From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

003 Ding! Get Caterpillar Gene! [New Book For Collection~]

003 Ding! Get caterpillar gene!

"Eating... gaining 0.05 experience points..."

"Eating... Gaining 0.1 experience points..."

"Eating... gaining 0.03 experience points..."

In the dark cave, Su Bai is still eating.

His food was still the semi-solid ball brought by the worker ants, but compared to before, his eating speed was more than ten times faster.

Originally, it took him more than a dozen bites to finish a semi-solid ball, but now he can eat a ball in one bite.

Because in just a few days, his size has grown several times!

Calculated according to the standard of the previous life, the worker ants in the burrow are about 0.8 cm long, and the newly born larvae are only 0.3 cm long. At this time, Su Bai's body is a full 1.2 cm long.

Correspondingly, his four-dimensional attributes have also undergone tremendous changes.

When she was just born, Su Bai's four-dimensional attributes were: strength 0.008, agility 0.005, constitution 0.002, and spirit 0.03. But now, his attributes are:

【Name】: Su Bai

【Race】: Ant

[Stage]: Weimang level

[Grade]: Weimang level

[Attributes]: Strength 0.05 (reaching the limit of ants), agility 0.05 (reaching the limit of ants), constitution 0.05 (reaching the limit of ants), spirit 0.1

[Talent]: Soul plus points (soul talent), devouring evolution (unique talent), adaptability (racial talent)

[Skills]: None

Compared with before, Su Bai's four-dimensional attribute has been improved by ten times!

Compared with humans and real monsters, his attributes can be said to be insignificant. But among the population of ants, he is already a well-deserved giant!

And this is just the first step in his evolution!


After eating like crazy for a few days, Su Bai has already grown from a young ant to an adult ant.

His four-dimensional attributes have also reached the limit.

After the attribute reached the limit of the ant, the experience he gained from eating the semi-solid sphere again was negligible.

To improve again, he needs to eat a different food.

"Devouring Evolution: Even the weakest insect has infinite possibilities. With the talent of devouring evolution, you can gain experience by eating, and you can get gene points and evolution points by eating specific items. A sufficient number of gene points and evolution points can make You evolve from an insect to a higher level of life."

Glancing again at the description of the Devour Evolution talent on the attribute panel, Su Bai was about to leave the cave.

It is safe to hide in this burrow, and the simple-minded worker ants will also send food over continuously to ensure that he will not starve to death. But this single food that is only suitable for larvae has its limit after all.

The consequence of hiding here is that he will always be an ant, and eventually die as an ant.

"It's time to leave."

Su Bai turned around and looked.

The huge burrow has become empty, and most of the young ants have broken out of their eggs and become adults, joining the corresponding ant colony and starting their own work.

Those that have not yet hatched will never have a chance to come out.



The strange smell came again.

The worker ant who had been delivering food for Su Bai appeared.

Putting the semi-solid ball in front of Su Bai, the worker ants released pheromones, urging him to eat quickly.

Wisdom is almost non-existent. The worker ant couldn't understand why Su Bai became so huge in just a few days, and also didn't know that Su Bai at this time was infinitely stronger than it.

It is a worker ant, a worker ant responsible for transporting food for young ants.

As long as Su Bai is here, it will keep delivering food.

"I gotta go."

He lowered his head and looked at the worker ant which was several circles smaller than himself. Su Bai's two tentacles lightly patted on the worker ant's tentacles, and said silently in his heart: "Thank you."

Taking another look at the burrow where he was born, Su Bai crawled outside along the deep tunnel.

Behind him, the worker ant picked up the food, moved its tiny tentacles blankly, and released another burst of smell.


"...don't eat?"


Su Bai doesn't know what the world looks like in the eyes of other ants.

In his vision, the world is still the same.

He can clearly distinguish various colors, smell various odors in the tunnel, and taste the sweet taste of the young ants' food.

Going all the way along the tunnel, Su Bai's eyes suddenly opened up.

A tunnel with a height of three centimeters and a width of nearly ten centimeters appeared in front of his eyes.

And in this tunnel, hundreds of worker ants are rushing through, and almost every worker ant is carrying a little food. He even saw a group of worker ants teaming up to drag a somewhat shriveled caterpillar corpse toward the depths of the cave.


When Su Bai saw all this, he was pleasantly surprised.

For him, food represents strength.

If it weren't for the experience that the larva food in the burrow could provide him had reached the limit, he might be able to survive in that burrow for the rest of his life!

Just when he was about to leave the ant nest, more and more types of food appeared in front of him.

Especially the shriveled corpse of the caterpillar, he couldn't take his eyes away just by brushing Su Bai.

He had a feeling that eating the caterpillar corpse would probably benefit him greatly!

Without hesitation.

Su Bai rushed straight up and bit the caterpillar's corpse.

"Eating...acquired 2 points of experience..."

"Eating...acquired 3 experience points..."

"Ding! You swallowed the corpse of the caterpillar and gained 1 point of the caterpillar gene."

PS: New books for collection, flowers for evaluation~

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