From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 433 Pleading from the President

The ferocity displayed by the 'rhinoceros' caused Setaka's soldiers to lose their fighting spirit.

Their fighting spirit was shattered and they were surrounded at the same time. Soon the soldiers who had once dominated the territory laid down their weapons and chose to surrender.

Jorgia and Francois entered Nova City at 8 pm, and then they went to a temporarily arranged venue together.

The so-called coup in Setaka lasted for more than 60 hours, and it was considered extremely short-lived.

Originally, according to Francois's intention, it would be best to capture Setaka and let him be tried in public, so as to demonstrate the democracy of Central Africa.

But now that Setaka is dead, and died miserably, there is no other way.

Transferring the administrative power of Nova City to the Central African government is a strategy that Choga has already decided on, and P.B.'s principled position cannot be changed.

Then it is the president's problem to appease the local people, and Joga, as the future security contractor of Nova City, must stand with Francois at this time and express his support for him.

While riding in a Milosh armored vehicle to the venue, Choga saw local people protesting all along the way.

Qiao Jia curiously rolled down the window and listened carefully. He actually found a middle-aged man wearing glasses shouting in very standard English, "Please help us restore the school, please help us punish the murderer of the teacher." !!”

At first, Qiaojia thought that those protesting were trying to put pressure on Francois, but now he found that it didn't seem to be the case.

Setaka, who has ruled here for nearly ten years, seems to be far less popular than Qiaojia imagined.

You must know that Nova City can barely be regarded as an MSL area. More than half of the people here are MSL.

This kind of structure that combines politics and religion theoretically has a huge influence on the local area. Even if Setaka is an idiot, ten years is enough for him to turn this place into an iron barrel.

What on earth did this guy do? Let those who seem to have some culture hate him!

Francois saw the curious expression on Qiaojia's face, and he smiled and said: "Don't be surprised, if according to the standards of Afika ten years ago, Setaka is actually not too bad.

It was not without reason that he was able to reach Bangui and get the support of many people.

Setaka is very generous, and he has become even more generous since the blood diamond business made him a lot of money.

He buys houses for his men, medicines for his men, and high salaries for his men...

He cultivated a group of very loyal men, and those men repaid his trust by fighting bravely.

But they encountered the ‘anteaters’, those old men under your command. "

Francois seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He rubbed his cheeks unnaturally and said: "The United Nations intervention did not actually make Setaka retreat. The Setaka soldiers at that time behaved very brutally. Most of them were Be afraid of them, for they seem fearless, and there must be rivers of blood wherever they pass.

It was the ‘Rhinoceros’ who entered Bangui with the ‘Anteater Legion’ that had few people left...

When they brutally killed Setaka's 300th person, Setaka retreated.

He retreated to Nova City, where he became a de facto warlord, controlling nearly half of the blood diamond business in Central Africa.

Setaka was actually an ambitious man, but his men who helped him get started kidnapped him.

Setaka wanted to hire professional people to establish the system, but those people would not survive long after they left.

He wanted to build a small government, but the only people he could use were those who started the business with him.

Those people united and pushed Setaka to the position of King of the North, but then remained conservative and refused to accept any changes.

I know the man just now because he once went to the Blue Hat camp in Bangui to seek help.

I can't remember his name, but I know he is a teacher, or principal, in Nova City.

When he was a teacher, he had three fingers chopped off in public because he criticized one of Setaka's children.

A teacher in their school was killed in the classroom with an RPG because he gave zero marks to Setaka's children.

Setaka was not a madman, at least not in the early days, but he used the most brutal methods to recruit the most brutal soldiers, and then he himself was coerced into them and couldn't get rid of them at all.

This guy was actually very generous, but he had no means of checks and balances, so he ended up becoming a puppet of the diamond company.

Because only with external support can he sit safely in the position of 'king'..."

After Qiao Jia heard this, he didn't know how to evaluate this guy who he had never met in person.

This guy made his fortune as a bandit, using brutal means to coerce the proletarians into joining his bandit team.

Originally, this was nothing, but he seemed to suddenly have an ideal. At the same time, he did not understand that the so-called soldiers he carried with him were not at all a help in realizing his ideal.

Just like the Liangshan heroes in the story, no matter how much they eat meat and divide the money, no matter how much they deceive and deceive people into going up the mountain, no matter how much they hold high the flag of righteousness, robbers are still robbers.

They are not producers, but predators!

At the same time, as their internal ecology gradually takes shape, they become accustomed to their own situation.

Anyone who wants to change has to pay a price!

Everyone says Song Jiang is a bastard, but Song Jiang is absolutely smart.

But if Fansetaka had 20% of Song Jiang's wisdom, he probably wouldn't be able to reach this stage.

It's okay to be a robber, but when you show your authority, you should take the initiative to stand in the sun.

All systems in this world are illusory, and absolute power is a joke in Afika, but universal values ​​are basically unified.

Only when others discover the ‘altruism’ in you can they truly recognize your authority.

All political systems, religions, parties, etc. are all false, and the democracy and freedom advocated by the West are even more beautiful lies!

What ordinary people want is never democracy and freedom. In fact, there is no absolute democracy and freedom at all.

Old Americans always think that China has no democracy and freedom, but in fact, if you live in a middle-class community in the United States, people may give you trouble if the lawn in front of you is not well mowed, and people may complain if you hang clothes on your balcony. .

The real freedom in the United States has never been personal freedom, but organizational freedom, which has led to a series of "truck unions", "directors' unions", "police unions" and various "committees" and "associations". Also because of religious freedom, various strange religions have been born, and even a dozen people can form a party and participate in politics.

It is these organizations that penetrate into every aspect of society and formulate many rules.

These organizations are naturally political, and as one node after another, they have completed the ‘rule making’ that even the law cannot.


For ordinary people, it is definitely not freedom, but politically these organizations have a great degree of freedom.

And these organizations happen to represent one interest group after another...

Regardless of the quality of this form, can such a structure really be transplanted?

Without the same capital soil and original accumulation, forced transplantation will only produce all kinds of freaks.

Therefore, those who want to incite you to do something under the banner of democracy and freedom are either fools themselves or representatives of certain interest groups.

Without enough knowledge, you can't even tell whether someone wants to recruit you into their gang or use you as cannon fodder.

‘Rules’, ‘boundaries’, ‘protection’

These three things are what people really need, and they are also things that ordinary people should firmly ask for.

Qiao Jia's divergent thinking made him think of many things...

Where is the future of P·B? How should I go about it?

The upper limit in Central Africa is very low. After the industry in Sangha Town is fully opened, the mineral resources there will not be enough to support development there for 20 years.

What to do then?

Talent iteration? Industrial upgrading?

It's not that there is no chance at all, but this matter is not something that a company like P·B can decide.

By then, as the steel industry begins to decline, P·B's influence will continue to decline.

At that time, the cost of maintaining it will continue to rise. Qiao Jia must steadily and steadily spread the company's influence during the most favorable period of P·B.

And how does influence come about?

Maintain ‘boundaries’ with the local government in Afika and stand your ground.

On the basis of maintaining 'boundaries', when exercising the stipulations of the contract, we should formulate limited 'rules' belonging to P·B.

Finally, from the company's standpoint, try to provide "security" to those in the "contract" as much as possible.

This is the foundation of P·B, and it is also the key factor that will enable Qiao Jia to stand upright and speak loudly under any circumstances in the future.

Being able to do this, even if Francois is no longer the president and the French support another person to come to power, Joga can calmly deal with him.

It is strange to say that Qiaojia has never seriously thought about influencing the political structure of Central Africa, but he has actually become a key force outside the rules of Central Africa. He even has an advantage over the Supreme Emperor.

Francois told Setaka's life relatively objectively, not entirely without aim, but because he wanted to remind or beg Joga to never become a warlord like Setaka.

Because Francois has realized that he or Central Africa has no power to contain P·B.

Francois thinks so because what Qiaojia did in the past gave him great hope.

If P·B was just a mercenary company, he could have sold out the interests of Central Africa and made a lot of money by cooperating with Choga.

But Qiaojia is not that kind of person, and at the same time, he actually pushed Francois to take another path. Once Qiaojia's ship deviates from the direction, Francois's fate will not be good.

Qiao Jia didn't think of this meaning at first, but when the armored car got closer to the venue and Francois's face became more solemn, he suddenly realized something...

When the armored vehicle stopped at the entrance of the venue, Joga took the initiative to get out of the car and walked to the other side to open the door for Francois. Then he looked at Mr. President who seemed a little flattered and said with a smile: "The city of Nova is from Central Africa. Part of it, this is your stage.

Man, we probably had almost two decades of good times.

Work hard to be a good president, and maybe you will have a statue of your own! "

Francois nodded in surprise and emotion. He was too afraid that Qiao Jia would enter the venue and deliver a speech similar to the Sangha Town speech.

Standing with Choga like that, Francois knew that both himself and the Central African government would become dim.

Now Qiao Jia's statement made him completely relieved...

If such people don't cooperate, why should they cooperate with companies that only care about money?

After hugging Qiao Jia forcefully, Francois, whose temples were already gray, said seriously: "Jackal, you are the one who should have the statue!"

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