Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 268 266 It’s just a romantic relationship

Chapter 268 266. Just a casual romance

The quiet clubhouse seems to be filled with the smell of money. If you calm down and listen carefully, you can hear the rustle of a pen scratching a check.

Ji Fa was very excited now. She roughly calculated that the total number of artworks sold today was nearly 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

Although the price is not as good as Chen Li'an's current work of art, it is enough to make Ji Fa excited.

Because the cost was so low, the price she recovered from more than 400 works of art was only more than 3 million. Now she has only sold less than half but has received nearly three times the return.

Art investment is really like gold stocks. As long as there is good news, the price will continue to rise.

And it will slowly increase as time goes by. No matter how you look at it, it is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

Especially the artworks in the hands of these art collectors will only increase the price with their own hype auctions. It is not a problem to double the price several times.

The art trading market has been relatively stable in the past two years. As long as there is no large-scale financial crisis, the art trading market will not slump.

Ji Fa is not only an art manager, but also a master of finance, and knows these things very well.

Most people who understand the art trading market also understand this. It is difficult for the value of art to fall unless there is something wrong with the artist himself.

After Ji Fa silently calculated in his mind, he felt that if he continued to roll out follow-up plans in the next few days, he should be able to continue to sell a large number of artworks.

This made Ji Fa very excited and felt that Xiangjiang was really a good place. No, it should be said that Xiangjiang in 1996 was really a good place.

If it were a little later or a little earlier, it wouldn't have the same effect.

It's just a pity that Bernard is leaving. Ji Fa still wants him to collect a few more works of art.

Bernard looked at Jifa and said: "You have found a very good business. This business cannot be done in France. It is just right here. Jifa, you really have a business talent."

Ji Fa agreed with Bernard's statement. There are too many artists in France, too many galleries, and the art trading market is too mature. The method they are playing now is not suitable for France, but it is just right for Hong Kong.

However, in the face of Bernard's praise, Ji Fa did not take all the credit. He smiled and said: "This is not all my credit. The main reason is that Chen Li'an wants to help China's young artists, and we also have a very good team. .”

Bernard nodded and said: "Chinese artists are very good. We should see many Chinese artists in Venice next year."

This is one of the reasons why so many people are willing to collect these works of art today. The Venice Art Biennale is the Olympics in the art world, and Chinese artists will officially compete next year.

Just like joining the WTO, smart people can see that the prospects and potential of these artworks have also become greater.

If you don’t invest in the future at this time, you may not have such a good opportunity.

Bernard glanced at the time and said to Ji Fa: "I have to leave, and I have to rush to Singapore. Let's have a good chat next time in Paris."

"Of course it's no problem." Ji Fa looked at Bernard and smiled, then turned to look at Chen Li'an who was chatting with two beauties, and couldn't help but have a headache.

Bernard also turned his attention to Chen Li'an and couldn't help but smile and said: "He is a very romantic man, as romantic as a French man. He should have been born in France."

"It's better not to, otherwise French women will go crazy." Ji Fa made a joke and walked towards Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an was discussing water-soluble oil painting materials with Zhou Huimin, who was recently learning gouache painting.

"Gouache painting is very good. It has the dual qualities of oil painting and watercolor. Just apply it thickly when painting."

Chen Li'an spoke seriously. He noticed Ji Fa coming over from the corner of his eye, and spoke faster to Zhou Huimin: "The watercolor effect will be heavier if it is mixed with more water, but it cannot achieve the reflection and transparency of watercolor. This needs to be done in the painting." It’s time to feel it yourself”

After hearing this, Zhou Huimin nodded seriously, looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "Then how should we master the superposition of background colors?"

"Maybe you can go home and try it yourself a few more times."

Ji Fa's voice suddenly came from the side. Chen Li'an turned to look at her helplessly, feeling that she was very resentful. However, he also noticed Bernard looking at him from a distance, and he probably guessed that Ji Fa was complaining. I didn't go over to show off.

Zhou Huimin was stunned for a moment, not knowing what this foreign woman who suddenly appeared meant, and looked at Chen Li'an with confusion in his eyes.

Chen Li'an said to Zhou Huimin with some embarrassment: "This is my manager Ji Fa. She has other matters with me. I will discuss this issue with you next time. I have to leave first."

In Zhou Huimin's somewhat disappointed eyes, Chen Li'an and Ji Fa left, and Li Lizhen beside them couldn't help but chuckle.

The leader of Jade Girl was also left out in the cold. Chen Li'an and the French woman didn't even apologize to her.

Li Lizhen looked at Zhou Huimin and said, "He is actually a very gentle and gentleman."

Zhou Huimin turned to look at Li Lizhen and immediately understood the meaning of her words. Did she mean that she looked down on herself, so she was not a gentleman to him?

"Really? It seems you know him quite well." Zhou Huimin glanced at Li Lizhen meaningfully, then turned and left.

Ji Fa looked back at Zhou Huimin and complained to Chen Li'an: "What's the matter with you? When can't you pick up girls?"

Chen Li'an: "." I'm talking about art! Not picking up girls!

Ji Fa looked at the silent Chen Li'an and said angrily: "Bernard can come to support you, you should take the initiative."

"Okay, I will thank you very much." Chen Li'an said obediently.

Chen Li'an was very grateful to Bernard, a big benefactor. He walked up to him and sincerely thanked him for coming to support him.

Bernard said with a smile: "No need to thank me. I really enjoyed this trip to Xiangjiang. Your art space is the best I have ever seen, not to mention that I have collected a lot of interesting artworks."

"Thank you for your love." Chen Li'an thanked Bernard with a smile and did not stop until he was sent to the car outside.

There were still many reporters outside at this time. When they saw Chen Li'an and Bernard appearing, they all gathered around and wanted to interview them.

However, they were all blocked by Bernard's bodyguards, but there were still many reporters shouting at Bernard through the security guards.

"Mr. Bernard, are you here specifically to support Chen Li'an? What do you think of the art here?"

Bernard glanced at the reporter and did not answer his question. Instead, he hugged Chen Li'an gently and said, "I hope to see you in Paris next time."

"Okay, I wish you a safe trip to Singapore."

After Bernard got in the car and left, the bodyguards also withdrew, and the reporters who were stopped instantly surrounded Chen Li'an.

"Mr. Chen, what is your relationship with Bernard?"

"Is it true that he has collected a lot of your works?"

"I heard that he offered you three million dollars for your Wave 2 work, right?"

"How many pieces of art did Mr. Bernard buy this time?"

The reporters' endless questions gave Chen Li'an a headache. What was even more troublesome was that he was surrounded. If he had known, he would have arranged several bodyguards for himself.

Chen Li'an has always been very confident in his own skills, so he has never considered the issue of bodyguards. At this time, he suddenly thought that the role of bodyguards is not only to protect his personal safety, but also to protect himself from harassment.

Chen Li'an relied on his physical fitness to protect Ji Fa and squeezed out of the crowd without saying a word. He breathed a sigh of relief after entering the art space.

The security guard at the door helped Chen Li'an stop these reporters. They could come in to visit, but they could not bring cameras or video cameras.

This point directly blocked 90% of reporters from outside.

However, there were also reporters who worked in pairs and handed the equipment to one person and followed in.

After getting rid of the reporters, Chen Li'an felt much more relaxed. He looked at Ji Fa who was arranging his clothes and asked, "How many reporters are there arranged by you?"

Ji Fa pulled up her hair and said calmly: "Half of it was arranged by us."

Chen Li'an: "..." No wonder the questions asked are more targeted.

It is estimated that tomorrow's newspapers will continue to trumpet that French rich people particularly like Chinese art and travel thousands of miles to visit it and spend a lot of money to collect it.

Coupled with the local wealthy businessmen and celebrities in Xiangjiang, a lot of publicity should be able to fool many people into coming.

Such is the celebrity effect.

The public has a herd mentality, and don’t stocks have experts on TV to promote them every day?

After Chen Li'an returned, he was busy welcoming the guests and was not free until the afternoon.

After a busy day, Chen Li'an, Ji Fa and others ran to the lounge at the back to rest.

Although everyone is very tired, they are very excited because today's income exceeds 10 million Hong Kong dollars, which is more than 1 million when converted into US dollars.

"Today is really a success, we should celebrate." Ji Fa looked at Chen Li'an and the others and said.

Ji Fa had no idea how many works of art she had handled that exceeded five million US dollars, but this over one million dollars still made her very excited.

Chen Li'an also sat up from the sofa and looked at them and said, "It is indeed a success. This is all thanks to your planning. We should really celebrate tonight."

Ji Fa, Cheng Shufen, Wang Zuxian and the others looked at each other and laughed.

Women are also ambitious. If they do something so well, the sense of accomplishment cannot be compared to the joy of buying a few bags.

But they didn't want to celebrate now, so they took Chen Li'an to discuss the next plan.

Ji Fa said excitedly: "Now that the art is successful, the next step is to launch a few artists to raise the prices of their works, and then simultaneously launch a product plan."

The so-called products are the development of peripheral souvenirs. Chen Li'an was preparing these as early as last year.

Chen Li'an has designed many handicrafts and has also found many mainland artists to design them together. Cheng Shufen and Wang Zuxian have already found people to start mass production.

But Chen Li'an doesn't expect much money from these things. Just like the set of crystal cups and some decorative ornaments he designed, Cheng Shufen and Ji Fa plan to sell a set for tens of thousands of yuan. I don't know how many people will buy such expensive things. .

It is estimated that only the rich will buy these things, and the ordinary middle class will not buy these things.

But Ji Fa had a different view on this. She said to Chen Li'an enthusiastically: "There will definitely be many people buying it. This is an alternative luxury product, and it is designed by the artist himself. The materials are also expensive, costing tens of thousands of yuan." It’s already very cheap.”

Chen Li'an: "." Ji Fa is really evil, a standard capitalist!

Chen Li'an did not want to participate in these specific tasks. He was too lazy and could not do these detailed tasks well.

He is only suitable for some creative work, and artists are not doers.

In the next two days, Chen Li'an stayed in the art space, while Ji Fa and Cheng Shufen went to implement the next plan.

Li Lizhen often runs here these days. Every time she comes, she walks around before looking for Chen Li'an.

At first, Chen Li'an thought she was going to see if his painting had been bought, but later he found out that she had never seen his painting before, so he was a little surprised as to what she was looking for.

Li Li was really looking to see if Zhou Huimin had come over. She had a very strange comparison with Zhou Huimin. She was obviously set up by a beautiful woman to debut, but now she has become a lustful woman, and Zhou Huimin is still the leader of the beautiful woman.

Li Lizhen has always been inferior to Zhou Huimin in her career. That day when she saw Chen Li'an treating Zhou Huimin so politely, she felt inexplicably better than Zhou Huimin.

This time, Li Lizhen, who had circled around again, came to Chen Li'an and said happily: "Do you have time tonight? I would like to treat you to dinner."

"Not tonight, I've already made an appointment." Chen Li'an looked at Li Lizhen and asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to invite me to dinner?"

Li Lizhen pursed her lips and looked at him and said, "It's nothing, I just want to treat you to dinner."

Li Li really didn't dare to say the real reason. She really wanted to get married and have a child of her own this year, and Chen Li'an was the best choice.

It's just that she's not sure, to be precise, she's not sure at all, but it's her character to always give it a try.

Chen Li'an didn't see what Li Li was really thinking and thought it was just an ordinary dinner treat, so he said, "I'll treat you to a meal next time. I have an appointment tonight and I have to go back to the mainland tomorrow. I don't have time in the past few days."

I made an appointment with Zhou Huimin in the evening. I want to go to her house to look at the paintings. I will also teach Zhou Huimin how to paint gouache. Chen Li'an also plans to demonstrate it himself.

"Go back to the mainland? Then when will you come back?" After asking, Li Lizhen realized a problem. Chen Li'an was not from Xiangjiang. He would have to go back to the mainland anyway. She and him were only casually in love at most.

Marriage and children are just my delusions, there will be no possibility of them.

Thinking of this, Li Lizhen looked at Chen Li'an's handsome face and immediately became active. She took his hand and walked to the lounge at the back.

Since it's a romantic relationship, let's show off a few more times until there's no more water! It doesn't matter if the sofa is wet, as long as the floor is wet!

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