From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 897 Big Business

Qiaojia himself was not a gentleman, but his views were still shaken to pieces by Albert II's remarks.

If you want to say that this guy is a scumbag, Qiao Jia will be the first to raise his hand in agreement.

But if you want to say that he is a bad guy who does all kinds of evil, that would be a bit much.

Even when the relationship between Albert II and Charlene was at its worst, this guy never gave him less than tens of millions of euros in pocket money a year.

In terms of generosity to his wife, this guy is no less generous than the Shah's princes, and he even appears to be much more tolerant.

Of course, this does not mean that he is a good man or husband, nor does it prevent the media from criticizing him.

This guy definitely failed in his role in the family, but in the role of 'King', he performed quite interestingly.

The business in Crete, Greece, is still only on paper.

It will take at least half a year for the Greek government to pass a resolution.

But their preliminary work has already begun...

These people behaved very shrewdly. They first let the word out that they were going to build a "duty-free port", and then did not indicate that they would cooperate with P.B. Instead, they roped in the warlord princess who has great influence in the European media and fashion industry...

This kind of temptation is very clever. With the big warlord and princess diverting attention, the media's attention will not be focused on them.

In this way, the pressure on the Greek government will not be too great, and it can discuss with countries within the EU a little more calmly.

‘Tax-free’ is a good policy to boost GDP, but it is a double-edged sword. If you use it incorrectly, you will hurt yourself.

Greece has a large land area. Although Crete is not adjacent to mainland Greece, the area there is too large, which is still a big problem for the management of duty-free ports.

There is an intra-region trade agreement within the EU. Once Crete is exempted from tax, if someone gets the wrong idea and transfers goods from Greece to Europe, it will have an impact on the local industry of the entire EU.

Of course, various countries can introduce measures to hedge the losses caused by Greece's tax-free policy, but that thing is not just a matter of law, it has costs.

The Greeks are making a high-profile statement, telling the EU that if I am poor, I will have to eat dirt, and I want to build a duty-free port. If you don't like it, then come and talk to me...

This is a negotiation strategy. There are experts on the Greek side. They pose as if they are going to lift the roof, and then force their allies to compromise and let them open a few windows.

I can limit the tax-free policy to Crete, or even not have a duty-free port, but the prostitutes have to let me do one or both.

Albert II is obviously smart. This guy knows that Greece's 'duty free port' will definitely not be built. There is a certain room for gaming here, but it won't be too big...

Even if Greece has sovereignty, the EU will not agree to this kind of reckless approach.

However, it is entirely possible to build a Mediterranean Las Vegas and then develop tourism in conjunction with Crete's own natural resources.

Crete covers an area of ​​8,400 square kilometers, but has only 600,000 people.

Compared to Crete, Monaco is only the size of a booger.

Monaco's shortcoming is that it has no land. Now Albert II has seen what the Greeks are thinking. In order to avoid Monaco facing competition in the future, it is better to just jump in first, take down the casino first, and then invest in the local tourism industry...

But this guy still didn't understand one thing, that is, the Greeks pulled Charlene not only to divert her attention, but also to win over Boss Qiao.

They sent the plan to Boss Qiao half a month ago and asked him to make requests if he had any.

Providing a free port for the warships of the great warlord and princess is just the beginning.

As long as Boss Joe is happy, the south side of Crete will echo Tobruk.

As long as Boss Qiao is willing to nod, the crude oil and refined oil exported from Tobruk will be several points cheaper.

Then the southern port of Crete can become a Mediterranean gas station.

Don’t underestimate one or two points. Those big guys’ refueling prices start at 100,000. Even if you can save 3 to 5 points by filling up, it’s enough to attract cargo ships passing through the Mediterranean to dock there.

As long as Greece is determined to invest in ports and allow bulk cargo ships to enter the port, it can turn Crete into a Mediterranean cargo transfer station.

The money earned in this way is not the EU's money, but the merchant's money.

If I provide enough tax incentives and you have long-term sales channels, then if you come to me and invest in a company to build a transit warehouse, you can speed up the trade process.

When you trade with me, do you want to settle with me?

Does settlement require a reliable financial institution?

You don’t trust Greek banks, so do you trust Boss Qiao’s P·B Bank?

Others don’t believe it, but do Chinese people believe it?

If this thing succeeds, there will be great potential!

When there is a casino tourist area in the north and a port trade area in the south, Crete will take off.

The game between Greece and the EU will take a long time to come to an end, but the Mediterranean gas station can start as long as Boss Joe nods.

The Greeks not only took a fancy to Tobruk's oil resources, but also took a fancy to Boss Qiao's Chinese commodity channels, especially Jialiang Trading Company.

They really want Jialiang Trading to open a branch there. As long as the 'monster' of Jialiang Trading passes, more Chinese overseas trading companies will follow suit.

There is no conflict at all, because the trading partners of Jialiang Trade are third world countries, and it generally plays the role of waving checks for procurement in Europe and the United States.

With the presence of Jialiang trade, merchants from intra-European trade can be attracted to Crete.

Finally, we can use the excuse of increasing trade to hold international product fairs.

This is much cheaper than European manufacturers traveling thousands of miles to China to participate in exhibitions.

It will definitely attract some manufacturers with excellent product quality but insufficient financial strength to participate.

In the past, some people always talked about the concept of "global village", but the reality is that there are still huge information gaps in various places.

There are also many cheap and affordable things in Europe, but they are unknown because of poor information.

If the concept of a Mediterranean trade center could take shape, Greece would be saved.

The Greeks and Boss Joe imagined everything perfectly through detailed communication.

Now everything is ready, all that is left is money!

Boss Joe is still capable of investing in a super gas station in Crete.

But investing in a port, and investing in and building it according to the plan, hum...

The Greek government is poor and poor, and Boss Qiao doesn't have that much liquidity, so he can only wait for the big boss to come.

Gioga did not expect that Albert II would be the first big fish.

Looking at this guy's attentive look, he knew that he was just going to Central Africa to chase his wife.

It is true to invest money and favors and want to join the development of Crete in Greece through P·B.

The headquarters of P·B Bank is in Monaco. Greece is planning to put its Cretan bond business and government funds in P·B Bank. Albert II can still receive it if he is interested.

If outsiders are unclear about P·B’s status and power, Albert II, who knew the financial operation procedures, would not be able to understand.

The Greek government's credit has been bankrupt for a long time, and no one wants the bonds they issue themselves.

P·B Bank helps the Greek government operate Crete development bonds, and the financing goals are simply too clear.

Afika's huge corruption, the rich men in the Middle East, and China's funds...

These people are not fools. Just because they trust P·B does not mean they trust Greece.

If Greece wants to make a difference, it must transfer a lot of power and interests to P.B. Only in this way can those people have confidence.

Monaco is not short of money, but it lacks related industries. Crete, an island similar to Monaco in nature, but with a geographical environment and natural environment that is 10,000 times better, is simply a dream place for Monaco investment companies.

In today's world, only a few fierce people can expand territories.

Albert II wanted to take a commercial route and move the Monaco model to Crete, which would expand the royal family's influence and wealth in a disguised way. If this succeeded, it would be a great achievement that would go down in the history books.

Gioga looked at Albert II's earnest look. He felt sorry for Charlene for a few seconds, then enthusiastically held Albert II's hand and said: "Welcome to the Crete Management Committee, our membership fee is It's 50 million euros.

This money is venture capital, which is used to lobby local residents to cooperate with us in commercial development.

When you put money into my bank, I will show you Crete's plan for the casino and tourism industry, and then you can choose where you want to invest. "

Albert II heard this and said in surprise: "50 million to buy a ticket?"

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "This is a friendly price, and it is a discount only for the sake of Jacques and Briela.

That's not just a gambling license, there are hundreds of thousands of tourists every year and an unimaginable amount of money.

How many big investors do you think will come in once Greece legalizes gambling on Crete? "

After hearing this, Albert II pondered for a moment and said, "I need to discuss it with my advisor..."

As he spoke, Albert II looked at Gioga and said, "Jackal, are you interested in selling some of the shares of P·B Bank?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said amusedly: "You have a beautiful idea!

Unless you spend your own money to purchase the shares and then hand them over to my godson Jacques, the Monaco royal family will never get any shares from me. "

"That's my son too!"

Albert II helplessly glanced at Boss Qiao, who was always biased against him, and said helplessly: "Jackal, you are wrong to do this.

Jacques is my child and he is destined to be the heir to Monaco. What difference does it make if he does it sooner or later? "

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "The difference is huge!

With your promiscuous behavior and non-stop lawsuits, when Jacques grows up, how much money you will have left is still a question.

As his godfather, I have to fight for him in advance no matter what. "

Upon hearing this, Albert II raised his hands in surrender and said: "OK, OK, let's change the topic. 50 million will be paid into your bank within three days."

Qiao Jia smiled and nodded and said, "That's great. Do business in a straightforward manner."

As Qiao Jia looked at the white clouds outside the window, he smiled and said: "Hey, how much money are you going to donate to Central Africa this time?

The land there is vast and sparsely populated, the people live in poverty, and one or two million cannot be spent..."

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