Chu Jianghe was originally guarding Gu Jiajun, but now Gu Jiajun is working together, even if the rebels are elite, they are quickly culled.

Said it is fighting, but it is actually a unilateral massacre.

Soon, only Chu Jianghe and the guards were left, hundreds of people.

"Brothers, the Gu Jun family does not keep prisoners. Today, there is no more than a dead word. Kill one more person and you will earn it." Chu Jianghe was also a man, trapped in the encirclement, but his eyes were sharp and unyielding.

Seeing the rebels regained their spirits, Luo Chunhua snorted coldly, "You can't make any money, General Chu!"

Raise your hand, the golden needle breaks the wind.

Chu Jianghe fell.

But momentarily.

The few rebels saw Chu Jianghe fall and hesitated to throw their weapons on the ground.

"Tied up." Xiaohai shouted coldly: "In the past, it was to kill the army, but now it is no longer needed."

It's finally over, Nuan Chun has a gratifying smile on her face, holding on to Luo Chunhua: "Niang Niang, your subordinates will help you go back."

Luochun flower jaw head.

The two of them walked a few steps, and suddenly heard Chu Jianghe said, "Niang, why don't you use poison?"

The surrounding voices were noisy, but Chu Jianghe had obviously used his internal strength to speak, and these words clearly spread to everyone's ears.

Nuanchun was a little puzzled-how could one of the strongest generals in the rebel army ask such stupid questions? Niangniang poisoned a large swath and wanted to poison five thousand rebels. She had to be accompanied by tens of thousands of comrades. Where did the empress get so many antidote?

Besides, is there no money for poison and antidote?

So Nuan Chun sneered: "The role of the empress who uses poison to protect herself is far greater than killing the enemy. After all, the number of enemies on the battlefield may be more than ours. Just like just now, you are only a few people, each of you in the Gu family army. Spitting can drown you, so why use poison?"

Luo Chunhua's footsteps stopped slightly: Isn't this dead? It can be seen that Chu Jianghe is not only a successful general, but also martial arts. However, this is nothing, if they don't die, Xiao Hai and the others will make up for it.

However, after only a few steps, Chu Jianghe's voice sounded again.

This time, Chu Jianghe's voice was a little weaker, and he was obviously weak.

"Mother, my hatred, I will avenge myself."

Luo Chunhua frowned.

Nuanchun felt more and more funny: Who can avenge Chu Jianghe? Sheng Liheng was killed by Gu commander...

At this time, a soldier came to report: "Niang Niang, General Xiaohai, Chu Jianghe committed suicide!"

Luo Chunhua and Nuanchun looked at each other.

Both felt wrong in their hearts—Chu Jianghe committed suicide? Xiao Hai clearly said just now that Gu's army will not kill prisoners now! Why did he commit suicide? Just want someone to avenge him? But, who can avenge him?

Looking at this world, who can trouble the current queen?

The two of them felt a little uneasy, but they didn't think about it anymore.

Nuanchun helped Luo Chunhua and walked out of the battlefield, and then asked softly: "Niangniang's face is a bit tired, is it okay?"

"Maybe. The first two children have passed three months, and they are all okay. This third child is always a little sleepy and can't lift the strength. Maybe the head was imprisoned in the palace and hurt his mind. It's okay, rest. Just rest."

Luo Chunhua remembered that she had been imprisoned for more than a month, in exchange for a few years of warfare. After the locust plague, the people could no longer suffer disaster, and after a few more years of recuperation, she felt very satisfied.

She began to admire Sheng Yuqing, oh no, it was much more than before.

My man is really amazing!

Luo Chunhua stupidly, almost forgot the suffering she had suffered the other day.

At that time, I felt that I was suffering all the time, every second was like a year, but now I feel that more than a month of imprisonment has just passed away.

"Reorganize the army in the past few days, at most three days, you can return to the capital."

"Niangniang, since the flying pigeon has passed the book, the emperor will definitely wait for you to return to Beijing before dealing with Tingyun. You are not too anxious."

"My palace knows." Luo Chunhua answered, suddenly frowning slightly.

It was almost at the house right now, and at this moment, Luo Chunhua and Nuan Chun suddenly felt something was wrong--even if there was a war there, there were soldiers on patrol in the barracks.

Along the way, I often encounter some.

But as soon as they approached the house where they lived, there was no one... This is strange!

Luo Chunhua, who didn't know the situation at the time, failed to sneak into the military camp to assassinate Gu Jiaming. What he was concerned about was the patrolling soldiers. No matter how clever it is, there will be a wave or two within a kilometer.

It's nearly three kilometers, and I haven't seen it once.

"Nuanchun, there seems to be some situation."

Nuanchun nodded: "Niangniang, you go to General Xiaohai, and your subordinates have a look."

Luo Chunhua felt wrong: "My palace is with you."

"Niangniang, don't waste time! Your subordinates are leaving first, and you can go back a little bit, and you will meet people on patrol. It is certainly not dangerous. But the road ahead is not necessarily.

"Although my palace has been weaker recently, and poison is added, it is not inferior to you..."

When Nuanchun interrupted Luo Chunhua, he said sternly: "Miss Biao is still in front of you. You are here to make a decision, and your subordinates will never let you take risks with your subordinates. Niang Niang, your subordinates are gone."

After speaking, Nuanchun leaped forward.

Luo Chunhua took a deep breath. She knew that if she insisted on going with Nuanchun, she was really wasting time.

She felt that Zhu Qing should have ran away.

Although Zhu Qing had lost his martial arts, as in the previous analysis, Zhu Qing's insights and feelings were enough for the world to use.

Never let it go!

Luo Chunhua walked back quickly, she had to find someone as soon as possible to support Nuanchun-Zhu Qing, who had lost her internal strength, could never do such a big deal by herself. She still doesn't know how powerful the person who helped Zhuqing ran away during the war was.

As he was walking, there seemed to be a **** smell floating in the air.

Luo Chunhua frowned.

After thinking for a while, the thoughts came down again-with Nuanchun's strength, even facing the Thousand-member Squad, he could support for a period of time.

Enough people from Xiaohai came to support.

What's more, Nuanchun is a tracker, the enemy is in the light, and Nuanchun is in the dark, so it will definitely not be discovered by the enemy immediately.

After seeing Xiao Hai, Luo Chunhua briefly talked about the matter, Xiao Hai hurriedly took some people there, and Luo Chunhua rode his horse forward.

When they rushed to the house where they were, they saw dead bodies everywhere.

Strangely enough, those corpses were intact.

Obviously there was no fight.

"Who is it!?" Xiao Hai's eyes were red-these soldiers were his guards in front of the tent, they were all the people closest to him, and even his confidants in the Gu family army. Because of trust, Xiao Hai sent them here to guard Luo Chunhua's Zhu Qing.

"A master who uses poison. They all died of poisoning. Open their clothes to see if there are wounds on their bodies?"

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