From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

054 Turning Around? Faith Plunder! [Sixth More Full Order! 】

054 Turn of the Peak? Plunder Faith!

Su Bai is only the demigod of the abyss, not the demon god of barrenness.

But he has the identity of the desolate master!

Even if it is not in the barren abyss now, it cannot be integrated with the barren abyss to achieve the effect of "the barren abyss is me, and I am the barren abyss".


The gate of the plane communicates with the barren abyss.

Most of Anriel's world has also been eroded by the abyssal breath emanating from the barren abyss.

To some extent, the land behind him that spread to the end of the world has become a weakened version of the barren abyss!

This allows him to exercise the power of the Desolation Lord to a certain extent... the authority of the Desolation!

The world of ice and snow spreading over is essentially the appearance of the Goddess of Frost and Snow's priesthood in the world, and it is also the manifestation of the power of the gods in the world.

This kind of power may not be as powerful as the magic power released by the gods themselves.

But it can change a country and destroy a country in an instant!

That's it!

Facing this kind of power, Su Bai can resist it, but the two Scourge Legions under his command are hard to resist.

If the world of ice and snow spreads over...

I am afraid that except for Su Yiyi, Su Duoduo and Alfonso who can escape, the Scourge will be wiped out!

This is the horror of the priesthood of the gods and the power of the gods!

At this time, Su Bai chose to confront.

Fight the priesthood with authority, fight frost and snow with desolation!

The desolate power as vast as the sea erupted in the body, as if forming a huge domain, blocking the front of the two Scourge Legions.

To communicate with the desolate abyss on the other side of the gate of the plane, Su Bai mobilized his authority.

at this moment!

The billowing abyssal breath gushes out from the barren abyss and spreads madly towards the continent of Anriel.

The breath of the abyss that has already permeated the world behind him is also frantically gathering at this moment, instilling it into Su Bai's body!

above the sky.

The figure of Su Bai stands in it.

Countless breaths of the abyss completely enveloped the world behind him like a tsunami, like a dark cloud, like a thick fog, forming a huge funnel and pouring into his body!


Desolation appears.

With Su Bai's body as the boundary, the world of ice and snow stopped moving forward.

The extreme ice, snow and frost are still spreading in this direction, but another kind of authority has also appeared, firmly blocking it from beyond the boundaries.


The power of barrenness.

barren authority.

When Su Bai activates his authority, except for his subordinates, everything in this world begins to be barren.

The air is barren.

The earth is barren.

The mountains, rivers and vegetation are also barren.

Even the blossoming snowflakes and pieces of frost spread to this world, and they were quickly desolate and blackened, cutting off the divine power and divinity in them and blending into the earth.

Take Su Bai's body as the boundary.

The whole world is divided into two distinct parts!

Before the boundary is the domain of the Goddess of Frost and Snow, a world completely shrouded in ice and snow. All the aborigines and players in the City of Light are protected in this ice and snow world.

Behind the boundary is Su Bai's domain, a world filled with the abyss and the power of barrenness!

Except for his subordinates, everything cannot escape the fate of being barren!

Desolation VS Frost Snow!

In terms of quality, Su Bai, who is still in the demigod realm, naturally cannot use his barren authority to compare with the Frost and Snow Goddess's Frost and Snow priesthood.

But in terms of quantity, Su Bai is far superior!

The barren abyss is supporting him.

The abyssal breath that had eroded most of the world was also supporting him.

Where is the Snow Goddess?

She is just relying on her exhausted divine power, trying her best to maintain the power of Frost and Snow, and to maintain this ice and snow world!

If it wasn't for the chain of laws that was always linked to the goddess of frost and snow, the moment she exercised her priesthood and released her power... this god would have fallen!

ten seconds.

One minute.

five minutes.

ten minutes!

Supported by the breath of the endless abyss, Su Bai maintained his power with ease, maintaining this half of the world filled with the power of desolation.

The Frost Snow Goddess couldn't hold on anymore.

The last bit of divine power can maintain the world of ice and snow (caei) for a full ten minutes, which is enough to surprise Su Bai.

But with the end of these ten minutes, Snow Goddess has also reached the point of exhaustion.

If the stalemate continues, Su Bai is safe and sound, but she will really perish here!

Even with the maintenance of the chain of laws and the secret support of the supreme will, there are certain limits. If this limit is exceeded, not to mention what will happen to the Frost Snow Goddess, the supreme will will collapse first!

Just like the will of the abyss!

This is the scheming of the Supreme Will, which was planted in advance! If it weren't for this, the Supreme Will would not even be able to support the Frost Snow Goddess until now!

at this time.

The voice of Frost and Snow Goddess resounded between heaven and earth again.

Not a compromise.

Not to beg for mercy.

The words of Goddess Frost and Snow... are addressed to the tens of millions of players and hundreds of millions of aborigines in the City of Light!

"The people of the gods..."

"I am Serinna, the Goddess of Frost and Snow."

"The power of the abyss monster is beyond your imagination. I am seriously injured and can't support it. I need your help to destroy the abyss monster."

"Recite my god's name silently and pray to me sincerely. I will regain my peak and help you kill the monsters in the abyss and win this war of planes..."

She's preying on believers!

Believers and beliefs are the foundation of the existence of a god.

As long as there are enough believers and the power of faith, not to mention the state of frequent death, even if it has fallen, a god can be resurrected and reach the peak again.

The reason why Serinana, the goddess of frost and snow, has been in a state of frequent death is because she failed in the battle of faith before the will of the abyss and the will of the supreme descended!

Not only was he seriously injured and died frequently, but even his followers were all beheaded!


Hundreds of years have passed, and Serinna is still sleeping in a state of frequent deaths, without any improvement.

All the gods fell into a deep sleep.

Unable to perform miracles, unable to develop believers, unable to obtain the power of faith, Goddess Frost and Snow has become the backhand of the Supreme Will in this world, relying on the support of the Supreme Will, and has been maintained until now.

If nothing unexpected happens, this state will be maintained until the end of the Godless Age!


The accident happened after all.

Lord Yongye's battle of slaughtering gods made Goddess Frost and Snow wake up early, and her injuries were one step closer to falling.

The abyss war launched by Su Bai made the goddess of frost and snow exhausted.

This most critical moment has instead become her opportunity.

The opportunity to seize believers and faith!

If it is really possible to take advantage of this crisis to capture enough believers and the power of faith...

The Frost Snow Goddess can not only get rid of the crisis of impending fall in one fell swoop, but also can use the power of faith brought by a huge number of believers to return to her peak in one fell swoop, and even become stronger!

PS: For the sixth update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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