From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

028 Demigod Level, Demigod Coercion! [Fourth More Full Order! 】

028 Demigod level, demigod coercion!

Su Bai did not kill the Darth Vader King.

Although the Black Warrior King provoked first, but after all, he was hinted by His Majesty Yong Ye, which was a test of his own strength by His Majesty Yong Ye.

This undead demigod will not allow himself to actually kill his subjects.


By knocking down two-thirds of the blood of the Black Warrior King with the strongest defense in these sanctuaries, and even blasting it into the ground like a wooden stake, Su Bai Liwei's goal has been achieved

The last blow was blasted.

After completely driving the Black Warrior King into the soil, Su Bai put away the Demonic Insect Spear, and his eyes full of fighting intent swept over the bodies of the many sanctuaries: "Who else wants to challenge the king?"

The death knight remained proud, like a statue standing on the side of the hall.

The three sanctuary-level demonic beasts turned their eyes away one after another, as if they didn't hear Su Bai's provocation.


The black warrior king with the strongest defense was beaten into a dog, how could they jump out stupidly and give Su Bai Liwei another chance?

Although they all feel that if they play, they will definitely not end so badly. But this was originally a test of Su Bai's strength. Now that the God Slaughter Project is about to start, who would be willing to waste their own strength and engage in unnecessary disputes?

Then, Su Bai saluted slightly to the undead demigod on the throne: "Your Majesty Yongye, look, this king's strength is not as bad as someone said."


The underground hall trembled again.

The vast mental power fluctuated violently, and the Black Warrior King rushed out of the mud in a rage, with a majestic negative energy aura as if about to explode, and rushed towards Su Bai again!

The Black Warrior King at this time is even more powerful and terrifying than when he was fighting Su Bai just now!

The furious Black Warrior King rushed over, Su Bai acted as if he hadn't seen it, still smiling, facing Monarch Yongye on the throne.

"Back off."

Just when the Black Warrior King was about to rush to Su Bai, and the jagged bone sword that was raised high was about to be cut off, Lord Yongye finally spoke.

"Your Majesty! Your subordinates are not convinced."!"

"You despicable abyss worm, do you only know how to sneak attack?!"

"If you have the guts, fight with this king in a dignified manner, and you will never die!"

In front of Maharaja Yongye and several sanctuary powerhouses, two-thirds of his health was knocked out by a little bug like Su Bai who had not yet reached the sanctuary level, and even by this weak person in his own eyes. Drive into the soil like a piling!

This is definitely a great shame and humiliation for the Black Warrior King!

In his long life, he has never suffered such humiliation!

The anger is burning, and the Black Warrior King just wants to fight Su Bai to the death, and he will never stop dying!

"My lord said..."

"Back off!"


Accompanied by Lord Yongye's second opening, a majestic divine power erupted from that thin figure!

The angry Black Warrior King had no resistance in front of this divine power, and was directly suppressed by this divine power on the ground, and fell into the mud exposed after the shattered stone slabs again.

"Demigod level..."

"Demigod coercion?!"

Su Bai felt vigilant in his heart.

Even if he didn't bear this huge divine power head-on, Su Bai's heart throbbed.

A demigod is, after all, a demigod.

The Black Warrior King was helpless in the face of this god-level demigod coercion. If he is the one who bears the pressure of the demigod head-on... Maybe he is better than the Black Warrior King, but definitely not too much better!

Secretly vigilant in my heart.

Su Bai postponed a certain plan in his heart for a while again.


Before his strength improves significantly again, he will not rashly implement the plan in his heart.

As for the Black Warrior King, Su Bai didn't take it to heart at all.

The battle just now was, after all, a test of the Black Warrior King's own strength under the signal of Lord Yong Ye. Although the Black Warrior King was caught off guard by Su Bai, he never used his domain-level skills.

Doesn't Su Bai keep a strong hole card?

If you do it again in a different place, even if it's a fight to the death——

The fate of the Black Warrior King will still not change anything!

The strength enough to escape back to the barren abyss under the pursuit of the undead demigods, and the strength enough to blow up any strong man in the sanctuary in the underground hall, this is Su Bai who dares to step into this hall and join this massacre. The foundation of God's plan!

after a long time.

Maharaja Yongye dissipated the coercion on himself.

Feeling the terrifying strength of Yong Ye Maharaja once again, the strong people in the sanctuary in the hall have a lot of respect for Yong Ye Maharaja's attitude, and the hope of the success of the God Slaughter Project has also increased a lot

After the Black Warrior King got up from the mud again, he left the hall without even looking at Su Bai.

After suffering such humiliation twice in a row, he has no face to stay here any longer.


The surging spiritual power before the Black Warrior King left made everyone clearly feel his hatred for Su Bai!

The hall fell silent again.

Maharaja Yongye sat high on the throne, and his eyes covered by the hood of his robe swept across the powerful men in the hall, especially after staying on Su Bai for a while, before he said: "... Aguza won't come It has already left the Warcraft Forest with its subordinates and sneaked into the vicinity of the destination."

"As long as our plan starts, Aguza will bring its subordinates to respond and break through the defense line of the human empire."

"According to our previous agreement, after the plan is successful, I will only take away the godhead of that god. As for how to distribute the remaining spoils, it is your own business."

"I am eager to ascend to the gods, and this godless era is also the best opportunity."

"Similarly, this godless era is also the highest opportunity for you to hunt the gods and step into the demigod realm with the gods' body, divinity and divine power."

"This plan..."

"Only succeed, not fail!"

"If someone (money is good) happens in secret and causes the plan to kill the gods to fail, I will personally take out his soul and put it into the eternal soul flame of the undead world to roast for hundreds of millions of years

Next, Maharaja Yongye explained his plan and assigned detailed mission objectives to each sanctuary.

The core God-slaying plan, Yongye Maharaja, did not reveal it.

Because it was himself who faced the sleeping god directly.

The goal that Su Bai and the others want to accomplish is to attract as many human beings as possible, as well as those sanctuary powerhouses among the humanoid races, before the start of the real plan to slaughter the gods!

As for the method of attraction...

What the three-headed Sanctuary-level Warcraft Emperor has to do is set off a frenzy of Warcraft!

Set off a massive monster siege!

What the three Sanctuary undead, including Su Bai, have to do is to cause a greater disaster!

Mao Mao, jointly driven by the undead of the three sanctuaries..

Undead Scourge!

PS: For the fourth update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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