From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

009 Chaotic Demons, The Devil King Comes! [The First Update Asks For A Full Order! 】

009 Chaos devils, the devil is coming!

The ancient oriental country.

magic capital.

As one of the largest cities in this ancient oriental country, there are nearly ten million people living in the magic capital.

When "Extraordinary World" appeared and the officials of various countries spared no effort to encourage their citizens to join the game, 99% of the nearly ten million people had entered the game world and became players.


Only when the game penetrates reality and countless monsters descend, can this metropolis be preserved.

Nearly ten million humans have become nearly ten million players. Under the leadership of the five Sanctuary players, they stubbornly withstood the invasion of the monster frenzy, not only saving the metropolis, but also protecting countless players in it. .

Compared to other cities, compared to other countries, the situation in Shanghai could not be better.

Also at this time.

Demons are being watched.

On the continent of South America, the apostle of the Dreadlord just detonated a small city and sacrificed the lives in it, allowing 20 Dreadlords to come to the world, and made that devil the incarnation of the Dreadlord on the earth.

If they can detonate the demon city... Even if it is only a small part of it, it will be enough for the chaos demon king to descend in a stronger posture!

At that time, the Demon Lord of Chaos will occupy this ancient country. As one of the apostles under the Demon King of Chaos, one of them will become the incarnation of the Demon King of Chaos, and the rest will become generals under the Demon King of Chaos!

This is the plan of those chaotic apostles!

There are many people in the ancient eastern country.

It is impossible for every player in this country to join the barren abyss camp, and there will always be those who join other camps.

Several players who joined other camps were selected by the Chaos Demon King and became his apostles on the earth and in this ancient eastern country.

Seven sanctuary demons.

This is the nail planted by the Chaos Lord in this ancient country.

If you join the barren abyss camp, you will be brainwashed by Su Bai, and you will be pinned down by the god-eating ants, and you will become a force firmly controlled by Su Bai;


After joining the abyss camp, the thoughts of these demons have long been assimilated by the abyss demon god.

Except for their own family and the existence of the same camp, other human beings have long been regarded as their compatriots by them, but they have been used as sacrifice materials. They can sacrifice an entire city to summon the Demon King without any burden. !

When the five sanctuary players led countless ordinary players to resist the monster wave and kill the monsters that invaded the city, the seven devils also lurked in the city

In each hidden position, depict the magic circle for summoning the devil.

This is just the first step.

Summoning the Demon King of Fear requires the power of fear; summoning the Demon King of Destruction requires the power of destruction; summoning the Demon King of Chaos requires the power of chaos!

After completing all these, the seven devils fell silent and waited for the opportunity.

one day.

two days.

three days.

When the space gap between the game world and the real world further expands, when the energy level of the real world further increases, and when the first sanctuary-level monster emerges from the space gap, it is also madly rushing towards the city ,the time they have been waiting for has finally arrived!

The first sanctuary-level monster appeared near the magic capital, and the five sanctuary players continued to lead ordinary players to resist the monster's attack without changing their expressions.

The second sanctuary-level monster appeared, and the five sanctuary players felt the pressure.

When the third, fourth, and fifth sanctuary-level monsters poured out from the space crack one after another, the faces of the five sanctuary players changed drastically!

The two sanctuaries are still commanding players in the magic city to resist the invasion of monsters.

The remaining three saints rushed out of the demon capital, intending to cross the vast wave of monsters and kill those monsters at the sanctuary level among all enemies!

These three sanctuaries are all monster tyrants!

Is the most powerful melee king so far!

With the help of the power of the god-eating ants, they may not be unable to do this!

The combination of the three demon tyrants is enough to kill these sanctuary monsters and restore the safety of the demon city again!

Armed with monsters, the three monster tyrants teamed up to easily kill the first sanctuary monster, and then the second one, greatly reducing the pressure on the two sanctuaries and other players in the magic city.

Just when the three monster tyrants were about to kill the third sanctuary monster...

The devil is on the move!

A chaotic magic was released, and the monster tyrant rushing to the front suddenly fell into chaos, unable to control his body, he was directly seriously injured by the Xinyu monster.

When this seriously injured monster tyrant fell from the sky, a phantom quietly appeared and killed him!

Seven devils.

Confronting them head-on, they are not the opponents of the Demon Insect Tyrant and the Demon Insect Commander, but at this critical moment, their appearance became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

The first monster tyrant was killed.

After the second demon tyrant was blessed with chaos, he was besieged by three disciples and died.

The third devil tyrant is in danger under the siege of the other three devils!

When the remaining three sanctuary monsters joined the monster array and started to launch a 437 attack on the demon city, the defense system established by these five sanctuary players and many ordinary players collapsed!

The three sanctuary monsters rushed towards the only two remaining sanctuary, and the two devil insect commanders rushed over.

More monsters crossed the defense system, rushed into the city, and began to slaughter wildly!




From the perspective of the surface world, this just means that the defense system established by the players in the magic city has collapsed, and these players have fallen into the chaos of frantic fleeing.

From the perspective of the underlying world, the collapse of the order of the players gave birth to the power of chaos!

The power of chaos that is enough to be used by these devils, enough to make the chaos king come to the world!

A large amount of chaotic power was born, which was absorbed by the magic circle drawn in advance.

The magic circles are lit up one by one, and the power of the Chaos Demon King has finally extended to this world!


Under the gaze of countless players' horrified eyes.

An extremely evil breath rises from the last devil!

A deep and evil raving... also resounded in the whole world!

"This king... feels the power of chaos."

"When this king comes, chaos will dominate the earth..."

PS: The first update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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