Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 420 418 Ordinary and Great

Chapter 420 418. Ordinary yet great

On the misty and rainy mountain road, two figures, one tall and one short, walked silently on the road. A wolf dog suddenly poked its head out of the grass next to it, wagging its tail and caught up with the two people in front of them.

The photographer was following the two of them, and the crew was following behind them.

One-fifth of the more than two hundred miles of postal route has been traveled, and my son's pace has slowed down and he is no longer walking quickly ahead.

The distance between father and son has become much closer, but the atmosphere is still so silent.

The village at the foot of the mountain was the first stop on this postal route. On the way into the village, my father walked in front and his son followed.

The son imagined that his father would be welcomed by everyone when he entered the village, but when he actually entered the village, everyone's reaction made the son a little disappointed.

When his father meets acquaintances, he will introduce his son to them with a smile, saying that he will take over his duties from now on.

The two came to the village committee house. It was very shabby and there was no one inside. The son sat under the eaves, and the father went in and carried out the teapot with ease.


"Why is there no one?" The son's tone was a little disappointed, as if the treatment just now was very different from what he imagined.

My father drank tea and said: "Who can wait here for you in broad daylight? We are not inspecting, and we have to be surrounded by people to welcome you."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"As soon as the second one screams, they will know."

The second child was drinking water from the wooden basin in the yard. After drinking, he ran to the gate and shouted a few times.

The father and son fell into silence again. The son went to sort out the letters from the village. The father sat there and took out his smoking pot, filled it with tobacco and lit it familiarly, and started smoking himself.

After a while, the secretary from the village came. When he saw his father, he said hello and went to wash his face. After he sat down, his father took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed him one.

The son watched his father pass the cigarette to light the fire, and silently imitated the wisdom of the world. He also picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

The village secretary thanked him and started chatting with his father. The father told the village secretary that he was retired and introduced his son to the village secretary with a hint of pride in his tone.

The village secretary smiled and said that his father should be the director. He felt a little sorry for his father's retirement.

Some people lamented that in the village over the years, many teachers, doctors and savers from outside have become model workers. Only my father, who has been away for so many years, is still just a rural postman.

The son remained silent and didn't speak, but his view of his father changed a bit.

The village secretary chatted with his father for a few words and then said that he was going to pick up the letter to be sent. Once again, only the father and son were left in the yard, and the second child was lying on the ground resting.

The father stuffed tobacco leaves into the pot with a lonely expression, while the son looked up at the sky and remained silent.

The son turned to look at his father rolling a cigarette, and couldn't help but take the initiative and said, "I'll give it a try."

The father smiled and handed the pot over and said, "I didn't know yet that you could also smoke."

"You are often away from home, and I won't smoke when you come back." The son confessed his little secret to his father.

The relationship between father and son seemed to have become much closer at this moment. The father asked the second child to come over and put his legs on the second child. He tapped his legs and told his son not to imitate him and always take shortcuts to get to cold water.

"Who knew you were wading into the cold water?" The son felt that it was not worth it for his father, and he also knew in his heart that it was not easy for his father, so he handed the cigarette in his hand to his father.

My father took the cigarette and was not in the mood to smoke it. He put it on the table and said, "I am the only one running this road. I can't go to the leader all day long to complain."

The father sighed and talked about the reasons for his retirement.

A month ago, the branch director accompanied his father on a mountain road trip. Halfway through, he couldn't bear it any more. He explained that he understood the difficulties his father had endured for so many years and wanted to give him credit.

However, promises and reality are often very different. The branch director walked half of the postal route and applied for early retirement for his father when he returned.

The son didn't know what to say, so he just said dullly: "Then the village and the countryside won't write you a letter of praise."

"I wrote it, but I didn't let it be sent. How could I send a letter of praise to myself." My father had his own self-esteem in his heart, and sighed and said, "Besides, who will praise them."

The son raised his head and looked at his father, feeling that the father he knew was very different from what he knew now. Suddenly, he felt that his father was like a hero who cared about the public.

There was silence in the small courtyard for a while, and the father took the initiative to educate his son, not wanting to complain about his own suffering.

The topic ended here. My father stood up and went to greet the village secretary.

When the two came out, the yard was crowded with people, and they were both laughing at the father and son.

The son was a little shy surrounded by so many people and asked his father why everyone was looking at him.

The father smiled and said, "I came to see you. I don't know you."

"Then what should I do?"

"What should I do? Don't you want someone to welcome you?"

It is rare for a father to joke with his son, but the son knows that these people are not here to see him, but to say goodbye to his retired father.

The father was proud to introduce his son to the villagers. This was the path he had taken all his life, and now he handed it over to his son.

Although the son was smiling, he felt a little sour in his heart. The same was true for his father, but he was more proud that his son had grown up.

As the villagers bid farewell, the father and son set out on the road again. When they left the village, the father never looked back. The villagers sent them outside the village to watch them leave.

The son couldn't help but look back a few times, but the father still walked forward silently. Although he didn't get credit or promotion, it didn't mean he didn't get anything. At least he got the respect and miss of the villagers.

The sky was getting darker at this time. It had been cloudy for the past few days and the light was not very good. Huo Jianqi looked at the picture in the camera and ended today's shooting.

Chen Li'an took off his bag, as if he was taking off a burden. He is very rich and has a lot of status, but he can't deliver letters for decades. To a certain extent, these rural postmen are more respectable. .

It is they who convey the connection between the mountain village and the outside world. They are the only bridge between these villagers and the outside world.

The rugged mountain roads cannot stop the responsibilities and expectations they carry.

Chen Li'an turned to look at Teng Rujun, suddenly envious that he could play such a role.

At his age, there was no such deep role for him to play, and Chen Li'an suddenly felt that being young was not all its benefits.

"What are you thinking about, so lost in thought?" Cheng Hao came over from the side and handed him a bottle of water.

Chen Li'an took it and took a sip. When he drank it, he realized it was sugar water. After taking another sip, he asked, "Have you prepared it for Teacher Teng?"

"Here, we're about to send it over." Cheng Hao shook the other kettle in his hand.

Chen Li'an smiled and nodded and said: "It's okay. I didn't forget Teacher Teng this time, otherwise I would have scolded you for being so heartless."

Cheng Hao couldn't help shrinking his neck and said embarrassedly: "I forgot about it last time."

"Okay, go quickly."


Cheng Hao ran to Teng Rujun with a kettle, and Chen Li'an took another sip of sugar water before feeling a little energetic.

The day was so hot and muggy that I sweated a lot after filming for such a long time while carrying a mail bag.

Huo Jianqi came over and saw Chen Li'an holding a kettle in his hand, and immediately said: "Give me a drink. It's so boring today. I'm sweating all over."

Huo Jianqi took Chen Li'an's water bottle and drank several sips before wiping his mouth and saying, "It's still sweet. Did Cheng Hao make it for you? Are you two getting along? Why didn't I notice?"

Chen Li'an snatched the kettle back and said, "Drink my water and stop gossiping."

Huo Jianqi: "." Drinkers are also short-tongued.

After finishing his work and returning to the village, Chen Li'an took a shower and made a phone call. The cell phone signal was poor, so he could only use a satellite phone.

The cost was a bit extravagant, but Chen Li'an didn't care about the three melons and two dates.

Chen Li'an made a phone call for half an hour before running to have dinner, but this time he didn't cook for himself.

I'm exhausted from filming, who still has the mood to cook and eat, just eat ready-made.

Everything the crew eats is provided by the village, and they are paid on a per-head basis, so the food is pretty good.

After all, the reality is not the 1980s in the movie. It’s the turn of the millennium soon, and living standards have improved a lot.

After finishing the meal, Chen Li'an was sweating again. He put down his bowls and chopsticks and took his second son to go for a swim in the river.

Cheng Hao also followed, and the dog, male, and female combination left the village and headed for the river.

The river water was not very clean, Cheng Hao was a little disgusted, so Chen Li'an had to let his second brother lead the way to the mountain behind the village.

There is a mountain spring stream on the mountain behind the village, which flows all the way to the river at the foot of the mountain.

The location of this creek is a little remote, and no one in the village uses the water from this creek. Every household has a pressure well.

This place is very wet, and you can dig a well anywhere and you can get water.

However, the creek was quite shallow and swimming was not practical. Chen Li'an took off his T-shirt and lay down in the creek, and the creek was blocked.

Cheng Hao sat on the stone and soaked his bare feet in the stream. The clear water flowed over the soles of his feet and felt a little itchy.

The second child rolled around in the stream and started to shake his hair towards Chen Li'an and Cheng Hao.

"Dick! Get to the side and throw it away!" Cheng Hao shouted, covering his face. The clothes on his body were soaked and clung to his body.

Chen Li'an laughed out loud at Cheng Hao's graceful figure, rubbed his dick's head and said, "What a good dog!"

The second child shouted at Chen Li'an with bright eyes, as if asking for praise.

"I'll add chicken drumsticks for you later!" Chen Li'an patted the second child's head and let it go to play next to it.

Cheng Hao looked down at his half-wet clothes and grabbed the corners of his clothes to squeeze out the water.

Chen Li'an smiled evilly, picked up the water and poured it over.

"What are you still twisting? Come down and wash it." Chen Lian grabbed Cheng Hao's white and tender ankle and gently pulled it into the water.

Cheng Hao fell into the water. Looking at Chen Li'an who was smiling evilly, he also picked up the water and threw it back.

Not to be outdone, Chen Li'an threw it back. The two of them had a fuss, and Cheng Hao's clothes were completely soaked.

Chen Li'an grabbed Cheng Hao's hand and pulled her into his arms. Looking at her red face, he lowered his head and kissed her.

The mountain stream suddenly became quiet, leaving only the sound of gurgling water.

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