From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 639 Gathering of Giants

Qiaojia's simple and rude test of standing in line caused chaos in Baghdad.

Those mercenaries who usually huddled in hotels or safe houses without going out gathered together in twos and threes, and finally formed a dozen teams to encircle and suppress the thirty or so surviving mercenaries.

In a show of good faith, even the Iraqi security forces were forced to stand aside when the men arrived.

The professional teams supported by these large companies are extremely well-equipped. When everyone arrives, there will be seven or eight drones in the sky above the wealthy area.

Where else could those attackers hide?



If you wave the white flag, I'll pretend you didn't see it. I'll go up and beat you into a pig's head, and then you'll be the unlucky guy that I fight and surrender.

Qiao Jia was chatting and laughing with a group of senior Iraqi officials in the villa. Because there was no language problem and he was the proposer and implementer of this plan, Boss Qiao could talk better with those guys.

Steven is the kind of ambassador with a bit of a refined style. He only cares about business and politics, and the things that need to be weighed are very complicated.

But Boss Qiao is different. He is the kind of person who can happily call you brothers as long as you can cooperate and as long as you can ensure the smooth progress of my plan.

Because in the final analysis, what these people embezzled was Iraq's own money. They now represent the Iraqi government. It is legal for them to ask P·B to transfer the money to the designated account.

If some of you are unhappy with them, you can force them to step down in many ways.

In fact, it is not difficult to bring down a senior Iraqi official. As long as you can get evidence of their corruption, and then find a person with a voice in the United States to say a few words, that guy will have to step down.

The group represented by Salim who tipped off Boss Joe is not strong enough, but as long as they can get some power in the Iraqi Supreme Court, it is entirely possible to force these greedy bastards away.

But this has nothing to do with Boss Qiao. He cannot get involved in Iraq's internal political struggles. He is willing to cooperate with whoever is on stage.

In the midst of chatting and laughing, as representatives from several giant companies arrived, the atmosphere of this twists and turns cocktail party completely changed.

People who can represent large companies are all good people. These uninvited guests easily blended into the cocktail party, and then quickly took over the spotlight, making Ambassador Steven, Boss Joe and Eric the core of the cocktail party.

On the contrary, in the eyes of those senior Iraqi officials, that's just the way it is.

Because the people who can make Iraq pay big money will always come from Washington...

The Iraqi special forces need approval from the U.S. Congress to change their uniforms. How could ordinary people think of such a fantasy?

The three to two million these people embezzled is nothing in the eyes of representatives of these big companies.

Steven, who has a background in the State Department, Congress, and an energy group, is the most critical figure!

Halliburton has similar capabilities, so they have been lobbying people in Iraq to get their support, and then counterattack Steven in the United States to try to get the dominance of the $800 million.

As a result, Steven had been hanging out with Boss Joe for a long time and learned to use a gun to solve problems, and he brought the situation to a life-or-death stage.

Well now, Halliburton Company did not get the evidence that Steven attacked them. Instead, their people were captured alive. With the offensive and defensive position different, other companies could easily choose to take sides.

It’s all about making money, who is making it from?

Although there was no wine at the reception, the atmosphere was really good. Qiao Jia got to know many people at once...

Rich Barton, CACI representative in Iraq.

Titan's Middle East representative, Clint Wilson.

Former Blackwater and current Xe representative, Thomas Lynch.

Zach Williams, Vice President of Cubic Defense Tools.

Triple Canopy General Manager, Sebastian Rosamo.

Deputy General Manager of Olive Security Company...

General Manager of Northbridge Service Group...

Sammer International Security's head of Iraq...

The first five here are considered giant companies, and the last four are considered famous companies.

As we all know, half of the work of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is outsourced to CACI.

Titan Company and Triple Canopy started out as a ‘goon’ business.

Titan mainly served the intelligence agencies, Triple Canopy served the Pentagon, and then they gradually developed into a huge military contracting company.

Xe Company, the former Blackwater, not to mention...

This company took the blame for all the mercenary companies in Iraq, went through several rounds of sanctions and fines from the U.S. Congress, and still survived in the end, which shows how awesome it is.

The name of Cubic Defense Tools Company sounds quite friendly, but they have their own communication satellites and are an important electronic system supplier to the US military.

They provide different levels of data connections and monitors, search and rescue electronic equipment, radio communications equipment, etc. to U.S. allies at different levels.

This company has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1959, and the products of many of its branches are products that are familiar to military fans.

The remaining three companies, Olive Security, Northbridge Services, and Summer International Security, all developed together with Blackwater during the Iraq War. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the local snakes in Iraq.

In addition to these large companies that are eligible to compete for the contract, there were also representatives of a group of second-tier contractors at the reception.

Qiao Jia was entangled by a boss called the 'Mozart Group'...

The boss they came to was a retired Marine Corps colonel named Andy Miller.

‘Mozart’ is a typical middle-level mercenary company!

For this type of company, the founders usually have connections in the military, and then they can attract enough soldiers, find investments and establish a stable organizational structure, and then start working for giants or the Pentagon to make money.

Andy Miller acted very reserved, but his eyes were surprisingly greedy!

His eyes were shining when he heard the 8-figure or even 9-figure contracts mentioned by those giants when exchanging opinions with Steven.

Such people are very useful, but Qiao Jia believes that they are not the best partners to work with.

Because he only wants money, and Qiao La's bargaining chip to win over collaborators is often derived benefits.

Companies that are unable to monetize "derivative benefits" cannot make much profit from Qiaojia, and they will not satisfy middle-level companies like "Mozart".

This 'Mozart' is in a very awkward position. Its scale is much larger than that of the 'Sea Hounds' led by Dorian's instructors, but it does not have the scale and ability to digest derivative benefits of the giants.

Here in Qiao Jia, he can't eat big meals, and he doesn't like snacks.

“Sir, I hope you will consider us ‘Mozart’.

I now have 500 loyal soldiers, and I can always expand this number to 1,000 if you need me.

Mosul is a tough fight and I believe you will need loyal Marines on your side. "

Qiao Jia personally has no objection to 'greed', but he cannot agree rashly.

War is a systematic project, and with the participation of so many giants, Qiao Jia can completely transplant part of the American system to Iraq, because they themselves are military service suppliers of the US military.

At this time, "manpower" is secondary. First, set up the system to ensure smooth operation, and then look at the remaining funds before considering manpower.

The reality is that no matter what industry you are in, working hard and working hard are the lowest.

If you want to make a lot of money, you can't just work hard. You must have irreplaceable key qualities.

Facing the attentive Andy Miller, Qiao Jia smiled and shook hands with him and said: "There will be opportunities to cooperate, but the bidding for the military contract contract has not officially started yet. If you are interested, you can participate in the follow-up Meeting, listen to our requirements and come up with solutions.

You have so many manpower, I believe you still have a chance. "

What Qiao Jia said was quite sincere, but Andy Miller knew that these were just polite words. Faced with so many giants, how could a company like his compete with the giants without special channels?

In the end, it can only be reduced to a second-level contractor and eat leftovers from the giants.

Just when Andy Miller wanted to try harder, a hand was put on his shoulder...

Rich Barton from CACI smiled and said: "Andy, can you give me a moment to talk to Mr. Jackal?

I understand a little bit about your situation, and if you want a piece of the pie in Iraq, I suggest you come and talk to me tomorrow. "

Andy Miller was stunned for a moment, then smiled with a slightly stiff expression, nodded slightly, and then turned to join other chat groups.

Richie Barton looked at Qiao Jia and said with a smile: "Jackal, I received calls from a few old friends. People from Halliburton and MPRI are operating in Washington. You are in trouble..."

Qiao Jia looked at Richie Patton's old face and said with a smile: "They should be in trouble. People from the American Military Services Company attacked the American Ambassador. If you put it in the media, this is 'treason'."

Rich Barton laughed after hearing this and said: "You are right, but you may not know that these two companies have a consortium background behind them. Halliburton has the support of JPMorgan Chase, so it feels that it can replace it." Steven.”

As he spoke, Richie Barton looked at Qiao Jia who was completely unmoved. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Okay, I can't seem to scare you. To be honest, it was an old friend from MPRI who called me and asked me to I sent word on my behalf that they wanted to make peace.

As long as you release the captured MPRI people, in return they will provide you with compensation worth 5 million US dollars..."

Qiao Gal coldly looked at Richie Patton and said angrily: "They don't have to give it to me, but I want to see if the inventory of arms sponsored by the United States will be withheld!"

Richie Barton was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Jackal, what else don't you know?"

Qiao Jia looked at Richie Barton and shook his head and said: "Actually, I am not interested in the $800 million in funds nor in contracting companies like you. We are not following the same path, and there is no conflict between us.

What I'm more curious about is whether CACI is involved. Why do you think you can fulfill that contract on my behalf? "

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