From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 908: You respect me a foot, I respect you a foot

Qiao Jia did not argue with 'Cobra' about the 'cost' issue!

The old ace's skills were unquestionable, but he didn't have much of an idea of ​​how to run a company or manage an area.

In fact, not many countries in the world can afford these fighter jets that Boss Qiao currently owns.

If he hadn't had a plug-in and could solve the problem of parts by himself, these planes would have been out of service after only a few flights.

Apart from Egypt and Algeria, Afica cannot even be supported by South Africa, let alone other Afica countries.

Boss Qiao is recruiting people everywhere to build a joint air force in order to share the financial pressure and spread PB's influence to the periphery of Central Africa through a joint command center.

If jet fighters hadn't increased the control distance of P·B to nearly 1,800 kilometers and shortened the response time within 1,000 kilometers to less than 2 hours, Boss Qiao would never have made the United Air Force so large.

Because there is really no need!

The fighter jets in his hand, except for the F-16, which are pretty good, are relatively backward, and the cost of flying is ridiculously high.

The Griffin-1 is definitely more practical for mid-range!

The purpose of allowing these pilots to fly fighter jets around Sangha Town is to demonstrate to their target customers, and at the same time to urge the people in Congo to lower their heads and come over for help.

Otherwise, for a distance of about 300 kilometers, using a 'Hind' would be more cost-effective than using a fighter jet.

If there is a battle around Sangha Town in the future, the main force should be Griffin-1 or simply get on a helicopter.

The main role of jet fighters is to respond to the needs of the Joint Air Force.

As long as the price is right, the United Air Force can get busy, and the wishes of the two old guys, 'Cobra' and 'Archerfish', to fly until the last second of their lives can come true.

Qiao Jia did not discuss the funding issue with Cobra. He heard the roar of fighter jets in the sky. After looking up, he hesitated and found the 'rooster' who was working for free...

‘Rooster’, ‘hen’ and ‘three yellow chickens’, these three chickens, one is in Sangha Town, one is in Libya, and one is in Iraq. They are all doing logistical work, but they are very energetic.

Qiao Jia watched as 'Cock' and 'Wrench' handed over a document, and then signed a task list. He smiled and said, "You have been here for a while. What do you think of the effect?"

'Rooster' smiled implicitly and said: "It's very good. Our people are familiar with many types of aircraft and have practical experience...

The training fee of US$200,000 per sortie is very reasonable! "

Qiao Jia smiled, patted the 'rooster' on the arm, and walked to the side and said: "The Su-27 is a good aircraft, but the avionics system of that thing is terrible.

I can get radar and avionics systems produced by Northrop, but there is no mature plan to modify the Su-27..."

'Rooster' looked at Qiao Jia, his eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs...

"I have to ask, because the J-11 will be replaced by the J-10C in at most two years. Our people are not interested in the J-11, but our technical experience is definitely sufficient.

As long as we have samples, we should be able to provide you with a transformation plan. "

Saying "rooster" and looking at Boss Qiao who had a calm expression, he gritted his teeth and said: "Boss, there are many things that are inconvenient for us to do, but if you need a long-range heavy fighter, I recommend you to buy a MiG-35.

This model can fully meet your needs after adding an auxiliary fuel tank, and according to reports from DaRui, the maintenance price of the MiG-35 is about 60% lower than other similar models.

We have accurate news that the first batch of MiG-35s delivered to Egypt has secretly rolled off the assembly line.

If you are interested, you can give us a power of attorney and we will find someone to purchase two for you. "

Qiao Jia understood as soon as he heard that this so-called 'purchasing agent' meant payment on behalf of others. Otherwise, if Boss Qiao wanted to buy an airplane, he really wouldn't have to find someone to purchase it on his behalf.

The external price of the MiG-35 is US$45 million, which is more expensive than the fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft that Sukhoi is expected to launch.

Except for Egypt or India, there is no buyer for this thing anywhere else.

The Mikoyan Design Bureau is so poor that it's hard to live without money, but as long as Boss Fanqiao is willing to speak, they will dare to deliver the plane to your door, and maybe even give you a big discount.

At this stage, no one in the United States will cause trouble for itself. France has too much time to take care of itself, and it is also the main sponsor of the United Air Force. No one will talk nonsense about whatever Boss Qiao wants to buy.

The $90 million fighter jet was given away as soon as it was given away. Qiao Jia heard the subtext in these words. He said curiously: "What? You have no confidence in the modification plan of the Su-27?"

After hearing this, the 'Rooster' hesitated for a moment and said: "Boss, the Su-27 itself has flaws. To replace the radar and avionics system, it is better to buy a new aircraft.

If you are reluctant to part with the two aircraft sent by DaRu, we can find a way to modify them to a certain extent instead of completely tearing them down and starting over, which is a waste of time...

We have finished products of phased array control radar and multi-spectrum scanning fire control system, but the level of advancement is a little less advanced than foreign fourth-and-a-half-generation models.

I'm worried that I won't be able to achieve the effect you want..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia suddenly sighed and said, "What can I do with two more money-hungry men?

If I have the time, I might as well find someone to modify those four F-16s. As long as they can hold a little more fuel, they can actually fly very far. "

After hearing this, 'Rooster' smiled awkwardly and said: "Boss, it's actually not necessary. You have two Su-27s, two F-14s, and two MiG-35s. Six long-range fighter jets are completely enough." ”

Qiao Jia unexpectedly made a suggestion on a whim, which actually pushed his air force one step further in the direction of IWC.

But think about it, if there are two standard fourth-and-a-half-generation fighter jets like the MiG-35, then P.B.'s air force will basically have no rivals in Afika. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and said: "Then come Two...

But I don’t want a purchasing agent. I’ll buy the top-end version myself, and you can just pay the bill for me.

Don’t you feel like you’re at a disadvantage? "

When 'Rooster' heard this, he spread his hands and said: "Of course you won't suffer. If you can get the SABR agile beam radar, we can transfer the Su-27 prototype in the warehouse for export to domestic sales and send it to you. That guy flew It’s less than 40,000 kilometers…”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia quickly waved his hand and said: "No, you send a batch of 120 truck-mounted mortars to Libya.

After handling it from Haftar, I found a way to transport it back myself so that no one would have any trouble.

If possible, I would like a production line for 155mm artillery shells and aerial bombs.

This thing has no technical content. I can set up a Greek company and then come forward to sign the contract and deliver the goods. "

'Rooster' was taken aback by Boss Qiao's ambition, but little did he know that with the increase in the scale of P·B, the pressure of ammunition supply has become an urgent problem for Boss Qiao.

Of course Yog Imbert Company is powerful, but the distance between the two parties is too far.

You can wait to purchase weapons before a war, but how can you wait for ammunition during a war?

As the "Guide System" designed by the 'Professor' has become popular in the hands of P·B, Sevia's old inventory of aerial bombs is no longer so easy to buy, and new aerial bombs are too expensive.

For Boss Qiao, it is definitely more cost-effective to do it himself.

Boss Qiao was also driven into panic by the money-eating machine of the Air Force, so he began to think of ways on his own and try to open up new sources of income.

I won’t mention that most of the aerial bombs are for Boss Qiao’s own use, but the 155mm artillery shells are good items that can be sold at a high price in Europe and even the United States.

Because their demand is not large, they do not make it themselves. As a result, the military procurement of artillery shells is usually done on the peninsula. Boss Qiao feels that he can compete no matter what.

He even thought about putting the artillery shell and aerial bomb production lines on the Greek island of Crete.

If you want to use it yourself, you can take a boat across the sea to get your things to Tobruk, and then three transporters will be mobilized, and the transfer will be very fast.

It would be more convenient to take out food. Can the EU also take care of ‘local enterprises’?

The basic model of that thing can be sold for 20,000 US dollars per shot, and if you use some gimmicks, it can cost around 80,000 US dollars. The profit is high!

Seeing that 'Rooster' was a little hesitant, Qiao Jia didn't force him, but patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I'm responsible for getting things for you. It's up to you whether you want to study it where you are or take it away yourself. .

Just ask about the production line. What I want is the more advanced one, and I can’t use the obsolete ones.

If you don’t have one, then you have to consider turning it into a ‘Blue Sword Missile’ or taking the path of Haftar in Libya.

This way it won’t be difficult for both sides! "

After speaking, Qiao Jia patted the strange-looking ‘rooster’ on the arm and said, “I’m not in a hurry, you should take your time...

I heard that the Weipei Squadron sacrificed more than a dozen people. I would like to thank them for me.

If possible, count their names and family circumstances, and I will ask Jialiang Trading to pay a share of the compensation.

It’s not convenient for me to pay for them when they are alive, so if they are sacrificed, there shouldn’t be so much emphasis on them, right? "

Only then did 'Rooster' realize why Boss Qiao suddenly proposed the Su-27 modification plan and went around to the advanced radar system. This was a roundabout way of expressing his gratitude...

‘Rooster’ suddenly felt both moved and awkward. Too many restrictions made this retired staff officer feel particularly helpless...

Looking at Qiao Jia's back as he turned away, 'Rooster' hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you, boss!"

Qiao Jia waved his hand without looking back and said: "Let them all take it easy and don't push hard when trouble comes. I will increase my offensive in a few days.

This time I have accurate information. If I catch them, I will skin them and cramp them! "

Qiao Jia's words stunned everyone around him. Dorian, who had been waiting for him, ran over and said excitedly: "Boss, have you found those bastards?"

Qiao Jia took out his cell phone, shook it, and said with a smile: "I told you, I have accurate information.

In a few days, we will ask people to step up the offensive and knock out the surrounding guerrillas first.

Then we go visit those bastards..."

When Dorian heard this, he asked curiously: "Where are those guys?"

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "Kinshasa...

Those people transported the mutated mosquitoes to Yamako by boat. Viral infections also appeared in several places along the way, but the idiots in the Congo didn't know about it.

The civilians in their own country have been infected by the virus, but they don't even know anything about it.

I'm going to ask them what the hell they're doing?

I have done so many things for them...

They have to give me more money! ! ! "

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