From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

003 Changing World Rules! [Fifth More Full Order! 】

003 Changed World Rules!


With a low shout, Wang Yuchen, who had turned into a monster armed form, rushed directly to the vicinity of the space crack, and killed every monster that gushed out of it.


He directly rushed into the game world through that space rift, and slaughtered all the monsters in the large area opposite the space rift!

Don't dare to delay.

After doing all this, Wang Yuchen immediately returned to the real world and rushed towards other directions of Jinling City.

No one knows how many space cracks have appeared between the game world and the real world. Wang Yuchen only knows that when his newly formed divine sense swept across Jinling City, he found at least five similar space cracks!

There are only five space cracks in Jinling City, so how many will there be in the whole country? How many will there be in the whole world? "Two-three"

No one can calculate.


At the very beginning, the number of monsters is the least.

As time goes by, the number of monsters gushing out from each space crack will become more and more powerful! Even if he rushes to the opposite side of the space crack and kills all the monsters in a large area, he can only slow down This process cannot be eliminated!


The monsters farther away are still frantically rushing towards the space crack.

It's as if everything in the real world has a great attraction for these monsters, so that they can't help being attracted, and they are crazy towards this world!



three times.

Going back and forth to these five space cracks countless times, beheading these monsters that flooded into reality time and time again, even if Wang Yuchen's cultivation has reached the level of a demigod, he is still exhausted.

It was at this time that an idea popped up in his mind.

"Since the game world and the real world have been connected...then..."

With a slight movement of his mind, he released a summoning skill.

All of a sudden!

A huge teleportation circle emerged from the sky, and thousands of god-eating ants quietly appeared in the sky, neatly arranged!

This is his subordinate.

It was the small God-eating Ant Legion that Su Bai bestowed upon him after he completed the faction mission!

For a moment, Wang Yuchen's face was full of ecstasy.

Thousands of god-eating ants spread out and guarded the five space cracks in Jinling City. Not a single monster could cross the space cracks and escape the slaughter of the god-eating ants!

With his own strength... Wang Yuchen guarded the entire Jinling City!

at this time.

He had time to hesitate.

Can players who have not reached the sanctuary bring the abilities in the game back to reality? Even if it is only a small part!


Should it wake up those players who are still sleeping in the game world?

"So, is this a disaster?"

Another city.

Standing on the top of a tall building, Dong Qianwen watched in shock as a large number of monsters poured out from a crack in space, and spread rapidly, rushing towards buildings and houses, as if looking for the hidden monsters inside. human beings in general!

She is Sanctuary.

And it's the second "Boiling Point Fruit" in the game to be promoted to the Sanctuary!

When she saw these space cracks and the monsters coming out of the space cracks, Dong Qianwen knew why Su Bai wanted them to return to the real world!

The purpose is to fight against these monsters!

The experience brought by years of fighting in the game made Dong Qianwen not panic when facing these monsters that appeared in the real world, but calmed down immediately!


A summoning circle appeared in front of her, and the god-eating ants also crawled out of the summoning circle, and rushed out at a faster speed, slaughtered those monsters, and blocked the space crack!

She is the Commander of the Demon Insect.

Moreover, he is the most powerful commander of monster insects in the barren abyss!

A total of one hundred fully grown god-eating ants made her an existence second only to "McDududou is really cute" in the barren abyss!

Basic ranks, elite ranks, warrior ranks, boss ranks, epic ranks, and legendary ranks! No matter what level of monsters emerge from the cracks in the space, they cannot escape the hunting of the god-eating ants!

Same as Wang Yuchen.

Dong Qianwen also defended a city with her own strength!

The performances of Wang Yuchen (McDududou is really cute) and Dong Qianwen (Boiling Point Guomai) can be said to be the representatives of the more than 800 players who have reached the sanctuary level.

Reaching the sanctuary level, you can fully bring the abilities in the game back to reality. 0

Even abilities that have not been nativeized are enough to be released in the real world, but they are not as powerful as nativeized skills.

The reason why their strength is only one-tenth of the game world is because the energy level in the real world is too low. When the energy level in the real world is raised to the level of the game world, their strength will naturally recover.


The entire game world is only more than 800 sanctuaries.

Scattered throughout the real world...Except for the ancient country in the east selected by Su Bai, other countries, I am afraid that each country will only be divided into two or three!

Can two or three sanctuaries, or a sanctuary with only one-tenth of the strength in the game world, be able to resist the countless monsters?

Of course not!

At this time, ordinary players are required to play.

The more than 800 sanctuaries, as well as the 1,000 players selected by Su Bai, all exited the game early and returned to the real world in advance, ready to deal with this disaster.

That number of ordinary players...

It was when the game world and the real world were completely connected, and when the monsters in the game poured out frantically, the game log-in device was disconnected, forced to go offline, and return to the real world.

Before they rushed to the forum, they vented their anger at the disconnection of the game by posting...

They find that the world has changed.

Countless space cracks appeared.

Countless monsters in the game flock to their 1.1 world, and start a crazy slaughter!

Cities with sanctuary can use the power of sanctuary players to protect themselves; cities without sanctuary... can only use their original thermal weapon system and their own power to fight against these monsters!

Thermal weapons are powerful.

It is invincible when facing mortals.

But what about facing these monsters?

They were horrified to find that the thermal weapons they used to rely on the most were pitifully weak in the face of these monsters!

The ground rules of the world have changed.

Invaded, integrated, and even assimilated by the game world.

PS1: I'm going to write about the abyss coming soon (not the game coming)...... Everyone, don't come to celebrate with a reward~~~

PS2: The fifth update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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