Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 266 264 Tricks of Art Photography

Chapter 266 264. Tricks of artistic photography

The dark red light shines on the huge heart hanging in the air, making it particularly dazzling. It seems that you can feel the beating sound coming from the still heart.

Li Lizhen did not expect that Chen Li'an's work would be even more shocking under the influence of lighting, and it would be extremely harmonious with the entire space.

The large and small artworks in the entire exhibition hall are like stars surrounding the moon, and countless small red chains link each artwork to the heart.

Just like the huge red heart and these works of art supply blood to each other, they are connected as one and cannot be separated from each other.

Li Lizhen thought of the artists who said on the first day of the exhibition that Chen Li'an's works had political connotations and were red power from the mainland. She suddenly felt that what they said seemed right.

These works of art from the mainland plus Chen Li'an's work are the red wave!

However, this kind of installation really made her scalp feel numb. In the past, she only loved painting and had little knowledge of art. This kind of arrangement made her realize the beauty of art very clearly for the first time.

The concept of the word art is constantly changing, and there is no universally agreed upon definition, but there is one thing that everyone agrees on.

That is, all art categories are within the scope of "beauty".

Just like how people often praise a good-looking girl and say she is as beautiful as a work of art.

The most common understanding of art is "beauty", and beauty can be felt most intuitively in works of art.

Regardless of whether you understand art or not, when you see a painting, you can give a basic evaluation, whether it looks good or not.

People with a certain understanding of art can feel the emotional and spiritual value beyond the "beauty" of a work of art.

Li Lizhen now feels very strong emotions and mental shock, and her admiration for Chen Li'an in her heart becomes even more obvious.

She couldn't tell clearly what she felt about Chen Li'an, whether it was admiration as an art lover or a woman's admiration for a man.

But this does not affect her expectation of more stories with Chen Li'an, no matter what kind of story she is looking forward to.

Chen Li'an, who had bought the film outside, had just returned when he saw Li Lizhen standing there in a daze.

Chen Li'an suddenly thought and picked up the camera to take a picture. The moment the shutter sounded, Li Lizhen turned around and discovered Chen Li'an.

The moment Li Lizhen turned around, her hair swayed, looking particularly beautiful under the red light. Chen Li'an held up the camera and pressed the shutter again.

When she discovered that Chen Li'an was taking pictures of herself, Li Lizhen's eyes flashed with panic subconsciously, but her body instinctively put on a beautiful pose.

Chen Li'an, who was about to put down the camera, raised his eyebrows slightly, held up the camera and took two more pictures. He also took the initiative to walk over and said, "Change the position again."

Li Lizhen was stunned for a moment, then she changed her posture obediently, placed the oil painting on the ground, held the frame with both hands and leaned down slightly.

In this pose, Li Lizhen fully displayed her sexy curves. Chen Li'an couldn't help but change the angle and lower the camera to take a picture of her long legs.

"It's very beautiful, look back at me." Chen Li'an said while taking pictures.

After hearing this, Li Lizhen turned her head and looked at the camera very charmingly, and the charming moment in her eyes was instantly captured by Chen Li'an.

After Chen Li'an took a satisfactory photo, he stood up and looked at Li Lizhen and said, "It's been a long time since I took such a satisfactory photo."

Li Lizhen looked at Chen Li'an with a smile, feeling that her posture just now was a bit too bold.

"I'll wash it out and give it to you later." After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he looked at the painting in Li Lizhen's hand and said, "What did you paint this time?"

"A man." Li Lizhen looked into Chen Li'an's eyes and said, "I wanted to paint landscapes at first, but when I started painting, you always appeared in my mind."

Chen Li'an was a little surprised and pointed at himself and asked: "Did you draw me?"

"Yes, it's just that the painting is not good." After speaking, Li Lizhen mustered up the courage to tear open the paper wrapping the painting, handed it to Chen Li'an and said, "Don't blame me for not painting well."

Chen Li'an took the painting with some surprise, looked at her and said, "No, you are the second person to paint me, it will only surprise me."

After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he took the painting and looked at it carefully. What was painted on it was the scene when he pulled the chain that day. It looked pretty good at first glance.

It's just that if you look carefully, the color processing is not very clean, the technique and brushstrokes are also a bit sluggish, and the shape is average.

At most, Li Li's painting is only at the level of a freshman or sophomore at a domestic art academy. I don't know how long she has been learning to paint. If she has just started painting, she still has some talent.

Li Lizhen, who was facing Chen Li'an, looked at him and kept silent, and asked with some anxiety: "Is the painting bad?"

"No, the painting is good, but a little immature." Chen Li'an put down the painting and looked at her and said, "Can you give it to me? I want to collect it."

"Of course! As long as you like it." Li Lizhen said excitedly, feeling that she was recognized by Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an put down the painting in his hand, looked at her and said, "How long have you been learning to paint?"

Li Lizhen replied: "It's been several years, but I haven't had time to study seriously. I only had time to paint this year when I was half-rested."

Chen Li'an nodded when he heard this and said: "Not bad, I might be able to become a female painter in the future."

"What I never thought about was to treat it as a hobby." Li Lizhen was not very confident in herself. There were so many paintings in the entire exhibition hall, and none of them were better than her.

Chen Li'an didn't say anything more. Taking Li Lizhen's words, he turned around and looked around, then found a free place and hung it up.

Maybe someone would take a fancy to this painting. Chen Li'an didn't sign the painting specifically, so it just hung there all alone.

This may be a very interesting experiment. I wonder if someone will mistakenly think that this is a self-portrait painted by him, and then sell it at a high price.

If that were the case, it would definitely be very interesting. Chen Li'an wondered with some evil humor whether he would charge a sky-high price.

When Li Lizhen saw her paintings hanging up, she was a little worried about whether she would be scolded if others saw them. After all, the works here were better than her own.

Chen Li'an turned around and took pictures of the artworks with his camera and said: "Don't worry, you can come and take a look when it is officially opened to the public in a few days. Someone will definitely praise the paintings, and maybe someone will pay a high price to buy them. "

"No way?" Li Lizhen asked with some disbelief.

Chen Li'an smiled and said, "You will know when you see it. Art is a very vague and paradoxical thing."

Li Li really didn't quite understand what Chen Li'an meant by paradox, but she was curious whether things would be as Chen Li'an said.

"When will it open to the public?"

"Next Monday, come and take a look if you have time."

There are still four days until next Monday. Li Lizhen comes here almost every afternoon to chat with Chen Li'an about the paintings here. Sometimes she even acts as a model for Chen Li'an to take some photos.

But after taking a few shots, the scale of the shots became larger and larger. Li Lizhen was not shy, she just marveled at why Chen Li'an's photos of her looked so good.

It's not like she has never taken sexy photos before, but the effects of those photos are not as sexy as those taken by Chen Li'an.

In the quiet exhibition hall, the half-covered Li Lizhen leaned against the wall under the red light, and white smoke filled the air around her, making her look particularly mysterious.

Chen Li'an held a camera in one hand and a cane he got from nowhere in the other hand to lift Li Lizhen's chin, and then held the camera in one hand to record the scene.

The straight cane forms a very straight and hard line in the painting, forming a strong contrast with Li Lizhen's soft and sexy curves.

The whole scene looks particularly dangerous and mysterious in the red light and smoke.

Li Lizhen felt the cold touch of the cane on her chin. The pores on her delicate skin shrank slightly, and her heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

Especially when she opened her eyes and saw the cane being held in Chen Li'an's hand, she couldn't help but feel waves in her heart.

In Li Lizhen's eyes, the cane is like an extension of Chen Li'an's body's masculine characteristics, representing the strength and strength of men.

Li Lizhen couldn't help but twist her legs, and looked at Chen Li'an who was trying to take back the cane with half-squinted eyes. She couldn't help but reach out and grab the cold and hard cane.

Chen Li'an paused for a moment, and when he saw Li Lizhen's eyes filled with water, he stopped retracting his cane and stretched it out again.

The metal cane gently slid over Li Lizhen's skin, and the cool yet hard touch made Li Lizhen couldn't help but squint her eyes and groan.

Chen Li'an walked downstream with his cane, and finally placed it lightly on the edge of the grass.

Li Lizhen opened her eyes and couldn't help but stand on her tiptoes. The original inch difference was easily filled up.

Li Lizhen grasped the metal cane with both hands and exerted slight force, and the joints on her fingers turned slightly white.

Chen Li'an followed Li Lizhen's movements and moved the cane downward, but Li Lizhen always wanted to compete with him for ownership of the cane.

Chen Li'an had no choice but to snatch it back again, and the cane was being fought over and over again. The cane became wet with every back and forth.

In the end, Li Li, who couldn't catch Chen Li'an, lost her strength. With a cry, she let go of her cane and surrendered.

As the loser, Li Lizhen naturally wanted to offer the gift of surrender and sincerity, and Chen Li'an also wanted to personally take away his spoils.

Chen Li'an walked up to Li Lizhen, looked at her condescendingly, snorted softly, and touched Li Lizhen's chin with the cane in his hand.

Li Lizhen understood immediately, took the initiative to hold the cane and stroked it gently, and then opened her mouth under Chen Li'an's gaze.

Life is always full of unexpected surprises, and Chen Li'an never expected that one day he would be able to cooperate with Li Lizhen. Although it was not a R-rated movie, it was the same for R-rated photos.

Rounding it up also unlocks a new achievement.

I just don’t know if I will have the opportunity to collaborate with Qiu Shuzhen or Shu Qi in the future.

Let’s talk about the future later. Chen Li’an is still busy with the art space, which will be officially opened to the public today.

Many celebrities and well-known artists will come, so Chen Li'an needs to be well prepared.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes is inevitable, but no matter how Chen Li'an looks at himself in the mirror, he doesn't look like an artist, but more like a businessman.

Wang Zuxian adjusted Chen Li'an's tie and said with a smile: "You look best in a suit."

"But I don't like it very much." Chen Li'an moved his arms and felt that the suit was a bit tight.

"Wear it even if you don't like it. Don't be petty on such an important occasion today." Wang Zuxian gently smoothed Chen Li'an's tie, looked at him and said, "Don't let all your previous hard work go to waste."

Chen Li'an nodded slightly and said, "I know, I hope I can succeed today!"

"I will definitely do it." Wang Zuxian looked at Chen Li'an's handsome appearance and said, "I just don't know how many women you will attract today."

Wang Zuxian felt a little worried when she thought about inviting so many celebrities here today. This man was becoming more and more attractive, and she didn't know how many women would be interested in him.

Chen Li'an suddenly remembered something, looked at Wang Zuxian and asked, "By the way, I haven't been to my brother's house these days. Did he take the role of Wang Jiawei in the end?"

Hearing Chen Li'an's question, Wang Zuxian laughed out loud, looked at him and said, "You can ask him yourself, haha."

Chen Li'an saw Wang Zuxian smiling so happily, and his curiosity aroused in his heart, thinking that he would ask what was going on when he saw her later.

Half an hour later, Chen Li'an arrived at the art space. The entrance of the art space was empty. There were no flower baskets and no red carpet. It didn't look like an official opening day at all.

Someone originally planned to give it as a gift, but Chen Li'an and Ji Fa declined. After all, they were engaged in art, and those things were too tacky.

It's not like a small shop is opening, so why should we set off firecrackers?

There was less than an hour before the official start, and someone had already arrived early. Chen Li'an couldn't help but admire the short figure when he looked at it.

Ido Muruji is so persistent. He came over as soon as he made a phone call, and he even arrived early.

Chen Li'an was a little embarrassed to continue to refuse such a sincere invitation to him to go to the Tokyo Art Festival.

Ido Muruji brought a lot of money this time, if for no other reason than to support more Chinese artists! For the friendship between China and Japan! For Chen Li'an!

After Chen Li'an went over to chat with Ido Muranji for a few words, other people came over one after another. Some were citizens of Xiangjiang who had seen the promotion, and there were also many artists from the mainland who had organized groups.

The celebrities invited by Ji Fa and Cheng Shufen have not arrived yet, and they all came here at random.

However, many reporters came, and Chen Li'an also saw old acquaintances, reporters from several mainland art magazines. Chen Li'an had even been interviewed by them.

But there is not much time now, and Chen Li'an has no time to greet them. He has to go out to pick up the biggest person today.

LV boss, a real rich and famous person.

The moment Bernard appeared here, he attracted the attention of many reporters, but they did not know who this person was. This boss was usually too low-key and rarely showed his face in public.

However, some sharp-eyed reporters recognized him and called out his name in surprise. The reporters who heard him immediately became excited, and the flashlights of their cameras immediately flashed.

This is big news. Such rich people came here to support Chen Li'an!

Many reporters in Xiangjiang originally came here for the celebrities, but now they don't care.

Celebrities are nothing in front of such a rich man!

Thinking about it this way, he is still an awesome artist. He knows all such rich people. He has no chance to meet these celebrities in Xiangjiang, let alone come to support him in person.

There’s something special about this Chen Li’an!

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