Chapter 279 277. Wet paintbrush

In the noisy street, pedestrians were rushing around. Chen Li'an was leaning on the railing on the roadside. All the pedestrians on the roadside were in a hurry, but he was the only one who was doing nothing.

And he found a very interesting thing. Most of the female celebrities he met in Xiangjiang were semi-retired.

This may be due to his subconscious mind, and he is reluctant to have too much contact with those female stars who only want to be popular and make money.

It's not that Chen Li'an doesn't want to spend money on women, but that he doesn't want to put in the effort.

Most people who want money have a lot of thoughts and want to marry into a rich family. It cannot be solved by giving money or coaxing.

Chen Li'an prefers emotional people, and he is reluctant to interact with people who are too rational and realistic.

In other words, Chen Li'an likes to play emotional games instead of throwing away money. Just like Neptune, he never wants to go to the club because he will be laughed at if he talks about it.

Chen Li'an took off his mask and took a breath. He couldn't figure out why Zhou Huimin asked him to go shopping. Did he want to stir up scandals or simply want to experience the life of ordinary people.

Hopefully it's not the former.

Chen Lian leaned on the railing and looked at the busy streets, feeling a little bored. Zhou Huimin went out too slowly.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, Chen Li'an's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and took a look. It was Zhou Huimin calling.

So I answered the phone, and before I could speak, I heard Zhou Huimin shouting happily on the phone: "I see you!"

Chen Li'an turned around and looked around, and finally saw him across the street. Zhou Huimin is wearing a beige windbreaker and fisherman hat. She looks very ordinary and is not very conspicuous in the crowd.

After the aura on the stage fades away, celebrities are no different from amateurs, they just look better.

But who can tell whether it looks good or not when wearing a mask?

Chen Li'an looked at Zhou Huimin opposite and said to the phone: "Wait for me over there, I'll be there right away."


After Chen Li'an hung up the phone, he glanced at the railing in front of him and then at the long street. He felt a little troubled by the road design in Xiangjiang.

To get to the other side of the street, he had to walk several hundred meters to the overpass and go around.

The completely different design from the mainland made Chen Li'an feel very uncomfortable. He even felt that such a design was anti-human.

Chen Li'an was determined to imitate the movie, but after taking a look at the policemen in military uniforms patrolling not far away, he gave up the plan.

Chen Li'an walked toward the overpass nearest to him. Zhou Huimin on the opposite side also walked in that direction after seeing it.

Chen Li'an and Zhou Huimin looked at each other from a distance of more than ten meters, with smiles on their faces. It seemed that their boring journey turned into romance.

Whenever a car passes by, blocking their sight and then disappearing, they can still catch each other's figures immediately, their eyes intertwined from a distance.

The distance of several hundred meters and a road separating them gave them the feeling of an idol drama.

In the long and narrow overpass passage, among the pedestrians walking back and forth, Chen Li'an and Zhou Huimin looked at each other across the crowd from a distance. As the two got closer and closer, their steps gradually accelerated.

Zhou Huimin looked at Chen Li'an walking towards her and felt her heartbeat gradually speeding up. Such a scene and feeling made her feel very romantic.

When the two were only a few steps away, Zhou Huimin suddenly started jogging, ran to Chen Li'an, stopped and looked into his eyes while panting slightly.

At that moment, Zhou Huimin even wanted to reach out and hug Chen Li'an, but in the end he stopped because it was too unreserved.

Zhou Huimin didn't know what this feeling meant, but she just felt that she wanted to hug Chen Li'an tightly at this moment.

The feeling of running in both directions just now made her heart beat fast and she felt like she was in love.

If this was a TV series, the camera would start to rotate and zoom out at this point.

Chen Li'an looked at Zhou Huimin and laughed, stretched out his hand and looked at her. At this time, a ray of sunlight slanted through the glass of the passage and shone on Chen Li'an. Zhou Huimin felt in a daze that Chen Li'an was glowing when he smiled.

The white and slender little hand was involuntarily raised and placed in Chen Li'an's palm, and then was tightly held by Chen Li'an's broad palm.

The warm feeling on the palm made Zhou Huimin's heart beat faster. This may be the feeling of heartbeat.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Li'an held Zhou Huimin's hand and walked down the street.

The two of them cuddled up and talked quietly like ordinary young lovers. Occasionally they would go in and take a look at interesting shops when they saw them.

When passing by a video store, Zhou Huimin took Chen Li'an in, rummaged through the shelves, and immediately became happy after finding the album she had just released this year.

She still remembered that Chen Li'an said that she liked the songs in her album the most.

Zhou Huimin looked at Chen Li'an with the record and asked curiously: "Why do you like that song? Maybe it's time to break up?"

"Because you are the most beautiful when you are single." Chen Li'an took the album from Zhou Huimin's hand and looked at the cover, and said with a smile: "This photo is very beautiful. You are suitable for a white skirt."

On the cover, Zhou Huimin looks particularly innocent wearing a white skirt and stepping on the gravel with her bare feet.

"Then I'll give it to you!" Zhou Huimin smiled, tilted his head and looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "Do you want to sign it for you?"

"Yes, but can it be signed somewhere else?" Chen Li'an put down the album and looked at Zhou Huimin and asked.

Zhou Huimin asked without knowing why: "Where is the signature?"

"This." Chen Li'an pointed to his chest.

After hearing Chen Li'an's words, Zhou Huimin was obviously wrong, with a shy joy on his face. Did he mean to keep himself in mind?

Zhou Huimin realized after a moment of innocence, how could such a man fall in love with someone so easily? Then he had something on his mind?

Zhou Huimin, who didn't know what he was thinking of, blushed, looked at Chen Li'an and whispered softly: "You can't sign here either."

"Then I'll sign it when I have time." Chen Li'an took Zhou Huimin's hand and paid for the album, then went home with her.

Nothing has changed in Zhou Huimin's home. The only thing that is different from the last time Chen Li'an saw it is that the painting has been finished.

Chen Li'an walked over and took a closer look, then turned to Zhou Huimin and said, "You draw very well, you are really talented."

"Really?" Zhou Huimin looked at Chen Li'an with some joy and said, "But I always feel that I didn't master the technique you taught me last time. I couldn't control the strokes when I closed the pen."

Hearing this, Chen Li'an bent down and picked up an unused paintbrush, and said to Zhou Huimin: "Stretch out your hand."

Zhou Huimin obediently stretched out her hand, waiting for Chen Li'an to hold her hand and draw like last time.

However, Chen Li'an did not put the brush in her hand, but drew on her palm with the brush.

"Feel it carefully, and when you lift the brush at the end, give it a slight tick."

The moment the soft brush brushed across her palm, Zhou Huimin couldn't help but curl up her palm, and a tickling feeling spread through her palm to her heart.

"Do you feel it?" Chen Li'an raised his pen and looked at Zhou Huimin and asked.

Zhou Huimin bit her lip and shook her head slightly, then opened her palms and looked at him intently.

Chen Li'an curled up the corner of his mouth, took the brush and drew another stroke on her palm. The itchy feeling came over again, and Zhou Huimin couldn't help but squint her eyes, like a kitten whose chin was scratched.

Chen Li'an didn't ask her if she felt it this time, and continued to draw lightly on her body with the brush.

Zhou Huimin couldn't help but snorted coquettishly. Chen Lian paused when he heard the sound. Zhou Huimin reacted, looked at him with a red face and said: "It's so itchy. The palms of my hands are too itchy."

The cry just now was too shameful, and he wasn't doing that kind of thing, so how could he scream so charmingly.

Chen Li'an put down his brush and said nonchalantly: "What about changing places?"

"Where to change?" Zhou Huimin's breathing was slightly quickened, as if he was looking forward to Chen Li'an changing places.

Chen Li'an took the paintbrush and turned it around on his finger a few times, then used the tip of the brush to gently sweep over Zhou Huimin's fair neck, and finally stopped on her chin and said softly: "Is it okay anywhere?"

Zhou Huimin squinted her eyes and her ears were already red. She looked at Chen Li'an with emotional eyes and nodded lightly.

The paintbrush in Chen Li'an's hand brushed upward along Zhou Huimin's jawline, and gently turned in a circle on her reddish earlobe.

"Uh-huh." Zhou Huimin opened her mouth slightly and hummed. She fell limply into Chen Li'an's arms. She raised her head and looked at him in confusion and said, "Shall we go to the room?"

Hearing this, Chen Li'an wrapped his arms around her slender waist and picked her up, walking towards Zhou Huimin's boudoir, holding the pen between his fingers and dangling gently in the air.

With a bang, the bedroom door was closed, and soon a lot of clothes were scattered on the floor of the bedroom.

In the quiet living room, you can vaguely hear the sounds coming from the bedroom. The soft and gentle sounds are like a lark, sometimes tactful and sometimes high-pitched.

I don’t know how long it took, but the movement in the bedroom calmed down. A wet paintbrush fell on the clothes on the ground. The soft brush was covered with crystal clear and sticky liquid, and flowed down the smooth pen barrel into a ball of white. On the lace dress.

Zhou Huimin stared at the ceiling blankly, feeling that he had re-understood the concept of painting, and for the first time he clearly understood how different his painting skills were from Chen Li'an.

Master A true master never cares where he paints, and even brings his own white paint. Well, he also brings his own water to mix the paint.

It turns out that watercolor painting still has this kind of painting method. It really gained me a lot of experience.

Chen Li'an may not be a good teacher. Sometimes he is too focused on his own feelings, and he doesn't know whether Zhou Huimin has learned anything.

Chen Li'an bent down to pick up the brush, and pinched the brush with his fingertips. The sticky and slippery water droplets immediately dripped down and landed on Zhou Huimin's body.

"Have you learned what I just taught you for so long?"

Zhou Huimin glanced down, wiped the water stains on the pink strawberries with her fingers, gave Chen Li'an a charming look, and said feebly: "Do you think I can learn it just now?"

Chen Li'an sighed. He was indeed not a good teacher. His teaching methods were not quite right. It would be better to teach her step by step.

After Zhou Huimin had rested, the two returned to the easel and changed to a new drawing paper. Chen Li'an held Zhou Huimin's hand and carefully taught her how to master different painting techniques.

Zhou Huimin watched the beautiful colors painted by the brush on the drawing paper. He couldn't help but look down at his white calves, and suddenly wondered what it would look like if it were painted on his body.

However, she was a little embarrassed to say this, so she deliberately raised her calf while the paint was on it. The remaining blue on the paintbrush immediately painted a beautiful color on her white ankle.

Chen Li'an took back the pen and was about to wipe it off for her when he heard Zhou Huimin say, "It looks pretty good, like body painting."

Chen Li'an paused for a moment and turned to look at Zhou Huimin, whose face was slightly red.

Zhou Huimin was a little shy and did not dare to look at Chen Li'an. She lowered her head and kept looking at her white ankles.

After taking a look, Chen Li'an dipped a paintbrush into the palette and reached out to grab Zhou Huimin's calf. The paintbrush fell gently, and the cold paint was immediately smeared on Zhou Huimin's white calf.

The next time is Chen Li'an's creative time. It is also his first time to try body painting, so he is extremely serious, thinking about how to design the pattern while painting.

Time passes like this in Chen Li'an's focused creation.

Chen Li'an left Zhou Huimin's home at noon the next day. As expected, artistic creation consumes energy and he has not slept for almost 24 hours.

However, Chen Li'an felt that he was still very excited and energetic. If Wang Zuxian hadn't made several phone calls, he would still want to continue.

Zhou Huimin also wished that Chen Li'an would leave as soon as possible. He couldn't stop for a moment! Aren't you tired? I have so much energy, I finally exhausted it, and after a while I was full of energy again!

Chen Li'an couldn't help but sigh. He just loved art. Art was addictive and he couldn't touch it. Once he touched it, he couldn't quit, and he didn't want to.

But Chen Li'an had to go back as soon as possible. If he didn't go back, Wang Zuxian would make a lot of calls, and he didn't know what would happen to him.

After Chen Li'an rushed back to Wang Zuxian's house, he saw her sitting on the sofa with her arms folded, waiting for him.

"What's wrong? Why are you so anxious?" Chen Li'an walked over and asked.

"What did you do yesterday?"

"I went painting and met an artist from Xiangjiang. I had a good chat with her at the art space, so I went to her studio to have a look and discussed several techniques of watercolor painting together."

After saying that, Chen Li'an deliberately rolled up his sleeves, and the paint stained on the cuffs just swayed in front of Wang Zuxian's eyes.

Wang Zuxian took a sniff and smelled the smell of paint on Chen Li'an's body, and then she was relieved of her doubts. Her expression relaxed slightly and she started talking about business.

"Sister Shufen called back. My brother's condition is very serious. Although doctors have controlled it, he still has high fever, vomiting and diarrhea." When Wang Zuxian said this, she said angrily: "Sister Shufen wants to bring my brother back. The Wang family I have taken away everyone’s passports and will not give them back!”

Chen Li'an's expression changed, and then he remembered that Wang Jiawei was a bad guy. When filming Happy Together, because he hadn't finished writing the script and didn't know where to shoot, he was worried that the crew would run away, so he collected all their passports. Woke up.

Just put it away. He didn't care that Leslie Cheung was sick or infected with the virus. He walked around with the photographer every day and didn't care at all about the actor's life or death.

The more Chen Li'an thought about it, the angrier he became. He immediately stood up and said, "You call to book a ticket right now. I will go to Argentina now."

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

I will make up for what I did yesterday, and I will update two more chapters tonight, but it will be a little later. Fortunately, I won’t be working tomorrow, so I’m happy!

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