From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 634 Unlucky Steven

Qiao Jia spent a week holding back in the air force base, waiting to find a suitable target for him to punch.

As a result, the arms and supplies provided by the 'professor' were in place, but Isis still did not jump out.

However, a serious firefight occurred in the city of Baghdad. The protagonists of the incident were the famous security contractor Halliburton Company and a group of masked gunmen.

At the time of the incident, the vice president of Halliburton was meeting with several senior officials of the Iraqi government in a restaurant. As a result, a group of masked armed men burst into the restaurant in broad daylight and shot and killed Deputy Halliburton. The eight bodyguards of the president killed several high-level officials of the Iraqi government by the way.

This serious security incident made the Baghdad police very nervous and declared martial law that day.

But they searched for several days and couldn't find any clues.

Qiao Jia still saw the news on TV. The Halliburton Company was considered a giant. It should be a big deal for a vice president to be killed on the streets of Iraq.

What Qiao Jia didn't expect was that after three days, there was no news from the European and American media, as if the guy didn't exist.

However, Steven has been very active these days, meeting and discussing with Iraqi bosses every day.

Those who didn't know better thought they were really discussing national affairs, but Qiaojia learned from the transfer payment business he received that those Iraqi politicians who claimed to be democratic were transferring assets.

Moreover, Steven also issued hundreds of American visas in his capacity as the American consul.

How could cooperation with Laos and the United States be such a good thing in the past?

You finish the work and do it well, and then American Dad will decide whether to accept you or not.

Now the United States is rushing to fight Isis, and it will first fulfill some of its promises. The only requirement is that they cooperate as much as possible.

Cooperate to fight Isis and integrate oil resources.

Steven behaved so generously, and all these corrupt officials were confused.

They have only been in power for a few years, and there are many checks and balances among all parties. Iraq is indeed too poor, so they have not greedy too much money. The American identity is still very attractive to them.

It would be great to send your family away first, and then stay in the motherland and work hard! !

Surprisingly, the transfer of property and family members by these guys did not cause a backlash within Iraq.

Qiao Jia didn't know what happened specifically. It had only been a week and he couldn't see anything, and he didn't care...

But it was the call from Lao Chen that surprised him...

Qiao Jia really didn’t expect that so many things would be sent...

Thousands of containers.

The guys from the energy company all seemed to know what Boss Joe liked.

Before the aircraft and missiles from Sevia were delivered, these people sent a big gift first.

Qiao Jia didn't even ask how much it cost. He just kept the things as they were delivered, because as long as he could get two barrels of oil started smoothly, let alone this little thing, it wouldn't be a problem to pay for it several times over.

The worst thing is that there are just a lot of expenses on the books that are inconvenient to mention. Are you still afraid of losing money with two barrels of oil?

What makes Boss Qiao most happy is that they also sent 20 field dining trucks thoughtfully spray-painted with the lion head emblem, which saved the cooks a lot of work.

Recently, Lao Niu and the others have been renovating the canteen of the air force base, and are exploring combat meals suitable for local soldiers with the cooperation of the Kurds.

These field dining trucks are definitely not as useful as the big stoves in the canteen, but the safety of these things is good, and they are the best complement to Lao Niu and the others.

When Chris arrived at the air force base with several militia representatives, he happened to catch up with the arrival of the last batch of containers.

There were neatly lined armored vehicles and artillery parked on the tarmac of the airport, more than the number of people coming from P·B.

This thing is like magic, there are a lot more things in just one week.

Chris really didn't expect that Boss Qiao's mobilization ability could reach this level, and Lao Mei didn't expect it to be so fast either.

It seemed as if those things had already been in Iraq, just waiting for him to come over and reappear.

Upon seeing this, Chris asked the militia representatives and their bodyguards who came to store their weapons at the entrance of the base, and then led them to visit the popular air force base while once again quoting Boss Joe's words to brainwash them...

“Work with us and we will be responsible for resuming work in the oil fields around your hometown.

As residents where the oil fields are located, you have the right to ask the Iraqi government to incorporate part of the oil field profits into your local finances.

Our boss has negotiated with the Iraqi government that 30% of the revenue from the Rumaila oil field will become Iraqi infrastructure construction funds.

As long as you are willing to cooperate, we can convince the Iraqi government to use part of it to rebuild your hometown.

In return for cooperating with us, our boss can provide you with supplies worth US$5 million in the first year, US$10 million in the second year, and US$15 million in the third year.

This number will be adjusted in the future based on our revenue, but it will never be less than 15 million.

This is just one Rumaila oil field, and more oil fields will need to be reopened in the future.

Guys, I know you are tired of the war, I know you want to rebuild your homes and give your families a better life, and now is your chance.

As long as you cooperate with P·B, we can negotiate with those oil companies on your behalf, and we will make them show sufficient sincerity.

I bet that in just three years at most, your hometown will look completely new.

Think about the grand occasion after the construction of those large oil fields. Your people will have jobs again, and you can expand your flocks and expand your farms, because the things in your land can be converted into money.

When you all have money, your consumption will create more jobs...

You can ask those oil companies to help you build schools and hospitals, and let them provide you with public transportation services.

If you can cooperate with the Iraqi government by then, no matter what form of cooperation, as long as there is no war, everyone's life will be better.

This is what P·B can provide, what else do you have to hesitate? "

Several militia representatives looked at each other and said, "How can you guarantee that you can bring peace?"

Chris imitated Boss Joe’s tone, shook his head and said: “We can’t guarantee it, because this is your country.

We can only promise to go all out in the fight against Isis.

It can only guarantee that after peace is restored, the operating oil fields will deliver benefits to the Iraqi government in accordance with the promised share.

It can only guarantee that there will be a smooth material channel in Iraq.

If you still want to ignore P.B.'s efforts and still go to war over some inexplicable issues, then there is nothing we can do.

Chaotic Iraq is a piece of rotten meat. If you regard yourselves as a piece of rotten meat, don’t blame the vultures for coming! "

As Chris spoke, a buzzing sound suddenly came to mind in the sky...

The militia leaders present were all experienced people. They subconsciously shrank their necks, and then they saw two planes dive towards the runway of the base in an aerobatic manner.

When the plane descended to 200 meters, the P·B emblem on the wing clearly caught their eyes.

The Iraqis have seen many NATO fighter jets, and the two propeller-driven fighter jets cannot scare them.

But combined with those armored vehicles parked on the tarmac, there is no doubt that P·B's paper strength has surpassed everyone here.

For mercenaries, it is useless no matter how many militia members there are. P·B only needs to solve the leader who caused the problem.

The militias are not terrorists, they cannot and cannot afford to fight!


Qiao Jia watched the two old guys "Cobra" and "Archerfish" fly over his head in aerobatics. He yelled and raised his middle finger, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Heavy equipment such as helicopters and armored vehicles from Sevia are still floating on the sea.

But the two old guys couldn't hold back their temper, so they went to Sevia themselves and brought back two propeller fighters specially designed by the Belgrade Group for P·B.

This is a modification of the Rasta-95N trainer aircraft. The Belgrade Group gave it a nice code name, called 'Griffin-1'.

The appearance of the 'Gryphon-1' is actually similar to that of the Super Tucano, but now the aircraft's body and wings have been lengthened. Judging from their landing attitude, the stall speed is probably lower than that of the Tucano. a little.

The extended wings have one more attachment point than the Toucan, giving it a total of 6 attachment points on both wings.

A cannon pod is installed on the belly of the aircraft, and there is a fixed laser guidance radar under the nose.

When the plane passed over Qiao Jia's head, Qiao Jia scanned it with a universal tool box.

In terms of flight performance and range, this fighter jet is slightly worse than the Tucano, but in terms of take-off weight and avionics system, this aircraft is better than the Tucano.

For PB's order, the Belgrade Group packed this plane with all the good stuff they could get their hands on.

Of course, this aircraft still cannot be compared with jet fighters, but among propeller fighters, it is definitely a first-class product.

When the plane landed, a large number of curious Kurdish children cheered and chased in the direction of the plane. Qiao Jia also ran over to experience it for himself. Finally, Boss Qiao, who was in a good mood, received a group of militia representatives in the hangar...

Actually there is nothing to say...

The conditions have been set, and the militia tribes that do not agree will be left aside. There will always be those who have the foresight to cooperate first.

It is impossible to launch such a large-scale project all at once. It will always take a few years to start slowly. As long as one family starts to live a good life, others can only choose to follow, otherwise they will be sprayed to death by their own people's saliva. .

Let’s start with the Rumaila Oilfield, which belongs to P·B. I have given you such good conditions, and I have allowed the families of several tribal leaders to join the oil company and get high salaries. If you still don’t agree with this, I will go to your local area to promote it for you. Soon, there will always be someone who wants to replace you.

The worst-case scenario is just a one-time thing, and now Boss Qiao is worried that he can’t find anyone to ‘punch’...

What Qiao Jia didn't expect was that the people who came here were quite reasonable. Even later, some people wanted to know how high the salary of joining an oil company could be.

Chris's intensive operation for more than half a year has finally come to fruition, and Qiaojia's plan has taken an important step. Now he only has to wait until Isis is defeated before Huaguo Energy Company can enter the market...

Joga arranged for the militia representatives to have a meal in the canteen of the base, and then sent each of them a radio.

They are all going to fight in Mosul. Of course, the militiamen must be going to mess around, but you might as well mess around with me.

P.B needs a lot of manpower to position the supply line. I will give you money, and you are responsible for protecting the safety of P.B.'s transportation vehicles.

The two parties chatted happily. Just after everyone left after eating and drinking, Qiao Jia suddenly received a phone call...

"Sir, this is Salim. Ambassador Mr. Steven and Mr. Eric are trapped in the villa of Energy Minister Ahmed. There is a fierce fighting there. They need support..."

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