From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

011 The Epic Road Of Little Worker Ants! (3) [Fourth Update Please Subscribe! 】

011 The Epic Road of Little Worker Ants! (3)

The fall of Red Verdant City was just the beginning.

One shot smashed Sophia's head and opened the gate of Hongcui City. Countless gold-eating ants swarmed in and occupied every corner of Hongcui City in a very short period of time.

One hundred and fifty thousand gold-eating ants with an average level of 27 raged, and the drow elves in Hongcui City had no ability to resist at all.

In less than two hours, hundreds of thousands of drow were slaughtered and turned into experience and food for the ant colony.

The acquisition of a lot of experience and food not only further improves the level of the gold-eating ants, but also allows the queen ant to have more sufficient food reserves to start the next round of crazy violence!

It is worth mentioning that when they captured Red Emerald City, they encountered a second epic hero besides Sophia who was the mistress.

In this way, a city like Hongcui City has four epic heroes, which is much higher than the proportion of human cities! It is no wonder that in Su Bai's evaluation, the number of drow elves The strength is no less than the human kingdom.


When Hongcui City was captured, the stele in the city center was destroyed, and Mistress Sophia was killed, the only epic hero couldn't make a big splash.

Surrounded by countless gold-eating ants, Su Bai stared at him with icy eyes, and the Epic Ying and the worker ants had a "fair duel".

In the end, the epic hero was killed, and the template progress of the little worker ants increased again.

The number of worker ants harvested +1.

It is a pity that after destroying Hongcui City, Su Bai only symbolically gained 1 point of fame for conquering a foreign city. Still haven't gained popularity.


"I don't want to intervene anymore, let the little worker ants be responsible for the whole process of attacking the city and destroying the stone monument in the center of the city, in order to gain fame?"

After guessing in his mind, Su Bai continued on his way with the gold-eating ants, heading for the second city of the drow elves.

three days later.

The gold-eating ants army arrived at the second city of the drow elves, Asia City.

At this time, the number of gold-eating ants has increased from 140,000 to 160,000, and the average level has also increased from the original 27 to 30, and the strength has grown again.

With Su Bai's shot, the epic heroes in the city of Asia were wiped out without any resistance, and the crazy sea of ​​insects poured in "set off boundless killings in the city of Asia.

In a few hours, the city of Asia was completely slaughtered, and the stele in the center of the city was destroyed.

Five days later, Su Bai showed up in the third city of the drow with another powerful gold-eating ants.

Without accident, the third city was slaughtered and the stele in the city center was destroyed.

In this third city, Su Bai found another epic hero who is suitable as the opponent of the worker ants. After a "fair" duel, the worker ants successfully killed the epic hero, and the number of gains +1.

After beheading three epic heroes one after another, the template progress of the little worker ants has increased to 57%.

Except for the first epic hero who gave more than 30% progress, the remaining two epic heroes gave just over 10% progress.

Perhaps because of the siege of the gold-eating ants, or because of Su Bai's watchful protection, the two epic heroes were not killed by the worker ants in a fair environment.

Therefore, in the judgment of the system, the progress given by these two epic heroes is extremely small.

However, Su Bai is very satisfied with the result.

Only by advancing in this way can the safety of the small worker ants be guaranteed 100%.

As for the slow advancement speed... Su Bai said that anyway, there are so many epic heroes and epic monsters in the inner earth world, at worst, the entire inner earth world will be wiped out, and the epics that the little worker ants need to advance can always be gathered template.

Of course, Su Bai's intervention on the worker ants can only be so.

If he cripples an epic hero and throws it beside the little worker ants, even if the little worker ants kill him, he won't gain any progress, and he won't even gain d...

This is not the kind of game he played in his previous life.

In this real world, there is no such thing as the last blow to kill the boss.

In the following time, Su Bai continued to lead the gold-eating ants forward, while increasing the number of gold-eating ants and raising the average level of gold-eating ants, while continuing to attack the city of the drow

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

The number of drow cities destroyed by Su Bai and the gold-eating ants has reached seven!

The number of drow elves slaughtered exceeded 1.5 million!

The number of gold-eating ants has reached more than 200,000. The average level has been raised from level 30 to level 32!

In the four cities that were subsequently slaughtered, the little worker ants killed several epic heroes one after another, and finally raised their template progress to the limit of the lord level.

As long as you get another 10 points of fame, the little worker ants can successfully advance from the lord level to the epic level like Su Bai!


They appeared before the eighth city of the drow.

"No epic heroes?"

Standing far away from the walls of the eighth city, when Su Bai glanced across the city named Soya City, he did not find the existence of the epic hero..0

Not only that, on the walls of this city, even the drow elves with advanced and elite occupations are pitifully few.

Most of the resisters gathered on the city wall are low-level drow elves with desperate faces.

Ten days.

The seven cities of the drow elves were slaughtered one after another, and more than one-third of the drow elves were wiped out." The news that the Lord of the Mosquitoes appeared in the inner world has spread.

After carefully measuring the strength of both sides, the mistresses of the remaining five cities ran away.

With her own epic heroes, advanced elves, and elite elf armies, the mistresses of these five cities directly abandoned the cities they ruled, abandoned the largest number of low-level drow, and ran to the magic spider city.

The status of the Demon Spider City among the drow elves is similar to the royal city of the human kingdom.

It is not only the most populous city among the thirteen drow cities, but also the most powerful.

It has a population of more than one million, an army of more than 100,000 elves, more than ten epic heroes, and the only legendary hero among the drow clan - the evil god sacrifice!

Only in such a city can the remaining five drow mistresses feel safe.

Of course, if possible, they hope that You Yueer, a legendary hero, can leave Demon Spider City and directly kill the King of Demon Insects to resolve this disaster.

But every mistress knows that only in this Demon Spider City, under the radiance of the Evil God Spider Queen, You Yue'er, the Great Mistress, is the legendary hero. Leaving the Demon Spider City... You Yue'er is no longer a priest of the evil god. She may be stronger than other mistresses, but her strength is limited!

5.0 Therefore, the Devil Spider City is where the hope of the five mistresses lies!

Outside the eighth city.

After several surveys, it was confirmed that not only did there not exist epic heroes in this city, but there were no ordinary heroes. There were only less than 200,000 ordinary drow in this city, Su Bai laughed.

Standing on the carapace of the queen ant, Su Bai looked at the worker ants.


"Go and destroy this city!"

"Perhaps... Today is the time for you to officially advance to epic!"

Accompanied by Su Bai's words, the little worker ants' dark eyes burned with a powerful fighting spirit, charged like a heavily armored chariot, and rushed towards the eighth city with countless gold-eating ants!

PS: Don't you love me anymore... The flowers are gone, the comments are gone, the rewards are gone, and even the comments are almost gone... Please beg~

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