From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 498 Follow me with Wang Zha in hand

Eric didn't listen to a word of Ambassador Steven's glossy nonsense in the second half, but the first half showed that his goal was achieved.

In fact, the main strategic purpose of the United States in Iraq has been achieved. Without Laos, who clamored to decouple oil from the US dollar, every day the United States spends in Iraq is a waste.

They used to station troops for a long time in order to protect the oil field equity and "democracy and freedom" that were exchanged for "real money" with troops, arms, U.S. dollars, and political support.

But reality tells them that just destroying other people and then supporting a puppet government will not be able to stabilize the situation and make money safely.

What is needed right now is construction so that people can have jobs, otherwise it will always be a breeding ground for terrorists.

Iraq's oil production capacity has dropped to a very dangerous level, and the Iraqi government itself has become impatient, which led to the withdrawal of US troops, followed by a series of subsequent lawsuits, including the famous lawsuit against "Blackwater".

Under this background, the ambassador was able to mobilize his own connections and contract the oil fields to Jackals at a low price, because they would lose money every day there.

When it comes to changing hands, as long as Boss Qiao is strong and the Chinese people are reliable, this business can earn huge amounts of money.

According to Eric, all those funds will be exchanged for materials in China to fill the relatively blank market in Iraq. Then the political benefits derived from the 'Princess Emina's Humanitarian Channel' will be too tempting. .

The Iraqi government can obtain a huge amount of materials to stabilize people's livelihood and even establish a suitable price system, and the American Petroleum Group can also get sufficient returns.

Without the unstable political factor of Lao Sa, oil would be just a business.

This is a win-win deal!

Once the ambassador can facilitate this deal, he will not only be able to enjoy Boss Qiao's protection with peace of mind, but he can also try to hitch a ride on the princess and expand his political influence.

It is really not easy for an American to have a good reputation in the Middle East. If he can do it, he will be able to obtain countless opportunities, resources, wealth...

Relying on the military to win over other people's resources is not a skill. It is the responsibility of the American ambassador to rely on his personality and charm to promote American products and expand the market.

Don't think that the American ambassadors are too awesome. In fact, to put it bluntly, they are high-end business representatives who hold power. They usually talk about business and occasionally bicker over certain political issues.

The basic job of an ambassador should be to integrate resources to develop markets and achieve win-win cooperation.

Ambassadors of powerful countries can exchange dirty words with the president of the host country, but they are serious when doing business!

The United States is recognized as the world's most powerful country, and their ambassadors do not need to be highly technical.

Because their habit is to call the CIA when they encounter an uncooperative government, and then try to subvert the other party from within...

If you don’t open the product market and capital market to me, I will find someone who is willing to open up to cooperate.

Ideology is their weapon, and many people on the invaded side believe in it.

Many people think that war is aggression, but in fact they don't really have much claim to territory.

When those politicians are just puppets, they can draw your blood however they want without any responsibility!

Ambassador Steven saw an opportunity at this time, an opportunity for win-win cooperation!

After all, the linkage between the U.S. dollar and oil has actually made it impossible for Iraq to escape the control of U.S. dollar capital.

Moreover, American Petroleum Group has received enough dividends, and it is time to harvest.

No form of harvest is worth ‘charity’!

Only then did the ambassador realize that Princess Emina’s card was almost tailor-made for the Middle East.

Princess Emina possesses a series of beautiful qualities in mainstream consciousness such as identity, education, democracy and freedom, women's rights, kindness, compassion, and willingness to contribute!

This is a damn trump card. It won’t be of much use to ordinary people, but as long as it can provide enough protection and support, this card will be a trump card wherever it is played!

P·B's influence is not enough, so the ambassador thinks he can add some firepower!

Go back alive and make great achievements! ! !

As for 'revenge', it can last forever from morning to night.

The life-and-death struggle between political opponents is far more cruel than ordinary people imagine.

You want to destroy me physically. If you make a bad start, there will definitely be a bad ending, either you or me! !

This is part of the unspoken rule!


Qiao Jia had been listening to the conversation between Eric and Ambassador Steven in the car. When he heard the ambassador made up his mind, Boss Qiao hung up the phone on his own initiative because he was no longer interested in the content that followed.

At this time, Boss Joe admitted that Eric's ability was stronger than he imagined!

This guy guided Ambassador Steven to think all the way and then let him make his own decision. This is a very powerful ability.

The most interesting thing is that during the conversation between the two, Ambassador Steven never had any doubts about Boss Joe’s skin color.

Because under Eric's guidance, Boss Joe was automatically classified as a capital by the ambassador, and he was a wild capital with a gun.

In today's world of globalization, capital has no national boundaries. Wherever there is interest, there is capital.

Business is business! !

At this time, it no longer matters what skin color Boss Qiao is!

The situation was better than Qiao Jia imagined, and Eric took a lot of credit for this.

Qiao Jia hasn't discussed it in detail with Lao Chen yet, but just one intention has given him enough chips, and the success rate of this matter is increasing exponentially.

It’s like that famous business story…

A poor boy ran to the president of JPMorgan Chase and said that he wanted to be the general manager because he would be Gates' son-in-law. After getting a similar answer, he ran to Gates and said that he was the general manager of JPMorgan Chase. Going to his daughter...

Boss Qiao is doing something similar, which includes wisdom, connections, strategy, mediation, form, favor...

Then a balloon that didn't exist in the first place was blown up bigger and bigger!

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the financial market, but there are too many scammers there, and everyone feels that they are the chosen one and will not be the last wave of leeks. The game of drumming and passing flowers is always a piece of cake in the end.

And there are very few people who can dive into the real and energy markets like Boss Qiao and make the cake bigger.

Because no one with real ability likes to mess around here anymore. How fast, fierce and easy can money come in the financial market?

A capable person can do well with a bicycle...

That is the typical thinking mode of financial capital. Financial capital has no borders, and people just comply with the greed of capital!

I don’t even want face anymore, I just want money. This is the true face of financial capital!

There was a guy who always said, "There are no good people in the financial world." He was practicing reverse thinking.

He held classes everywhere and cursed the financial circle, describing various financial traps. In the end, he attracted a wave of fans and ran away with billions of dollars.

The scoldings were on point and sincere, but it was a pity that those who attended the lecture did not listen at all.

Boss Qiao is not such a person, he is enjoying the pleasure of creation!

The value of life is sometimes very confusing. Qiao Jia doesn't know exactly where he will go, but he is sure that he enjoys his current state very much.

Every step he takes will benefit many people, every step will expand his influence, every step will make him feel that he is a good person, and at the same time, he can also gain huge benefits...

Maybe it's because his starting point in life is too low, but now Qiao Jia feels like he's winning every step he takes. That kind of happiness is addictive!

The convoy was speeding along the highway, and all the militiamen, thugs and even terrorists who encountered them were willing to give way.

The fighting around Benghazi spread to a large area. The decline of the National Army gave people who usually had a hard time seeing opportunities. They began to take up arms and go out, and anything of value was their target.

But P·B's convoy looked too ruthless. Those heavy machine guns mounted on the roof made everyone feel that if they touched them, they would be torn into pieces.

The strong run arrogantly, this is the normal situation in Libya!

It took the team 40 minutes to reach the 30-kilometer distance.

When the motorcade passed a bilingual sign in Chinese and Arabic, Qiao Jia signaled the motorcade to slow down, and then dialed Lao Chen's phone number...

Five minutes later, the convoy drove onto a relatively flat dirt road, and soon saw P.B.'s soldiers.

Following the guidance of a black man, the convoy drove into an area framed by a barbed wire wall and stopped in an open space.

Old Chen, whose name is Chen Daorong, is in his early fifties, slightly chubby, and has a friendly smile.

He and Qiao Jia actually knew each other. Back then, his daughter brought Qiao Jia to her house to repair electrical appliances every three days. He knew the reason why.

He didn't stop him back then because he thought Qiao Jia, a young man, was very good.

Now Lao Chen realizes that he still underestimated Qiao Jia...

Watching a group of Xiaohei who are usually taciturn but very professional gathered together in an emergency, and neatly stood at attention and saluted when Qiao Jia got out of the car...

Lao Chen looked at each other and Li Weiguo of AVIC next to him, and then said with a smile: "How is it? I'm a little kid, isn't it interesting?"

Li Weiguo, who was entrusted with an important task at the critical moment, had no intention of joking with Lao Chen. He looked at Qiao Jia, who was tall, strong and well-armed, as if he had stepped out of a movie. He sighed and said, "A private boss is still willing to spend money. The outfit alone costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it looks very powerful, and the fighting ability must be very good..."

As he spoke, Li Weiguo looked at Qiao Jia holding Uncle Qing's hand and talking non-stop. Just as he was about to praise, "This man is a man of friendship," he saw a foreigner getting on and off the Coaster and Mercedes-Benz not far away, and said curiously: "This What does it mean to help a foreigner?

I, C. Christopher Steven, the Ambassador of the United States, isn’t he trapped in Benghazi? Why is he also in the convoy?

What are you preparing for? Take the American ambassador to evacuate the Chinese with us? "

Qiao Jia comforted the slightly panicked Uncle Qing and promised that he and his workers would be brought back safely. Then he turned to look at Lao Chen and Lao Li, who were looking at each other, and said with a smile: "Don't mind, that guy is A commission I received on the road...

I just wanted to let the American ambassador feel our style as a great country!

And for a guy of this status, he can still be effective if he pushes out to block the gun at a critical moment, don’t you think so, haha..."

Lao Chen was a little confused by Qiao Jia's disguise. He rubbed his hands and said, "What's wrong with this? We don't understand diplomatic etiquette. Don't lose your etiquette and make people look down on you."

Qiao Jia was amused by Lao Chen. He smiled and said, "Just give me face and treat him as a person.

The car belongs to them, but the workers will be treated accordingly.

Or simply treat him as a refugee. If there is a good one, stick to your own people first and let him know how we do things! "

When Lao Chen heard this, he looked at Qiao Jia with a smile and said, "Boss Qiao always belongs to 'us' and 'us'. Is there anything good you want to do for me, Lao Chen?"

You left in a hurry that year, but my daughter didn't think about food for a long time. Why don't you video chat with her?

Let me tell you, my daughter has lost weight now and is very beautiful..."

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