Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 254 252 Cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Japan

Chapter 254 252. Cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Japan

Since primitive times, human ancestors have learned to use leaves to cover their bodies, in order to protect themselves from wind and rain because of their sense of shame.

With the development of civilization, humans wear more and more clothes, and moral and aesthetic concepts are gradually established.

Clothes have been given more meanings than the single function of keeping out wind, rain and keeping warm, such as the taste evolved in modern society.

The reason why sexy underwear makes people feel sexy is because it loses the most essential meaning of clothes and human shame, and becomes a different kind of taboo.

Human beings always like challenges and excitement, and things with strong visual impact.

Chen Li'an is no exception. It can even be said that he likes excitement more than ordinary people. The aesthetic limits of ordinary people are far from making Chen Li'an excited.

As an artist, Chen Li'an's pursuit of many things is very extreme, otherwise those good sisters wouldn't scold him as a pervert every day.

Chen Li'an always felt that he was wronged. He was just more excited, but he still respected them in some games.

In the hotel room, Chen Li'an was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and shaking a wine glass in his hand, watching the surprise performance Li Dabai had prepared for him.

A person's Victoria's Secret show should be said to be a little secret show.

Li Dabai's figure is really top-notch. She came out of the dance troupe, and her temperament and figure are no worse than those of professional models.

When she put on those sexy clothes and started walking, Chen Li'an looked very worried, fearing that her center of gravity would become unstable. He really didn't know how he chose the dancer in the first place.

Such a figure is not suitable for dancing. Top dancers are almost all slender and thin. People like Li Dabai who tend to tilt their center of gravity forward will not achieve much.

Li Dabai walked up to Chen Li'an. As soon as he turned around and looked back, Chen Li'an grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

The broad palm gently pulled on the black silk sling, making a crisp sound.

Li Dabai grunted in pain, and Nuwai said in Chen Li'an's arms, "Teacher Chen, why don't you go out today?"

"It depends on your performance." Chen Li'an glanced at the time and said, "It's nine o'clock in the morning. If nothing else, Ding Ping will come to have lunch with me at eleven o'clock. You don't have much time."

"Hmph, then I'll feed you first and won't let you go out to eat!" Li Dabai turned over and looked at Chen Li'an condescendingly.

What can Li Dabai give Chen Li'an to eat? It's nothing more than some special dishes.

Meat, eggs, chicken with green onions, and juicy peaches can really feed Chen Li'an, making him so lazy that he doesn't even want to move.

However, Chen Li'an still went out at noon. It was not Ou Dingping who found him, but someone from Tokyo University of the Arts who found Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an originally wanted to refuse, but the other party mentioned Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges and his identity as an honorary professor of CAFA, so Chen Li'an couldn't refuse.

Li Dabai asked curiously while helping Chen Li'an get dressed: "Why is a Japanese a professor at CAFA?"

"What's weird about this? He's just an honorary professor. Many Chinese artists are honorary professors in foreign universities." Chen Li'an straightened his collar, looked at Li Dabai and said, "Ikuo Hirayama is very powerful. He was a professor in the 1970s. He held art exhibitions in China and is now the president of the China-Japan Cultural Exchange Association and the president of Tokyo University of the Arts."

Speaking of this, Chen Li'an suddenly remembered a report in a magazine he had read before. Ikuo Hirayama also donated hundreds of millions of yen to Dunhuang to protect Dunhuang culture.

He is a standard Buddhist, and the paintings he draws are basically Buddhist paintings. He is also a pacifist, maybe because he personally experienced the glory of the little boy in Hiroshima when he was a child.

"Then why is he looking for you?" Li Dabai rubbed his sore waist and asked curiously while sitting on the bed.

Chen Li'an shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, maybe it's for cultural exchange? Do you want to fulfill your responsibilities as president?"

Rather than guessing here, it’s better to go directly to Tokyo University of the Arts.

Mr. Li Shutong is also an alumnus here. Chen Li'an is still very curious about this school.

In the early 20th century, many people from China came here to study. Artists from Wanwan came the most, while there were relatively few from China.

Tokyo University of the Arts was very sincere and specially sent a car to pick up Chen Li'an. As soon as Li Dabai got in the car and was curious to talk to Chen Li'an, the driver in front of him took the initiative to say hello in Chinese.

"Hello, I'm Ido Muruji, nice to meet you."

Hearing the driver's proficient Chinese, Li Dabai was a little glad that he had not spoken just now, otherwise he would have said: Teacher Chen, the Japanese take you very seriously.

Chen Li'an didn't know what was going on in Li Dabai's mind. When he heard the name Ido Muruji, he immediately looked over curiously and said with some uncertainty, "Did we meet in Venice last year?"

"Yes, I was the host of the Japanese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale last year." Ido Muraji said with a smile, "It's just that we didn't know each other at the time."

Hearing Ido Muruji's confirmation, Chen Li'an couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Why did he take the initiative to be the driver?

Being the host of the National Pavilion means that you are not an ordinary person, just like the host of the China Pavilion who would randomly send a lecturer from the Academy of Fine Arts.

Ido Muraji's status in the Japanese art world is definitely not low, so why would he take the initiative to pick him up?

Chen Li'an didn't think much and asked directly: "Why did you come to pick me up?"

Ido Murerji smiled and said, "I would like to invite you to the Tokyo Art Festival."

The Tokyo Art Festival is the Tokyo Art Festival, and it is the most influential art festival in Japan. There are many art exhibitions in Japan, large and small, but the only truly influential one is the Tokyo Art Festival.

But in a few years there will be the Land Art Festival, and by then Tokyo’s art festival will truly blossom internationally.

"Hasn't it already started?" Chen Li'an asked curiously: "Do you want me to participate in next year's art festival?"

Ido Muruji nodded and said, "Yes, I hope you can participate in the Tokyo Art Festival."

The Tokyo Art Festival and the Venice Art Biennale are scheduled to coincide with each other. How can the Tokyo Art Festival be better than the Venice Art Biennale? They probably want to find artists to support the show.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I need to think about it."

Chen Li'an thought for a while but did not agree immediately. There will be a financial crisis next year, and Japan has suffered such huge losses. It is not yet clear whether the art festival can be launched.

Idomuraji, who originally wanted to say the theme of the art exhibition, smiled after hearing Chen Li'an's words and did not continue the invitation.

This was in 1996. In the previous years, even if they used money to throw money at him, they would still have to throw in a few artists.

It's a pity that Japan's economy is not as brilliant as it used to be. Ido Muruji misses the time in the past few years.

Soon the car arrived at Tokyo University of the Arts. After getting off the bus, Chen Li'an immediately felt the unique atmosphere of the University of the Arts.

Tokyo University of the Arts mainly specializes in art and music. It has achieved high achievements in art and music. Many celebrities have graduated here.

The most important thing is that the campus is in Ueno Park, and the environment is really nice. The only pity is that there are no cherry blossoms on the cherry blossom trees.

Walking on campus, Chen Li'an and Ido Muranji chatted casually. He introduced the school to Chen Li'an, and the topic was still talking about the Tokyo Art Festival.

Chen Li'an just smiled and didn't answer. Whether he would participate or not would depend on whether he had suitable works that fit the theme of the festival. He didn't know how to create creative works, so he couldn't just force himself into it.

Let’s wait until next year to see which works he has created are more suitable for which art festival. Moreover, Chen Li’an is really worried that the Tokyo Art Festival will not have the money to hold it next year.

Money was tight in Venice last year, not to mention Japan, which is under financial crisis next year.

When it comes to art, we shouldn’t talk about money, but holding art exhibitions requires money. This reality has nothing to do with art.

However, Chen Li'an now also understood the news revealed by Idomuraji. Ikuo Hirayama came to him to organize a Sino-Japanese art exchange and invited him to hold an exhibition in Tokyo.

However, the specific content will not be known until Chen Li'an meets Ikuo Hirayama. After all, this cannot be explained in a few words from Ido Village.

After following Ido Muruji to the main building of the school, Chen Li'an looked back at Li Dabai and asked, "Do you want to hang out here, or come up with me?"

Li Dabai thought for a moment and said, "I'd better just stroll around casually. I can't get in touch with what you're talking about."

"Well, I'll go up and come back to you later." After Chen Li'an said that, he followed Ido Muruji upstairs.

Chen Li'an didn't value the so-called Sino-Japanese cultural and artistic exchanges that much, and he guessed that people didn't value him that much either.

What Japan really wants to exchange is probably traditional culture and art. Traditional Chinese painting, murals and calligraphy are what Japan wants to exchange.

I want to gain orthodox recognition, and even want to surpass China in this aspect, but I can’t always say it so obviously, so let’s talk about cultural and artistic exchanges.

Soon Chen Li'an met Ikuo Hirayama. Looking at this well-dressed and energetic old man, Chen Li'an shook hands with him politely and said: "Nice to meet you. Thank you for protecting Dunhuang culture."

"Hello." Ikuo Hirayama's Chinese is also very good, but he has a strange accent, probably because he has been to Dunhuang too much.

After a few people sat down, Hirayama Ikuo took the initiative to chat with Chen Li'an about Sino-Japanese cultural and artistic exchanges. However, Chen Li'an didn't know much about Japanese culture and art, and rarely expressed his views on Japanese culture and art.

Ikuo Hirayama was in a good mood during the conversation. He talked a lot about his views on Chinese culture with Chen Li'an. After chatting for almost half an hour, he got to the point. He looked at Chen Li'an and asked: "I plan to invite some Chinese artists to come to Japan for exchanges." Art, I hope you can come to Japan to participate in exchanges on behalf of Chinese contemporary art."

"I can't be called a representative. There are many artists in China who are better than me." Chen Li'an replied politely.

"No, no, no, you are different. You are an artist with a very international vision, and you have your own different understanding of Chinese modern art. You are not just imitating Europe and the United States."

Ikuo Hirayama paused, looked at Chen Li'an and continued: "The development of Chinese art now is very similar to that of Japan before. During the Meiji Restoration, Japanese art suffered the invasion of Western culture. For a long time, it was dominated by Western culture. The impact is also the same in China now.”

Chen Li'an agreed with this, nodded and said, "That's true, but now we have developed our own style."

Ikuo Hirayama shook his head and did not argue with Chen Li'an about this issue. Instead, he said: "Art still needs to be rooted in the local area. Your works have a strong local color and a different unique perspective. Many Chinese artists are very different in their forms of expression." We are still following the Western path.”

Chen Li'an looked at Ikuo Hirayama with some surprise, feeling that he had overestimated himself. Although he was a bit powerful, he probably wasn't that powerful.

Why does Ikuo Hirayama feel like he is a unicorn among Chinese artists when he talks about it?

However, facing such praise, Chen Li'an was still very happy, and he nodded in agreement to Ikuo Hirayama's invitation, but Chen Li'an had his own ideas about the specific content of the exchange.

Since it is an exchange of art, don’t just hold a short-lived art exhibition. You can take advantage of this opportunity and create your own art space in Tokyo with the support of Ikuo Hirayama.

But there is no rush for specific communication. Sino-Japanese cultural and artistic exchanges will not begin until next year, probably to build momentum for the Tokyo Art Festival.

Chen Li'an was happy to accept this method, which was much more tactful than Ido Muruji's method.

And maybe before the financial crisis, I could find a suitable partner in Tokyo, get financial support, and use their money to build my own art space.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chen Li'an must quickly go to Xiangjiang to open his first art space in Xiangjiang. Only by having a successful template can he deceive people into investing.

Tokyo is a good place. Chen Li'an couldn't help but think that if he became famous in Tokyo, he would be able to get to know Showa beauties without being introduced by Tomita Yasuko.

Kill three birds with one stone!

However, this trip to Tokyo was a bit lost again, and I only saw Norika Fujiwara alone.

And I don’t even know her, and I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to meet the Miss Japan champion.

Talking about art with beauties is Chen Li'an's favorite thing. Only art without beauties would be like the world has lost its color, and it would be boring to the point of explosion.

After Chen Li'an left Ikuo Hirayama's office, he found Li Dabai who was wandering around the campus. He held her hand and said, "Do you feel that being my assistant is boring now?"

"No, it's just that sometimes I can't participate in your topics." Li Dabai said with some self-blame: "I haven't had time to study art recently. Am I too unqualified?"

Chen Li'an smiled and said, "Of course not. Assistants don't need to know that much, but have you ever thought about doing something else instead of continuing to be an assistant?"

Hearing Chen Li'an's words, Li Dabai's eyes lit up. Is his own villa coming? Have you finally gotten rid of your identity as a maid?

However, this excitement only lasted for less than a minute. Li Dabai said without interest: "No, I can't follow you all the time if I don't become an assistant."

Chen Li'an was silent for a while. This was the reason why he wanted to change his assistant. After breaking through that level of relationship with Li Dabai, Chen Li'an often couldn't do whatever he wanted.

In the past, I didn't have to take care of Li Dabai's emotions when I went out. After all, I was just an assistant. But now that my identity has changed, I still have some scruples in my heart. If I didn't return to the hotel last night, wouldn't Li Dabai be acting out of temper?

It's better to find another assistant, so there won't be any psychological burden.

Li Dabai looked at Chen Li'an who was silent and suddenly reacted. He stared at Chen Li'an and asked, "Do you think I will stare at you?"

"No, I just think you are working too hard." Chen Li'an coughed and said, "Let's find another assistant. You go to the company to help Chen Meiren. She is short of manpower, so it's time to promote you."

Li Dabai: "." You just succeeded! I'm bored!

However, Li Dabai's mentality has indeed changed. In the past, whether Chen Li'an stayed out at night or let himself go, he would not be so angry.

This morning, he got a little angry with Chen Li'an. This is probably why Chen Li'an doesn't want to use himself as an assistant anymore.

After thinking about this, Li Dabai sighed and said, "Okay, I will help you find an assistant when I get back. Teacher Chen, what do you want?"

Chen Li'an thought for a moment and said, "It's about the same as you."

Li Dabai blinked and puffed up his chest and asked, "In what way are they similar?"

"Various aspects!"

(I’ve been writing more slowly these past two days because the doctor doesn’t let me sit for long periods of time and I have to pay attention to rest, but I will try my best to ensure updates!)

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