From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

067 The Ultimate Assist Ability! Life Network! [The Third Update Asks For A Full Order! 】

067 The Ultimate Support Ability! Life Network!

What the heart of ten thousand trees looks like, Su Bai has never seen it.

He only learned from the information he had collected that this treasure of the tree shepherds contained vitality beyond people's imagination, and it also contained the inheritance of the tree shepherds.

But obviously.

The only thing that can counteract the combined power of the two halo skills of Fear Halo and Corrosion Halo, and build a life network that spreads for a hundred miles, and quickly restore the injuries and blood volume of all tree shepherds Arcana can do it!

Perhaps, the quality of the heart of poverty is not as good as the tree of ecology.

But the function and quality of this treasure far surpassed the other inherited treasures he had obtained, and only the Dragon Soul Crystal can compare with it!

When the life network is built, the damage caused by the fear aura and corrosion aura is offset.

Yes, offset.

It's not that these two halo skills have failed.

These two halo skills are still eroding the lives of these tree shepherds violently, but the life network built by the heart of ten thousand trees is too strong, which makes the tree shepherds recover faster than two days from injuries and 20 blood points Erosion speed of aura skills!


The construction of this life network is not without cost.

When the life network was built, all the trees connected to it showed a slight sluggishness. And as time goes by, the wilting speed of these trees within a radius of 100 meters is getting worse and worse!

The essence of the life network is to use the power of the heart of ten thousand trees to link all life forms together.

When the tree shepherd takes damage, the damage will be distributed to all the trees connected to the life network. Similarly, when the tree shepherd's health drops, the tree shepherd king can also extract vitality from these trees and restore the gum tree man's injuries!


These tree shepherds can ignore the erosion of the two skills of fear aura and corrosion aura!


The Heart of Myriad Trees also has its limitations, that is, it can only be linked to trees.

When there are no trees nearby, the effect of this treasure will be greatly reduced. The only thing worthy of praise is the huge vitality and power contained in it.

After understanding the general effect of the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees with the help of [Eye of Insight], Su Bai stopped instilling the power of barrenness.

The tree of life is here and cannot escape.

Compared with the tree of life, which takes a long time to control, it is more in line with Su Bai's style to get the heart of Wanmu first.


"If you break through the iron shoes, you can't find anywhere, and it's easy to get here..."

With a slight smile, Su Bai's figure had disappeared from the tree of life, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the tree shepherd king!

The Insect Demon Spear in his hand was burning with raging dark blue flames!

"Bloodthirsty battle!"

"Unlimited consecutive cuts!"

Two skills are activated!

The worm gun in Su Bai's hand bombarded the tree shepherd king like a shooting star!


Infinite power bombarded the tree shepherd king, bringing about a sky-shattering roar. There was not the slightest scar on the tree shepherd king's body, nor did his health drop in the slightest.


After the Tree Shepherd King took Su Bai's full blow, the trees connected to the life network became even more wilted!

The attack is dispersed?

Very resilient?

it doesn't matter!

Even if it is consumption, Su Bai can consume all the trees within a hundred miles! This treasure, the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees, is in your hands!

When Su Bai launched the attack, the tree shepherd king and the legendary tree shepherds linked to the life network also launched an attack on Su Bai. But their sluggish movements make it difficult for them to hit Su Bo.

Even if they really hit Su Bai, facing Su Bai's body defense as high as a semi-artifact level, they are still doing useless work.

And Su Bai...

With repeated displacements and bombardments, he quickly superimposed the attack boost of [Infinite Continuous Slash] to the limit, and every time the insect magic gun is fired, it is ten times the damage of the initial attack!

Coupled with the armor-piercing damage triggered from time to time...

The trees that are linked into the web of life are dying fast!


ten times!

A hundred times!

When the first tree linked to the life network was drained of all its vitality and essence, and turned into a piece of fly ash, the effect of the life network finally reached its limit.

The king of the tree shepherds wants to escape, and wants to take the tree shepherds away from this withered forest [relink to other forests.

But every time it takes a step, it will receive a blow from Su Bai beyond the limit!

The bombardment again and again made the tree shepherd king keep retreating, and was always confined to this area near the tree of life!

Trees can be described as representatives of vitality.

And the tree of life is the ultimate among trees.

The Tree Shepherd King wants to link the life network to the tree of life, with the truly inexhaustible vitality and energy of the tree of life, even if they can't hurt Su Bai, "at least they can remain invincible.


The tree of life that grew up as a bud of the world tree, its quality is still above the heart of ten thousand trees.

At least with the ability of the tree shepherd king, it is impossible to link the tree of life to this life network!




Su Bai's attack continues.

When the limit of the life network is reached, every attack by Su Bai will cause a large area of ​​trees to wither and turn into fly ash.

The trees within a range of one hundred miles are still in ancient forests like the Misty Forest, and the total number of trees in it may be calculated in hundreds of thousands or millions!

But the vitality of these trees is not endless after all.

When Su Bai's attack falls again, ten times attack + armor damage triggers!

The last tree is reduced to ashes!

The web of life ends.

Losing the protection of the life network, the erosion effect brought about by the combination of fear halo 843 and corrosion halo is once again powerful!

The hundreds of legendary tree shepherds were corroded with their armor and tree trunks amidst the screams, withered and turned into pieces of fly ash in the constant wailing.

And the king of the shepherds......

The most powerful tree shepherd also ushered in Su Bai's final blow!

"Infinite consecutive cuts..."

"Ten times the attack!"

It shifted again and appeared above the tree shepherd king.

Completely ignoring the tree shepherd king's powerless counterattack, the insect demon spear in Su Bai's hand was like a divine sword that opened up the world, and slashed down heavily!



Without the countless trees to disperse the damage, without the continuous recovery of the life network, even if it has reached the critical point of the overlord level, the tree shepherd king can't stop Su Bai's attack at all!

When the insect demon gun came down, the huge head of the tree shepherd king exploded!

The same huge wooden body was also broken inch by inch in the subsequent attacks, like a dead wood that was split from the top of the tree directly to the middle of the trunk!


In the roar of the sky.

The huge body of the tree shepherd king fell to the ground.

A crystal emitting green light jumped out and was grabbed by Su Bai!

The Heart of Myriad Trees, here it is!

PS1: For the third update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!

PS2: Recommend this book... "The Red Police Base of the Anti-Japanese War", written by a friend of the author Jun.

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