Yuan Ya carried the sea cucumber and found Tong Tong who was struggling to stretch...

Tong Tong, who couldn't do the splits at all, saw Yuan Ya coming, as if she had seen a savior. She wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead, deliberately gasped, jumped up and pulled Yuan Ya, facing the girl in her arms. The baby made a face, then looked at Yuan Ya's waist with envy, and said: "Oh, why are you still so thin after giving birth?

I definitely didn’t have enough to eat…”

As she spoke, Tong Tong looked at the sea cucumber in Yuan Ya's hand. She sniffed and said, "I heard that eating sea cucumbers will not make you fat. We let Lao Tong cook at night. He used to coax my mother into cooking with a sea cucumber fried with green onions. He got married..."

Yuan Ya stuffed the sea cucumber into Tong Tong's hand and said with a smile: "Then you can eat more. Lao Zhu sent this from Afika. If you like it after eating it, I will ask him to send some back often."

As she spoke, Yuan Ya gave the baby in her hand to Tong Tong and said, "Hold me for a while, my hands are so sore..."

Tong Tong took the toothless baby in disgust and said, "Is your son your biological child or not? Why is he nothing like you, just like that old Zhu...

You too, why did you fall in love with that guy? "

Yuan Ya stretched her body nonchalantly and said with a smile: "Lao Zhu is so rich and reliable. He has been divorced twice, and neither of his two ex-wives said he was something he was not.

It is better to marry Mr. Zhu than to go to the entertainment industry to deliver food from a small county..."

As she spoke, Yuan Ya smiled at a blond Russian female bodyguard who insisted on stretching, then dragged Tong Tong to sit down on the sofa and said, "I've already asked about everything you asked me to ask about.

The procedures for opening a travel company with outbound qualifications are not too complicated. If you want it to be simple, just contact China National Travel Service and China Youth Travel Service...

But I asked Lao Zhu, and he said that if you want to engage in guided hunting business and connect with Afika, it would be best for us to set up our own agency, and then cooperate with the Guided Hunting Group to access their platform.

Haven't you been in contact with that guy named Eric lately? Ask him to issue authorization for us, and then go to your father. This matter can be done easily.

I have consulted and found out that no one in China is currently engaged in this kind of high-end tourism project. It is very promising! "

When Tong Tong heard this, she clenched her fists and said, "We can definitely do it. Brother won't ask us when the resort opens. This time I will go by myself..."

As she spoke, Tong Tong covered her face in discomfort and fell on the sofa, saying, "My little Huihui has grown up, and that little bastard Briela even took photos to stimulate me...

Hurry up and open the company, I want to fly over to protect my baby! "

Yuan Ya was familiar with Tong Tong's crazy temperament, so she nodded in agreement, then touched Tong Tong's arm and said, "Who were those people just now?

I saw one of them was someone from China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and the very powerful CEO of Northern Industries. What do they do? "

Tong Tong said depressedly: "I didn't know, if you are interested, we will go up and have a look...

Why? These people are all rich, maybe good customers. Come on, let's go up and have a look and ask for some business cards.

We will also make a fortune by contracting their tourism business in the future!

Hum hum, I am also a strong woman who can stand on my own, I wonder if Lao Tong and Lao Yang will look down on me in the future..."


Qiao Liang was looking for someone from China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, but he ended up with someone from China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. There was a slight difference.

Moreover, although the consultation was about the ship, people from Norinco came to visit, which made Qiao Liang a little confused.

After arranging a few people to sit down in Mr. Tong's house, Qiao Liang made tea for the guests. Then he looked curiously at Mr. Jin of Northern Industries, who was obviously the leader, and said, "I don't know why Mr. Jin came to see me." ?”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the obviously too young representative of China Shipbuilding Defense, frowned slightly, and felt a little dissatisfied with their "negligence".

You can either reject me outright, or you can send someone who can talk to me. It would be pointless to deal with a young man who is neither good nor good.

Mr. Jin seemed to be able to understand Qiao Liang’s subtext, he said with a smile: “Qiao Jia may have misunderstood, Lao Zhang of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation is having a meeting in Guangzhou and will not arrive in the capital until tomorrow.

Lao Zhang and I are old friends, so we volunteered to come to Mr. Qiao to stand in front of us.

To be honest, Mr. Qiao’s phone call shocked many people.

Selling a ship is easy, and the tonnage of the 056 is not large, but it will probably be very troublesome to actually operate it.

I know that Mr. Qiao’s brother is a capable patriotic man, so he probably has a way to circumvent some restrictions.

But there are some things that it is not convenient for the people on the ship to express their opinions. As a land-based person, I will take care of it and talk to Mr. Qiao first...

And to be honest, Mr. Qiao’s brother alone supports most of Sevia’s arms export business. The Mirosh armored vehicle he purchased alone has supported Yog Imbert Company to upgrade and develop this product to the fourth generation. .

This really makes us a little jealous..."

When Qiao Liang heard this, he said in a funny tone: "Mr. Jin is asking my brother to switch the purchasing direction to China?

You just said that there was trouble with the ship, but wouldn't there be trouble with the armored vehicles? "

Qiao Liang still lacks some sensitivity to military and political matters. His money-making business is favored by others, and he is escorted wherever he goes. Moreover, his unmanned airship research and development company is also supported by a big customer, Boss Qiao. …

Qiao Liang has a natural sense of awe for giants like Norinco, but to be honest, he has no intuitive understanding of the difficulties that giants face if they want to stay afloat.

Norinco and China Ordnance are actually two brands of one company!

How can it be possible to keep the arms factories affiliated with Norinco fully fed just by upgrading domestic army weapons?

In recent years, they have been diligent in running various defense exhibitions, but the gains have not been particularly great.

Boss Qiao's situation of supporting a country's arms sales by himself is extremely rare in the world.

Of course, Sevia is not big either...

However, Boss Qiao still controls the arms market in countries near Central Africa. Anyone who wants to sell weapons cannot avoid him.

It’s not that Boss Qiao is really powerful enough to ignore Big Brother Wuchang, but that he now holds the money bags of Central Africa and Congo, and holds their defense contracts...

Now the largest armed force on the Congo River is P·B. They have contracted the security and defense work on the Ubangi River in Congo and Central Africa. By the way, they have overwhelmed the Congolese navy and went to the African Union headquarters to complain. .

But the Congo River Basin is really too big. If P·B wants to completely control the river, it will require a lot of manpower and equipment.

Boss Joe is not only able to sell products, he is a big customer in his own right, and he is an Afika giant who can decide where the Congolese and Central African military budgets go!

How can this prevent Northern Industries from being jealous?

P·B's river patrol boats were actually purchased from Sevia. Even if the first batch of 25 boats had already been deployed, the second batch of orders had to be eaten by "our own people".

They are all boats. You, Boss Qiao, can't just stare at those troublesome big boats. In fact, our small boats are more practical and more affordable.

Faced with Qiao Liang's question, Mr. Jin smiled and said, "We are interested in contacting Mr. Qiao's brother. If possible, we can invest in building a small shipyard in Congo.

Congo’s waterways are extremely developed. If Mr. Qiao’s brother is interested, we can definitely intervene in Congo’s inland waterway ship market.

At that time, not only can we provide Mr. Da Qiao with the most cost-effective patrol boats, but we can also gradually expand the Congolese ship market, and then find opportunities to invest in Congolese river terminals.

Most towns in Congo are built on rivers, so the business is promising. "

Qiao Liang was amazed when he heard this and said: "Mr. Jin, does Norinco still have a shipping business? Now it actually wants to build a terminal?"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Jin smiled and said: “We can’t build ocean-going ships, but we have a professional branch to build inland river patrol ships.

But this market is not easy to do right now, so I wanted to find Mr. Xiao Qiao to take a stand and see if Mr. Da Qiao was interested.

To be honest, Da Qiao always has greater influence in the Congo than the French. That is to say, it is only based on his influence that our investment can be profitable.

Xiao Qiao may not know that Norinco also has oil business, and we have a share in your brother's business in Tobruk and Iraq.

The money for those long-headed warriors who are aided by the energy group will be subsidized to us from crude oil when they divide the cake domestically, haha..."

Qiao Liang is not very sensitive to politics and military affairs, but he is in the channel business, and he understands very well that Mr. Jin has a grand plan.

All China's foreign infrastructure aid is, of course, aimed at gaining international political support. On the other hand, and at its core, it is cultivating the market.

As an industrial country with a full industrial chain, China's industrial production capacity has been expanding with the deepening of automation, and it needs a sufficient market to digest those products.

Why did my brother not even return to his hometown, but sent one person to create the foreign trade giant Jialiang Trading?

It is because he found exports for Chinese products and was able to ensure the sales and transportation of goods in war-torn and politically unstable areas.

The so-called ‘shipyard investment’ and ‘terminal investment’ proposed by Norinco are actually trying to cultivate the Congolese market...

Helping them build roads and bridges is too much for China, but investing in docks is different.

Regardless of the issue of profitability, having ships and docks can open up the blood vessels within Congo and make the flow of materials smoother.

Congolese people cannot afford high-end products, but they still need low-end basic supplies.

No one can compete with China for this thing!

Once this huge plan takes shape, trade volume in Kinshasa, Congo will increase exponentially.

It is not that no one has considered this aspect in the past, but if you want to cultivate the market, you first need a stable political environment.

Otherwise, if you invest in the front foot, others will turn their backs and refuse to admit it. This kind of thing is not without precedent.

The existence of Boss Qiao gave Norinco the confidence to intervene. He is the kind of god who can find balance in chaos.

Moreover, the Congo defense contract he led determines whether there will be chaos there and to what extent it will be.

With Boss Qiao here, Norinco has the confidence and motivation to spend money!

This is the chain of interests derived from influence...

Make money?

Qiao Jia estimates that he won't be able to make much money for a while, but there is still a long-term river security business, and the overall influence derived from it is more valuable.

Qiao Jia wanted to try selling large boats, but his cash flow was a little tight because he always did this kind of business.

It is Boss Qiao’s bottom line to never borrow money to fight, so making quick money is really important!

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