From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

013 Power Of Faith And Artificial Gods! [Second More Full Order! 】

013 Power of Faith and Artificial Gods!

After swallowing the Silent Abyss, the ranking of the Desolate Abyss in the Endless Abyss has been raised from the original 79th floor to the 83rd floor.

In other words, if the abyss war is launched again, the barren abyss will face the 84th floor of the abyss world.

From the 81st floor, it is already the bottom of the endless abyss.

One of the biggest symbols of the bottom abyss world is... Only those who have reached the demigod realm can become the lord of the bottom abyss world!


Must be the strongest among the demigods!

Without enough strength and combat power, even if you are lucky enough to ascend to the position of the lord, you will soon meet other demigod challengers, or be beheaded, be robbed of everything, or flee, losing the abyss lord identity of.

The ranking has been raised to the 83rd floor, which means that the barren abyss has become one of the twenty most powerful abyss worlds in the endless abyss!

And Su Bai has officially entered the forest of the strong in the endless abyss!

Ten days is not very short.

It's not long either.

During these ten days, Su Yiyi and Su Duoduo were still working hard to kill the abyssal monsters and improve their level.

With the help of the ultra-wide-range attack skill of Frozen Miles, Alfonso wiped out three million abyss ghosts in one fell swoop, and directly raised his level to level 99, reaching the same level as Su Bai.

The next target is the demigod.

Su Yiyi and Su Duoduo also felt a sense of urgency.

They know that the enemies Su Bai encounters will become stronger as time goes by, and only by improving their strength as quickly as possible can they always be by Su Bai's side and fight for Su Bai.

Their heritage and potential are strong enough.

Only by converting these backgrounds and potentials into real combat power as soon as possible, can they continue to be Su Bai's support.


Even Alfonso, a bad old man, has reached the peak sanctuary and is about to cross over to the realm of demigods. The two of them have no reason to be worse than this bad old man!

For a while, Su Yiyi no longer followed Su Bai like a little tail.

Su Duoduo didn't think so much about her height and was full of resentment.

All their energies are put on improving their own strength as soon as possible.

And during these ten days, Su Bai was not idle.

He has a new harvest!

Sitting on the throne of the Obsidian Hall, Su Bai focused his attention on his soul body.

to be exact.

It was concentrated on the soul imprint that he had just begun to form.

At this time, a trace of power that Su Bai had never seen before appeared in his soul, attached to the surface of the unformed soul imprint.

This trace of power is very weak, but very pure.

Even if it is not comparable to the power of the original source, it is not as good as the divine power, but its purity exceeds the power of the sanctuary level!

The most important thing is that in Su Bai's field of vision with [Delusion-breaking Demon Eyes], an extremely weak silk thread penetrated the void and linked to his own soul imprint out of thin air!

That trace of weak power was transmitted from this extremely thin silk thread.


But it keeps coming.

When Su Bai touched this power with his own mind, when he touched this silk thread, a slight murmur followed. This voice comes from the only player in the barren abyss camp, "McDududou is really cute~ "Love"!

It was also at this time that Su Bai knew what this power was.

This power is the power of faith!

For a moment, Yin Bai's expression was a little strange.

His rank is still at the peak of the sanctuary realm, not even a demigod. His soul imprint has just begun to form, and there is still a long time before he becomes the unique godhead of a god.

It was at this time that he gained his first disciple.

And he is a believer in players.

So Su Bai was a little dumbfounded.

The power of faith is to the gods [just like the experience value is to the existence below the demigod realm.

Enough power of faith can be transformed into divine power.

Only when the divine power reaches a certain level can the gods be promoted from the most elementary level to a higher level.

It can be said that believers and the power of faith are the basis for the existence of a god!

This is also the reason why in the two main material worlds that Su Bai once entered, there are temples of gods in both.


Su Bai's advancement direction is not a god, but a demon!

For a deity in the main material world, believers and the power of faith are the basis of its existence. Without the power of believers and faith, even the most powerful gods will continue to weaken and eventually fall.

Therefore, the gods of the main material world are the well-deserved patron saints of the main material world.

Only when the safety of the main material world is guaranteed, can there be enough living beings. With enough souls, they have enough believers.

Demons are different!

Perhaps, individual demon gods will also develop believers and gain the power of faith.

But for the Demon God, the power of faith is just an auxiliary force! With believers and the power of faith, the Demon God will be stronger, and without the power of believers and faith, the Demon God will not continue to weaken like a god, or even fall!

Because the foundation of the demon god is its authority, which is the endless abyss!

Invading the main material world, destroying the main material world, and bringing endless fear to the creatures of the main material world are the source of their power!

This is also the reason why in the records of the main material world [all abyss lords and abyss demon gods appear in the main material world as the World Destroyer Demon King and the World Destroyer Demon God.

Because this is not only the requirement of the will of the abyss, but also their powerful foundation!

(To put it simply, the gods of the main material world in this era are all gods of faith, relying on believers and the power of faith to exist (of Nord); strength, but need to constantly strengthen the authority that they wield)

Su Bai's advanced direction is Desolate Demon God, which basically does not require the power of faith.

But... McDull is really cute." The appearance of the first believer is not a bad thing.

At least, this let Su Bai know that even if he has not ascended to the god position, he can still gain the power of faith!

He doesn't need it himself, but it doesn't mean his dependents don't need it!

If his plan is completed, when more and more players join the barren abyss camp...


He can completely cultivate a god in this way!

A god who fell into the abyss and took him as his god!

PS1: Cough cough..... These chapters are a bit watery, the author pays attention, correct it immediately...

PS2: The second update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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