From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 899 Investing in the future

Albert II suddenly disrupted his itinerary and landed in Sangha Town, disrupting Central Africa's reception of him.

This guy is quite interesting. When he got off the plane, he put on a white T-shirt with the words "I love you, my wife" printed on it. While shaking hands with the Central African leaders, he kept showing off his clothes to the media. Text.

His wife was only ten meters away, but he didn't dare to go over and talk.

The main reason is that the bodyguards around the warlord princess look too scary, and the royal security guards in Monaco seem to be no match.

Qiao Jia didn't care about this guy because he wouldn't leave the airport at all.

After greeting the Central African leaders here, he will leave directly by plane and head to the safer Ndele, where he will start his real trip to Central Africa.

He left Albert II to the officials in Central Africa, and lent the aircraft to these officials, so that they could fly with them to Ndele to closely monitor the wealthy king.

If this guy doesn't come up with 7 figures, the matter won't be over!

Then Boss Qiao walked around the base and learned about the battle situation in the south, then took Niss and the others to Sangha Town, planning to visit and then go home.

While riding home in the car, Boss Qiao felt the changes in Sangha Town up close.

Sangha Town, once dotted with tin shacks, disappeared and the new Sangha Town was moved a few kilometers north.

Due to careful planning in advance, more than a dozen large-scale areas have been completed ahead of schedule. The follow-up process is just like filling in the blanks, using various public facilities and commercial facilities to slowly connect them together to form a complete city.

The original shanty town near the Ubangi River has been preserved. After its appearance has been transformed, it has become the commercial center of Sangha Town today.

Aunt Zhao, who sells mobile phones, has developed from a mobile phone sales boss to a retail giant.

This aunt purchased more than a hundred shacks, hardened the floors and renovated the interiors, and relied on the transportation capacity of the Ubangi River to create a wholesale market with Afika's local characteristics.

Boss Qiao of the wholesale market did not dare to go in because the people there seemed too enthusiastic and he was afraid that he would not be able to get out if he went in.

However, when passing by the pier, Qiao Jia took a special look to get a feel for the developed water transportation business in Sangha Town. He was surprised to find that there were several cement ships parked on the pier, and there were more cement ships shuttled on the river. …

When he was a child, he had seen this kind of boat running cargo on the inland river in his hometown. He never expected to see such an ancient thing again in Central Africa.

Seeing Boss Qiao's interest, Kaman, who was in charge of driving, parked the car at the pier, asked the women and children to go back first, and then asked Boss Qiao to take a closer look at the pier.

Qiao Jia got off the car and walked to the edge of the pier to take a look...

The entire pier is planned into two areas...

One area is a commodity area, where the surplus agricultural products from around the towns of Bangassou and Sangha are concentrated and sent to Bangui, the capital of Central Africa, via water transport. Then a large number of light industrial products are transported back from Bangui and sent to Congo via water transport.

There are some small gantry cranes installed in another area, which is specially used to load and unload coal and Sangha Town steel products.

Coal from the Congo was sent over, and then steel from Sangha Town was sent out, forming a busy cycle.

The entire dock was like a clockwork machine, running at full speed.

A dozen dispatchers hold radios and loudspeakers in their hands, directing traffic on the docks and rivers. If anyone is disobedient, a few vicious guys will rush over to help vacate the place.

Qiao Jia could see that the pier had been carefully tidied up, but the mess in every corner was still there.

The work clothes worn by the workers on the dock cannot be washed out no matter how hard they are washed, but the workers' mental state is particularly high.

This is not a big problem, as working people cannot be clean, but the visible pollution of the river water makes Boss Qiao a little worried.

The population of Sangha Town has exceeded 600,000 according to statistics...

Of course, they are spread over thousands of square kilometers of land, and the factories and communities at the end of those 'squid' tentacles host about half of the 600,000 people.

The large area surrounded by tentacles, which is a place suitable for farming, has been planned as an agricultural area, absorbing about 100,000 farmers.

The areas that are not suitable for farming have retained their original features, waiting for those idle old men and ladies to come over and see how to design the park.

This is an important compromise made by the giant Lao Zhu. Those parks will be named after those old men and women in exchange for their compromise on the overall design of Sangha Town.

These retired old men and women from the planning bureau are very difficult to maintain. Because they don’t need money, their requirements for planning and construction are extremely high.

The tycoon Zhu, a front-line construction giant, couldn't bear the disturbance. He could only find ways to divide and win over and provoke the masses to fight against the masses. He even took the old man to visit the brothel, and finally compromised and came up with the park plan.

The planning can be based on your drawings, and even the sewer and sewage system can be raised to a higher standard.

But the building structures in the planned area really cannot be built according to your ideas.

The main urban area of ​​Sangha Town is now home to nearly 200,000 people. The pollution caused by these people’s lives, as well as the pollution from the upstream coke power plants, has begun to spread.

The old men and women in charge of the planning are really knowledgeable. From the beginning of the design, they moved the highly polluting steel plants dozens of kilometers away.

A higher-lying location was found specifically for them, and the site for a sewage treatment plant was then reserved.

Just wait for the French funds to be available to build several large-scale sewage treatment plants and then discharge sewage through natural waterways.

Nowadays, the French are passive and slow in work. The first sewage treatment plant was built by Sangha Town itself.

But Sangha Town is developing too fast!

The locals don't care. Compared with the environmental damage, making money to support their families is the most important thing.

What does it matter if there are no fish in the river? In the past, when there were fish to eat, people often starved to death.

Food cannot be grown near the sewers that the old people helped plan, but with special plant isolation, the land can still be cultivated outside the scope of those sewers.

Food is guaranteed and money can be earned. This is a life that was difficult for Central Africans to achieve in the past.

Who cares about that little bit of pollution?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a local, but it doesn’t matter to Boss Qiao, who is ready to put down roots completely.

He has experienced the domestic pain period. Trading environment for development is a necessary stage for poor countries.

But if conditions permit, Qiao Jia still feels that he must maintain the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green waters.

Nature has a strong metabolic capacity, and the natural environment in Central Africa is even more unique.

As long as there is human intervention, the spread of pollution can be controlled.

The 'water purifier' Qiao Jia obtained after upgrading his plug-in was the best solution he came up with!

Without that kind of 'super battery', it doesn't matter if you can't make a miniaturized water purifier. The large-scale equipment just meets the needs of Sangha Town.

Nowadays, those small steel mills have their own coke generating units, which not only meet their own needs, but also meet the power needs of the mill community.

Of course, ordinary people's electricity consumption is not large, and everyone is satisfied if a light is on at home.

Installing the water purifier at the front end of the factory sewage channel can solve most of the water pollution.

In the early stage, the electricity from the coke power plant will be used to support it. In the future, when the oil and gas resources in the north are exploited, the use of natural gas to generate electricity will meet Boss Qiao's need to build a large sewage treatment plant.

By then, 100,000 residents of Sangha Town will share one sewage treatment plant, and three or five of them will be able to solve the problem of domestic sewage.

After the water problem is solved, the climate and plants in Central Africa can offset part of the air pollution, giving Boss Qiao enough time to convince those idiots to upgrade their equipment.

They invested hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now they have just seen the money back, and Qiao Jia can't let them tear it down and start over.

Only after the use of natural gas is understood and recognized by them can they be persuaded to upgrade their equipment and abandon coal and coke to use natural gas as the main energy source.

Qiao Jia squatted on the edge of the pier, looking at the visible oil stains and household garbage on the water. He stood up and raised his fingers at the mayor of Sangha Town, Liennuoer, who was not far away...

"The situation here is not bad, better than I expected, but there are some things you should pay attention to.

Urban garbage, sewage, and oil pollution all need to be solved.

Just building roads and building houses is useless. A city of this scale must have its own operating system.

Call Lao Zhu and contact those old men and women. They are all professional planners. They should have ideas about the functions of the city from the beginning of the design.

People don’t need money, so you have to study when you need to.

Remember to bring some souvenirs with you. Those old men and women are very energetic and can talk about anything if they have enough face. "

I saw that Liannuoer recorded what he said and said that he would send people to China to study immediately...

Boss Qiao turned around and found Qiao Liang, put his arm around his shoulders, pointed at the cement ships and said with a smile: "This is your handiwork, or the handiwork of Norinco."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang said with a smile: "There is a riot in the Congo, and when the people from Norinco went there, they hit a snag and people were trapped.

It was not convenient for them to contact you, so they called me.

At that time, you were busy in the Middle East, and I had no way to deal with this problem, so I simply found a ship and took all the people from Norinco to Bangui, the capital of Central Africa.

I asked them to first map the waterways along the way and mark the locations suitable for establishing docks on the map.

Surveying and mapping is a big project, and our people have limited knowledge of Afika’s climate, so we need to collect enough data, and it won’t be completed in a year or two.

However, I think the construction of the wharf can be done slowly, and the shipbuilding can be carried out first.

So I communicated with President Francois of Central Africa, cooperated with Norinco, and invested money to build a shipyard in Bangui.

In the early stage, they were all cement ships of about 200 tons, and engines and other things were airlifted from China.

In the later stage, I want to find someone to talk to the people in Sangha Town. They are now capable of producing ship steel plates. As long as they are willing to spend money to upgrade their equipment, they can provide raw materials to the shipyard.

By then the shipyard will be able to produce 500 to 800 ton inland river transport ships, and can also help you produce armed patrol boats.

The dock only makes sense when there is a boat! "

As he spoke, Qiao Liang looked at his brother with an expression of admiration and said, "Brother, I have seen the development of Sangha Town. In fact, instead of taking the initiative to talk to the Congolese, it is better to wait until the scale of river transportation increases and let them take the initiative to come. us."

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