From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

102 The Gods Who Arrive On The Battlefield! [Second More Full Order! 】

102 The gods who descended on the battlefield!

Step out.

Su Bai appeared out of the world.

During this process, Su Bai has already transformed into a Demon God form.

Beyond the crystal wall of the world.

In the ocean of void.

Su Bai in the form of a demon god stands quietly in the boundless void. The channels formed by the roots of the world tree are connected in his body, continuously injecting the torrent of energy from the barren abyss into his body, making him always Stay in top shape!

The Demonic Worm Spear burning with light-quality black flames had already appeared in his hand, Su Bai opened the second vision of [Delusion-breaking Demon Eyes], his sight passed through the endless void, and he saw the three main substances beyond the infinite distance world.


Mind fretting.

Su Bai controls the huge root system of the world tree and begins to extend towards that biomass world!

The barren abyss is in the void ocean, and the distance from the three main material worlds is far greater than those of the abyss copy world. In order to extend the root system of the world tree to the three main material worlds, Su Bai even consumed that part of the previous existence. The origin of the world that came down, and the roots of hundreds of abyss copy worlds were taken back, so that the roots of the world tree could be extended beyond the three main material worlds.


A root system is linked to the world crystal wall of the main material world, and begins to invade these three worlds.

Huge space nodes are also formed outside the world crystal wall, waiting for the day when they will be opened.

After doing this, Su Bai calmed down.

Standing quietly in the void ocean, there is no more sound, just like a sculpture!

Time passed quickly.

The plane war in the three main material worlds is also in full swing.

At the very least, the generals who are close to the upper demigods, coupled with the two Scourge Legions and the hundreds of millions of players, made this plane war extremely smooth.

In every main material world, the forces of layers of abyss camps are advancing rapidly.

The breath from the barren abyss is also expanding rapidly, polluting pieces of land.


An accident happened.

Inside the continent of Intis.

"McDuudou is really cute" has destroyed several cities with one hundred thousand players under his command.

With the help of the contribution system and the thousands of abyss dungeon worlds, the average strength of players in the barren abyss faction far exceeds that of players in the main material world.

Adding that "McDududou is really cute" has reached the level of a demigod, destroying a city in the main material world is extremely easy!

In order to expand the results of the war.

He even divided the millions of player legions under his command into ten small legions, attacking different cities respectively, and promoting the spread of abyssal breath in this world at the fastest speed!

Karowa city.

This is the eighth city that "McDududou is really cute" and the 100,000 player Raiders he personally commanded.

When he appeared outside the city, "McDududou is really cute" smashed the city's walls and gates with a sword, and also killed the only person in the city who had reached the overlord level. player.

Immediately afterwards, 100,000 players poured in, and began to massacre the city!

Demonic insect tyrants and magical insect commanders, these two professions shine brilliantly.

Players who change their job to become a monster tyrant can almost instantly kill players in the main material world who are at the same level as themselves; The god ants shred and eat up their enemies in a very short period of time.

Ten minutes after the start of the siege, this city with a population of over a million fell into a state of defeat.


Just when "McDududou is really cute" was about to go all out and destroy the city.

An accident happened.

Layers of space in the sky are broken.

A vague figure emerged from the broken space in vain.

Then a majestic voice resounded between heaven and earth!

"Mortals, the monsters of the abyss have come."

"Your strength is not enough to resist the invasion of the abyss, what awaits you is destruction, eternal perdition!"

"Dedicate your faith, silently recite the name of my god, and I will give you the power to fight against the abyss!"

With the sound of this majestic voice, an irresistible coercion descended from the sky, and directly suppressed the hundreds of thousands of players from the abyss faction who were massacring the aboriginals and players in the main material world to the ground!

Even the demigod "McDududou is really cute" can hardly move!


Even if it is not the real body, but only appeared in this world in the form of projection, the suppressed power is not a demigod like "McDududou is really cute", nor is it those under his command who have not even reached the sanctuary level. Players can resist!

"My god's name is..."

"God of Murder, Vipass!!!"

A god descends,

Even if it is just the projection of the gods, the impact on the battlefield is extremely huge.

McDull is really cute" and others were suppressed by the divine power, unable to move at all, they could only silently recite "Fuck" in their hearts to express their respect for this god of murder; the many players in the main material world in the city also I can't wait to express my greetings to this descended god with such honorifics as "Fucking damn it, it's a good thing for me".

The Aboriginal people, who are the most numerous, are different.

When the sound of the god sounded and the power of the god descended, more than half of the aborigines fell to their knees on the ground immediately, and began to pray to the god of murder who descended suddenly, offering their faith.

For them, the one who can save them at the most critical time is the god who is most worthy of their belief.

Even if the priesthood of this god is not very high.

Nearly 500,000 aborigines knelt down on the ground, silently recited the name of the God of Murder, and prayed to him devoutly. The God of Murder, whose real body was still outside the world, immediately gained a lot of power of faith!

at this time.

These powers of faith are being rapidly transformed into divine power by the godhead, enhancing the strength of this murder god.

"Very good (Li Nuohao).

"Mortals, I sense your piety."

"Under my protection, you will have the power to resist monsters, you will have the strength to take back your homeland, and you will..."

The majestic divine voice continued to sound.

In the next step, what the God of Murder has to do is to cast down divine punishment and kill the players in the abyss headed by "McDududou is really cute" to solve the crisis village this time.

The natives of the city will also be converted to its followers!

As the battlefields descend one after another, he will also gain a lot of faith experience in this biological world!


Before waiting for the god of murder to bring down divine punishment,

The blurry figure in the sky suddenly shattered! The divine power that descended into the world and suppressed "McDududou is really cute" and others dissipated in vain at this moment!


A familiar voice resounded between heaven and earth.


PS: The second update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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