From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

058 The Ban Is Lifted, Saint Laurent Returns! [Fourth More Full Order! 】

058 The ban is lifted, Saint Laurent reappears!

After getting Su Bai's permission, Alfonso directly crushed the Ice Crown, absorbing all the inheritance and experience of the Eternal Night Maharaja contained in it.

As expected by Su Bai, Alfonso's skill system has changed to a certain extent.

But to Alfonso, the few skills he lost were irrelevant, but what he got was the inheritance of an undead demigod!

It can be said.

As long as he gains divinity in the future, Alfonso can be promoted to a demigod without bottlenecks all the way to the peak demigod!

With Su Bai as his backer, will Alfonso worry that he will not be able to obtain divinity?

so far.

The direction and potential of the Lich King Alfonso, the last servant of Su Bai, has also been finalized.

Afterwards, Su Bai directly released his abyssal breath, infecting Alfonso and the many overlord-level undead transformations under his command, making them transform in the direction of the abyssal species.

Before that, Su Bai's transformation still had certain risks. It was easy for the breath of the abyss to corrode Alfonso's soul body, turning him into a ghost who lost his will, and a lich.

But after becoming the master of the barrenness, Su Bai's will is the will of the barren abyss.

Under his control, this infinite abyssal breath transformed Alfonso and his undead remodeled creatures into perfect abyssal species, and did it consume their willpower.


Su Bai took Su Duoduo back to the barren abyss.

Alfonso also brought his own undead transformations, and fell into the abyss of desolation from day one!

As for those low-level undead... were directly abandoned.

The Endless Abyss has no shortage of wars, nor does it lack enemies and corpses. Alfonso has enough time and materials to rebuild a more powerful Scourge!

Time flies, and several months have passed.

In the past few months, Su Bai's level has not improved, and has remained at level 95.

He did not launch an abyss war against other abyss worlds, nor did he invade the new main material world.

During this time, Su Bai was completely immersed in the purification of the power of barrenness.

Thanks to the devouring Lord Yongye's divinity, the changes brought about by the power of barrenness becoming more pure, Su Bai understood in his heart.

He took a completely different path from other monsters.

After other monsters reach the peak of the sanctuary, they need to acquire divinity, upgrade their level, and meet a series of conditions before they can be promoted to the demigod realm, and then they are eligible to sprint towards the god realm.

Su Bai is different.

The identity of the desolate master makes him closely linked with this abyss world.

The abyss is me, and I am the abyss!

As long as he keeps purifying the power of barrenness he possesses, he will be able to merge deeper with the barren abyss. As long as he continues to expand the barren abyss, his strength will become stronger!

Arrived later.

Even if his rank is still in the sanctuary realm, he can still blow up demigods and hard regret gods!

As for how to improve your realm...

Su Bai can only understand and explore a little bit in a deeper integration with the barren abyss.

As can be expected, this is an unprecedented road, and one that never ends!

If one day, he will really come to the end of this path...

Beyond the system?


He wants to override the system!

Master the system!

While Su Bai was concentrating on purifying the power of barrenness, the others were not idle either.

Su Yiyi's level did not increase, but she devoured a large amount of magic equipment and magic metal during this period of time. Through the [Gold Eater] talent, she once again strengthened her strength and physical defense, even in the field of [Metal Stand Skin] Level skills have also been greatly improved.

Although she has not yet advanced to the sanctuary, Su Yiyi's strength is no less than that of the low-level sanctuary and the middle sanctuary.

After Su Duoduo experienced the novelty of looking at the world from a human perspective, she re-morphed into the giant abyss spider that was 100 meters tall, mixed with Su Yiyi, and left the barren abyss from time to time to go to other abyss worlds to hunt and kill Monsters hunt for precious magical metals.

After Alfonso completely absorbed the inheritance of Lord Eternal Night, he not only restored his strength to the level of the upper sanctuary, but also used the corpses of countless abyssal monsters as materials

Re-formed a more powerful Scourge.

Even the overlord-level undead transformations under his command have been upgraded from the original four to as many as ten.

As for the more than 1.5 million dragon-eating ants that have been staying in the barren abyss...

The continuous hunting and killing for one year has made the strength of these dragon-eating ants have been greatly improved!

Average grade, level 89!

As a unit, even if these dragon-eating ants cannot evolve step by step along the steps of epic, legend, overlord, and sanctuary like Su Bai and Su Yiyi, the level of each dragon-eating ant can reach level 89. The strength has been greatly strengthened!

Coupled with the countless abyssal monsters, minerals, and other resources that have been devoured in this year, the dragon-eating ants who have the racial talent of [Eat of Life] have been greatly strengthened!

If it is placed in the main material world, every dragon-eating ant can be called a small boss!

Without the participation of high-end forces, the 1.5 million dragon-eating ants army alone would be enough to kill, slaughter, and eat up a main material world!

The level in the endless abyss still stays at level 58.

But the strength possessed by the desolate abyss (Zhao Nuohao) directly exceeds most of the abyss worlds with more than 60 and 70 floors, approaching the critical point of 80 abyss worlds!

80 layers of abyss.

This is the end of the middle and lower layers of the endless abyss, and it is also the beginning of the bottom layer of the endless abyss.

Starting from the 81st floor of the abyss world, only those who have reached the demigod realm can be qualified to become the abyss lord in it!

That is to say, if Su Bai launches an abyss war at this time, except for the abyss world below the 81st floor that may block the attack of the barren abyss, the other abyss worlds have almost no ability to resist in the face of the powerful strength of Su Bai and the barren abyss. !


At this time, Su Bai was not in the mood to launch an abyssal war.

Because the opportunity he has been waiting for has come!

Saint Laurent Continent, which has been banned for a year... has been unblocked!

PS: For the fourth update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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