From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 460 Confession

Jack Heinz had been semi-conscious due to an infection from the gunshot wound to his leg.

He vaguely knew that he had been saved, and then he was transported to a hospital by helicopter. After undergoing surgery, he was transferred to a ward.

Jack, who was in a coma, had a long dream. There was a person who was always asking him questions. In his confusion, Jack seemed to have found a friend. It was not until the other person touched some of the inner boundaries he had set that he realized the problem. , and then the dream turned into a nightmare...

Hard training, from the SEAL Green Team to the Red Team, and then the execution of tasks, non-stop execution of tasks, many tasks that they simply cannot understand.

Many enemies died, several comrades also died, and even more innocent civilians died.

He has seen captured comrades, seen hostages being held, seen the cruelest battlefields, and seen the most cunning enemies.

But what he fears most is seeing the families of his comrades who died in the war, and the faces of those innocent civilians who died in vain will always linger in his mind.

These nightmares lasted for an unknown amount of time, and Jack in the dream kept moving through the fragmented scenes...

'Iceman' stood in the base ward, looking at Jack Heinz on the hospital bed. He shook his head with regret, and said to Thompson beside him: "It's useless, this guy has gone through torture training, truth serum , hallucinogens, and psychological induction are not very effective on this guy.

If I was given half a year, I could still give it a try, but the time is too short. "

Thompson didn't feel too sorry. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then I can only follow the boss's way. It's a pity. I originally wanted to give the boss a surprise."

As he spoke, Thompson looked at the ‘Iceman’ and said, “I heard from the ‘Oxhorn’ that Team E is going to have a holiday.

Would you be interested in taking on the assignment on this guy?

We have to put him back, otherwise we won't be able to dig out the 'accountant'. "

After hearing this, ‘Iceman’ shook his head and said, “I am not enough by myself.”

Thompson nodded with a smile and said: "Of course I won't let you go alone, the 'Medical Bird' will cooperate with you.

The Jackals of the New Jersey branch have assembled a signal-flag squad, and these should be enough. "

As he spoke, Thompson seemed to have thought of something particularly funny. He shook his head and said with a smile: "You can also call for support from the FBI and DEA when necessary..."

When the 'Iceman' heard this, he said in disbelief: "How is this possible? The boss hasn't reached this stage yet, right?"

Thompson said with a smile: "Our boss likes to act according to the law. Jack Heinz and the others will be sentenced by Central Africa, and the U.S. Department of Justice will respond.

Once he 'escaped' back to the United States, his identity was that of a fugitive war criminal.

With the public opinion of the princess, no one will speak for this guy.

This guy found the wrong opponent from the beginning and now he has forced himself into a desperate situation. "

After hearing this, ‘Iceman’ glanced sympathetically at Jack Heinz, who was actually very fragile inside. He shook his head and said, “This guy had an unfortunate childhood, and his parents put too much pressure on him.

We can completely guide him in this direction. It is not too difficult to make him give up his hatred. "

As a person who participated in the entire conversation between 'Iceman' and Jack, Thompson was certainly aware of Jack's situation.

As long as the 'Iceman' didn't hold a gun, he was a qualified psychiatrist. With the help of hallucinogens, he easily asked Jack Heinz's childhood memories.

American rednecks have a strange habit. Their father is a Marine Corps, and most of their sons will also go to the Marine Corps for a few years.

Fundamentally speaking, these rednecks with little education and little ability are unable to provide better advice to their sons. Compared with letting their children fool around at home, serving as soldiers is the 'least bad' option in their minds.

The Heinz family is more serious. Their whole family is a soldier, but Jack is a top student who graduated from an Ivy League college. He wanted to make a career on Wall Street, but in the end he was forced to join the army.

The most rebellious act of resistance that Jack made was to refuse his father's request to retire and take over the family business, join the SEALs, and finally join SEAL Team 6, doing a job that he didn't like.

Jack's qualities are extremely high, but his mind is not simple enough, and he is not doing a job he likes, which has led to his mental condition getting worse and worse.

This guy has lived a very awkward life, and he may not be able to persist until he retires smoothly. He didn't expect that he would have to shoulder the responsibility of avenging his family in the end...

Compared with Qiao Jia's frankness, Jack, who had no clear ideas, lost from the beginning.

This guy was knocked down by his own people without even seeing Boss Qiao's face. In the end, Boss Qiao fished him out. Who can reason with this?

When Jack Heinz woke up from his nightmare, he found that he was placed in a wheelchair, and a sweet-looking female doctor was pushing the wheelchair...

Jack tried to move his body and found that he was not restrained, but the gunshot wound on his leg still prevented him from moving.

When Lao Niu's wife Carmen saw that Jack was awake, she glanced at Jack with disgust and said, "Don't move, the wound on your leg hasn't healed yet."

Jack was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "Where are we going?"

Carmen sneered and said: “Of course it’s the interrogation room, you war criminals need to be punished.

If you need it, you can find yourself a lawyer, but I don't recommend that you find a lawyer in Central Africa, because everyone here wants you to be imprisoned until you die.

It sounds like your accent is American, then you can find an American lawyer. "


Jack muttered in disbelief and said: "I'm just a tourist, I'm not a war criminal..."

Carmen sneered and said: "Murderers will say they were wronged."

Jack frowned and said, "But I'm really not a war criminal..."

Carmen sneered and shook her head. While pushing him towards the interrogation room, she pointed at the passing wards and said, "These are your companions, and they all signed the confession.

Together, you caused several massacres in the jungle in order to assassinate Princess Emina.

I don't know what you think, but your cruelty is beyond my understanding. "

As Carmen looked at the complicated expression on Jack's face, she shook her head and said, "Please don't waste everyone's time. You know what you have done.

When our boss caught you, your evil ghost companions were carrying you to evacuate, and they wanted to massacre a village before they left. "

After hearing this, Jack lowered his head and defended weakly: "I'm not, I'm not the same person as them."

As he spoke, Jack raised his head and was about to emphasize the difference between himself and those people when he saw the 'bong' and 'syringe' being escorted out of a room.

Jack didn't expect that the two of them were still alive. He waved excitedly and shouted: "Hey..."

The extremely frustrated 'Bong' and 'Needle' saw Jack and wanted to say something, but in the end they found that there was nothing they could do.

When everything entered the legal process, things went beyond their imagination.

Remind Jack that P.B.'s target is the 'accountant', and in that case their only fate is to stay in a prison in Central Africa until they die, and no one in the United States will try to rescue them.

They had paid off the 'Heinz family's debt', and now it was time for them to think about themselves.

'Smoking Gun' is quite loyal. Seeing Jack's bad state, he shouted loudly: "Jack, leave us alone..."

Then the bearded man was politely pushed into a cell next to him by P·B soldiers...

Jack didn't know what happened. After entering the interrogation room, he only lasted 30 minutes before they were all beaten.

Jack swore he didn't say a word. A black man wrote the transcript for him as if he wrote, directed, and acted. Then a scary female prison guard two meters tall grabbed his hand and left a fingerprint on the transcript.

After everything was settled, a guy who called himself the Chief Justice of Central Africa boldly declared that such scum must be sentenced to life imprisonment, and then signed his name on a document.

Jack was so dizzy that he didn't even realize what was going on, and he was convicted of a war criminal.

They are indeed war criminals. All mercenaries who try to enter Central Africa from the south are war criminals.

Mercenaries have no human rights in other places. Now that Central Africa has arranged for a chief judge to hear the case, it is already a great honor.

Jack knew that his arm could not twist his thigh, so when the prosecutor in Central Africa asked her to sign the confession, he consciously signed the confession.

But when Qiao Jia walked into the interrogation room holding the documents with a smile, Jack felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

He had seen Qiao Jia on TV, and that face had been imprinted in his mind.

'Revenge' is the most important purpose of Jack's coming to Central Africa. Now his enemy is right in front of him, but he feels very bad that he is powerless.

Jack never felt that there was anything wrong with his actions, nor did he feel that Qiao Jia knew his identity, but reality gave him a blow...

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