From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

090 Su Duoduo's God Slaying Moment! [The First Update Asks For A Full Order! 】

090 Su Duoduo's God Slaying Moment!


In the barren abyss.

When the battle of gods beyond the crystal wall of the world officially started, Su Duoduo had already made preparations.

She showed herself.

A huge body over a kilometer stretched across the sky, and six pairs of fully opened eyes shone with a frightening cold light, staring at a certain position in the sky.

Corresponding to outside the crystal wall of the world, there is the direction where their king and the enemy fight!


A violent roar resounded from the entire heaven and earth.

When Su Bai's last shot hit outside the world crystal wall and the world crystal wall shattered, large pieces of space corresponding to the location in the barren abyss were also shattered.


The huge body of the mountain god directly passed through the crystal wall of the world and fell into the abyss of desolation! "One four three"

a god.

Even the lower god who was severely injured by Su Bai's bombardment was enough to bring doomsday damage to a world. If no one stopped him, this seriously injured mountain god alone would be enough to destroy the barren abyss!


Just when the mountain god fell into the barren abyss, Yin Duoduo moved.

A large net that was completely woven by the power of space and covered the entire world suddenly emerged from the bottom of the space, enveloping the falling figure of the mountain god.

Even the mountain gods who have reached the level of lower gods can hardly break free from the spider threads woven by the power of space, and are firmly bound by this big net.

This is the web of the world!

It is the spider web that Su Duoduo spent a lot of time and divine power to weave with the power of space!

Where the cobwebs are covered is her hunting ground!

The God of the Mountain was bound by the net of the world, just when the God of the Mountain burst out his priesthood and divine power, and wanted to break the bondage, Su Duoduo's huge body had already jumped in front of the god.

Those two god-slaying teeth...

It was at this moment that he pierced through the head of the mountain god!

It also penetrated the godhead of the mountain god, directly submerged into the godhead of the mountain god, and began to devour his soul! His divine power! His priesthood!

Before evolution, everything related to gods and spirits can become the nutrient for Su Duoduo's evolution.

After evolving into a hell spider, only the gods and demons themselves can be swallowed by Su Duoduo and become the nutrient for their growth and evolution again!

A shrill scream resounded between heaven and earth.

Already bound by the net of the world, when the Godslaughter Fang began to devour his soul, divine power and priesthood, the mountain god was even more powerless to resist.

In just a few moments, the aura of this god quickly weakened.

The soul was devoured.

Divine power is sucked.

The priesthood was shattered.

This god, who was powerful enough to destroy the barren abyss, fell completely in less than ten seconds in the world!

The incomparably sharp and god-slaying fangs were pulled out from the empty head of the mountain god, and Su Duoduo's six spear-like spider feet pierced into the body of the mountain god with a little force.

The crisp cracking sound resounded through the void!

This huge divine body was directly torn apart by her, turning into three parts and falling in three directions!

These three parts of the corpse correspond to Su Yiyi, Alfonso and Kerrigan respectively!

Having devoured the soul, divine power and priesthood of the mountain god, Su Duoduo has already obtained the greatest benefits. For her who has become a mythical species, the remaining divine body is of little value.

But for Su Yiyi, Alfonso and Kerrigan, the body of a lower god is still an extremely precious tonic.

Devouring this part of the divine body, their speed towards the demigod realm will also increase rapidly!

After doing all this, Su Duoduo became quiet again.

The world net that spans the entire space has also re-hidden into the bottom layer of the space.

With a huge body entrenched in the sky, Su Duoduo's six pairs of eyes continued to stare at a certain position, waiting for the next prey to fall.

Beyond the world, is Su Bai's battlefield.

The world is her territory!

This is her fight!

It is her god-slaying moment!

After the last shot blasted the mountain god into the barren abyss, Su Bai no longer cared about the fate of the mountain god.

He knew that Su Duoduo would handle everything well.

After evolving into a hell spider, Su Duoduo can be called the nemesis of gods. As long as they fall into the net of the world, no god can escape Su Duoduo's hunting!

Not to mention a low-god who was severely injured by himself, even a low-god in peak state, it is impossible to escape Su Duoduo's hunting!

Of course he doesn't need to worry..0

Just focus on your own battlefield.

Witnessing with his own eyes that a lowgod was easily crushed by the monster emperor and driven into the abyss of desolation, the expressions of the two midgods, the tyrannical demon god and the god of competition, also became dignified.

They don't know what traps lie within the world.

But judging from the indifferent expression of the monster worm emperor, it is obvious that this mountain god who has fallen into the barren abyss will not end well.

The enemy this time...

It's not easy!

The tyrannical aura on his body grew stronger little by little, and the body of the tyrannical demon god also rapidly expanded at this moment, turning into a muscular giant with a height of one thousand meters!


The bloody mouth opened slightly, and the voice of the tyrannical demon god also echoed in this sea of ​​void.

"It seems that the decision of the few crowned ones is correct."

"Being valued by those under the crown, your strength is naturally not something that a mere lower god can shake. It is the god who underestimated you."


A set of sharp claws like tiger claws appeared on the hands of the tyrannical demon god. The middle demon god stepped forward with one step, and the surging divine power drew out several rays of divine light, bombarding down towards Su Bai!

at this time!

The Plague Demon God and the Bone Demon God also took action, one left and one right coordinated with the Tyranny Demon God to attack Su Bai!

As soon as you make a move, it is a calendar!

At the same time, on the side of the 0.9 gods, the God of Judgment's second Judgment Magic is also ready.


"This attack is bound to fall on you!"

What the God of Judgment judged was the full blow of the tyrannical Demon God!

A full-strength blow from a middle god might smash a small world! Only when this blow falls on the body of the devil worm emperor can it cause the greatest battle results!

"It's another divine judging technique..."

Feeling that his body was once again affected by the judgment magic, Su Bai gritted his teeth.

Not only did he not dodge the blow of the tyrannical demon god, but he went straight to meet it!

When the blow of the tyrannical Demon God came down, the magic spear in Su Bai's hand also bloomed nine spear flowers, and went to meet it!


PS: The first update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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