From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

095 The Ultimate Secret, The Battle Of Gods Is Over! [Sixth More Full Order! 】

095 The ultimate secret, the battle of gods is over!

As Su Bai asked this question, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense.

Fear of the abyss, 99 floors of the abyss world, the most powerful abyss world in the endless abyss!


Judging from the name of this abyss world, this abyss world... is undoubtedly the world owned by the fearful demon king!

In front of a demon king, frankly stating that he wants the world that the other party has, this is basically equivalent to Su Bai touching the bottom line of this abyss demon king!

The expected tension did not materialize.

The projection of the Dread Demon King just chuckled and said, "If you want it, just take it."

"For kings who have reached our level, authority has long been integrated with themselves, rather than sticking to an abyss world. Fearing the disappearance of the abyss, it will only be him who will lose."

"If your Excellency can "Three Three Zero" sufficiently weaken His would be a good thing for us.


"Bye now."

"I look forward to meeting you in that world."

"I also look forward to seeing you get your own opportunity in that world. Maybe we will have the opportunity to join hands and explore the scenery outside the world..."

The last words are spoken.

The dreadlord's projection stepped back.

Just like when it came, it quietly disappeared into the ocean of void.

And in the depths of the void ocean far away from the endless distance, that terrifying aura also quietly disappeared.


The appearance of this dread demon king is really to reconcile with Su Bai, and to answer Su Bai's many questions.

"High God, God King, God King

"And finally, the realm that even god kings and demon kings dream of..."

"My road is still very long..."

Bit by bit, Su Bai recalled the conversation between himself and the Dreadlord, and Su Bai discovered many secrets from it!


Some secrets are simply difficult to obtain by oneself through one's own way!

for example.

I haven't fully tapped out the potential of the World Tree. If I tapped out all the potential of the World Tree, it would be difficult for even an existence like the Dread Demon King to kill me.

for example.

Both the God King and the Demon God King are upper gods, and they have not broken through the limit of this realm, just like the demigod extreme realm and demigod realm.

for example.

This world is broken!

Only when the game world penetrates reality, can these existences who have reached the realm of god kings and devil kings be able to obtain the final opportunity and take the step they dream of.


Out of the world!

What is the landscape outside the world?

The Dreadlord didn't say anything, and Su Bai didn't ask. As the weak side of information asymmetry, the more Su Bai asked, the more he was exposed. He can only infer based on the information he has already obtained!

As early as when he fell into the abyss, Su Bai used the abyss breath he obtained at that time to ask the will of the abyss this question.


At the beginning, what Su Bai thought about was only the main material world and what was outside the endless abyss, but the will of the abyss answered what was outside the entire world chain.


This is the original answer of the will of the abyss!

There is destruction beyond the world.

This world is broken.

The rules of the game come...the players appear...….Using the players who have reached the sanctuary level as the medium, they invade the reality and come to the reality...


Su Bai felt as if he had grasped something, but he seemed to have grasped nothing.


It is the ultimate secret of the whole world!


His strength is not enough.

Even with the help of the mythical skill of the demon god form, he has the strength to crush the lower gods and kill the middle gods in advance, but it is not the strength possessed by his body after all.

After breaking the connection with the barren abyss, this kind of strength will not last after all.

When encountering a highgod who is above the middle god, or even a demon king and god-king level existence like the dread demon king, he is still in a state of being crushed!

Say something blunt.

At this time, he is not qualified to explore these ultimate secrets!


He still has time.


He has already made preparations for the game to penetrate reality and descend into reality!

The only player in the Sanctuary currently in the game world is from the Desolate Abyss under his command! With the existence of the contribution system and the blood of the gods, even in the future, the Desolate Abyss under his command will also have the most players in the Sanctuary world!

As for the big chance that day that the fearful demon king said.........

Maybe it exists!

But Su Bai has already determined his own future path!

The Dreadlord is a demon, and one of the most powerful!

For this kind of existence, the words that come out of their mouths are always nine sentences true and one sentence false..0 and the most critical sentence of false... is enough to lead a person to the deepest sinking the hell!

Still strength.

The appearance of the Dread Demon King and the great sense of oppression he brought to himself, not only did not make Su Bai feel discouraged, but instead ignited his fighting spirit to become stronger.

That moment is not far away.


Before that moment comes, he wants to let his strength go one step further!

Let out a long breath.

Let my mind, which had been messed up by the words of the fearful demon king, become clear and clear again.

At this time, Su Bai turned his gaze to the side, the tyrannical demon god!

At this time, the tyrannical Demon God still maintained his previous appearance. Apart from standing still, he didn't move at all, and even his expression and aura didn't change at all!


This median demon god has been imprisoned.

Imprisoned by the Dreadlord with his own strength and might!

Or, is this a gift from the Dreadlord to himself?

"It seems that the three-headed demon gods and the three gods who attacked this time are all abandoned sons... What the fearful demon king said may not be true, but for the time being, the six kings of the endless abyss and the main material world It should be true that I have no time to pay attention to the hatred with myself."

"As for the reason........."

"Or, at 0.8, they are really saving their vitality and preparing to compete for the opportunity when that moment arrives; or...they haven't fully awakened from their deep sleep at all?!"

With a sneer, Su Bai no longer struggled.

Regardless of the reason why the six kings temporarily retreated, it was a good thing for him.

Without the threat of these six kings, Su Bai no longer fears any enemies!

The time between now and the arrival of the game world is the best time for him to develop, and it is also the best time for the development of the barren abyss!

As for the future........

That's it!

Sweeping his eyes over the place where the fearful demon king disappeared again, Su Bai shot heavily at the tyrannical demon god, driving the middle demon god into a state of frequent death.

Then grab him straight and return to the barren abyss!

PS: For the sixth update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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