From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

002 Degenerated Or Fallen Gods! [Sixth More Full Order! 】

002 Degenerate or fallen gods!

For falling into the abyss, Su Bai didn't have much emotion.

After all, Saint Laurent Continent is still too small.

A golden dragon king who has not yet reached the realm of legend is already the most powerful person, standing on the top of the continent for thousands of years.

After slaughtering the Golden Dragon King, killing many gods and priests, and raising his divine attack resistance to the limit of 100 points, the only existence that is valuable to Su Bai in Saint Laurent Continent is evolution points.

Or rather, players.

When Su Bai's eighth evolution is over, even those massive players will have another weakened effect on him.

At that time, if Su Bai wants to go further, he will fall into the abyss sooner or later.

So, the result didn't change.

It's just that the backhand of the system made the time for Su Bai to enter the endless abyss a little earlier, so that he didn't have time to complete "four twenty" and become his eighth evolution.

"It's a pity..."

"However, isn't this exactly what I want?! I've been dormant in the Saint Laurent continent for a long time, and I'm afraid I'll be like the Golden Dragon King in the end, and it's hard to go any further for thousands of years."

"Only a place like the endless abyss can make me stronger quickly in more intense battles, until.....beyond the system!"

A high-spirited fighting spirit emerged, driving away the slight regret.

Su Bai looked away to see where he was now.

It's a wilderness.

The slightly dim sunlight shone down, reflecting the entire field of vision like the evening in the main material world, but it was almost the same as the daytime in the inner earth world.

The wilderness is full of enchanted plants unique to the abyss.

Even a grass or a vine cannot be underestimated in the abyss world.

Because no one knows whether these enchanted plants everywhere are the disguise of some kind of abyssal monster, which will change from a harmless plant to a powerful predator in the next moment.

Su Yiyi was beside her.

The dragon-eating ants army, whose number had dropped to more than 1.8 million, also spread out in his field of vision, arrayed in the wilderness.

Only the Queen Ant, the Emerald Demon Butterfly, and the Ant Clan from the Earth's inner world were missing.

"Is it too far away?"

"Or is it because of the particularity of the earth's inner world that the will of the abyss did not bring the queen ant, the emerald butterfly and other dragon-eating ants into the abyss?"

After choosing to fall into the endless abyss, Su Bai already had a lot of information in his mind.

This information is all about the basic laws of the endless abyss, as well as the benefits and abilities that Su Bai obtained after leading his subordinates into the endless abyss.

After reviewing the information, Su Bai understood.

As he guessed before, the will of the abyss is another system!

A system unique to monsters!

And the most fundamental difference between the will of the abyss and the will of the supreme is chaos and order!

Evolution is the eternal theme of life.

The supreme will of the main material world—that is, the system that is biased towards humans, humanoid races, and players—pays attention to order. Everything, all life, evolves in a certain order.

Abyssal History, the pursuit is to evolve in chaos!

The weak eat the strong, and the strong respect, this is the most basic survival rule in the abyss world!

In the main material world, if a powerful individual wantonly slaughters his own race or aliens, it will easily cause other powerful individuals to attack. This is not only the embodiment of the rules of civilization, but also the embodiment of the supreme will order.

In the abyss world, it is quite normal for a strong man to slaughter the city and wipe out the clan.

Because this is the privilege that the strong themselves have.

As long as you have enough strength, there is nothing you cannot do in the abyss world.

A monster can kill its own lord and replace it by itself; a lord can slaughter a world and designate an entire layer of abyss world as its own territory and lair.

If they are powerful enough, they can even hunt down demon gods and replace them!

Kill and evolve!

Constantly becoming stronger is the only law of survival in the abyss world!

For the life in the main material world, and for the countless players, the abyss means hell, and it is the most terrifying place.

But for Su is his paradise!

In the abyss world, he will not be constrained by the system! As long as he is strong enough, he can continue to hunt and kill more powerful beings, obtain resources with almost unlimited resources, and improve his own strength!

Unlimited evolution!

This is the hell of the weak, but also the paradise of the strong!

After understanding the basic rules of the endless abyss, Su Bai's attention returned to his own family members and family members.

The Ant Queen and the Emerald Demon Butterfly never followed him into the abyss, because Bai already had some guesses. 0

Too much distance ruled this out.

For Su Bai, the distance from the inner world to Saint Laurent's capital is not too far, let alone the will of the abyss.

An existence above the gods, one kilometer, ten thousand kilometers or even across the world, it makes no difference to him.

Then the only reason is the particularity of the earth core world.


The peculiarity of the Emerald Demon Butterfly!

From man to god, it is unlikely.

Su Bai's [Legendary Demon Body] is also a domain-level skill. He has also crossed the limits of the mortal world and embarked on the road from man to god. A mere existence who just took this step, it is impossible to have any influence on the will of the abyss.


The only reason is from God to man!

"A degenerate deity... or a once-fallen deity?"

Reminiscent of the terrifying spiritual power in the sealed state of the Emerald Demon Butterfly, Su Bai's eyes were full of coldness.

No matter whether it is a degenerate god or a fallen god, as long as you become his dependent, you can never escape his control again!

Godless age.

All gods are forced to fall into a deep sleep, how can a degenerated or fallen god be an exception?

By the time the age of godlessness passes and the age of the gods comes again, Su Bai already has the strength to kill a god!

As for the queen ant, Su Bai was not worried.

The gold-eating ants have advanced to the 0.0 dragon-eating ants, becoming an epic monster race. When the legendary giant dragon family was massacred by Su Bai, the dragon-eating ant family had already stood at the top of Saint Laurent Continent.

With the existence of the Emerald Demon Butterfly, most of the legendary heroes on the mainland were slaughtered by Su Bai. Even if those legendary heroes wanted to get rid of the Queen Ant, they didn't have the strength.

Quite the opposite.

After a long time, the background of the dragon-eating ants in the earth's inner world will increase again. It will be good if the queen does not find trouble in the surface world. Who else would dare to go deep into the earth's inner world and find trouble for the ant queen?

A separation may become an opportunity for the queen ant!

An opportunity to make the Queen Ant stronger, to become a powerful existence not weaker than Su Yiyi, or even weaker than the Emerald Demon Butterfly!

PS1: To put it simply, it is to give the queen ant a chance to do things on her own...

PS2: The sixth update asks for full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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