From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

063 Dragon-Eating Ant Queen, Kerrigan! [Fourth More Full Order! 】

063 Dragon-eating Ant Queen, Kerrigan!

Originally, the size of the queen ant was the largest among dragon-eating ants.

Even Su Bai and Su Yiyi couldn't compare with the Queen Ant in terms of size.

When the level was raised to 84, especially after being promoted to the legendary rank, the size of the Queen Ant expanded several times, making her already huge body even bigger!

Up to now, the queen ant is more than 100 meters high and more than 500 meters long!

Lying on the ground, it is a real mountain!

Such a huge size makes the queen ant's most deficient agility attribute even more scarce, and even ordinary movement is somewhat difficult.

Fortunately, the dragon-eating ants have grown into an epic monster race. Under the dragging and carrying of countless dragon-eating ants, the queen was able to leave the nest, leave the inner world of the earth, and appear in front of Su Bai.

Perhaps, when the queen ant wants to see Su Bai, it is faster to go to the inner earth world from Su Bai, but this is the insistence of the queen ant.

With a huge body lying on the ground, the queen ant struggled to lie down, expressing her loyalty and respect to Su Bai and all the emperors of the dragon-eating ants!

Taking a step forward, Yin Bai appeared above the queen ant.

Stretching out his right hand covered with gauntlets, Su Bai touched the queen ant's high tentacles and smiled slightly: "Very good, not only did you not disappoint me, but you gave me a huge surprise."

This surprise is not just an advancement of the queen ant herself.

The total number of dragon-eating ants over 4.5 million and the number of flying ants over 500,000 are the accumulation of the queen ants in this year.

This number also shows that in the past year, the Queen Ant has been in a state of violent soldiers! Even after the level and rank have been raised, the Queen Ant's violent soldier ability has been enhanced again, and such a number has been accumulated in one year. The dragon-eating ants and flying ants are enough to show the efforts of the queen ants.

When Su Bai's praise came, the queen ant couldn't help being happy.

Looking down at the huge body of the queen ant and the black insect sea covering the whole wilderness, Su Bai thought for a while.

After advancing to epic, Su Yiyi has her own name.

Mordos originally had a name, and after the Advanced Sanctuary mastered the ability to change form, Su Bai was also forced to change his name to Su Duoduo.

The Emerald Demon still in a state of ignorant sleep.

But Su Bai believes that with her background and the secrets hidden in her body, she has had her own famous minister countless years ago.

Among his subordinates, only the Queen Ant has no name of her own.

Time to give the queen ant a name, too.

Staring at the body of the queen ant, Su Bai inexplicably remembered a game in his previous life, and remembered the existence in that game that used to be a human and later became an insect.

After silently thinking for a while, Su Bai smiled.

With his right hand resting on the tentacles of the queen ant, his slightly deep voice spread far and wide: "From now on, your name is... Kerrigan""


At this time, the gap between the Queen Ant and the "Queen of Blades" is still a bit big.

But Su Bai believes that the future ant queen will grow and evolve again, and she will eventually have the strength and power no less than the "Queen of Blades", truly... worthy of this name!

Following Su Bai's words, the ant queen who had been named Kerrigan buried her head even deeper.

Endless joy radiated from Kerrigan.

Having his own name is nothing to other legendary monsters. To be promoted to the rank of legend means to have the wisdom no less than that of human beings, and it couldn't be easier to give yourself a name.


The meaning is different.

Naming Su Bai is not just a gift, but a recognition!

This means that Su Bai no longer just regards her as a tool of a violent soldier, but truly regards her as his own family member!

For the ant queen who grew up from the faint level like Su Bai and Su Yiyi, this kind of recognition... is more important than anything else!

After naming the queen, Su Bai took another step forward and appeared in the sky.

Below him is the ant queen Kerrigan, the more than 4.5 million dragon-eating ants and the more than 500,000 flying ants that the queen brought from the inner earth world.


Su Bai's mind moved slightly.

The endless breath of the abyss erupted from the gate of the plane connecting the barren abyss, turning into countless streams, linking to Kerrigan, and also linking to those dragon-eating ants and flying ants!

This is the erosion of the breath of the abyss!

It is also the process of transforming from monsters in the main material world to abyssal species and abyssal monsters!

Su Bai is the lord of the abyss, so his subordinates must also be of the abyss.

Now is the best time to transform Kerrigan, those dragon-eating ants and flying ants into the abyss species.


The invasion of the abyss and the war of planes are not just coming to the main material world to kill and plunder. The war between the endless abyss and the main material world has always ended with the end of a world!

Whether it's the improvement of Su Bai's own strength or the need to expand the barren abyss, he has set the goal of this war of planes at that ending!

By transforming Kerrigan and the dragon-eating ants into abyss species, he can plunder and erode the world faster!

When this main material world is eroded to the extreme...

It's time for Su Bai to take action himself and drag him into the abyss of desolation!

The breath of the abyss is like the free energy of the main material world.

The free energy in the main material world is endless, and the abyssal breath in the barren abyss is also endless.

Under Su Bai's control, the endless breath of the abyss gushes out from the gate of the plane like seawater pouring backwards, quickly eroding Kerrigan, quickly eroding every dragon-eating ant, every flying ant, Transform them towards the direction of the abyss species.

Fortunately, in the past few months, Su Bai has been purifying his barren power, which has greatly improved his control over the barren abyss.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to complete such a large number of abyss transformations.

one day.

two days.

three days.

A full five days passed before the transformation this time came to an end.

After completing (okay) this time of transformation, Su Bai's face also became a little pale.

Transforming these subordinates into the abyss species does not need to consume mana or physical strength, but what is consumed is Su Bai's spiritual power! He needs to exercise his authority all the time!

Fortunately, this transformation is finally over.

above the sky.

After recovering his spirit a bit, Su Bai's eyes swept across the ground.

There, all his armies are neatly lined up, the Scourge Legion of Demon Insects and the Scourge Legion of Undead!

When the gaze finally shifted from the two armies to Su Yiyi and the others, Su Bai raised the Demonic Worm Spear in his hand and pointed it forward!

...... go


"Destroy everything you see!"

"Eat everything!"

"Kill everything!"

"Erosion everything!"

"The continent of Saint will come to an end!"

PS: For the fourth update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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