From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

002 Little Worker Ants Start To Rise! [The Third Update Asks For Subscription! 】

002 Little worker ants start to rise!

Su Bai is happy to see the changes in the small worker ants.

In the whole game world, Su Bai pays attention to many things.

He pays attention to the gold-eating ants, the queen, the human country, and the countless monsters and players.

He pays attention to the gold-eating ants and the queen ant because these two are his subordinates, they can bring him a powerful boost, allowing him to grow at a faster speed and complete the set goals

He pays attention to humans, monsters and countless players, because these are the resources that make him stronger!

Only the small worker ants are different!

When Su Bai broke out of this world, the first thing he saw was the dazed figure of the worker ants; when he returned to the nest from hunting outside countless times, what he saw was the worker ants holding their young. Food figure.

It can be said that the little worker ant is the only existence that can make him feel warm in this cold game world!

Su Bai didn't want to lose the little worker ants.

Before that 20 years ago, he kept the small worker ants in a safe place to keep them away from danger.

But now, the little worker ants have made their own choices.

It has to hunt, it has to upgrade, it has to become more powerful!

When Su Bai discovered this change in the little worker ant, it had already started the advancement of the exclusive template like itself, and it has reached 87% of the warrior template!

In other words, it won't take long for the little worker ants to be promoted to lord-level monsters by virtue of their own abilities!

The advanced templates far exceed the attribute templates obtained from other monsters, and Su Bai is the best example. But now, the little worker ant has become the only one among the monsters he encountered that has opened the exclusive template to advance.

Just this, the potential of the little worker ants far exceeds that of ordinary gold-eating ants!

If it weren't for the queen ant being the foundation of the entire gold-eating ant clan, and just opening up the advancement of the exclusive template, the potential of the worker ants would have far exceeded that of the queen ant.


Don't forget, the little worker ant also has a talent that Su Bai specially chose for it, the gold eater. Able to obtain double evolution of strength and defense by devouring metal!

All along, Yin Bai kept the worker ants in a safe place.

But in fact, having a warrior-level template from the very beginning, and devouring a large amount of metal and primary magic equipment Su Bai prepared for him, the little worker ant is the most powerful existence in the entire gold-eating ant clan, except for Su Bai !

Su Bai's strength has exceeded the limit of rank, and he can easily kill high-level epic heroes at the lord level.

Didn't they know that just a warrior-level worker ant can already defeat a lord-level monster of the same level!

After the exclusive template is completed and upgraded from the warrior level to the lord level, the combat power of the little worker ants will be further transformed. When the level is raised, the lord-level worker ants are even comparable to the low-level epic heroes.

The lord class is already in sight.

Epic is not impossible.

Perhaps, in the near future, the little worker ants will really be able to advance to the epic level and the legendary level, thus becoming Su Bai's greatest support!

Knowing all this, Su Bai did only two things.

The first thing is to allow the little worker ants to freely command the gold-eating ants. When going out to hunt again, it can choose to hunt the lord-level boss directly instead of following the ant army and trying its luck to meet the lord-level boss.

The second thing is that in the new lair, Su Bai left behind a lot of elementary magic equipment and intermediate magic equipment.

These equipment from Rhine King City and Gray Rock City players are just tasteless to Su Bai, but they are the best food for small worker ants. With these magical equipment, the [Gold Eater] talent of the worker ants can be brought out to the greatest extent, continuously enhancing the strength of the worker ants!

Lord-level monsters have not weak intelligence.

Epic-level and legendary-level monsters have advanced intelligence no less than that of humans.

Perhaps, not long after.

The little worker ants will really surprise him!

Su Bai is looking forward to it.

Time passed day by day.

The gold-eating ants gradually gained a foothold at the foot of the Temural Mountains.

More and more monster races became the hunting targets of gold-eating ants, and more and more monsters were killed, turning them into experience and food for the growth of the ant clan.

As time goes by, the number of gold-eating ants will increase, and the average level will also increase.

The background of the entire ant clan is being promoted at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Su Bai was also ready.

Start your own epic progression!

Deep underground, in an ant nest.

In a cave excavated specially for Su Bai, which looks like a stone house built by humans, Su Bai opened his own attribute panel.

"Red Meteor" Frank, "Tearing Wind" Nerrod, "Fearless Sword" Albert, "Wandering Mage" Hoffman, "Wind Sword" Crocker... These are the five dead An epic hero at the hands of Su Bai.

The death of these five epic heroes not only provided him with a lot of experience and soul points, but also made Su Bai's attribute template reach the limit of the lord level.

By hunting down epic monsters, Su Bai can obtain the opponent's epic template.

He can replace his lord template with an epic template, or turn the epic template into experience to promote his own exclusive template.

Hunting and killing the epic hero of human 753, it is naturally impossible for Su Bai to obtain the epic template belonging to human beings.

But the human epic template can directly improve the advancement progress of his exclusive template!

The two conditions for epic advancement, 10 points of fame, and the progress of the lord attribute template reached the limit, Su Bai has fully satisfied.

Today is the time for him to improve his template and complete the leap from lord-level BOSS to epic BOSS!

When Su Bai opened his attribute panel and started to advance, the system prompt sounded as promised.

"Ding! Your attribute template has reached the limit of the current level, do you want to advance?"


"This advancement is an epic advancement, and the map is being tested

"The progress of the lord-level attribute template has reached the limit, and it has 179 reputation points, which exceeds the basic 10-point reputation... The test passed..."

"Property template fusion..."

"Extracting combat methods..........Skill generation..."

"Advancement begins..."

"Ding! Your attribute template has been advanced."

Letting out a long breath, Su Bai calmed down his excitement, and reopened his attribute panel.

Check out this time, epic advanced harvest!

PS1: Hey, the little worker ants you want to see~ it is not a burden~

PS2: Please subscribe for the third update! Please subscribe automatically!.

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