From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 901 Pretend to be a ghost

Facts have proven that as long as your fists are strong enough, your capital is abundant, your sincerity is sufficient, and you really think about the other party, you can succeed anywhere.

Qiao Liang got his brother's permission. The first thing he thought about was not to ask his brother to help him find land, but to use his technical advantages to exchange with the Central African government.

Help them build large-scale state-owned farms in exchange for enough land to experiment with smart planting technology and meet P·B’s demand for food.

Lenore didn’t quite understand Boss Qiao’s agricultural economic theory because the Afika people were deeply influenced by Europe.

Their understanding of agriculture is more based on the European model, but they do not know that the several large agricultural countries in the most developed areas of Europe are living in dire straits.

Not to mention other places, in well-known countries like Ireland and Scotland, their farmers have gone bankrupt on a large scale since they lost EU agricultural subsidies after Brexit.

In some decent countries, agriculture is subsidized.

The better the country's economic situation, the greater the subsidies.

Because if we want to improve the living conditions of the people, the prices of food and vegetables cannot be too outrageous.

It is certain that cheap grain will hurt farmers, so large-scale subsidies are needed to keep up, and we also need to provide certain protection for our own agriculture when facing market competition.

When the Qiao brothers' focus shifted from simply 'making money' to managing a region or even a country, their perspective on affairs changed fundamentally.

Qiao Liang's original intention to start a smart farm was not just for money. He just wanted to find a career that could allow the two brothers to settle down and live in a life apart from his brother's career.

His initial thought was simple. With enough land and an intelligent planting system, it would not take many people, even two brothers, to support the farm.

But now as Qiao Liang knows more and more things, he finds that doing this in his hometown is not necessarily a good thing.

‘Intelligence’ means ‘removing the labor force’!

Smart farms cannot provide enough employment, and the external industrial system cannot absorb those workers over 30 years old. To be honest, it is not a good thing to build such a farm.

On the contrary, if you go to South America or Eastern Europe to compete for land, you can use more advanced technology and lower unit costs to cooperate or compete with those international agricultural giants.

Qiao Liang didn't have this kind of confidence before, but now he does!

There is too much money in Jialiang trade!

The eldest brother nodded, giving Qiao Liang instant new motivation.

‘Farming’, this gives Qiao Liang more motivation than building docks around the Congo River.

The two chatted and walked all the way, and walked for almost two hours before returning to the bottom of the hill where the manor was located.

Qiao Jia had just said hello to a group of disabled guards when he heard a burst of yelling coming from the mountain road.

Tong Tong drove an electric golf cart with two trailers behind it, pulling several stainless steel buckets and large piles of dry mugwort.

Behind them were Keno and the others who were also driving an electric car...

This girl was dressed normally when we met before, but now she was wearing Hogwarts wizard robes, with a movable Sorting Hat on her head, a wand in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. Briela, who was driving, looked at her with eyes full of envy and jealousy as she yelled and released the 'magic'...

Following Tong Tong's 'Avada Kedavra', the wand fired a flash of light towards the place where the disabled guards lived. Then the disabled guards came out of the resting place with dignity and lined up on the roadside waiting for 'Witch Tong Tong' 'Distributing 'magic potions' that can fight the virus...

Seeing that Tong Tong was like a dancing master, he danced around a stainless steel bucket in a circle, and then used the white lady's movements to complete the enchantment of the 'magic potion' inside, and then opened the gate to release the potion, and The disabled soldiers each received a cup of concoction that didn't look very good...

Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "What are you doing?"

Qiao Liang shook his head helplessly and said: "This is a prescription prescribed by a Chinese medicine practitioner from the medical team brought by Yang Ma, saying it can enhance the body's immunity to viruses.

The locals couldn't accept it, and Tong Tong didn't want to see the doctor disappointed, so..."

Qiao Jia started laughing before he finished listening, because he saw Jino and the others getting off the car behind...

The buck-toothed boy wears a red cassock and holds an alms bowl that can kill people. He says 'Amitabha' to everyone he meets.

Adele carries a pair of white wings on her back and a golden halo hanging on her head, spreading happiness everywhere.

Jacques was a bit more particular, wearing a priest's attire and holding a cross high to join in the fun.

Only the little girl Briela didn't have time to prepare her clothes, so she looked gloomy, but she was unwilling to leave the group.

The wizard elders in Afika were not easy to talk to. Old Kaman killed a group of them, but he could not completely change some of the local habits and ideas.

In order to promote Chinese medicine, Tong Tong worked hard.

Don’t you locals believe in wizards? So do I...

Moreover, I have monks, priests, angels, and wizards, each with a magical boss. How can I hedge against your gods who can't even support their believers?

Only now did Qiao Jia remember that when she met Briela, the girl was obsessed with defeating the witch Tong Tong.

At the time, he thought Briela was telling lies, but now he found out that it was all true.

The little girl Briela was so excited that she wanted to come here from Monaco. I guess Tong Tong and the others had good results in their competition with the local wizards.

Without the use of violence, the local shamans who were protected by soldiers were no match for Tong Tong and the others.

And in terms of appearance and impact alone, Tong Tong and the others are a few steps ahead of the local wizards.

Tongtong's magic wand can spit fire, and Jino's alms bowl can release magical images...

The halo on Adele's head actually glows, and there is music when the wings on her back flap.

Jacques is even more powerful. The cross in his hand will glow, and the electronic equipment on his waist will create gorgeous light and shadow effects on the ground as he walks. There is also a looming gospel, which comes from a small speaker hidden somewhere. release.

If this had happened hundreds of years ago, Jacques would have been a messenger of God, and the Pope would have lowered his head and shouted "My God" when he came to the Vatican!

Those disabled guards tended to cheer for them, but as the place began to become lively, people began to come out one after another in the old area of ​​Sangha Town.

The concoction that no one cared about in the past has now become a scarce commodity. Some people will even put money in the car after receiving the concoction, and then drink the concoction in one gulp, then smash it and loudly praise the 'miracle medicine'. effect.

Why, since taking this medicine, my waist and legs no longer hurt, and my husband, who has been paralyzed for decades, can stand up...

This kind of thing that looks like a routine at first glance has a miraculous effect on the local people in Central Africa.

Qiao Jia watched Adele sort out the money he received with a smile, and then gave a big gift bag containing food and small commodities to everyone who donated money. Then he nodded with confidence and took Qiao Jia. Liang returned to the manor.

It is really inconvenient for Boss Qiao, a wise and powerful man, to show up in a place like this, which would damage his image.

When Jino saw Boss Qiao leaving, he put away the alms bowl, moved a few boxes out of the car, and took out a few 'mosquito incense sticks' wrapped in red paper and as thick as a finger and more than a foot long...

After lighting it, Jino held up the mosquito-repellent incense and walked around the house of the disabled guard as usual, then walked in and inserted the mosquito-repellent incense on the ground in the center of the living room, and began to loudly promote the benefits of this thing.

When the child care arranged by Aunt Zhao began to ask loudly about the benefits of mosquito repellent incense, Jino said righteously: "This is the magical incense that God taught me in a dream. After lighting it, there will be no mosquito infestation in the house, and it can resist terrible viruses." .”

Tuo'er didn't wait for others to praise him, so he shouted loudly: "We can't ask for such a good thing in vain, eminent monk, how much does this sacred incense cost?"

Jino remembered what Qiao Jia had said to him before. He put on an inscrutable look and said: "Shenxiang does not need money for the time being, because our great jackal leader paid for it in order to solve the problem of the virus to everyone. Ordered the first batch of incense.

It will be distributed free of charge to every household to ensure that you and your family will not be troubled by mosquitoes at night and avoid being infected by the virus. "

The arranged child care performed extremely well. After everyone applauded enthusiastically, he shouted with regret: "This is unfair, eminent monk. Not only Sangha Town is troubled by the virus, but other places as well.

We dare not ask Jackal Chief to take care of us outsiders, but can we ask you to sell some of the sacred incense to us?

Our children may be protected by divine fragrance! "

Because this old area is close to the dock, many businessmen from other places rent here.

After hearing what Tuoer said, these people also reacted.

If the price is right for such an awesome thing, do you still have to worry about selling it?

So a large number of people started to make noise...

Jino bared his buck teeth and gave a thumbs up to Aunt Zhao who was strategizing in the distance, and then said regretfully: "I'm sorry, our abilities are limited and we can only meet the needs of Sangha Town first.

If you really want it, then go to Aunt Zhao to register. When we have extra output, we will notify you to come and pick up the goods. "

Briela looked at the great philanthropist Jino with admiration. She stopped following Tong Tong around, ran over and grabbed Jino's clothes, begged him to get a mosquito coil for her to hold, and volunteered to be a mosquito-repellent virgin to enjoy everyone. of onlookers and admiration.

The scene was noisy, and the messengers from the gods were not as strict or mean as the local wizards. Whenever they came, they would make you a cup of magic medicine and give you a sip, and then give you a bundle of mugwort for you to light up and smoke the house.

After everyone who stayed in the old town of Sangha Town came to collect them, these 'god messengers' finally finished their work.

Then the disabled soldiers drove more than a dozen trucks with large TVs on them. The scenes of God's messengers spreading the gospel were repeatedly played on the TVs, and they began to disperse in all directions, delivering the prepared concoction to various places in Sangha Town. .

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