From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

037 Player + Sanctuary = ... [Second Update Please Order In Full! 】

037 player + sanctuary =.....

Space stability, space invasion, life evolution enchantment, void transformation.

Four functions.

The only thing Su Bai didn't realize was that space invaded.

Space invasion is to penetrate the void and extend the root system of the world tree to other worlds, directly open the space gates in other worlds, and directly invade other worlds by bypassing the will of the abyss.

This function not only requires the further growth of World Tree, but also requires Su Bai's own strength to be raised to a certain level.

The world tree itself is not conscious.

After incorporating Su Bai's blood essence and a trace of soul origin, the World Tree became a clone of Su Bai,

Only under his control can it play its greatest role.

And only under his control, the root system of the world tree will actively extend in a certain direction, penetrate the void, and invade other worlds!

For now.

Su Bai can't use this function yet.

But the existence of this function gave Su Bai the capital to escape from the will of the abyss!

so far.

The 20 harvest of three consecutive abyss wars has finally come to an end.

Su Bai returned to the Obsidian Hall again, appeared on his throne, and began to control the divinity in his body to continuously temper his body, sublimate his soul, and improve his tempering level.

In a short time, he is not going to launch the sixth abyss war.

The god-eating ants need to recuperate.

Su Yiyi and the others need to familiarize themselves with their newly improved strength.

Even Su Bai himself needs to refine his body over and over again, so as to perfectly bring the barren power that has been raised to the level of a demigod into his own control!

Desolate abyss.

In a cave halfway up the mountain where the Obsidian Hall is located, "McDududou is really cute" with a dull expression on his face, as if he saw something unbelievable

In the three consecutive abyss wars, "McDududou is really cute" has participated in all of them.

Even in every abyss war, the role played by "McDududou is really cute" is so insignificant that it can be directly ignored, but the privilege of being a player still gives him huge benefits!

In the first abyssal war, his rank was promoted from a lower legend to a middle legend.

In the second abyssal war, his rank was promoted from the middle legend to the upper legend.

In the third abyss war, his rank was promoted from upper legend to peak legend.

Only one step away.

You will be able to step from the peak legend to the overlord level!

And stepping into the overlord level means that "McDuudou is really cute" is only one step away from being promoted to the sanctuary...

For Su Bai, sanctuary is nothing.

For Su Yiyi, Su Duoduo and Alfonso, the sanctuary is nothing.

The number of sanctuary powerhouses they killed was calculated in tens or hundreds.

But for players, Sanctuary is still a level that can only be looked up to!

This is true for "McDududou is really cute", and it is also true for players on the mainland of the main material world.

to this day.

Several more months passed.

The strength of players in the main material world has been improved to a certain extent, but the epic rank is still the mainstream of players, and the number of players who have broken through to the legendary rank is not as exaggerated as imagined.

Even in the next year or two, the mainstream players will stay at the peak of the epic rank.

"McDull is really cute" is the player.

In between games, he spent a lot of time on the "Extraordinary World" forum, so even in the barren abyss, he still has a detailed understanding of the players in the main material world.

Compared with a few months ago, the number of legendary rank players is several times higher.

But for the top players, their ranks only stay at the peak legend, and the number of players who reach the peak legend rank will never exceed a thousand!

Scattered into hundreds of main material worlds, the number of players at the peak legendary level in one main material world can reach one.

stop there.

After reaching the peak legendary level, these top players have difficulties every step of the way.

It is still far away from reaching the overlord level, let alone domainizing one of his skills, and then advancing to the sanctuary level.

The realm of the sanctuary is still something that players can only look up to.

And "McDududou is really cute"?

Three abyss wars, each one is a leap.

By this time, "McDull is really cute" has caught up with these top players.

And the existence of the class of Demon Insect Tyrant makes "McDududou is really cute" enough to crush these players who are also at the peak legendary rank in terms of combat power!

It can be said that at this time, "McDull is really cute" has become the well-deserved number one player among the players!

It's just that the plane war hasn't started yet, and I haven't been able to get in touch with other players. "McDududou is really cute" and he hasn't posted his information on the forum, so no one knows his existence.

The blockbuster idea of ​​"McDududou is really cute" has never been realized.

But now, he doesn't worry about it anymore.

Because a great opportunity appeared in front of him!

Mythic plot mission Abyss War is over.

In the third 463 abyssal war, the number of abyssal monsters killed by "McDududou is really cute" has greatly increased. part of the calendar.


When this abyssal war ended and the task was settled, a drop of blood appeared in front of "McDududou is really cute".

This is the reward he got in this mythical plot mission!

A drop of blood from a demigod!

Moreover, it has been systematically processed, and can be integrated into one's body without any burden, enhancing one's strength and potential blood essence!

After the huge surprise, "McDududou is really cute" immediately integrated this drop of blood from the demigod into his body.

He broke through.

From the pinnacle of the legendary rank, to the overlord rank!

not only that!

While improving strength, one of the skills in the "McDududou is really cute" skill list has also been successfully promoted from a legendary skill to a domain-level skill!

A condition is fulfilled.

Just raise your own level to the 99% threshold of level 89...

"McDududou is really cute" can successfully break through and become the first player among countless players to enter the sanctuary realm!

PS: The second update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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