From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 117 Let’s fight

Qiao Jia huddled in front of the car in frustration. He pulled Antal in from the edge, leaned his shoulder on the front of the car and quickly stretched his head to take a look...

Even if he killed Qiao Jia, he would never have imagined that those gunmen would be so arrogant. They dared to have a gunfight with leather hoods on a congested highway in broad daylight, and they even had the upper hand bizarrely.

The equipment of those guys was better than leather hoods. The 14 people were divided into two teams, one wearing a tactical vest and a black mask, 10 of them were holding AR-15 guns, and the other 4 were actually holding the famous small-caliber mini machine gun.

In terms of equipment and desperate posture, they look more like special forces than leather hoods.

The gunmen divided into two teams and moved forward quickly along the gaps in the congested highway traffic.

Although the Minimi is a small-caliber machine gun, it is still very intimidating when used in such hand-to-hand combat.

Following a chain saw-like gunshot, the rear windows of vehicles were blown out, and screams could be heard.

Two of those leather hoods who only had MP5s were knocked down as soon as they came into contact with them. Qiao Jia huddled between the two cars and could hear the cheers of the leather hoods. While they were applying for support, they were still fighting. Tell those who are trying to get out of the car and run to stay still.

It's a pity that their actions did not allow those innocent people to restrain their desire for survival. As the first middle-aged man opened the door and got out of the car and ran forward, more people began to get out of the car and run away.

Those gunmen deliberately stopped shooting when people were getting out of their cars. That's what those gunmen wanted!

Because these gunmen did not dare to run towards the open space on both sides of the highway, there were machine gunners in the helicopters in the sky. Once they lost the cover of the flow of people, they would be attacked by machine guns.

Now they are trying to create a crowd riot. They can not only disrupt the formation of the leather hoods, but also blend in with the crowd and sprint towards the police checkpoint. As long as they break through, they can take advantage of the chaos to grab the car and escape from here.

Helicopters were circling in the sky, but they never dared to shoot because several gunmen held several hostages and asked them to follow them on foot.

After the gunmen drove all the people out of the car, they started shooting in a targeted manner as they ran forward. They used bullets to drive some ordinary people who tried to run to both sides into the ground and crawled around, creating trouble for themselves. A safe passage away from helicopter attacks.

A few of the more unlucky guys were hit in the back and fell in a pool of blood.

From this moment on, the nature of the entire battle began to completely change, from an ordinary gun battle to a terrorist attack.

The police officers who set up a blockade a few hundred meters away did not dare to come up. The small guns of the Italian police officers were not on the same level as those of the gunmen.

However, the most elite team of Catania's special police was blocked in the back and was currently rushing to this location on foot.

As the gunmen pressed forward, the lone leather hoods began to retreat.

One of them, a tall man with a leather hood, tried to establish a front line with his comrades to intercept the crazy gunmen. As a result, the two of them were pinned down by four machine guns and then killed by grenades thrown by the gunmen behind them.

In less than a minute, there were 6 leather hoods, two were injured, two were dead, and the remaining two were dragging their injured comrades, quickly looking for cover while fighting back with the MP5 in their hands.

Special forces are not omnipotent. They will die even if they are shot. In this environment, facing the enemy's absolute firepower superiority, they can only rely on hard training to save their own lives as much as possible.

Being able to launch some counterattacks is already considered the elite among the elite!

Qiao Jia had experienced several battles, but they were all fought with a tactical advantage. This was the first time he had seen such a situation where bullets were flying in the traffic.

The tension that he had been trying to suppress began to emerge uncontrollably, and his body naturally tensed up.

When a mother holding her child fell in front of him, Joga reached out and held the pistol.


Just when Nice was holding the pistol, ready to follow Qiao Jia no matter what he did, a leather hood dragged his comrade to a stop next to Kaman.

Hearing the cry of a child behind him, Leather Hood glanced back. He knew that he must have no way out, so he put down his injured comrade who was still trying to shoot back, squatted beside him, and used his own He and his comrade's bodies formed a shield for the child and began a desperate counterattack.

Qiao Jia also heard the child's cry at this time. He thought the child was dead before.

Seeing the little girl, who was estimated to be just over two years old, lying on her mother's body crying, Qiao Jia couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted loudly to Kaman behind the car: "Dragon lizard, get your gun. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia leaned out half of his body, grabbed the little girl's arm forcefully, and pulled her into the gap where he was.

Kaman, who couldn't hold himself back for a long time, pulled the injured leather hood into the gap where he was to prevent him from getting in the way. Then, with the leather hood's surprised eyes, he opened the two guitar bags and bags in the trunk. A long backpack slid from the bottom of the car to the front of the car.

After delivering the weapons, the old guy pulled out an AKM with a folding stock and a tactical vest from the edge of the trunk.

Kicking away the MP5 in the hand of Leather Hood who was trying to be on guard, Kaman crouched down against the front of the car behind him, pressing his left knee on the injured Leather Hood's neck. He sent the AKM out with both hands and fired a burst of fire.

The leather hoodie who just wanted to die heroically saw Kaman attacking the gunmen. He was stunned for a moment, and then rolled and crawled into the gap where Qiao Jia and the others were.

Before Qiao Jia had time to curse, he saw a terrifying scene...

In the traffic in the distance, a grabber took advantage of the helicopter's attention being attracted by the front and pulled out a 'Stinger' anti-aircraft missile from the car. After quickly locking on it, a missile accurately hit the low-altitude hovering missile. Helicopter tail looking for shooting opportunities.

Seeing that the out-of-control helicopter fell heavily to the open space on the side under the control of the pilot, it made a harsh tearing sound like a can.

At the same time as the body deformed, the plane's tail broke off, and the propeller hit the ground and broke off before flying onto the highway with a terrifying roar, approaching the car behind Kaman, making the old guy jump in fright.

These gunmen were mercenaries hired by the second son of the Mori family. Their goal was to kidnap old Mori under the protection of the Catania special police, so they were very well prepared.

Not only do they have Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, they also have Javelins for hitting armored vehicles.

There were not 14 mercenaries, but 16. Two of them had been hiding in the car after their companions attacked. They waited until the helicopter's attention was completely attracted before coming out with a large killer weapon.

Seeing the guy carrying the javelin aiming in Kaman's direction, Qiao Jia pushed away the leather hood that was in the way, turned around and started shooting against the front of the commercial vehicle.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah..."

The first bullet hit the calf of the big man carrying the javelin, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. The 'javelin' that had been activated in his hand lost control. The ejected warhead completed ignition on the ground and ran along the ground. After moving about ten meters, it hit a small car and exploded.

The fragments caused by the explosion killed one gunman on the spot and the other two were seriously injured.

The huge explosion instantly incapacitated the surrounding gunmen. As deaths occurred one after another, they instantly realized that they had encountered a tough problem...

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