From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

029 The Significance Of The Epic Level! 【The 14Th Update Asks For The First Order! 】

029 The Meaning of Epic Level Representatives!

five days later.

Su Bai, who was in another town, blasted out with a single shot, smashing a tall stone tablet in the center of the city in front of him.

"Ding! You destroyed Qinghu Town, your reputation and deeds have been spread by more monsters and other races, and your reputation is ~+1."

After destroying the stele in the center of the city in front of him, Su Bai swung the magic insect gun again, killing the only remaining players and guards in Qinghu Town with overwhelming force, completely destroying the town.

In five days, this was the second town he had destroyed.

When destroying the first town after Fenglin, Su Bai gained 2 fame. When destroying this second town, that is, Fenglin Town, he gained 1 point of fame.

Now the amount of fame on him has reached 9 points, which is one point short of the fame required to break through the epic template!


With the destruction of Qinghu Town, Su Bai also understood that it was impossible to gain fame by continuing to destroy the town. The reputation obtained by destroying towns of the same level decays drastically.

No matter how many towns he destroys in the future, it may be difficult to obtain this final reputation.

In fact, it is also very easy to understand.

Epic level means that it is enough to leave a name in the history books and pass it down.

Whether it is a monster or a hero, only if they do something important enough to be recorded in the history books, they are eligible to be promoted to the epic level.

Even if it is a human race——

Even if there is a class of nobles, many cowardly human races like fat pigs can become lords and become heroes, and there will be no situation where a human being with no strength and nothing to do will become an epic hero.

Epic rank represents strength!

An epic hero can maintain pride even in the face of high-ranking nobles among the human race. A legendary hero can even become the pillar of a kingdom! You don’t even need to salute to the king!

This is true for humans, and even more so for monsters.

Just destroying Novice Village, just destroying small towns, such monsters will naturally be remembered in a short time. But if you want to enter the history books and be handed down for a long time, you must at least be at the level of destroying cities!

Therefore, the legendary degree required for a lord-level monster to advance to the epic level will be stuck at 10 points.

Destroying a city will naturally gain the legendary degree needed to be promoted to the epic level. If this requirement is not met, no matter how many villages and small towns are destroyed, the lord-level monsters will still be lord-level, and will be firmly stuck by the last 1 point of fame.

Epic-level monsters represent disasters among human beings.

As for the legendary monsters... they represent natural disasters!

five days.

After destroying two towns and a lot of novice villages one after another, Su Bai gained a lot of experience points and evolution points, and the gold-eating ants also gained a lot of killing points.

But compared to the amount needed for the next evolution, it is still a drop in the bucket.

For the next evolution, which is the seventh evolution, Su Bai needs a full 1 million evolution points! Even the gold-eating ants need a full 100,000 points to enter the kill value!

Such a huge batch of evolution points and killing points cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

Plus the last 1 point of fame required for the advancement of the epic template...

Aiming at the city is inevitable!

Fortunately, after an evolution, the strength of both Su Bai and the gold-eating ants has been greatly improved. With their current strength, not only is it not difficult to destroy a city, but it is very easy to achieve.

In addition, the strength of human beings to Su Bai and the gold-eating ants still remains at the original level.

The result of this kind of information error is that human beings are not prepared enough. When they use the strength that Su Bai and the gold-eating ants have shown before to deal with the possible attack of Su Bai and the gold-eating ants... .....What awaits them will be the deepest despair!

It is worth mentioning that.

During these five days, something Su Bai hoped to see finally happened.

When he left the ruins of Fenglin Town and started attacking other Xinshou villages and towns, Su Bai not only took the gold-eating ants in Fenglin Town with him, but even the three ants originally stationed in Baiguo Village, Honghe Village and Kelin Village. All the gold-eating ants in Xinshou Village were called back.

The number of gold-eating ants around him recovered to more than 3,300 (more than 300 died in battle).

As for Fenglin Town, only ten lowest-level gold-eating ants were left to guard the fat Lord Pierce.

Relying on the monster corpse left by Su Bai, the Pierce Lord was struggling to survive.

0 for flowers...

On the first day, three gold-eating ants went out to hunt and did not return.

On the second day, three gold-eating ants went out to hunt, but did not return.

On the third day, the three gold-eating ants still went out to hunt, but still did not return.

On the third day, there was only one gold-eating ant guarding Pierce left, and it was the lowest-level gold-eating ant the size of a puppy!

Waiting patiently until dark, and after confirming that the other gold-eating ants really won't appear again, Pierce exploded into trouble!

Relying on his level 15, Pierce defeated the only gold-eating ant with difficulty, and rushed into the ruins of Fenglin Town.

Later, he found a hidden one-time teleportation magic item, and successfully teleported himself from the ruins of Fenglin Town to Huiyan City.


What happened to Pierce next, Shabeth didn't know.

But he knew that as long as this greedy and cowardly lord wanted to survive, he would inevitably fabricate his own experience and come up with enough information to be taken seriously in exchange for his own safety.

It is clear.

Witnessed with his own eyes how Su Bai and the gold-eating ants slaughtered Fenglin Town, and had a sufficient understanding of the combat power of Su Bai and the gold-eating ants, which was one of the intelligences Pierce possessed.

As for another important piece of information... Su Bai has already given it to him!

"If I attack Gray Rock City with an ant colony, based on your speculation [How long will it take for the legendary strongmen from the small Rhine country to reach Gray Rock City? How long will it take for the army from the main Rhine City to reach Gray Rock City?


Thinking back to what he said to Pierce, Su Bai couldn't help but smile.

If his guess is correct, the residents and players in the small towns under the rule of Gray Rock City have already begun to evacuate towards Gray Rock City at this time.

And the ruling class in Huiyan City—whether they are nobles or heroes, not only are they ready to face themselves and the gold-eating ants, but they are even more likely to ask for help from other cities!

The first nail has been planted.

Even this nail doesn't know that it has become a monster's nail.


It is the second step for him to gain fame!

PS: The fourteenth update! Please order first! Please automatically subscribe to Shan!.

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