From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1368 Everything is possible

He said he was taking his children out to play, but in fact Boss Qiao never stopped working.

However, he has a very good habit, which is to focus on the big and let go of the small. He is only responsible for proposing plans, and professional people will solve the specific implementation.

When he holds a knife and is compassionate and sincere, bad countries like Afika simply cannot reject him.

After taking Igor to visit this 'secret base', Qiao Jia focused on the so-called AI department...

After discovering that their level of money burning was still within the tolerance range, and that it had played a big role in upgrading the Telos system, I decisively approved a batch of equipment with a market value of more than 200 million US dollars for this department, and prepared to help them personally when I returned. Rub it out.

Then they settled here and played happily for nearly a month.

Qiao Jia saw a lot of fantasies here that seemed to him to be wild and unbridled, but he had to admit that compared to scientific research institutions with a more liberal atmosphere outside, P.B.'s style restricted the thinking of those scientific researchers.

In other words, after these outstanding scientific researchers stayed here for a long time, they began to involuntarily converge with P·B's temperament.

The most important thing about P·B is the Telos communication and robotics project...

This group of people racked their brains on these two projects, and one project after another was developed around P.B. or P.B.'s soldiers.

P·B can be said to be the most thorough team in the world that integrates elite soldiers. It is really no joke to say that P·B soldiers are armed to the teeth!

But the reality is that this kind of elitism was developed in response to the demand for public security warfare brought by the United States. Once it is dragged into a large-scale battlefield, the cost-effectiveness of this kind of elitism will appear to be very low.

Boss Qiao didn't realize this was a problem in the past. By the time he discovered it, P.B. had gone too far in strengthening individual soldiers.

P·B now has about 12,000 full-time soldiers. Even though he knows that in modern large-scale battles, the quality of a single soldier's equipment cannot determine the direction of the war. Boss Qiao cannot let soldiers who have used good things turn around and pick up junk goods. .

All P.B.'s heavy equipment relies on imports, which objectively makes Boss Qiao subconsciously rely on the Talos system to maximize the digital enhancement of individual soldiers to create local strategic advantages.

Now it is simply unrealistic for the Hexagon to turn around and develop large-scale unmanned equipment, and Central Africa does not have the industrial conditions.

Boss Qiao now has only one way to go to the dark side, and the 'Master Chief System Robot Component' obtained from 'Mountain Eagle' is regarded as the only way.

It’s quite funny to say that Boss Qiao framed himself with a ‘visible future’, and at the same time restricted P·B.

He saw the future of soldiers from the 'Mountain Eagle', but he had not yet seen a clue about the most important vacuum 3D printer. In fact, this thing is the most critical thing.

Because only if they can use local materials to manufacture tool parts and supplies, the robotic migrant workers sent to the moon will be sustainable.

After all, robots are not exploration vehicles. They are there to do heavy work. If the repair parts cannot keep up, the so-called long-term work will be a joke.

The breakthrough of all these problems is likely to be in the "Moon Base Feasibility Plan"...

Entering the aerospace industry is likely to help P·B break through the limitations of current scientific research projects, and even break the limitations of politics and military...

This kind of thing cannot be rushed, but Boss Qiao is very impatient!

So he released a bidding advertisement for the "Moon Base Feasibility Plan" at the end of the U.S. election and after the U.S. Congress was "captured."

The capture of the US Congress is really a big joke!

What's particularly funny is that it doesn't take any complicated operations to capture the Congress.

There are still many supporters of Big Mouth Tang, and there are even more people with evil intentions...

This guy's rise to power has brought a group of political speculators with weak foundations to power. Big Mouth Tang's re-election is too important to these vested interests.

Even if they cannot overturn the election results, they must let the Republicans see their strength and stop them from reckoning with what they have done in the past four years.

So when protesters surrounded Congress to question the election results, several Washington police officers guarding the door got out of the way in a panic, and then the protest turned into an attack and occupation.

This thing is particularly funny, and most of the protesters did not expect it...

Qiaojia waited for the scandal to ferment for three days, and then when the conflict between the two parties in the United States reached a fever pitch, he spent heavily to buy the front pages of more than a dozen of the world's most important media and issued a tender to powerful scientific research organizations around the world.

Leading and occupying media resources is a technical job!

Since P·B is not favored by the Jewish media, using the media to gather global attention requires certain skills.

The Baier administration has not yet completely taken over the White House, but such a serious scandal has occurred, which has lowered the lower limit of political struggle in the United States.

This makes many people dissatisfied!

They want to limit the spread of the scandal of the storming of Capitol Hill. The best way is to use another big news to dilute people's attention, and then work hard to return the political struggle to the shadows.

So Boss Qiao successfully obtained media resources from the United States and England, and made an appointment for a grand online press conference.

This feels like a timely help to the Bayer government, because the reckless behavior of Dazuitang supporters does not need to be repeatedly emphasized, and there is no need to win the support of the public to deal with those who stand out.

On the contrary, every mention of the Capitol Hill incident is a slap in the face to those who take pride in the American system.

So when Boss Qiao suddenly made a big news, many reporters took the hint...


Qiao Jia stood in the backstage of a temporary live broadcast room. After trying on suits and work clothes, he finally chose a simple T-shirt and casual pants.

Standing in front of the mirror, putting wax on your hair, trying to put on a pair of glasses, trying to make yourself look like a scholar...

After finishing the styling, Qiao Jia looked at himself in the mirror and felt something was wrong no matter how he looked at it.

Dorian on the side hugged Jino and said with a smile: "Boss, give up your glasses, those things are not suitable for you..."

Jino dragged Igor, who was about to run around, and put a one-eyed dragon eye patch on him. Then he looked at the evil-looking Igor. Jino smiled and said: "Boss, Igor represents P.B. Your style will make people look very funny, haha..."

Adele took a black watercolor pen and drew a skull on the back of Igor's hands, and then motioned for Igor to cross his hands...

Seeing Igor puckering his lips and trying hard to put on a fierce posture, Adele smiled and kissed the little brother on the face. She was not angry even if she was disliked. She turned to look at Boss Qiao and said: "Dad, Gino is right, this is our style."

Seeing Adele draw a skull pirate flag on Isabel's diaper, and also used an eyebrow pencil to draw two handsome mustaches on her...

Qiao Jia sighed and threw away his glasses, simply took off his clothes, and put on a suit of black and white Telos flexible armor with a sci-fi feel...

The tight-fitting flexible armor makes Boss Qiao, who is tall and long-legged, extra strong.

Johnny Payne sent over a latest model of robot in time, which was synchronized with the armor on Boss Joe.

Amid Dorian's whistle, Qiao Jia got into a boxing stance and hit a combination of punches. At the same time, after a slight delay, the robot followed Boss Qiao to make the same movements.

After feeling almost done, Qiao Jia waved to Dorian and said: "Okay, take Igor and the others and get in position. When I call you later, you guys will show us in the way we agreed." robot.

Remember, nothing else matters, we must let everyone feel the advanced nature of our robots. "

Dorian put his fingers together and hit his eyebrows in a Patton-style military salute, then said with a smile: "Don't worry, boss, we will definitely put on a good show."

Qiao Jia watched Dorian and the others leave. After taking a few deep breaths in front of the mirror, Johnny Payne continuously signaled that the time was up, then pushed the door and walked into an empty studio.

A live broadcast press conference is very new to Boss Qiao. A huge monitor is placed on the side of the stage so that he can see the number of viewers in real time and communicate with the viewers to a certain extent through barrages.

The moment the director announced the start, Qiao Jia saw the number of viewers in the live broadcast room rising rapidly, and then various barrages began to fly.

Qiao Jia did not expect that in addition to the invited organizations from his old mother's side, there were actually many people who climbed over the wall and came to his live broadcast room.

Netizens took the lead in expressing their opinions on Boss Qiao’s Tyros armor and race using words he is most familiar with...

In the past, although Qiao Jia did not deny it, he had been avoiding the issue of nationality intentionally or unintentionally.

But now when someone raised this issue, he smiled at the camera, waved his hand, and said in standard Mandarin: "I am Jackal, the boss of a strong attack military contracting company, a Chinese, a Greek and a Monaco Dual nationality, maybe add a Chinese with American triple nationality.”

After speaking, Qiao Jia waved to the camera, in response to the riot in the live broadcast room...

Then, after confirming that all the invited individuals and organizations had entered the live broadcast room, he pressed the start button on his wrist...

When a humanoid robot stood up from behind him and began to imitate his every move, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "This is the robot we made..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly pulled out the pistol on his waist and made a shooting tactical move...

The robot behind him suddenly opened a few meters away from him, and started shooting with the same action...

When the live broadcast room was boiling again, Qiao Jia put away his pistol, spread his hands and said: "Many people may be wondering, why should I show the robot at a tender conference?

Please be patient……

In fact, we are no strangers to the moon. Armstrong's words on the moon, "One small step for the moon, is one giant leap for mankind", have cross-epochal significance.

America's moon landing program and the technological products derived from it still influence our era today.

Everyone knows me as the owner of a military contracting company, or simply a soldier chief.

I participated in the most intense conflicts in the world in recent years. I led my people into it, won great honors, and gained great rewards...

But at the same time, I want to say that I also saw the fragility of life in war!

When I realize the lightness of life, I truly feel the weight of life!

Survival and safety are the most important rights of everyone, and it has nothing to do with where he was born...

But careerists and powerful people, for resources, wealth, and rights, have spawned wars with no end in sight.

One day I sat on a battlefield strewn with corpses and thought, where is our way out?

The earth's resources are limited!

Population expansion, increased demand, excessive resource extraction and global warming caused by industrialization are changing the ecology of the entire earth...

Faced with this situation, I can't help but wonder, where is the way out for our future generations?

When industrial automation reaches its final stage and there is nowhere to release production capacity, and when the global financial system is on the verge of collapse, I can't think of any other ending than war.

I have been through too many wars, and I know better than any of you how vulnerable human beings are to modern weapons.

When I looked up at the stars one day, I couldn't help but think, why do we limit ourselves to the earth?

If there is a breakthrough in nuclear fusion, the helium-3 on the moon will be enough to meet everyone's energy needs...

The moon may not be suitable for human habitation, but as long as we can establish a base on the moon and find ways to utilize the resources on the moon, we can make the moon an outpost for human exploration of the universe. Then emigrating to Mars may no longer be a plot in the movie. …

In the past, due to technological bottlenecks, the high cost of launching rockets, and the lack of ability to cope with the difficult environment of the moon, the so-called lunar base was just the imagination of filmmakers...

But it's different now...

Our Talos robot can replace humans in most of the work in extreme environments.

Just imagine, if we can build a spacecraft and land on the moon with enough tools and robots, is it possible for us to build a human base on the moon?

I know there are many problems that need to be solved, and I know it is difficult...

But I thought, human life is short, why don’t I try it when I have the ability?


We now have robots that can work around the clock on the moon, so what are we missing?

I don’t know, so I want all the smart people around the world to think about it…

$20 million!

The final selected proposal will receive a $20 million award.

Even if you are not selected, don’t be discouraged. As long as the plan you submit is complete and the partial design scheme in the plan is proven to be theoretically feasible, you will also receive a reward of US$2 million.

The smart guy imagined it, and I, the idiot, signed the check!

I hope that in my lifetime, I will have the opportunity to watch today's press conference from the moon base, and then proudly tell my children that my life has been wonderful enough..."

Qiao Jia paused for a while after speaking...

His statement is not actually earth-shattering, but compared to the financing-oriented press conferences initiated by corporate researchers in the past, Boss Qiao took the first step by raising funds by himself, which proves that he is determined enough.

When both determination and financial resources are available, scientists who are interested in aerospace will gather at P·B.

Boss Qiao didn’t talk about any professional content, but both insiders and laymen in the live broadcast room felt that it might really be possible to succeed...

Just when the barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with various questions, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "Maybe you still have some doubts about the Tyros robot. I ask everyone to watch an exercise to prove that I am not lying..."

After Qiao Jia finished speaking, the director on the scene cut the camera to the outside world...

Igor wears a red band on his forehead, a Cyclops eye mask, a skull painted on his arm, and is bare-chested and wearing big pants. He is sitting on a scorpion-shaped robot. Next to him is a hamster ball sitting in a diaper. The skeleton’s sister Isabel is followed by a group of robots dressed like traditional pirates of Afica...

When outdoor director Dorian announced the start of the game, Igor stood up and howled, and the pirate team rushed into a makeshift village.

Boss Qiao in the live broadcast room watched his son rush into the village in a vicious manner, scaring a bunch of extras into running around, and then laughed proudly and commanded the robot to pack the things in the village and detain a few The crying actress is used as a hostage...

Boss Qiao rubbed his temples with a headache, pressed the communicator and cursed Dorian on the other end: "Is there something wrong with you? Is this the 'good show' you said?"

Dorian smiled proudly and said: "Boss, this is just the beginning. You have to look back. The real show will happen soon..."

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