Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 336 335 Chen Li'an is up to something new again

Chapter 336 335. Chen Li'an is up to something new again

In a quiet night, Chen Li'an was sitting on the balcony of the hotel holding the Silver Lion Award trophy in his hand.

Hotels in Venice are very stylish. Under the balcony facing the street is the turquoise water, and the evening breeze brings moisture and chill.

Chen Li quietly looked at the ripples on the water's surface, and suddenly felt that his desire had decreased.

He felt that the reason for his reduced desire was very simple. He was sitting here looking at the quiet water and suddenly wanted to make a nest and hit a few shots.

Why do you want to fish when you are only in your twenties? Chen Li'an sighed and got up and went back to the house.

The night light was on in the room. Bai Qing was leaning on the bedside and looking at the brochure. When he saw Chen Li'an coming in, he just asked lightly if he wanted to go to the exhibition together tomorrow.

Chen Li'an was not interested. He fell on the bed and smelled Bai Qing's scent and said, "Go and see for yourself. I'm going back to Paris tomorrow. There are too many things to do on this tour and I'm too tired."

"Then I won't go either." Bo Qing closed the picture album and put it aside, turned on the night light and said, "Go to sleep."

The room fell into darkness, and it was so quiet that only the faint sound of breathing could be heard. After a while, Chen Li'an's somewhat unhappy voice came from the darkness.

"Are you no longer interested in me?"

As if he didn't expect Chen Li'an to speak like this, Bai Qing was stunned for a while before saying, "Didn't you complain that you were tired?"

"You hold me to sleep." Chen Li'an's muffled voice sounded.

Bai Qing couldn't help but laugh, turned over and hugged Chen Li'an, patted his back and said, "Like a child, go to sleep, go to sleep."

"Yeah." Chen Li'an hummed with satisfaction, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the sun shone into the room. Chen Li'an and Bai Qing got up early, packed their things, and left Venice.

During this hurried trip to Venice, Chen Li'an only took away a Silver Lion Award. Many media who wanted to interview Chen Li'an failed to find him. The only thing that caught his eye was the photo of him winning the award in the newspaper.

The Venice Gazette on this day spent a lot of space introducing the awards at the Venice Biennale, and this report also spent a lot of space introducing Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an's first movie, his first participation in an international art exhibition, and his first award were all here.

Even the Venetians felt very fond of this oriental face. After all, we often see this guy in newspapers.

But the most exciting news in the art world today is the selection of the 100 most influential contemporary artists in the world.

Such news is accompanied by a certain amount of controversy. After all, everyone has their own opinions on who can be selected and who is not selected.

However, no one has any objections to Chen Li'an, who ranks highest. After all, this time we are talking about influence. It will be difficult to find someone more influential than Chen Li'an this year.

Not convinced? If you can, go blow up Tokyo.

Chen Li'an won the Silver Lion Award in Venice and was selected as one of the top 100 artists in the world. His name has become the most discussed topic in the art circle today.

Even among young people, many people like people like Chen Li'an. Charming and unrestrained artists can always be admired and liked by young people.

After a short two-day trip to Venice, Chen Li'an returned to Paris with honors, and the news of his exhibition in Paris spread quickly.

This is Chen Li'an's third art exhibition, and many people are very interested. Many art collectors who had not originally set their sights on Chen Li'an are now interested.

Most of Chen Li'an's previous works have been collected by Bernard. This time Chen Li'an has launched again, so naturally many people are interested.

In the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, Chen Li'an worked with teachers from China to decorate the exhibition hall. It was quite fun to say that these old masters were very cute.

I don't want to let the French staff touch these works, for fear that they will be bumped into.

At this time, Chen Li'an was working with a ceramic master to move a large bottle over one meter high. After placing it, the master inspected it carefully and said, "It took me several months to make this thing. If it gets knocked, I cried without even crying."

"Master Wang, don't worry, I promise to keep an eye on you. Your big bottle is really good." Chen Li'an promised with a smile.

Master Wang said with some pride: "I started learning from my father when I was sixteen, and it has been decades now. This is my most satisfying work. Now that I have the opportunity to open the eyes of these foreigners, I have to watch it carefully."

Chen Li'an smiled and chatted with Master Wang for a few more words before going about other things. Master Wang said that he had been doing this for decades, and most of the other masters were the same.

This is something they will do all their lives. Some of them have never even been to junior high school. They have been studying crafts all their lives. They are definitely craftsmen of a great country!

But it was precisely this that Chen Li'an felt was a pity. A craftsman is always a craftsman, and there is still something missing if he wants to become a master.

Just like the painter village in Guangzhou, the painters there have been copying the works of masters all their lives. They even have better painting techniques than many artists, but they cannot draw works of art and can only copy.

Sometimes there is just a little bit of aura missing, a little bit of opportunity missing.

Chen Li'an looked at them and felt that he was quite lucky, and he respected them even more in his heart. They were all great people.

The exhibition hall is being decorated, and Jifa's promotion has not stopped. If it is just to promote the exhibition in Paris, it does not need to spend so much effort. Chen Li'an is still very famous in Paris. After all, he is the man who dated Rose of France.

The name alone can attract many people to join in the fun.

It's just that this is a global tour, and Jifa wants to ensure that the first stop in Paris can be launched so that everyone can look forward to other stops that follow.

Ji Fa is very busy, busy looking for people to promote, busy hyping Chen Li'an's reputation even more, and at the same time busy popularizing Chinese traditional culture.

Otherwise, how would people know what Chen Li'an's art exhibition is this time.

The collision of modern art and traditional craftsmanship, such contradictory and abstract things are indeed very attractive.

In Europe, Chinese traditional culture has always been quite attractive, and now coupled with the modern art they are familiar with, they are extremely curious.

This is actually what Chen Li'an hopes to see. This large-scale science popularization is also a means of promoting traditional culture.

In addition to setting up the exhibition hall these two days, Chen Li'an also found time to participate in Ji Fa's promotion. Interviews with media magazines were held almost every day.

Everything now is really thanks to Ji Fa. An ordinary manager would not have this ability.

Chen Li'an is busy every day and can't remember how many interviews he has received from media magazines in the past four or five days.

However, there are many rewards from such busy work. On the day of the launch, many people came.

Parisian celebrities, art lovers, and many journalists also showed up.

One thing that is very good about art exhibitions is that there are not so many worldly things. An exhibition is an exhibition, and it does not involve so many links like a movie premiere, including walking on the red carpet.

Chen Li'an and Bai Qing were just in the exhibition hall. After all the visiting guests arrived, they gave a simple opening introduction.

“My country is a country with a history of five thousand years. It has given birth to a lot of brilliant culture and art over the long years. Many of the cultures and arts developed to this day may not be in line with the trend of the times, but today you will see modern art. The perfect fusion with tradition, the collision of ancient skills and modern ideas! You will see a brand new ancient civilization!"

After Chen Li'an finished speaking, warm applause immediately erupted in the exhibition hall, and then each of the mysterious exhibits that had been covered up had their red covers pulled down.

Artworks that combine the craftsmanship accumulated by thousands of years of history and culture with modern artistic thinking are all on display.

The beautiful but strangely shaped porcelain now reflected dazzling light.

The painting composed of colorful paper cuts seems to become a three-dimensional painting under the light.

The special reed paintings use the unique material of reeds to create paintings as thick as oil paintings.

The colorful and tie-dyed pieces are combined on the soft cloth to form a painting with a different style.

Each piece of art is like a blooming flower, rooted in traditional craftsmanship and blossoming into a new era.

Many of the collectors who came today are interested in porcelain. The porcelain designed by Chen Li'an is very different from traditional Chinese porcelain.

Bernard looked at the porcelain in front of him and couldn't find an accurate adjective to describe it for a while. It looked like a postmodern sculpture, but the material was porcelain. This magical feeling was a little difficult for him to understand for a while.

The irregularly twisted curved surface is like a piece of flannel that has been hit by a bullet. The fine cracks on the porcelain are so appropriate for the scene. The light on the right side is bright, but combined with the strange shape, it feels like a treasure has been smashed.

Bernard felt an inexplicable emotion of pity in his heart, and he admired this work very much.

But Master Wang, who was standing nearby, blushed a little. He didn't quite understand what this thing could do. It was neither a utensil nor a dish. Even the cracks on it were faked later.

It’s really an embarrassment to our ancestors. Our skills are not good enough, and we haven’t made any good-looking utensils yet. We have made such a mess that we can’t understand anything!

Master Wang sighed slightly. If it weren't for the arrangement of the ministry and if he hadn't heard that Chen Li'an was a great artist, he wouldn't have made such a thing.

Just as Master Wang was about to turn around and leave to guard the one-meter-high bottle he had made, he heard the man in a fine suit say something excitedly.

It's just that Master Wang didn't understand any foreign languages, so he was thinking of curse words. If Master Wang could understand, he would know that what Bernard said was praising the beauty of this work of art and asking whether it was for sale.

But now there are no people who can translate, so Master Wang can only shake his head and leave.

Porcelain is beautiful, but it is the paper-cutting, reed paintings and tie-dyed paintings that attract those artists.

They were amazed that these things could produce such beautiful paintings. They felt that the door to the new world had been opened. Although the materials and media for painting have been refreshed time and time again in the development of modern art, these traditional craftsmanship made them The paintings are more beautiful and novel.

Layers of paper-cuts, combined layer by layer, form a three-dimensional painting. Under the illumination of light and shadow, it seems that light is used as paint to create a beautiful oil painting.

Several artists gathered around the paper-cut paintings, and their eyesight changed in different ways when changing the angle. They were all stunned when they saw it.

There were a lot of people around the tie-dye paintings. There were a lot of people watching the paintings, but more of them were watching the tie-dye masters doing tie-dying on the spot, and they were all queuing up to try it out.

Chen Li'an specially prepared a lot of white T-shirts for tourists to experience in person and then take them home as a souvenir.

Of course, there is a fee for these T-shirts, one hundred dollars each, and there is no charge for tie-dying!

If you want the master to tie-dye it for you personally, it will cost you $1,000!

When Chen Li'an set the price, several tie-dye masters felt that Chen Li'an was too evil, and they could get this thing for just a few dollars.

One hundred dollars for a T-shirt, and another thousand dollars for them to tie-dye, will anyone experience this? Isn't this something only a prodigal can do?

But Chen Li'an was very insistent at the time and said that their technology was worth a hundred dollars.

Now seeing so many people queuing up, the chefs suddenly felt that Chen Li'an was being conservative. These foreigners should be so rich and yet so stupid, so they should pay more!

Young people, why are you so timid at such a young age? You should charge more!

Several old masters feel as if they have missed out on hundreds of millions. You must know that they also have a share of this money.

While several old masters were heartbroken about missing out on hundreds of millions and were shocked that foreigners had too much money, Chen Li'an was discussing reed paintings with several European artists in front of a reed painting.

Reed painting is actually a non-traditional material painting, but the material is very special and has strong limitations. The creative space is not very large, and there are many constraints imposed by the material.

Chen Li'an pointed to one of the reed paintings and said: "In traditional reed paintings, the color is very single, which is the true color of the reed. It expresses more oriental freehand brushwork. But I think the texture of the reed material is the same as the texture of the oil painting. It’s very similar, so I use reeds to create such realistic paintings.”

The artists around looked at the reed painting, then turned to look at Chen Li'an, wanting to ask him, so you made a self-portrait? You even added a beard to yourself to look so sexy?

Chen Li'an felt a little embarrassed by their looks. He coughed and said, "Let's go look at something else. The other water lily is also good. Reeds turn into water lilies. It's a very interesting transformation."


The reporter in the exhibition hall recorded this scene with his camera, and then turned around to take pictures of other works and guests.

The works brought by Chen Li'an this time really allowed these people to see a different oriental culture!

Chen Li'an never disappoints, he always does something new every time.

It has also brought many fantastic ideas to many artists. Perhaps in the future we will see more and more modern art containing oriental elements.

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