, hoping to reach cooperation with them and bring their works to Hong Kong.

However, the specific work would be very troublesome to execute. It took Chen Li'an almost half a year to complete this matter, and the art space would be officially unveiled when the 97 Xiangjiang returned.

It can be regarded as a celebration of the return of Xiangjiang.

The rustling sound of painting in the room suddenly stopped. Chen Li'an saw that the pen tip was no longer sharp. He was about to pick up the utility knife to sharpen the pencil when his cell phone rang.

Chen Li'an put down the pencil in his hand, took a look at the phone, moved his eyebrows slightly and pressed the answer button.

After Chen Li'an answered the phone, he said hello and said no more.

Yu Feihong, who was on the other end of the phone, suddenly felt a little nervous after the call was connected, and didn't know what to say.

There was only a faint noise from the receiver, which made the short silence feel extra long. Yu Feihong held the phone in both hands and bit her lip gently and said, "Are you there?"

"I am here."

Chen Li'an's voice reached Yu Feihong's ears through the mobile phone, making her feel extremely calm, and all her original tension disappeared at this moment.

"I'm going back to the United States the day after tomorrow." Yu Feihong finished speaking softly and waited quietly for Chen Li'an's answer.

As if the two had known each other for many years, Chen Li'an said nothing else and directly asked: "Where are you?"

"I'm at home." Yu Feihong replied quickly, and then gave her address.

"I'll be there soon."

"I'm waiting for you."

Neither of them cared that it was already past eleven o'clock in the morning, and they didn't say anything about what they were going to do when they met. It seemed that everything was settled in the brief silence just now.

On the quiet street, the dim street lights kept retreating. Chen Li'an sat in the taxi, looking at his palms stained with pencil dust, and smiled helplessly.

Because I was so anxious to get out, I forgot to wash my hands.

As for why he was so anxious, Chen Li'an couldn't explain the reason. It seemed that he was angry at Gao Yuanyuan during the day and wanted to find a different kind of comfort.

The car soon arrived at Yu Feihong's home, which was in a community not far from the Workers' Stadium. The location was not particularly good, but the environment of the community was very good.

Chen Li'an followed the signs in the community and came downstairs to Yu Feihong's house. He looked up at the lighted balcony on the third floor and happened to see Yu Feihong on the balcony.

Chen Li'an smiled at Yu Feihong in the light of the unit downstairs, just like the ghost hero standing under the ginkgo tree in the novel, smiling at the heroine who had long forgotten him.

Yu Feihong clearly saw Chen Li'an's smile, and her originally calm heart suddenly beat faster. When Chen Li'an's figure disappeared from the unit door, she came back to her senses.

On the spacious balcony, there was a small table with a vase with two fresh oleanders in it.

Yu Feihong looked at the two gorgeous oleanders that were entangled together, took a deep breath and walked towards the living room.

When she walked to the door and opened it, Chen Li'an happened to walk outside.

The moment their eyes collided, they never separated again, just like two oleanders in a vase on the balcony.

The flower language of oleander is very interesting, representing false beauty. The beautiful pink flowers contain poison, representing the illusion of romance.

The relationship between Chen Li'an and Yu Feihong is like an oleander. The illusory emotions derived from the novel are about to taste the poison contained in each other at this moment.

When Chen Li'an walked into the room and the door was closed, the room was so quiet that only the hot breathing of the two people could be heard.

No need to say anything, the two of them hugged each other in a tacit understanding, looked into each other's lustful eyes, and kissed passionately.

The overhead light on the ceiling emitted a soft light, and the shadows of the two fell on the ground and entangled together, and soon they were indistinguishable from each other.

Yu Feihong's shadow falls on the wall. Its outline is slender and sexy, forming a perfect curve, like a stretched bow.

A pair of white hands grasped the edge of the sofa, her long black hair hung down and swayed back and forth, and her melodious cry was like a romantic serenade.

Along with the dull beating sound, a unique rhythm is formed.

After an unknown amount of time, a white and red foot dropped from the sofa to the ground, its toes slightly curled up as if enjoying the pleasure after the peak.

Chen Li'an tied up Yu Feihong's long hair, exposing her beautiful earlobes, and raised his hand to gently wipe the sweat from her neck.

Yu Feihong lay on Chen Li'an's body, looking at the pencil marks on his chest with blurred eyes. She couldn't help but snorted slightly, opened her red lips and bit the skin on his collarbone.

The slight pain on the collarbone made Chen Li'an couldn't help but pat Yu Feihong lightly, making a crisp sound.

Yu Feihong raised his head and looked at Chen Li'an, put his hands on him and sat up.

He gently grabbed his waist with his little hands, then lay down again, letting out a contented sigh.

The romantic and passionate night has not yet passed, and the serenade sounds again in the quiet summer night.

It's just that this time it's more intense, and the dense drum beats bring deep soul-deep impact to Yu Feihong again and again.

After an unknown amount of time, one oleander on the balcony lost all its moisture and was quietly inserted into another oleander, losing all its vitality. But it is covered with dew and is bright and fresh.

When the sky dimmed, Chen Li'an left Yu Feihong's house in the dim light of the morning.

Yu Feihong lay on the bed and wanted to sleep for a while, but she couldn't fall asleep. She was very tired but mentally excited. She was fascinated by her experience and feelings last night.

I even had a bold idea in my mind, but thinking about my unfinished studies, I calmed down instantly.

Yu Feihong, who was tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, looked at the Ginkgo book on the bedside, and couldn't help but take it into his hand and read it.

Only a few tens of thousands of words made Yu Feihong so fascinated. The past few days of knowing Chen Li'an were like a novel brought into reality.

But Yu Feihong felt that it was not satisfying, and she suddenly really wanted to bring the novel into reality.

Yu Feihong closed the book and put it on his chest, looked at the ceiling and murmured: "Maybe it can be made into a movie."

If Chen Li'an knew what Yu Feihong was thinking, he would definitely advise her to take action early, otherwise it would take more than ten years for it to be made into a movie and no one would watch it.

There was still a market for movies like this in the 1990s, but no one wanted to watch them ten years later.

Moreover, the censorship system in the 1990s was relatively less stringent. As long as it did not involve some sensitive topics like the sixth-generation directors, the film could be well publicized after its release.

Of course, all this depends on Yu Feihong's thoughts. Chen Li'an has no time to care about whether she wants to make a movie now.

The TV series he invested in hasn't been finalized yet, and Zhang Guoli hasn't even called him to tell him what he's going to do next.

Li Dabai also called and said that the crew did not have much money, and if there were more follow-up funds, the filming would be stopped in a week at most.

Chen Li'an went home at around eight o'clock, took a shower and changed clothes, and came to the company. As soon as he entered Meiren Chen's office, he saw a woman sitting opposite her.

Chen Li'an took a closer look and recognized that this woman was Deng Jie. After he nodded at her and sat down, he glanced at Chen Meiren and asked, "Are you here to talk about Kangxi?"

The moment Deng Jie saw Chen Li'an, she had a bad feeling that the investment she came to make today might be in vain.

Chen Meiren nodded and said, "Yes, Deng Jie came here to talk about this matter, and you came before I even said it."

After explaining to Chen Li'an, Chen Meiren looked at Deng Jie and asked: "Continue to tell me what the crew is going to do next."

Deng Jie glanced at Chen Li'an and hesitated before speaking out the plan they discussed.

"The crew's funds are running low. Even if we speed up the filming process later, we will still need at least 6.5 million in funds."

Deng Jie originally wanted to say 600,000, but because Chen Li'an was there, he subconsciously said less than 100,000, so that this amount would not arouse Chen Li'an's resentment.

After hearing Deng Jie's words, Chen Li'an and Chen Meiren looked at each other. This sentence did not mention why the crew had no money, but corruption could not be brought to the table.

Chen Meiren thought for a moment, noticed that Chen Li'an shook his head slightly, and then took the initiative to say: "Do you want us to continue investing?"

"Yes." Deng Jie nodded lightly and looked at Chen Meiren and said, "The filming is almost finished now, and there is only a small amount of money left. If all the previous efforts are wasted, all the previous investment and efforts will be in vain."

After hearing Deng Jie's words, Chen Meiren was shaken in her heart. If the millions she invested before were wasted, she would be so distressed that she could not sleep for several days.

Now that we have finished filming, we only need to invest another 500,000 yuan to complete the filming. It really makes Miss Chen very excited.

Chen Li'an looked at Beauty Chen's somewhat shaken eyes and was about to speak, but was preempted by the keen Deng Jie.

Deng Jie looked at Meiren Chen and said seriously: "Not only are the millions of investments in the early stage in vain, but the profits from the auction are also gone. A direct loss of 10 to 20 million every time."

Originally, six million made Meiren a little shaken, but now it has become ten to twenty million, and she is even more anxious. This is the money for her son's milk powder!

Just when Chen Meiren was about to speak, Chen Li'an coughed and interrupted her.

Chen Meiren immediately turned to look at Chen Li'an, wondering what he wanted to say.

Deng Jie also looked at Chen Li'an and became nervous. She didn't know what was going on. Although she was several years older than Chen Li'an, she felt pressure on him inexplicably.

Chen Li'an cleared his throat, looked at Deng Jie and said, "The contract signed at the beginning was for an investment of six million. Now the problem of insufficient money lies with you. This problem needs to be solved by yourselves."

"The company will not continue to pursue investment. If we can finish the filming, we will finish it. If we can't finish the filming, I will not pay attention to it. But I don't like people who don't act in accordance with the contract, and I don't like people who don't have the ability." People, who knows if there will be another half million after investing half a million."

Chen Li'an was not so direct. After all, Deng Jie was a woman, and he would not get angry with a woman. If Zhang Guoli came today, Chen Li'an would definitely embarrass him.

But he was still angry. Why did he have the nerve to let his wife ask for money?

If Chen Li'an had no morals, there's no telling how Deng Jie could go back!

You have to invest several hundred million in shares!

Meiren Chen, who originally wanted to agree, hesitated when she heard Chen Li'an's words. She looked at him and was about to say something when she heard Chen Li'an speak again.

"If Kangxi dies, I will lose at most several million. It is not a big deal for us, but it is different for your husband. You have been in the capital for several years, and your life must be very difficult. Qingxingqing Cherish it.”

After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he stood up and said to Beauty Chen: "Isn't there an advertisement to be shot today? Let's go over and take a look."

After Chen Meiren knew Chen Li'an's thoughts, she no longer struggled. She stood up and said to Deng Jie: "I listen to my husband on this matter. You can go back and find a solution with your husband."

After talking, Chen Meiren and Chen Li'an went out. Deng Jie sat stupidly in the office and couldn't help but sigh. The last words Chen Meiren said made her feel ashamed.

Why is there such a big gap when they are both husbands! It doesn’t matter if you are not as good-looking as others, it doesn’t matter if you are older than others, but none of them are rich!

Not even half a million! You have to ask for money yourself! Deng Jie gets angry just thinking about it!

Outside the office, Chen Meiren took Chen Li'an's arm and asked, "I really don't want to pursue the investment anymore. Five hundred thousand is not much. I can make a lot of money after the filming is completed."

"It's not about money. You can't be taken advantage of." Chen Li'an looked at Chen Meiren and said, "Money is not the most important thing in the world, and it is also the easiest to get. Don't care so much."

"It's easy for you to say, so much money." Chen Meiren muttered, feeling very distressed that so much money was going down the drain.

Chen Li'an said helplessly: "If I gave this money, would you believe they would laugh to death behind their backs? I would rather lose money than become a joke."

Hearing what Chen Li'an said, Chen Meiren thought for a while and it seemed that it was really possible. It seemed that she couldn't pursue the investment.

Money is not as important as my husband’s face!

Chen Meiren, who wanted to understand, hugged Chen Li'an's arm and said with a smile: "I know, it's just a few million, how can my husband's face be important!"

Hearing Mei Chen calling her husband, Chen Li'an felt a little helpless. He could just call him at home. He had just called her husband in front of Deng Jie. How could he make good friends in the future if word spread about this!

Deng Jie in the office knew that there was no hope of asking for money this time, so she sighed and took her bag and left.

She was lucky today. At least she wasn't scolded by anyone. Deng Jie felt a little grateful for Chen Li'an's demeanor.

But Deng Jie is still angry with Zhang Guoli in her heart. When you take the money, you take the lead, and when you ask for the money, let yourself take the lead. How can you be a husband like this!

However, husband and wife are one, so the anger in Deng Jie's heart came and went quickly, and in the end she became angry with Zhang Zien.

After being greedy for so much money, I am willing to spit out 100,000 yuan! Otherwise, there would be no need for her to lick her face and ask for money!

The more Deng Jie thought about it, the angrier she became. She picked up the phone and called Zhang Guoli back.

"The money has not arrived! Chen Li'an said that the TV series will be aborted in the worst case. You tell Zhang Zien that he must take out the greedy money now, otherwise our efforts in the past few years will be in vain!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Deng Jie hung up the phone, took her bag and got into a taxi that had just parked in front of the company.

Gao Yuanyuan, who got off the passenger seat, turned to look at Deng Jie, then happily ran towards the company without paying attention.

Today I have to pester Chen Li'an to give me lessons! Disobedient students will have their palms slapped!

I hope Teacher Chen can be more strict!

I just don’t know if Meiren Chen came to the company today. If she came, would she be called Mr. Chen or Mistress.

It’s so exciting just thinking about it!

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