From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

013 The Birth Of The Insect Knights! [Sixth Update Please Subscribe! 】

013 The Birth of the Mosquito Knights!

For a monster, epic advancement is the most important advancement in their life.

From basic level to advanced level, then to elite level, warrior level, and even lord level, what monsters need to do is to keep hunting. Improve your own strength, improve your attributes and skills, hunt higher-level monsters, and obtain higher attribute templates.

In this real game world, there are countless talented monsters who can do this.

But epic is different.

The emergence of fame has made countless monster bosses stuck at the peak of the lord level and unable to advance.

Perhaps, some monsters with extremely strong talents can kill epic-level existences at the lord level, but they are not too intelligent to allow them to go through twists and turns when gaining fame.

It is easy to destroy a human village, and it is not difficult to destroy a town.

But starting from the city, it is not so easy to do.

Even if they were lucky enough to destroy the city and gain enough advanced epic fame, they still have to face epic heroes of other races, even legendary heroes.

Under such circumstances, the advanced epic is as difficult as the sky for every monster!

Matching the hellish advanced difficulty, every advanced epic monster will get great benefits!

The template is improved, the potential is increased, the body is transformed and evolved, and even the wisdom will be greatly improved!

Every epic monster has advanced intelligence no less than that of human beings!

The epic success of the little worker ants.

Under Su Bai's watchful eyes, its body also began a drastic transformation and evolution.

The body that originally reached two meters grew bigger again, growing to a full three and a half meters. The carapace covering the entire body is even tougher, exuding a faint metallic color, just like a black knight's armor.

Apart from these changes, the biggest change in the worker ants is its first pair of legs!

Its first pair of walking legs has completely alienated into the appearance of a knight's spear in this step! Moreover, judging from the gloomy cold light shining on the tip of the walking legs, this is still an almost epic quality knight's spear!

Just this item has increased the strength of the little worker ants several times!

If there is no epic-quality battle armor or corresponding magic props to protect, today's small worker ants can instantly kill low-level epic heroes with a single charge!

Still in the shape of an ant.

But looking at the little worker ants today, Su Bai seemed to see a majestic knight standing in front of him!

Not only did the black carapace-covered body not make people feel hideous, but it made people feel awe and yearning from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at it.

Physical evolution is only the most basic change.

Afterwards, Su Bai opened the attribute panel of the worker ant to see what it has really gained after this advanced stage.

[Template]: Epic attribute template

[Source]: Lord attribute template advanced

[Bonus]: Life +180000, Magic +8000, Strength*90, Agility*55, Constitution*50, Spirit*40

[Skill]: Fearless Charge

"Fearless Charge: Passive skill. When you charge, a firm belief can give you a great probability of being immune to skill damage and control below the top level; when you successfully hit the enemy in the charge state, the attack will cause damage to the enemy Double physical damage, and has a high probability of causing serious damage to the enemy.

Very powerful epic template.

With a bonus of up to 180,000 points of health, the worker ants have become a real epic BOSS since then, and their survivability has been greatly improved!

If it wasn't for the extra 100,000 HP bonus brought by Su Bai's [Extraordinary Body], even Su Bai's HP bonus would be inferior to that of the little worker ants.

Moreover, the four-dimensional attribute bonus of the small worker ants is also extremely strong.

The total attribute bonus is as high as 235 points. Although it has not reached Su Bai's limit value of 250 points, it can be called the top among all monster epic templates.

With such an attribute bonus, the potential of the worker ants has also been greatly improved.

In addition to the bonuses on life and attributes, the [Fearless Charge] skill acquired by the worker ants after advancing to the epic is also extremely powerful.

Of course, [Fearless Charge] cannot be compared with [Extraordinary Body], but it is the most suitable skill for little worker ants.

Daily battle "The fangs and the first pair of alienated legs are the weapons of the worker ants.

But when facing powerful lord-level monsters, or even epic-level monsters, strong defense, unparalleled strength and the huge impact brought by the charge are the most powerful means of attack for the little worker ants!

As a lord-level boss, the charge of the little worker ants is enough to kill low-level epics.

After advancing to the epic level boss, the little worker ants, whose strength has increased dramatically again, charge up, enough to threaten the high level epic.

If the effects of [Fearless Charge] are added... high-level epic heroes and epic monsters may be instantly killed! Perhaps, only the top epic and legendary level exist, In order to resist a fearless charge of the little worker ants without being killed in seconds!

The transformation of the body is the first harvest.

The bonuses and skills brought by the epic template are the second harvest.

Then, in this epic advancement, the third harvest for the little worker ants is its only exclusive title--Monster Knight!

[Monster Knight]: The only exclusive title, epic level.

Effect 1: The gold-eating ants commanded by the owner of the title have a great chance to be transferred to an advanced professional insect cavalry when upgrading, a medium probability to be transferred to an elite professional insect knight, and a small chance to be transferred to a warrior A professional monster knight.

Effect 2: When the gold-eating ant army with the insect cavalry————the insect knight——the magic insect knight as the main body launches a collective charge, it will get a 30% speed gain. And there is a great chance to ignore the speed debuffs brought by spells and skills such as deceleration, mire trap, and gravity.

Mosquito Knight..."

After seeing the incidental effect of the only exclusive epic title "Magic Insect Knight" that the little worker ants finally obtained, Su Bai had only one thought in his mind.

The Mosquito Knights are about to be born.

Since the attack on Fenglin Town, the gold-eating ants have begun to differentiate their occupations.

In several siege battles, the gold-eating ants that evolved towards scouts (the king's) also repeatedly brought him the information he wanted, and made great achievements.

But Su Bai did not expect that the first profession that the gold-eating ants really differentiated was knights!

Moreover, the creator of this profession is the little worker ant!

The title is the epic-level "Devil Knight", and the skill attached to the epic template is the knight's exclusive [Fearless Charge], and now the side effect brought by this title...

Just like Su Bai's premonition before.

After advancing to epic, the little worker ants really became his biggest help!

Insect Cavalry———Insect Knight————The advanced system of the Moth Knight is opened by the worker ants, and it can only be completed under the command of the worker ants.

The effect of the group charge is also determined, only under the command of the little worker ants, the magic insect knights can exert their greatest power!

The Devil Knights have not yet appeared.

But the little worker ants are destined to become the head of the Magic Insect Knights!

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