Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Have a few intimate words with the adoptive fathers

emmm, I'm ready to finish.

The original plan was to write about 2.5 million words, but the fate of this book was bumpy. It was reported countless times, and I didn't know how many times I made corrections.

Sanjiang has been under JB since the new book issue. At that time, the entire book was blocked. Sanjiang was lonely, and the front page promotion was also lonely. It was equivalent to four rounds of listings, and it did not get out of the divider.

Otherwise, the results of this book would have been better. It makes me heartbroken when I think about it. I originally had the opportunity to sell it as a high-quality product, or even book it with ten thousand orders, but in the end it only stayed at a high-quality product.

Maybe it's because I'm out of spirit. It was quite painful to write this book. I changed it almost every month, and I don't know who I offended.

Now I want to end this painful fate and let Chen Gou roam freely in his own world. He has his own destiny. In fact, I don’t need to write it. Let him play by himself.

However, I will write a sequel after finishing the book, and try to get the word count close to two million.

Of course, there is also the most important reason. Due to illegal rectification, many of the originally planned outlines were no longer dared to be written. This is also the main reason for wanting to finish it.

From the beginning of the book to now, I have revised and adjusted it almost five times. This month, I asked for the entire text to be revised. I revised more than 200 chapters. It was really painful. I should have just closed it at the time, but I didn’t want to feel sorry for everyone. , so I struggled to revise it, and in the end I felt stupid (just a few more chapters were blocked).

Writing the next few hundred thousand words feels wrong. I can't let go. I want to write but don't dare to write. I feel helpless. I will finish the next one hundred thousand words normally, and I will speed up the progress slightly and strive for a perfect ending.

I feel very sorry for all the adoptive fathers. Maybe I accidentally offended someone, or maybe I wrote too arrogantly. In short, this book is ill-fated.

It has been eight months since I started writing the book. Time flies very fast when I think about it. In these eight months, I would like to thank you all for your support, voting for me, and giving me rewards. This has allowed me to gain a lot of recognition and appreciation for my career. I also got my first masterpiece.

In reality, my past few years have not been great. I can say that I have been a failure. I have failed several times to start a business. I am heavily in debt. I was hit by reality and almost collapsed. This book gave me hope for the future.

I made some money from this book and paid off a lot of debt, although it was not completely repaid.

Making money is not the most important thing to me. It is to regain the confidence to face my shabby life. It turns out that I am not such a failure. It turns out that I can still write novels and bring some joy and relaxation to everyone. .

I still remember the day I got my first alliance leader, a reward of 1,000 yuan, I jumped up with joy! I really jumped up, not because I made 500 yuan, but because I felt recognized!

Someone is willing to spend a thousand yuan to reward me! Maybe this thousand yuan is just a drop in the bucket to the boss, but to me it is the highlight of my life!

Here I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Mew, who quietly occupies the world! (Although the boss stopped reading my book later, I will remember it forever!)

At the same time, I would also like to express my solemn thanks to my biggest benefactor, my father. In 1979, he rewarded me with two alliance leaders in total. Donor father, I love you! Thank you for your continued support!

Okay, now that I have thanked these two sponsors, I would also like to thank the other adoptive fathers. It is you who subscribed again and again with your monthly tickets and gave Lao Zhu high-quality products! It’s you who made Lao Zhu feel that the world is worth it and that hard work pays off!

To this day, I will never forget the day I got the premium badge. It was an honor and a confirmation! This honor was given to me by all my adoptive fathers, and I would like to give you one here!

The high-quality badges are so beautiful. I hope I can get tens of thousands of badges next time. Haha, I have a little dream. Whether I can get closer to a higher level depends on the support of all my adoptive fathers!

Sao Zhu hopes that all the adoptive fathers will support me as always. Sao Zhu is here to give another kiss to his adoptive father.

As for what to write in my next book, I actually have a lot of ideas. I want to write stories in the 1980s, and I also want to write stories after the millennium.

The most important thing is that I want to meet my favorite female star in the book, haha.

In fact, I am a pure lover. Unfortunately, I have been led astray by all the adoptive fathers. You have led me astray and made me change into your shape.

So you have to be responsible! Be sure to support me in my next book! Otherwise I will call the police!

Oh, I forgot to mention, it will be finished on November 8th, a good day specially chosen, I will cry to death... The main text will stay at 1.8 million words, and the extras will be updated from time to time, to make up for 2 million words!

There is a high probability that the new book will be released at the same time when it is finished on the 8th. It will be a different story. I hope all adoptive fathers can continue to support it and have fun reading it!

I love you all! Dear foster father!

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